Citlallo Island

Region 81

Summary: Humans who have an affinity for fire and their little fox friends

Citlallo is a mountainous island that was formed from underwater volcanic activity. Temperate weather and good soil from volcanic rock mean the island is full of plant life and small animals. To the Northwest, the mountains become steeper and sparser, and have more volcanic activity. This area is where obsidian and volcanic sand are collected. Most of the people live towards the central and southern parts of the island, leaving plenty of room for wildlife to the Northeast. Because they have such little space, the Citlalli build their houses into the sides of the mountains and use slash and burn techniques for land cultivation.

Citlallo is a place where birthright does not matter much. Although leadership is dynastic, roles are not inherited by blood. Important leaders in the community take on apprentices and choose a successor based on abilities and aptitude for the position. Without a focus on birthright, the concept of a family is much more open, with apprentices fully adopted and couples of the same gender being common.
Within every person, there lives a Spark, a fire spirit. These fire spirits cannot live for long without a host, and the people in turn cannot live for long without their Spark. Every person is born with a Spark that lays dormant until the age of ten. When a child turns ten their Spark awakens, and the child can begin to hear the voice of their Spark. This is a special time for every child and there is a yearly festival on the Summer solstice to celebrate the children whose Sparks have awakened that year. It is at this festival that children can start to take on apprenticeships under various teachers.

The people of Citlallo are humans with a darker complexion that ranges from tan to a deep brown. As children, the people tend to have varying shades of brown hair that will then change when their Spark awakens at the age of ten. When their Spark awakens, their hair colour shifts to match the colour of the flame inside them and can range from blinding white, a warm pumpkin orange, or even a deep magenta. They can have any eye colour as dependent on their parents.

Having a fire spirit does not give a person powers, but it does allow the people of Citlallo a certain affinity for fire and often an aptitude for a skill. This is because a person's Spark is their inner voice, and they can work with each other to improve upon their knowledge of how fire works and what they can do with that. This shows in the different things people have talent for. For example, some people will be able to sense food is cooked perfectly, others know how to tell a kiln is hot enough to make glass, and some might be able to develop new methods for technology based on how they come to understand the properties of fire /heat, etc.

If a person suffers from hypothermia, their Spark can get too cold and the flame will go out. Even if the person can be revived from hypothermia, if their Spark cannot be ignited, both will die. If the person suffers from an illness or a fatal wound, the person may die and so will the Spark unless it can find another host to survive in.

The only other being on the island that can keep a Spark alive are a species of small island fox called Cuectli. These foxes are gentle and often live as companion to people. In many cases, if their human companion dies, the fox will take their person’s Spark and keep it alive. Because of their gentleness and ability to keep parts of their departed loved ones alive, the Cuectli are loved by the people of Citlallo and are considered sacred. It is taboo to hunt or kill the Cuectli foxes.

While not deeply religious, the Citlalli have a deep connection with their Spark. It is believed that the Daezirn islands were created when a star fell from the sky, and wherever the embers fell, an island formed. The Cehui is a hidden area of tide pools near the Southwest coast. These tidepools filled with life are thought to be the place where the falling star died out bouncing from pool to pool until it could bounce no more. There, the dying star met a fox and a deal was struck to keep the flames of reach others life burning. And so, life on Citlallo began.

Besides a practical trade in obsidian tools and jewelry in a land rich with volcanic rock, the people of Citlallo are best known for the Glasswork of their artisans, forged by generations of experience and the assistance of the Spark in making kilns hot enough for it. Though sand is abundant on the shores, the best sand for quality glasswork is found further inland, and sources of it can be hotly contested.

Citlallo tends to have fairly cold winters so to keep the people and their Spark warm through the cold season, furs are precious imports.

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