[Warning, this content is currently of dubious canonicity, as 310 has not been approved at this moment.]

Background: the alien* flora and fauna of the impact zone
*alien in this case means very strange or unworldy, but not necessarily from another continent, nor another planet, though that may be explored.
310 was struck by an asteroid in ancient times, and strange things have been built around it, by an equally ancient and mysterious civilization. There was a garden that lasted long after the disappearance of the civilization, and from it, plants grew across the ruins. strange plants, unlike what the world had ever seen. There were animals, but most of them were hunted to extinction very early on.

The Warping Woods
These purply trees have been slowly spreading like a cancer across the land for ages. Nearby plants start taking on a gnarled tumorous appearance, before eventually becoming more of these strange trees. How does this happen? nobody knows? these trees don't make seeds, they don't release chemicals. Their mere presence is enough to alter the environment.

The Wanderers
Strange plants that move on small legs. They move around in herds following the sun, and sources of light and heat. They do this with a special "eye-fruit". Some people consider the eye-fruit delicious and will hunt these creatures for their fruits, just to cut them off, and send the blinded plant back into the wilds. The plant will eventually regrow its eye, assuming it does not die before then.

The Living Nests
Spherical, nest-like plants, small creatures dwell in them for safety, though these creatures are unique in their own right. The nests absorb energy from these small creatures, through unknown methods.

The Injectors
These plants hide in wait, and strike with a strange, syringe like appendage. targets are injected with strange fluid. These targets will then grow seeds inside of them, that will eventually cause the host to die, leaving the seeds to grow.

The Floaters
These fungoid flyers hover in the air with a strange sac like organ. When killed, the sac is hollow, containing nothing. These things float through the air, dropping spores across the land.