I say ignore cost reductions for limitations entirely. They make no sense at all:

> From a mechanical perspective, this type of item will only ever be purchased or crafted by one who can weild it. Therefore, the limitation only comes up if it gets stolen, or if the owner tries to give it away. The latter case is unimportant, as the owner probably knows someone of his race, alignment, or class who could use the weapon, so only the former case comes up. In effect, this rule creates a discount for preventing theives from using your items.

> From a flavorful perspective, the crafter is going out of his way to add exclusions into the item. You'll note that the average item works for everyone: By default, the crafter doesn't have to go out of his way to include every class, race, and alignment. Therefore, the crafter does more work, but in less time and expending fewer resources.