I'm currently planning a prophetic character for a gestalt game on these forums - NotD: Time and Madness - and my class progression at the moment is as following:
Class progression:
Bard 1//Prophet LA 1
Bard 2//Prophet LA 2
Bard 3//Prophet LA 3
Bard 4//Prophet LA 4
Bard 5//Prophet LA 5
Sybil 1//Dirgesinger 1
Siren 1//Dirgesinger 2
Siren 2//Dirgesinger 3
Siren 3//Dirgesinger 4
Siren 4//Dirgesinger 5
Siren 6//Sybil 2
Siren 7//Sybil 3
Siren 8//Sybil 4
Siren 9//Sybil 5
Siren 10//Sybil 6
Bard 6//Sybil 7
Bard 7//Sybil 8
Swordsage 1//Sybil 9

The Prophet is the unique NPC ability from DMG II, just so you don't wonder about that. Both Sybil and Siren is from Savage PSecies, and Dirgesinger is from Libris Mortis. The idea, at it's very basic, is a mad prophet with deadly skill with a violin.

Now, the conundrum - pun intended - is about the Sybil. The prestige class gives an ability called Riddle, which grants various beneficial divination effects if the questioner answers correctly, and punishes brutally for failure.

The question is, how can this be transformed to PC-friendlier mode? I'll probably pick up and make real riddles, but what if my allies don't want to start solving them OOC, and it takes unnecessary time? The obvious solution for this, of course, is an Intelligence check done by the character who asks the question. What kind of DC should it be, for various different riddles?

Another question: Can the Sybil use his abilities on himself, benefiting from the divination abilities without having to ask himself in riddles?