((Nice try, Ranna dear ))

Game Starts Now!

The year is 1943, and the second world war is in full swing. You are a member of a paratrooper regiment, chosen for a top secret mission. You are to drop of at the African continent and infiltrate the secret base that reconnaissance discovered not long ago. It's not known what it's purpose it, but whatever it is, Nazis can be up to no good if they are trying so hard to hide it.

From the looks of it, it will be an easy enough mission. As you prepare yourself and board the plane, everybody is in cheerful mood. After what seems like a short flight, you get to your designated drop zone. As you prepare for the jump, somebody cracks a joke.

“Perhaps something interesting will happen. Perhaps we'll actually have to fight.“

As everybody stops laughing, it is already time to jump. True, it was said this mission was to be a breeze. Nobody could guess how wrong they were...

After the landing, you gather your equipment and gather at your commander.

“Ok lads, here's the plan. According to the chaps from the intelligence, the German base is hidden not far from here. We are to infiltrate it, find whatever useful information we can and get out as fast as possible. Any questions?“

A lonely hand raises up.

“Yes soldier?“

“Well, excuse me if this question is stupid sir, but... if this is a super secret mission as you claim... why did command send a whole platoon? Wouldn't it make it more sense to go with a small strike team?“

A silence envelops everybody. That does make sense. But then why...

Before you can think on this throughout, a voice can be heard in the night.

“Hands up vere I can zee dem!“

After that, a lot of clicking sounds can be heard, like at least thirty rifles are pointed at you. Looking around, you see nothing but darkness and a lot of rocks. After some time, a tall figure steps from one of the rocks and everybody points a gun at him. But he raises his hand and right after that, a single shot can be heard and one of your own falls down, instantly dead. After that, the figure speaks:

“Now den, now that dis little... chore is out of our vay, perhaps ve can talk like grown up, ja? My name is Colonel Klaus Kappel. You are hereby made a prisoners of zi Third Reich! Obey us und survive. Fail to do so und, well, lets just say the consequences would be less than pleasant, ja?“

An evil smirk crosses his face after saying this. As for you, you are shocked indeed. In a span of a minute, you've gone from a soldier to a prisoner of war. Even british humor can't help you here. But from the events that just unfolded, you seem to have a little choice. Throwing down your weapons, you are soon tied up tightly and thrown on a truck. After a short ride, you arrive at the end of the proverbial road, which is, ironically enough, the base you were supposed to investigate. After being unloaded none too gently, you are once again brought before Colonel Kappel.

“Ok monkeys, you listen to me now, ja? Dis is our secret base und we intent to keep you here for a long, looong time. Be gut and you may live. Well, live longer. Be bad and you'll regret ever crawling out of your muther! Now... into the line! Forward, march!“

With that, you're pushed forward by few German guards and through the wooden doors. The sun is starting to rise and you're getting beaten constantly by Germans who are all too happy to indulge some of their pent of frustrations. At one point, somebody tries to be a hero, but that doesn't end well for him. One of the guard fires his rifle and the poor souls is mowed down in a second. After that, a chaos ensues, but is soon forgotten, as guard threaten to shoot everybody. Seeing they are very serious, you swallow your pride. Better that then a bullet, right? After arriving in the camp, you are quickly organized and sent to one of the huts. It's a big one and the entire squad can fit into it quite easily. After some time, Colonel Kappel makes another appearance.

“I'll make it quick, since you like seeing me as much as I like seeing you. You will work in the mines, close by. We need all de help we can get und you'll no doubt be usefull. De better you perform, de longer you'll live.“

And with that, he is gone. You all turn to the commander, awaiting his reaction to all this. He is a little busy, rummaging in his jacket. Soon, he pulls a folded piece of paper out of it and starts reading it in silence. After a few minutes, his face ashens, as he turns towards you.

“This mission... it's a spytrap!“

At that, an enraged murmur goes over the entire room. So, the Germans are hiding among you in this very room? Well, this will not stand. Turning towards the commander, he continues.

“Some of you work for British Crown. One of you is a traitor. All of you are known to me. As for the rest of you... most of you are loyal, some of you are Germans. We'll need to find them out before we can even attempt to escape.“

So, this is it. You're in the middle of enemy territory, surrounded by Germans as well as hiding in your midst and you have no idea who they are. How will you get yourself out of this one?

Day one starts now and ends in approximately 72 hours.

List of players, sorted alphabetically:

Admiral Walrus
Atreyu the Masked LLama
Eldritch Knight
Emperor Demonking
Fleeing Coward
Free Hand
Jontom Xire
Moff Chumley
Saint Nil
Zar Peter
Zombie Pixe