i need some help with an adventure i'm going to run.

the story is so far that the pcs search a deserted shrine for a gem.
Wath they don't know is that the gem is magical and seals away an ancient shadow. When they remove the gem it will be set free an wants revenge.

the idea behind it is that the shadow was seald away instead of killed because it cannnot be killed. the only thing that can harm him is the gem.
If a pc hold it in his hand it shoots fire at the shadow, but it also harms the pc.
The shadow will flee if he gets harmed by the gem but return as soon as it is put back in a backpack (or something similar). the players could try to force the shadow back in the inner sanctum where they got the gem and seal him away a second time, try to bear the pain (and injuries) and destroy the shade or avoid him till dawn and leave (the shadow can't exist in sunlight so he wont follow them during daylight and perhaps seeks new targets if the get far enough)
The shadow also changes the shrine so that any drawn maps will be useles

What i need are some numbers.
there are 3 players a rogue and a wizard, th third player is atm unsure what she will play they will be around level 5.
I need some stats for the shadow, I thought about dr 20 - and sr 25 to show his invulnerability. I need his attacks that he will be challenging but not a tpk untill they know how to use the gem and the damage the gem deals both to the pc and the shadow (and his hp).

fell free to make sugestions to improve the story ;)

thanks for the help