Great Inland Sea

Steven curls up in a much more dragony way. This is the benefit of drinking the dragon-potion: he's much more dragony than Caroline who was simply zapped into it. Though this might have its downsides later.
"I think the best way Caroline is just not to think about it. There's not so much of you because you're you and your body is still your body. The world is just a tiny bit smaller now." he advises her.

Witch and the Frog Prince

Rowan is a bit confused that he's getting a test literally within walking in to his first lesson.
"Well for testing pURRRposes you can probably just pUT the plants in sealed containERS. The potion should seep into thEM since it's a closed environmENT." Being a frog for a few days hasn't given Rowan a better control of his throat. He simply can't go more than few words without properly croaking a syllable out.
"Measuring gROWth is straight-forward isn't it? You just need a conTROL group." He does his best to ignore his mortifying condition and slip into his new outfit.