Minuet, Vice-Captain of 5th Division


Gender: Female
Age (actual/apparent): 134/19
Height: 5' 3”
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair: Dark brown, cut to above her eyes, but to around her jawline everywhere else.
Eyes: A piercing gray-green
Affiliation: Formerly 10th, currently 5th Division
Rank: Formerly 3rd, now Vice-Captain
Reiatsu: Green.

Minuet has all the appearances of an attractive young girl. She stands under most people and wears a sword that's longer than she is, giving a most misleading appearance. Her features are somewhat soft, and she usually has a small smile on. The occasional freckle dots her cheeks and nose, and she has an athletic body type that has managed to preserve some curves. She's cute, but not hot, to use a phrase.
Her usual attire is the shihakusho.

Minuet is an inquisitive and cheery girl, often humming or generating some upbeat song as she goes around Soul Society. She's about as close as you can get to a chatterbox without actually speaking any words, and she can keep up a decent conversation by the use of sounds and musical cues alone. For times that require actual words, she always has a small notebook and a pen on her. She's friendly and open, but when business is business, she's serious and determined, though she'll occasionally offer a sarcastic sound or wry musical snippet when the occasion calls for it.
She enjoys being a Shinigami more than she enjoyed her life back in the mortal world, and she always attacks her jobs and duties with a ferocity. Though the incident with the Hollow cat has somewhat disgruntled her when anyone mentions her former posting at 10th Division, she still finds enough fun in her work in 5th Division, particularly in delivering messages to recipients, where she takes some pleasure in playing guessing games (unless it's a critically important message).


Minuet's story begins in District 33 in East Rukongai. Actually, no, it begins way back in the mortal realm, where Minuet was born a mute. During her life, she learned alternative ways to communicate, including sign language, whistling, and often music. She learned to play both the acoustic and electric guitar, and was pretty good at it.

An important event in her life was a trip to Japan she took when she was in college. While there, she was going on a tour of the shrines in the Kansai region, and one of them caught her attention: When the wind would blow, the bells and chimes would all sound, creating a beautiful cacophony of aural intensity, and she sat on the steps to the shrine the entire rest of the day, listening to the natural and ambient sounds created by the wind.

Life, though, is not without a sense of irony. She died of throat cancer at 38, having never used the damned thing for speaking, and she found herself tethered to the shrine where she had her favorite afternoon. There, she remained for a few years, making music with the wind and bringing smiles to the few visitors who could hear her harmonizing.

A passing Shinigami noticed the increased level of spiritual energy and investigated. Finding Minuet, he gave her a proper soul burial, and she was reborn into District 33 of East Rukongai, Soul Society. This was confusing to her, as she was dead, but still unable to speak except by her usual means. She was soon found by another Shinigami, and after she made it known to him that she was hungry (by scratching out an obvious I'M HUNGRY into the dirt), he escorted her to the Seireitei and enrolled her in the Shino Academy before going off to kill Hollows and save orphanages. You know, Shinigami stuff.

At the Academy, she met a good friend in the form of Daisuke Koishima, who was somewhat interested in the quiet new girl. Attempting to strike up a conversation, he was a bit surprised when she responded not with a fellow “hello”, but the sound of a ringing doorbell. Continuing on the conversation, if you could call it that, he gave her the name of Minuet (to which she sounded a ding ding ding!), and the nickname Mini (to which she replied with a buzzer).

He still calls her that, to which she replies with a crack of thunder.

After graduating when her six years were done, she was sent to 10th Division to aid in internal investigations and to protect Soul Society from the internal threats, where her high hakuda and kido skills aided her in finding the truth and beating the crap out of it, if she had to. She was placed in the 3rd seat thanks to her impressive perceptive skills and combat abilities.

Currently, though, she is the vice-captain of 5th Division following a strange incident that she and anyone who was involved refuse to discuss. No one else is really sure what happened, but it involved the sound of a foghorn, several bouquets of flowers, a garden hose, a bar of soap, some freshly chopped lettuce, and a cat.

A Hollow cat, mind you.

Since then, she does her duties for 5th Division as best she can, but she also does her own digging and investigating from time to time, finding her old habits hard to drop.

Zanpakutou (The Sound Of Silence):

Inner World: Minuet's inner world is a vast, rolling plain, occasionally punctuated by tall towers filled with bells and chimes, and long, twisty rock formations that create low whistles and noises when wind blows through them – which is all the time, naturally. The central area is a flat grassy field, perfect for sparring and fighting in. The arena is surrounded by 108 bells of various sizes, some up on pedestals, others sitting discarded and broken on the ground.

Zanpakutou Spirit: The spirit will most often take the form of a songbird that rests on Minuet's shoulder. It can speak, but it also represents Minuet's ability to say many things in little or no words. It will more often than not give her encouraging advice or thoughtful koans to ponder. Very few of them are of the ice cream variety.

Unreleased: In the unreleased form, her zanpakutou takes the form of a nodachi, which she finds ridiculously inconvenient and unwieldy in battle. It cannot be said that her zanpakutou spirit does not have a sense of humor. Because of that, Minuet prefers to keep it in released form when she's actively in combat, where it takes the form of...

Shikai: A pair of fingerless combat gloves: brown, leather, and unadorned. Incredibly durable, these gloves can block blades and withstand large amounts of punishment, up to and including being set on fire (which, considering some of the hado Minuet uses light her hands on fire, is a useful thing). As a bonus feature, they have small whistles on the back of them, so when she punches or moves her hands at high-speed, small whistling noises are heard.

Release command: The sound of glass breaking, generated by her.

Ability – Dischordant Melodies: When released, Minuet's zanpakutou gains one of two abilities, chosen by her, for the duration of release. The first version stifles all generation of sound within earshot of her, reducing the power of any and all abilities that require incantations to activate. The degree to which the power is reduced depends on the reiatsu level of the individual, with more reiatsu being a smaller muffle, though certainly very noticeable. This is equivalent to a 35th level Bakudo, and if an opponent is using a higher level kido, the effects are still reduced. This reduction shrinks as the kido being suppressed gets higher and higher level. Any kido that is 65 or above is either unaffected, or the effects are negligible.

The second version amplifies her personal sound generation, almost narrating the fight with sound effects and theme music, audible to any within earshot. This has the side effect of enhancing her physical abilities to twice their normal level. Any damage (physical and kido-inflicted) she takes, excepting one-hit knockouts and utterly crippling attacks, is essentially ignored until the completion of the fight, at which point all the damage is taken at once. This is good, because she fights at more-or-less top shape, but bad, since after the fight she can go from mildly injured to completely crippled.

Bankai (not yet achieved): When released with the sound of an electric guitar chord, an actual electric guitar made entire of reiatsu appears in Minuet's hands. As with her shikai, it was two versions. The first, The Power Of Rock, acts as an amplified version of the first version of her shikai, only it completely stifles and any all sound, except that which is generated by her. Only kido of level 60 or above are able to be used by any enemy, and those are at a large drop in power. Meanwhile, her physical abilities grow to twice their normal level, her reiatsu levels and capacity double to account for her increased casting, and she substitutes guitar solos for her incantations. She can now use up to level 70 kido. These solos are similar to her primary method of activating incantations, but the casting time is shortened for any incantation to about 3/4 the normal length. She can also beat the opponent upside the head with it, if all else fails, though this method requires her to use zanjutsu and is therefore mostly worthless. Each attack hits with the power of a level 40 hado, approximately.

The second, Bass Battle, forms a bass guitar that plays itself according to Minuet's will. In this form, Minuet's physical abilities are at seven times their normal levels, and she and the guitar can use kido independently of one another, leading to dual attacks. In addition, the guitar can use kido on her.
The guitar can use kido up to 10 levels lower than herself, and is mostly used to distract the enemy, buff Minuet, or combine attacks.. The guitar pulls energy from Minuet, so while this form has the potential to be an offensive powerhouse, it has a much shorter time duration than The Power Of Rock, since the chance of running out of reiatsu is much stronger.

Powers and Abilities:
  • Sound generation: By using a tiny portion of her reiatsu, Minuet can create sounds from thin air, ranging from simple click or ambient noises to complicated musical symphonies and the sounds of an entire crowd of people. These sounds can vary in volume and pitch, and she can even create sounds that the human ear cannot register. She rarely uses this ability to make words, preferring to using songs, pop culture references, and noises to get her meaning across. Her true voice has never been heard (yet).
  • Expert hand-to-hand skill: True to the old adage, Minuet has found that actions speak louder than words, and has become quite proficient in close-quarters combat, able to pummel fighters much larger than her into submission.
  • Enhanced strength: Minuet has an uncannily-high level of physical power for her size and stature, and she uses this hidden advantage as much as she can.
  • Enhanced dexterity: Abnormally quick reflexes give her an upper hand in close-quarters, and she can move faster than most when it comes to avoidance and first strikes.
  • Above-average Spiritual Energy: Minuet keeps an avid supply of reiatsu about her at most times.
  • Perception and Investigation: Minuet is rather perceptive, noticing small details and tiny aspects of both situations and people. She's also fairly good at following leads and tracking down information from her days in the 10th Division.
  • Shunpo: Minuet, though quick, is not able to flash-step nearly as well as most at her level, cutting down on her maneuverability on the field.
  • Zanjutsu: Minuet has spent little time learning the way of the sword, finding her natural weapons to be more efficient anyway, and she cannot be disarmed of them (except literally). She knows a few very basic sword techniques, but that's it.
  • Kido: Minuet's kido skills are pretty good, and she has an advantage that few have: Since she cannot speak, she has developed alternative methods for activating them, and as such, she can skip long incantation times for even high-level spells, cutting down severely on their activation time in return for decreased power. In addition, what kido she is using is virtually impossible to recognize, since there's no verbal incantation, only aural.
    However, this advantage is also a weakness: Due to the fact that whistles and clicks do not hold the full power of specific words, her kido abilities are rather underpowered unless she takes the time to “clarify” the kido, which raises the casting time to a little bit more than the usual casting time.
  • Baukdo and Hado: She can cast kido of around level 60 with an incantation, and she's found that she usually has no need for performing them without an incantation, since which one she is using is unidentifiable until it's already been cast, and since she can always just cut them off early if she's going for speed over power. Kido of up to around level 20, however, require little more than single-note whistles, trills, or a few clicks of her tongue.
  • Wu Wei: Since she's been shunted to the 5th Division, she's become proficient in the use of Wu Wei techniques.
