Quote Originally Posted by SoulCatcher78 View Post
I'm all for letting him die but there should be some penalty for being raised from the dead *especially if it has to be done repeatedly because the guy's a bipedal mine detector*. As the other PCs increase in power, he decreases because we have to keep bringing him back *sometimes recycling is a bad idea*. Should he finally wise up and do something different, houserule the catpeople as having an aversion to being raised from the dead so that the next time he does it, he's starting from scratch.
Well, at the most, he's only able to be raised nine times anyway.

That said, yeah the majority here is pretty much bang on. I'm all for keepign the characters alive when they are trying their darnedest to stay alive, but when someone is suicidal (character that is) well... death is the result. Maybe after a few new characters, he'll get the point.

On that note though, would the game be so bad without him? You said that its tough to find a group, but it sounds like the other players are getting disgusted with him too. Maybe its time for him to find a new group.