Quote Originally Posted by Boci View Post
Should I give them slash tongue from book of vile darkness at will at level one?
It doesn't seem enough to me... they are going to give up their ability to use any weapon, save their fists, at 3rd level. Maybe they gain bonus unarmed feats or damage, or that they could gain proficiency with any one weapon (which will become their Death forged weapon) along with a bonus feat?

Quote Originally Posted by Boci View Post
Trying to think how to word it.
This is what I thought of: Shielded from Death (Ex): "Death does not want my soul... yet," By making a pact with Death at 3rd level, the Apocalypto gains a bonus to saves and a deflection AC bonus equal to his/her Cha Modifier. Though the Deflection bonus stacks with Deflection bonuses provided by magical items (such as Rings of Protection), this pact represents complete trust in Death. Thus, the Apocalypto may not wear any armor heavier than light, nor shields, nor any magical items which enhance AC save items like Rings of Protection.

  • For Thrust of Death: when you get the ability, the weapon lasts for 16 hours. Decreasing it by a couple of rounds does not really restrain the Apocalypto.
  • I'm a bit torn about My Apocalypse. I feel that these should be rituals that they could do, have some cost (like -1 Constitution Permanently), and/or have the Apocalypto select one type of apocalypse and gain specials surrounding that (like fire subtype and fire damage for weapon). I definitely see the need for a capstone ability, but it's really hard not to say "replace this ability with super-enchantments on the Deathforged Weapon". If I have more thoughts about this ability, I'll post them....