I'd like to nitpick part of Vaarsuvius' main entry. The link for her Headband of Intellect +4 goes to strip 627 but she casts four 6th level spells in strips 625-626. In strip 627 she casts 7th level spells so is at least level 13, not 11. However, there is no need for a Headband of Intellect at all in strip 625-627 as she can cast four 6th level spells merely by dint of being level 14 (three base, one for specialism). V being level 14 is actually noted in the level chart in the first post! If she had the Headband at that point she would have been able to cast five 6th level spells.

Note that V could have increased her Int to 19 at level 12, though that doesn't affect calculations, and again at level 16 for a total of Int 20 (which does). This ties in with her having 24 Int in the fight with Laurin as calculated by Zimmerwald1915 here. However, V might have spent her points on other stats and the Headband could be +6.

We are also assuming V doesn't have an invisible magic item that grants her an extra 7th level spell.

So, when did V get the Headband? When did she demonstrate that she had it? Because 625-627 don't demonstrate its presence, yet she had it for the fight against Laurin. If there's no clear source, should we grant that she crafted it herself? In which case we should add the feat Craft Wondrous Item and the spell Fox's Cunning to her entry. She can create the +4 version in 16 days and the +6 version in 36 days. Is there time for her to have crafted the Headband?

PS strip 625 demonstrates that V isn't a virgin. :)