Whoever it is, I can't quite tell whether the eyes are X'd out. So in order to even decide who to hope the person is, I have to do a Schrodinger's Cat-style superposition:

If the octopus-grappled person is alive, then I'll root for it to be the ninja waitress, despite the low probability of being correct. Of course, if there were a ninja on the ship, or even a trainee, then she ought to have been helping Lien stave off hobgoblins...

Waitress: Hey! Whaddaya mean by that? I was helping Lien!
Me: But I didn't see you...
Waitress: Ninja.
Me: Oh yeah.

On the other hand, if the grappling victim is deceased, then it is clearly...

Cleverly polymorphed, of course. His last, prophecy-fulfilling thought was "If that damned halfling could cook faster, this never would have happened."