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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    The Endless Seas Campaign Journal

    I am writing this campaign journal for the Endless Seas campaign, DM'd by Babale on this forum. Most for fun, but also because Bable asked me to, very nicely.
    I'll start this thread by explaining the setting that he has created for the campaign, which is being run by Forum-Based PbP, MSN and via Vassal.

    Setting of The Endless Seas

    The setting is homebrewed by our DM, Babale. Our characters play on a planet in the Prime Material which is completely flat, and also covered almost totally in water. The planet is called Okyanos.
    So far there has been no explanation of whether or not the world has always been like this, or if it was made to be so somehow. There are myriad islands dotted about the planet, though.
    The world is flat, and does, apparently, have edges and another side to it. The adventure is plotted to reach both the edge and reverse side, which will be interesting, I'm sure.

    Aside from that, I know very little, which suits my character, since I am not originally from this plane. But my character has plenty of ranks in the various knowledge skills – so I can find out things as the campaign continues.

    The idea for the adventure is that of a Pirate-y themed campaign, and the adventure (as you might read, unless you get bored and go and read a more entertaining thread). And some time was spent pre-campaign deciding the layout and type of ship that we would be using at the start of the campaign.

    After some debate, we decided on a Caravel-class ship, and which weaponry it'd have. We chose some cannons, and I believe a ballistae or two are also present on the deck. The captain named the ship 'The Black Dawn'.

    Here's a map of a caravel-class ship, should you be interested in exactly what it is that we're floating around on.

    The campaign began on a small island, where the existing crew of the ship (one or two of the PCs opted to begin as part of the crew) trying to recruit more members, and that is where my journal shall start (although I may post some sort of back story for my character for you to read, should this journal be met with positive response, and more readers than merely my DM).


    So, onwards, to the cast of our campaign..

    The Characters

    Darfellen Cleric,

    Darwin is playing our cleric, which has a build that is mostly aimed at melee fighting, and being able to do things well underwater.
    He took a race that has a very high lung capacity, and he doesn't need to surface for around 40 mins at a time. I think this gets higher as he levels a bit more, but I'm not entirely sure. He also has a basic swim speed, and seems to have plans to use Rebuke Water to blast through Aquatic encounters. So far he hasn't been present for many of the adventures, so I do not have much to write about his roleplaying or character. He seems fairly good at it from what i've seen, and I definitely look forwards to playing a full session with his character, who is called Shooukul. He opted to begin as part of the ship's crew, and plays the part of recruitment officer at the start of the adventure.

    Halfling Sorceror,

    Xion is playing a blasty sorcerer, specializing in orb spells, mostly of the fire variety. So far he's been causing fairly good damage against all that we have met.
    He hasn't made his character talk much, and it'd be nice if he talked a bit more in the future, perhaps i'll encourage him a little by asking more questions of his character in-game.
    From his backstory I know that he has decided that his sorcerers powers come from reading an inherited and apparently semi-intelligent book (he states that it 'chose' him), and has also said that he knows the book from cover to cover, so it is clearly very important to his character. I wonder what he would do if he lost it.

    Lizardfolk Dragon Shaman,

    Zain is playing a dragon shaman, and so far has shown a fondness for using his acid-breath for myriad situations. Hopefully he will use other methods of hurting things.. and I like his auras. Dragon shamen are fun, perhaps i'll have to play one in the future.
    I don't know anything about his backstory, since I haven't read it, and he hasn't really talked much in-character.
    He began as a member of the crew, and started off on the ship with the captain.

    Warforged Artificier,

    Canius is playing a Warforged Artificier, and is our ship repairman or shipwright. He began the game by being recruited by Darwin's character.
    In this world, warforged are rare, and it is possible that Canius' character is unique in his race. I'm not sure how his character was made, but perhaps that will become clear in time.
    His body is of mithral, and he has glowing red eyes. Perhaps hinting at something sinister well, he is CE.

    According to his backstory - He was created for the sole purpose of being a shipwright. This is because he could repair underwater for an indefinite amount of time, never needing to come up for air. Thus negating the need to dry-dock ships, and saving a great deal of money.
    During this job, he started to become attached to some of the ships he worked on - and would stay on them until they were destroyed, or captured.
    The Black Dawn is the 10th ship he has signed up for in his 29 year career.

    Hadozee Swashbuckler,

    Magnus is playing a Hadozee Swashbuckler, and is the captain of the Black Dawn. He is roleplaying a honourable pirate, and I think he plays the part quite well. His playstyle appears mostly involve diving at people with his small flaps that serve as gliding wings.
    It has not yet become clear to me just how he came to become captain of the black dawn. I hope that this, amongst other things, will become clear as the campaign progresses.

    Black Khan-Zai,

    Last, and probably least, is my character. I'm playing a homebrewed black khan-zai (some of the stats and abilities differ from the sourcebook), with a level progression made using the Savage Species handbook. Myself and the DM might be altering it slightly throughout the campaign to make sure it's power level is not too massively high, and I am endeavouring to not overshadow anyone else. Anyway, I like Khan-Zai, it will be challenging to roleplay something with a beginning int in the high twenties, and a brief outline of my backstory follows:

    Random Note - For those of you that have no idea what a khan-zai is... read this!


    Aortal's backstory:
    [Not yet completed. Will be soon!]


    Aortal, one of the black khan-zai, lived and served its purpose in one of its races enclaves on the Ethereal plane. Existing as many of the rest of his caste were expected to, performing duties such as initiating the young into their future caste, and performing arcane research, aswell as spending every waking moment purging emotion from his mind and being the pinnacle of philosophical development of its race. Which is the prime purpose of all Khan-Zai.

    When the purge of the material began, Aortal was sent to one of the outer planes to research a new form of magic involving positive and negative energy. So, taking a number of the lesser Red Khan-Zai with it, Aortal planeshifted to the relevant plane, and began its research.
    After months of tireless research, Aortal found that the magic that would be necessary for the desired weapon would have to contain a divine component to fully interact with the material plane dwellers in the most efficient way. But divine magic was the greatest form of heresy to the Atheistic race it was part of.

    So Aortal continued research, attempting with all its vast intelligence to find a way to utilize the energy in the desired way without requiring divine influence. After many weeks more, experimenting with different spells and machines, it sensed something was wrong at the perimeter of the outpost, with its senses it detected the flare of magic, and the sounds of a fight, and so Aortal gathered its Etherblade and activated a flight spell to leave the Khan-Zai construction, and face the opposition, confident in the power of magic to wipe away the obstacle.

    When Aortal reached the outside of the construction, it noted that the Reds were fighting and even dying – this was almost suprising, for the Reds, whilst worthless compared to a nigh-perfect example of the Khan-Zai race, should be more than a match for almost any opposition. There were eighteen figures dressed in black, wielding symbols that Aortal recognised as symbols of one of the material plane denizen's many false-deities.
    But the material plane creatures were ready for it, with a great collection of runes and other heretical symbols, drawn in a pattern upon the dark earth. When it approached, flinging spells into their midst, their divine magic picked it up and slammed it into the ground, and forced it there.

    This could not be happening, reasoned Aortal – Divine Magic was insignificant relative to its great arcane power.
    Aortal waved the tentacles underneath its mask, but found that all movement was impossible.

    One of the masked and robed figures walked closer, and said, “Your race has attacked the material plane, I was surprised that it was this easy to subdue one such as you. The others we have fought have been much more powerful. Clearly we have found a weak one.”

    Aortal said, telepathically, “We Khan-Zai are not weak. Each and every one of us are many times more powerful than any number of you. Even now, my brethren come to my aid. You shall be brushed aside like the insignificant inferior-species that you are.”

    “Certainly they will come, but by then, we shall be long gone. Don't fear, this won't hurt a bit.” he said, pointing towards the circle of runes, and speaking a few words.

    The circle lit, and it glowed with a dim green light, tendrils snaked their way toward the form of Aortal and wrapped themselves about its head. Aortal attempted to resist the spell, but it was, inexplicably, too powerful even for its magnificent mind to resist. Aortal saw in its mind a skeletal humanoid figure dressed in a black cloak, grasping a scythe. A snake crawling inside the figures skull.

    Suddenly Aortal was aware that it was in pain, and fought to ignore it. Upon succeeding this, the figure disappeared, along with everything else.

    “What? Who am.. why?” Aortal asked to itself, no longer recognising itself as the powerful being it was.

    Then, a portal appeared overhead, and a great host of Khan-Zai spilled forth from it, firing spells down at the circle and black-robed creatures below.
    Within seconds, all the figures were reduced to dust, their forms shattered by disintegration spells, and the circle of runes was broken.

    [To be completed later. Sorry!]

    [Will complete the rest later on. Silly universe keeps causing time to pass at a rate of one second per second. How annoying.]


    Here I'll post the individual sessions in their own little spoilers, so as to keep them neat and tidy, and hopefully make it easier for anyone who might wish to read them to do so. I shall write this mostly from Aortal's point of view, but with out of character notes blended in, hopefully that will work.

    Session Journals:

    Session 1:


    So, we begin. All of us sitting at our individual internet-access points, on MSN for our OOC thread, and firin' up the ingame thread on the forum. [The original plan was to use MSN for both the in and out of character threads, but some of our number protested that this would be to chaotic. Thus – We used a thread. But since i'm writing this from the third session, we are now experimenting with Vassal as a means of getting our D&D fix.]

    So, session 1. Those of us who chose to join the crew [Zain, Magnus, Darwin] are already part of it, and all but Darwin are on the Black Dawn [our caravel].

    The starting area is a small town on a relatively small island named Eiy, which is situated far from the corners and edges of the Endless Seas. Our characters stand in a line before Darwin, slowly edging forwards to submit an application for recruitment into the crew of the Black Dawn. Motivations are mixed, escape, fame, wealth amongst them.
    Aortal was third in line, and hoping to apply for the position of ship's navigator – since it knows a great deal about a variety of subjects – the geography of this plane not least amongst them. The plan was to use divination magic to aid my navigation, and to use it to detect other ships and whatever else might require detection on or off the waters. Aortal also possessed a magical item that would shroud its form in a powerful illusion – keeping its true nature hidden from sight and disguising itself as a human.

    The island was port to hundreds of vessels of various size, and there are multiple lines near the inn where we stood, each before a different ship's recruitment officer. Perhaps oddly for a ship of its type, the Black Dawn's queue was the shortest of the lines, with a mere ten people present.

    Aortal's motivation for joining this line was that it was the shortest, and seemed to be populated by people who, hopefully, would have no connection at all with it. Of course, there were few mortals, or immortals, who had any links to it or its race. But paranoia keeps one safe.

    After listening to the warforged and the halfling be recruited, and finding the halfling's introduction to be ridiculous – Who on any plane would introduce themselves as 'A cannon'? Clearly these mortals had no grasp of the true nature of magic, if they wielded it like a stick, rather than to its fullest extent.

    Then it was Aortal's turn, being the third in the line. Walking up to the humanoid creature, it announced itself as Aortal, master arcanist and skilled in navigation, along with a stream of words that was evidently inappropriate for the target audience. But that did not really matter to Aortal, even lesser species could likely pick out key words from the speech, and this one seemed capable of that feat. Aortal was accepted into the crew, and the small man commented on the verbose nature of Aortal's speech, with a some sort of accent. Why is it that all these creatures decide to alter their language, it must be confusing for many of their number to have to deal with people who are speaking a slightly different language to them, due to their extremely limited minds.

    The small man dismissed the rest of the line, telling them they had enough recruits, and that they should all leave. The crowd complained, and dispersed, most joining other lines. He then told the three newly recruited that we were expected to find our way to the ship in the morning of the next day, and decided that we go to an inn.

    Aortal reasoned that it was best to attempt to fit in, as it could not determine accurately how long it would be in the company of the others. It thought of potential ways that its deception and illusion might be discovered, for that was a potential event – even with those as unintelligent as its new...companions...the word did not sound right, one such as it didn't mix with ones such as they.. but it was a necessity, and would not last for ever.

    Aortal, feigning a lack of thirst and unwillingness to drink alcoholic beverages like the rest of its new crew, sat at the table with the rest, eyes gazing around the bar for any potential threat, whilst wondering what life on such a ship as the Black Dawn would be like, certainly extremely different from the perfect life it lead as one of the highest ranked beings in the Khan-Zai castes. But those times were over, perhaps if it recovered its power, it would think at it once did, and potentially integrate itself back into the society of its former comrades... but no, it could never go back, it must forge its own path through the planes and keep itself from detection, and what better way to do that than by disguising itself and keeping to the sea.

    A gnoll walked around, shouting and ordering another humanoid to fetch more of whatever it was the crew were drinking, a brightly coloured bird perched on it. If only these humanoids knew what was coming for them, then, they might not be quite so light-hearted, and use their flawed emotions to feel true fear. But, their lack of knowledge regarding its race was an advantage, and one Aortal knew it must maintain.

    Whilst Aortal was mostly lost amongst its thoughts, and only paying small attention to the activities of the surrounding bar – he desired his usual senses, stripped of him by his need to assume this form – another man ran in, screaming loudly about some sort of incursion on the Black Dawn, allegedly by some sort of half-breed crew. Clearly the man would have picked this out quite keenly, since he himself had rather pointed ears, not quite elven. Aortal surmised that he was one of those half-breed creatures. Why was it that the humanoid races felt the need to breed with everything that moved? In its studies it had come across mentions of half-dragons, half-illithids, half-undead, and a great number of other races. It seemed that the humans of this universe were biologically compatible with just about everything else. This was probably a logical move, since many races which they bred with were superior to it, and gaining the genes of those superior would result in a superior race over all – even if all the races were far down the scale relative to its own race, which had the most efficient reproductive system, producing its own offspring by itself, a step forwards in its race's quest for the perfect khan-zai. But these humans did not subscribe to this philosophy, yet another one of their flaws.
    Aortal theorized that this was likely a result of their short lifespan, they did not think to consider the future of their race for much longer than they could expect to live.

    Retaking the Black Dawn

    Regardless of the state of existence of the messenger, it was the message that was important. Clearly the most logical course of action at this point would be to see what could be done to take back to black dawn from these half-breed beasts.

    Aortal asked those around it where the ship was, but they ignored him, instead looking to the gnoll – who apparently held the position of food preparation – which, despite seeming a menial task, apparently commanded respect from the rest of the company on the ship. Perhaps this was to ensure that the cook did not tamper with their food, or perhaps even that they would be given a greater amount than their fellows – Aortal thought this illogical – surely giving each of them an equal amount, or even an amount best suited to their size and the amount of chemical energy they would need to absorb for the time ahead would be the most prudent spread of resources. But, mortals never thought like that. Aortal again hypothesized that this linked into their mortality, and that it had a great effect upon the nature of all mortals.

    The gnoll shouted for the rest to follow it, shortly after an odd sentient construct spoke – which interested Aortal, it had seen things such as this back in the experimental labs of various enclaves, but they were always kept under careful guard, not allowed to wander around and join the crews of pirate ships, certainly! - it wondered what method was used to construct such a being, it was clearly sentient, and seemed to think stating the obvious was helpful. Including incorrect statements that probably sounded both correct and obvious to the rest.

    Aortal gathered up its Etherblade – one of the only items it had kept possession of during its departure from the rest of its race. The other items being a spell cube, and its mask. Somehow its Etherblade enhancement device had come lose, and fallen away. The elegant weapon was too long for Aortal's present form, being at least a foot (to use mortal units) taller.

    Aortal then followed the rest of the crew to the dock, the various crew members seemed in little hurry – and did not even try to run, or otherwise increase their speed. The gnoll just started breathing heavily, likely from emotional distress. This caused contempt in Aortal, emotions were not something a khan-zai should associate itself with, Aortal knew that its mind was perfectly protected against the enroachment of emotional effects upon its behavior, which might taint the execution of perfect logic, but still...there was potential for such emotion to taint even the most perfect khan-zai, and result in all the mental discipline of such a being shattering, and destroying the course of centuries or millenia of emotionless logical progression of the mind.
    It was certainly not due to breathlessness, which Aortal knew was a biological flaw of such creatures.

    After many minutes, the Dawn's crew found themselves at the area of the pier designated for the Black Dawn to occupy. Having never seen the ship, Aortal relied upon a member of the crew to point it out, sailing a few hundred feet from their position – and moving away at a steady pace. The khan-zai would have sighed inwardly at the creatures' lack of due haste.

    The halfling asked the gnoll, “Do you have a small ship we could use? Preferably with a sail.”

    It almost amazed Aortal that such a creature could pronounce 'Preferably', but khan-zai do not get surprised by creatures so far beneath them.
    “Preferably with a sail? What is it with mortals and their lack of reason. We don't need a boat. Magic is the real way of solving problems. But I doubt this halfling has much knowledge of it... since it described itself as a living cannon.” Aortal thought to itself whilst considering various options as diverse as joining a new crew, to revealing its true form and demanding that the other creatures in the dock serve it.

    Aortal decided that many of these plans were unlikely to work, especially the last one – these creatures wouldn't know a superior being if it split apart their form with magic, and remade it as an astral dragon. Which, incidentally, was amongst the other plans Aortal considered in the few seconds it allowed itself – every second meant another few feet it would have to travel.

    Turning to Shooukul, it projected its thoughts into its mind, whilst trying to appear like it was talking – for despite using magic to mask its true form, the magic did not provide the means to talk by vibrating the air. - Luckily, this had worked well so far, moving its lips slightly whilst projecting its mind into its head with a good approximation of what its voice might sound like, factoring in the distance and probable effect of the surroundings on its voice. No one seemed to pay much attention to this – Their stupidity seems to be equal parts advantageous and hindrance.

    “You, come here.” it pointed to Shooukul, “I want you to carry me over to the boat, I will cast a spell to allow you to defy gravity and fly above the waves. Understand?”

    The man nodded.


    Reaching for the magic, Aortal cast the spell perfectly, and soon it and Shooukul were floating above the quiet waters towards the ship.
    I am fortunate that they are intelligent enough to follow my orders, at least. Aortal thought, during the flight, and then turned its mind to its personal safety.
    Due to a lack of knowledge of what exactly had taken the ship, Aortal cast spells to ward off missile attacks. Anything else could be hastily applied later.

    By this time they were floating near the ship, keeping low to the water so as to avoid detection from whatever was on the Black Dawn. This appeared effective, as there were no sounds or any other action to hint that they had been discovered.

    Back on the shore, the other members of the crew were arguing over their method of transport. If Aortal had known of this, it would likely have only increased his contempt for them, since they were bothering to waste time discussing their plan – when only one logical course lay before them. Eventually, they decided to steal (or borrow, as the halfling decided) a fisherman's rowboat and use that to reach the Dawn.

    Thinking quickly, a plan formed itself in its mind. Aortal used the magical item currently maintaining its disguise as a human to make itself appear as one of the creatures that had stolen the crew's vessel. They were odd, frog-like things, most carrying spears or similar weaponry. Clearly quite primitive, Aortal doubted they had a capacity for speech that would rival even the humans.

    “If you've the ability to take on a similar form to me, then I suggest you do so now. Else, stay hidden.”

    The Shooukul dived beneath the waves, and waited for the rest of the crew to arrive on their rowboat.

    Swimming up to the ship, one of the creatures spotted Aortal, or less accurately, another member of its race, and offered a hand. Pulling it onboard.

    “Pleassssse, come on up... The massssster will be angry if you are lattttee....” the creature spoke in Aquan, with a heavy accent.

    Fortunately, Aortal had learnt Aquan, aswell as many other languages whilst it lived in the enclaves of the khan-zai, preparing for various diplomatic missions, in command of a number of the white khan-zai. The language was basic relative to its own, but that was to be expected.

    With an attempt to mimic its accent, Aortal replied:
    “Yesss...I am can I be of ssservice?” whilst it attempted to identify the creature, and concluded that it was likely a sahuagin – fish-like humanoids which lived beneath the waves. Aortal recalled that they had their own language.. and wondered why this one spoke Aquan to another member of its race.

    Looking back across the water, the other members of the crew had finally begun to cross the water towards the boat.

    Following the Sahuagin, which was wearing some sort of basic clothes made from various plants and animals which exist in this part of the world.
    It was lead to a larger creature, this one was purple, and looked far more dangerous – at least, relative to the other sahuagin. Aortal doubted there was anyone on this plane more dangerous than one of its race.

    Four more Sahuagin rushed up onto the deck, making the total Aortal had seen so far fifteen – and wondered just how many were on this ship.
    “The prissssonerssss! They are essscaping...” one of the running ones declared.

    The larger creature, who was likely the leader – size was an important trait in the minds of lesser species. It was interesting that it was seen almost universally throughout the unintelligent. - roared to the others on the deck: “Foolssss!! You are sssstronger than any humansssss!”

    From Aortal's analysis of their likely physical ability, this seemed likely. But was probably just a method of increasing the morale of the others. It was likely that there were some humans which were capable of beating these in a straight match of physical prowess.

    Pointing at Aortal, it said “You! Go kill the humansss”

    Which put it in a bit of a tight spot. Remove its cover, and refuse...or go ahead with the creatures orders, and attack the humans.

    Aortal chose neither, and said “Massster...would it not be a greater plan to ssssspare them, and thussss usssssee them as hossstages?” and empowered those words with a suggestion spell.

    Continuing - “I sssshall go and sssubdue them...Master.”

    Gazing at the stairs from which the four had come, Aortal noticed a strange half-ape, half-man creature. From the expensive clothes it was wearing, and various other personal effects – Aortal decided it was likely the captain of the Black Dawn. How inconvenient.

    Using its telepathy to talk unnoticed, it spoke directly to the captain, whilst advancing slowly.

    “Captain. I am one of your crew, recently recruited. My name is Aortal. I do not have time to describe the manner by which I cam to have this form, albiet that it was by magic. Now, I have promised the large Sahugin that I will subdue you, for future use... you will act as if I am subduing you. “

    Raising its Etherblade – disguised by the spell as a long staff, similar to that which the other Sahuagin were wielding – and adding:
    “Now! Act as if you are hurt! I shall take you away, and you will live. They wanted you dead, but for my magic, you would be very soon.”

    Unfortunately, fighting with a staff was not something the khan-zai were typically well-trained in. Aortal's swing failed to hit the hadozee, and struck part of the deck instead.

    An odd reptilian voice sounded underneath the deck, shouting: “For the Black Dawn!”, and a group of non-sahuagin deckhands charged the figure attacking their captain. Waving various improvised weapons and fists.

    The captain spoke to Aortal clearly: “First, don't presume to tell me what to do; ever. Try to strike me again, and you'll go over-board. Second, why bother with such a subtle approach when we have the entire crew? “ Then turned to shout at the men charging towards Aortal:
    “Stop shouting and make yourselves useful! This fellow here's gotten to the ship on his own and actually done something about the situation! Take him as an example, and let's get our ship back!”

    The crew looked a bit put-out, and one of them queried: “Orders, cap'n?”

    Whilst this was occuring, Aortal resumed its form as an androgynous human which it had assumed earlier when applying for a space in the crew.

    “Of course, captain. That plan was the best one I came up with at the time. I was unaware of the number or might of the crew on this vessel.“

    The captain ignored it, and before charging up the stairs, yelled: “Orders are simple! Get up there, and kill every last one of these abominations! With me! “
    The rest of the crew thundering after him.

    Aortal had to admit to itself that their fighting ability was more of a match for the Sahuagin, and wondered how the creatures had managed to gain control of the boat in the first instance. Probably a result of incompetence.

    After the fight, Aortal's eyes scanned the deck and searched for the corpse of the greater purple sahuagin.
    “There was one, larger than the rest. He commanded the others, so he was some sort of leader. Is he amongst the fallen?” Aortal asked the captain.

    “I do not see it's body, so it must have escaped.” Aortal expected that it would bring more of them back to attack the ship.

    Then something crashed into the boat, lightly, but still audibly. Several of the crew rushed over to check what it was, and the voice of the gnoll cook sounded from off the side: “Help us up, scurvy dogs!”, and the parrot repeating in an irritating voice, “Scurvy dogs!”

    A number of the crew help those on the boat aboard. Aortal wondered when someone would comment on their tardiness. Shooukul also appeared on the deck, dripping water.

    After a minute or so, the captain walked over. And said:
    “You're too late, lads! We already cleared out the rodents!" and laughed. Then said to the rest of the crew, “Get that boat up on deck! Others, go keep the ship out of danger; there's no knowing what direction those creatures hope to steer us in.“

    The crew rushed about to complete his orders. Aortal wondered why they were so loyal, and stared out at the waves below.

    Session 2: [I'll come up with names eventually. Should be written in a day or so!]
    Last edited by vampire2948; 2009-08-07 at 07:00 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    Well it's about time you got this up!

    So I'm the DM. Any praise goes to me, and will be accepted in cash, credit cards, or checks.

    Darwin is a Darfellen cleric, by the way.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    Ah, that's what they're called. I've edited the first post accordingly.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    Yay campaign threads, I love these things :D

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    Yes, they are pretty awesome.

    While Vampire keeps writing, let me tell you a bit about the campaign: It's currently been High Swashbuckling, but if I can change the medium to fully MSN (which I'm trying to do) the campaign will become more RP intensive, which means more intresting reading for you guys! Yay! Cheers all around!

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    I've posted part of the first session above in a clearly labeled section. Will finish later this evening. Enjoy!
    Last edited by vampire2948; 2009-08-05 at 03:14 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    We're coming up to the BEST NPC EVER (TM): The Gnoll cook. Ask any of the players, they'll tell you: He's Chuck Norris in Humanoid Hyena Pirate Cook form.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    Quote Originally Posted by Babale View Post
    We're coming up to the BEST NPC EVER (TM): The Gnoll cook. Ask any of the players, they'll tell you: He's Chuck Norris in Humanoid Hyena Pirate Cook form.

    Stop spoiling the plot :P People aren't even reading it yet, anyway.. probably.

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    *gasp* im in a campaign journal, Yay, anyways good work so far.
    The howling of wolves doesn't make sense and brings fear to the ignorant, For Canius the Wolf god they are prayers to his name and the eternal hunt.

    Book of Canius; section 1

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    Finished part 1 of the first session :

    Session 1:


    So, we begin. All of us sitting at our individual internet-access points, on MSN for our OOC thread, and firin' up the ingame thread on the forum. [The original plan was to use MSN for both the in and out of character threads, but some of our number protested that this would be to chaotic. Thus – We used a thread. But since i'm writing this from the third session, we are now experimenting with Vassal as a means of getting our D&D fix.]

    So, session 1. Those of us who chose to join the crew [Zain, Magnus, Darwin] are already part of it, and all but Darwin are on the Black Dawn [our caravel].

    The starting area is a small town on a relatively small island named Eiy, which is situated far from the corners and edges of the Endless Seas. Our characters stand in a line before Darwin, slowly edging forwards to submit an application for recruitment into the crew of the Black Dawn. Motivations are mixed, escape, fame, wealth amongst them.
    Aortal was third in line, and hoping to apply for the position of ship's navigator – since it knows a great deal about a variety of subjects – the geography of this plane not least amongst them. The plan was to use divination magic to aid my navigation, and to use it to detect other ships and whatever else might require detection on or off the waters. Aortal also possessed a magical item that would shroud its form in a powerful illusion – keeping its true nature hidden from sight and disguising itself as a human.

    The island was port to hundreds of vessels of various size, and there are multiple lines near the inn where we stood, each before a different ship's recruitment officer. Perhaps oddly for a ship of its type, the Black Dawn's queue was the shortest of the lines, with a mere ten people present.

    Aortal's motivation for joining this line was that it was the shortest, and seemed to be populated by people who, hopefully, would have no connection at all with it. Of course, there were few mortals, or immortals, who had any links to it or its race. But paranoia keeps one safe.

    After listening to the warforged and the halfling be recruited, and finding the halfling's introduction to be ridiculous – Who on any plane would introduce themselves as 'A cannon'? Clearly these mortals had no grasp of the true nature of magic, if they wielded it like a stick, rather than to its fullest extent.

    Then it was Aortal's turn, being the third in the line. Walking up to the humanoid creature, it announced itself as Aortal, master arcanist and skilled in navigation, along with a stream of words that was evidently inappropriate for the target audience. But that did not really matter to Aortal, even lesser species could likely pick out key words from the speech, and this one seemed capable of that feat. Aortal was accepted into the crew, and the small man commented on the verbose nature of Aortal's speech, with a some sort of accent. Why is it that all these creatures decide to alter their language, it must be confusing for many of their number to have to deal with people who are speaking a slightly different language to them, due to their extremely limited minds.

    The small man dismissed the rest of the line, telling them they had enough recruits, and that they should all leave. The crowd complained, and dispersed, most joining other lines. He then told the three newly recruited that we were expected to find our way to the ship in the morning of the next day, and decided that we go to an inn.

    Aortal reasoned that it was best to attempt to fit in, as it could not determine accurately how long it would be in the company of the others. It thought of potential ways that its deception and illusion might be discovered, for that was a potential event – even with those as unintelligent as its new...companions...the word did not sound right, one such as it didn't mix with ones such as they.. but it was a necessity, and would not last for ever.

    Aortal, feigning a lack of thirst and unwillingness to drink alcoholic beverages like the rest of its new crew, sat at the table with the rest, eyes gazing around the bar for any potential threat, whilst wondering what life on such a ship as the Black Dawn would be like, certainly extremely different from the perfect life it lead as one of the highest ranked beings in the Khan-Zai castes. But those times were over, perhaps if it recovered its power, it would think at it once did, and potentially integrate itself back into the society of its former comrades... but no, it could never go back, it must forge its own path through the planes and keep itself from detection, and what better way to do that than by disguising itself and keeping to the sea.

    A gnoll walked around, shouting and ordering another humanoid to fetch more of whatever it was the crew were drinking, a brightly coloured bird perched on it. If only these humanoids knew what was coming for them, then, they might not be quite so light-hearted, and use their flawed emotions to feel true fear. But, their lack of knowledge regarding its race was an advantage, and one Aortal knew it must maintain.

    Whilst Aortal was mostly lost amongst its thoughts, and only paying small attention to the activities of the surrounding bar – he desired his usual senses, stripped of him by his need to assume this form – another man ran in, screaming loudly about some sort of incursion on the Black Dawn, allegedly by some sort of half-breed crew. Clearly the man would have picked this out quite keenly, since he himself had rather pointed ears, not quite elven. Aortal surmised that he was one of those half-breed creatures. Why was it that the humanoid races felt the need to breed with everything that moved? In its studies it had come across mentions of half-dragons, half-illithids, half-undead, and a great number of other races. It seemed that the humans of this universe were biologically compatible with just about everything else. This was probably a logical move, since many races which they bred with were superior to it, and gaining the genes of those superior would result in a superior race over all – even if all the races were far down the scale relative to its own race, which had the most efficient reproductive system, producing its own offspring by itself, a step forwards in its race's quest for the perfect khan-zai. But these humans did not subscribe to this philosophy, yet another one of their flaws.
    Aortal theorized that this was likely a result of their short lifespan, they did not think to consider the future of their race for much longer than they could expect to live.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    Comon, people! Let's get posting!

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    Quote Originally Posted by Babale View Post
    Comon, people! Let's get posting!
    Babale... it's only been a few hours since I made the thread. And I don't expect people to enjoy it greatly. But I hope a few people find it entertaining... anyway, they don't have the post. I gain pleasure from just writing it.

    Also - I've updated 'Retaking the Black Dawn' with what i've written so far, incase anyone is paying attention enough to want me to post the next bit.

    It is here too, incase you don't feel like scrolling up.

    Retaking the Black Dawn

    Regardless of the state of existence of the messenger, it was the message that was important. Clearly the most logical course of action at this point would be to see what could be done to take back to black dawn from these half-breed beasts.

    Aortal asked those around it where the ship was, but they ignored him, instead looking to the gnoll – who apparently held the position of food preparation – which, despite seeming a menial task, apparently commanded respect from the rest of the company on the ship. Perhaps this was to ensure that the cook did not tamper with their food, or perhaps even that they would be given a greater amount than their fellows – Aortal thought this illogical – surely giving each of them an equal amount, or even an amount best suited to their size and the amount of chemical energy they would need to absorb for the time ahead would be the most prudent spread of resources. But, mortals never thought like that. Aortal again hypothesized that this linked into their mortality, and that it had a great effect upon the nature of all mortals.

    The gnoll shouted for the rest to follow it, shortly after an odd sentient construct spoke – which interested Aortal, it had seen things such as this back in the experimental labs of various enclaves, but they were always kept under careful guard, not allowed to wander around and join the crews of pirate ships, certainly! - it wondered what method was used to construct such a being, it was clearly sentient, and seemed to think stating the obvious was helpful. Including incorrect statements that probably sounded both correct and obvious to the rest.

    Aortal gathered up its Etherblade – one of the only items it had kept possession of during its departure from the rest of its race. The other items being a spell cube, and its mask. Somehow its Etherblade enhancement device had come lose, and fallen away. The elegant weapon was too long for Aortal's present form, being at least a foot (to use mortal units) taller.

    Aortal then followed the rest of the crew to the dock, the various crew members seemed in little hurry – and did not even try to run, or otherwise increase their speed. The gnoll just started breathing heavily, likely from emotional distress. This caused contempt in Aortal, emotions were not something a khan-zai should associate itself with, Aortal knew that its mind was perfectly protected against the enroachment of emotional effects upon its behavior, which might taint the execution of perfect logic, but still...there was potential for such emotion to taint even the most perfect khan-zai, and result in all the mental discipline of such a being shattering, and destroying the course of centuries or millenia of emotionless logical progression of the mind.
    It was certainly not due to breathlessness, which Aortal knew was a biological flaw of such creatures.

    After many minutes, the Dawn's crew found themselves at the area of the pier designated for the Black Dawn to occupy. Having never seen the ship, Aortal relied upon a member of the crew to point it out, sailing a few hundred feet from their position – and moving away at a steady pace. The khan-zai would have sighed inwardly at the creatures' lack of due haste.

    The halfling asked the gnoll, “Do you have a small ship we could use? Preferably with a sail.”

    It almost amazed Aortal that such a creature could pronounce 'Preferably', but khan-zai do not get surprised by creatures so far beneath them.
    “Preferably with a sail? What is it with mortals and their lack of reason. We don't need a boat. Magic is the real way of solving problems. But I doubt this halfling has much knowledge of it... since it described itself as a living cannon.” Aortal thought to itself whilst considering various options as diverse as joining a new crew, to revealing its true form and demanding that the other creatures in the dock serve it.

    Aortal decided that many of these plans were unlikely to work, especially the last one – these creatures wouldn't know a superior being if it split apart their form with magic, and remade it as an astral dragon. Which, incidentally, was amongst the other plans Aortal considered in the few seconds it allowed itself – every second meant another few feet it would have to travel.

    Turning to Shooukul, it projected its thoughts into its mind, whilst trying to appear like it was talking – for despite using magic to mask its true form, the magic did not provide the means to talk by vibrating the air. - Luckily, this had worked well so far, moving its lips slightly whilst projecting its mind into its head with a good approximation of what its voice might sound like, factoring in the distance and probable effect of the surroundings on its voice. No one seemed to pay much attention to this – Their stupidity seems to be equal parts advantageous and hindrance.

    [To be continued]

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    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    I love that you're writing this from Aortal's point of view.

    Not much to go on yet to judge the campaign, but your character is very entertaining.
    DMs don't cheat, they just change the rules.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    I'm guessing that since you haven't complimented the campaign itself, I shouldn't be happy?

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    Very nice, heavy RP can be a bit thick at times but it makes for a good read when you have the time.

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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    For you guys that wanna know more about Canius and Aortal... Their players are repeatedly coming up with money-making schemes. Because looting is never enough...

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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    Don't forget my characters schemes to build lots and lots of constructs..... -insert evil laugh here-
    The howling of wolves doesn't make sense and brings fear to the ignorant, For Canius the Wolf god they are prayers to his name and the eternal hunt.

    Book of Canius; section 1

    Avatar by Nathan.Thanks a Bunch

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    Canius, where are you going to find the materials to build an evil robot army again?

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    due to probably gonna be made of stone id say about everywhere.
    The howling of wolves doesn't make sense and brings fear to the ignorant, For Canius the Wolf god they are prayers to his name and the eternal hunt.

    Book of Canius; section 1

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    Oh right, I forgot how much floating stone there is in the ocean.

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    we have the wonders of me having 60ft swim speed and the wonders of me finding woodgolem rules and the islands we find
    Last edited by Canius; 2009-08-06 at 05:52 PM.
    The howling of wolves doesn't make sense and brings fear to the ignorant, For Canius the Wolf god they are prayers to his name and the eternal hunt.

    Book of Canius; section 1

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    Gee, I wonder if you're using Stormwrack...[/sarcasm]

    Seriously, it sounds interesting.
    I will read it.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Blade Wolf View Post
    Ah, thank you very much GreatWyrmGold, you obviously live up to that name with your intelligence and wisdom with that post.
    Quotes, more

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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    Nope, using Sea Farer's Guide.

    Just kidding, but we COULD have used that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GreatWyrmGold View Post
    Gee, I wonder if you're using Stormwrack...[/sarcasm]

    Seriously, it sounds interesting.
    I will read it.
    ^^ Thanks!



    How'd you guess?

    We're also using the Seafarer's Handbook - I love the ship customization rules! The DM has spoken.

    EDIT - Ack! Pirate'd!
    Last edited by vampire2948; 2009-08-06 at 05:37 PM.

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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    Having finished reading the journal, I must say:
    Quote Originally Posted by vampire2948 View Post
    [To be continued]
    I sure hope so!

    Edit: Also:
    Quote Originally Posted by vampire2948 View Post
    EDIT - Ack! Pirate'd!
    Pirated? Is that, by any chance, like ninja'd?
    Last edited by GreatWyrmGold; 2009-08-06 at 06:52 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Blade Wolf View Post
    Ah, thank you very much GreatWyrmGold, you obviously live up to that name with your intelligence and wisdom with that post.
    Quotes, more

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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    aye, tis when the word ye be saying has been plundered straight out of your mouth by a person with whose lips seem to be powered by the full force of the wind itself.
    Last edited by Canius; 2009-08-06 at 07:43 PM.
    The howling of wolves doesn't make sense and brings fear to the ignorant, For Canius the Wolf god they are prayers to his name and the eternal hunt.

    Book of Canius; section 1

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    Quote Originally Posted by Canius View Post
    aye, tis when the word ye be saying has been plundered straight out of your mouth by a person with whose lips seem to be powered by the full force of the wind itself.
    A simple "yes" would do. Or, if you prefer, "Yis." Or "Aye."
    Last edited by GreatWyrmGold; 2009-08-06 at 07:46 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Blade Wolf View Post
    Ah, thank you very much GreatWyrmGold, you obviously live up to that name with your intelligence and wisdom with that post.
    Quotes, more

    Winner of Villainous Competitions 8 and 40; silver for 32

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    Don't mind my crazy warforged mate. He's been disabled once too many.

    We were chatting, and Canius Ninja'd me, and said so. This being a Pirate campaign, I retorted: "Ninjas and Pirates are natural enemies. Therefore, for the duration of this campaign, we say Pirate'd." Then they all rejoiced, as the DM has spoken, and sacrificed to me a D&D book.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Babale View Post
    Don't mind my crazy warforged mate. He's been disabled once too many.

    We were chatting, and Canius Ninja'd me, and said so. This being a Pirate campaign, I retorted: "Ninjas and Pirates are natural enemies. Therefore, for the duration of this campaign, we say Pirate'd." Then they all rejoiced, as the DM has spoken, and sacrificed to me a D&D book.
    Its okay, it was a 4th Ed book.

    UPDATE - Completed the first session.

    Retaking the Black Dawn

    Regardless of the state of existence of the messenger, it was the message that was important. Clearly the most logical course of action at this point would be to see what could be done to take back to black dawn from these half-breed beasts.

    Aortal asked those around it where the ship was, but they ignored him, instead looking to the gnoll – who apparently held the position of food preparation – which, despite seeming a menial task, apparently commanded respect from the rest of the company on the ship. Perhaps this was to ensure that the cook did not tamper with their food, or perhaps even that they would be given a greater amount than their fellows – Aortal thought this illogical – surely giving each of them an equal amount, or even an amount best suited to their size and the amount of chemical energy they would need to absorb for the time ahead would be the most prudent spread of resources. But, mortals never thought like that. Aortal again hypothesized that this linked into their mortality, and that it had a great effect upon the nature of all mortals.

    The gnoll shouted for the rest to follow it, shortly after an odd sentient construct spoke – which interested Aortal, it had seen things such as this back in the experimental labs of various enclaves, but they were always kept under careful guard, not allowed to wander around and join the crews of pirate ships, certainly! - it wondered what method was used to construct such a being, it was clearly sentient, and seemed to think stating the obvious was helpful. Including incorrect statements that probably sounded both correct and obvious to the rest.

    Aortal gathered up its Etherblade – one of the only items it had kept possession of during its departure from the rest of its race. The other items being a spell cube, and its mask. Somehow its Etherblade enhancement device had come lose, and fallen away. The elegant weapon was too long for Aortal's present form, being at least a foot (to use mortal units) taller.

    Aortal then followed the rest of the crew to the dock, the various crew members seemed in little hurry – and did not even try to run, or otherwise increase their speed. The gnoll just started breathing heavily, likely from emotional distress. This caused contempt in Aortal, emotions were not something a khan-zai should associate itself with, Aortal knew that its mind was perfectly protected against the enroachment of emotional effects upon its behavior, which might taint the execution of perfect logic, but still...there was potential for such emotion to taint even the most perfect khan-zai, and result in all the mental discipline of such a being shattering, and destroying the course of centuries or millenia of emotionless logical progression of the mind.
    It was certainly not due to breathlessness, which Aortal knew was a biological flaw of such creatures.

    After many minutes, the Dawn's crew found themselves at the area of the pier designated for the Black Dawn to occupy. Having never seen the ship, Aortal relied upon a member of the crew to point it out, sailing a few hundred feet from their position – and moving away at a steady pace. The khan-zai would have sighed inwardly at the creatures' lack of due haste.

    The halfling asked the gnoll, “Do you have a small ship we could use? Preferably with a sail.”

    It almost amazed Aortal that such a creature could pronounce 'Preferably', but khan-zai do not get surprised by creatures so far beneath them.
    “Preferably with a sail? What is it with mortals and their lack of reason. We don't need a boat. Magic is the real way of solving problems. But I doubt this halfling has much knowledge of it... since it described itself as a living cannon.” Aortal thought to itself whilst considering various options as diverse as joining a new crew, to revealing its true form and demanding that the other creatures in the dock serve it.

    Aortal decided that many of these plans were unlikely to work, especially the last one – these creatures wouldn't know a superior being if it split apart their form with magic, and remade it as an astral dragon. Which, incidentally, was amongst the other plans Aortal considered in the few seconds it allowed itself – every second meant another few feet it would have to travel.

    Turning to Shooukul, it projected its thoughts into its mind, whilst trying to appear like it was talking – for despite using magic to mask its true form, the magic did not provide the means to talk by vibrating the air. - Luckily, this had worked well so far, moving its lips slightly whilst projecting its mind into its head with a good approximation of what its voice might sound like, factoring in the distance and probable effect of the surroundings on its voice. No one seemed to pay much attention to this – Their stupidity seems to be equal parts advantageous and hindrance.

    “You, come here.” it pointed to Shooukul, “I want you to carry me over to the boat, I will cast a spell to allow you to defy gravity and fly above the waves. Understand?”

    The man nodded.


    Reaching for the magic, Aortal cast the spell perfectly, and soon it and Shooukul were floating above the quiet waters towards the ship.
    I am fortunate that they are intelligent enough to follow my orders, at least. Aortal thought, during the flight, and then turned its mind to its personal safety.
    Due to a lack of knowledge of what exactly had taken the ship, Aortal cast spells to ward off missile attacks. Anything else could be hastily applied later.

    By this time they were floating near the ship, keeping low to the water so as to avoid detection from whatever was on the Black Dawn. This appeared effective, as there were no sounds or any other action to hint that they had been discovered.

    Back on the shore, the other members of the crew were arguing over their method of transport. If Aortal had known of this, it would likely have only increased his contempt for them, since they were bothering to waste time discussing their plan – when only one logical course lay before them. Eventually, they decided to steal (or borrow, as the halfling decided) a fisherman's rowboat and use that to reach the Dawn.

    Thinking quickly, a plan formed itself in its mind. Aortal used the magical item currently maintaining its disguise as a human to make itself appear as one of the creatures that had stolen the crew's vessel. They were odd, frog-like things, most carrying spears or similar weaponry. Clearly quite primitive, Aortal doubted they had a capacity for speech that would rival even the humans.

    “If you've the ability to take on a similar form to me, then I suggest you do so now. Else, stay hidden.”

    The Shooukul dived beneath the waves, and waited for the rest of the crew to arrive on their rowboat.

    Swimming up to the ship, one of the creatures spotted Aortal, or less accurately, another member of its race, and offered a hand. Pulling it onboard.

    “Pleassssse, come on up... The massssster will be angry if you are lattttee....” the creature spoke in Aquan, with a heavy accent.

    Fortunately, Aortal had learnt Aquan, aswell as many other languages whilst it lived in the enclaves of the khan-zai, preparing for various diplomatic missions, in command of a number of the white khan-zai. The language was basic relative to its own, but that was to be expected.

    With an attempt to mimic its accent, Aortal replied:
    “Yesss...I am can I be of ssservice?” whilst it attempted to identify the creature, and concluded that it was likely a sahuagin – fish-like humanoids which lived beneath the waves. Aortal recalled that they had their own language.. and wondered why this one spoke Aquan to another member of its race.

    Looking back across the water, the other members of the crew had finally begun to cross the water towards the boat.

    Following the Sahuagin, which was wearing some sort of basic clothes made from various plants and animals which exist in this part of the world.
    It was lead to a larger creature, this one was purple, and looked far more dangerous – at least, relative to the other sahuagin. Aortal doubted there was anyone on this plane more dangerous than one of its race.

    Four more Sahuagin rushed up onto the deck, making the total Aortal had seen so far fifteen – and wondered just how many were on this ship.
    “The prissssonerssss! They are essscaping...” one of the running ones declared.

    The larger creature, who was likely the leader – size was an important trait in the minds of lesser species. It was interesting that it was seen almost universally throughout the unintelligent. - roared to the others on the deck: “Foolssss!! You are sssstronger than any humansssss!”

    From Aortal's analysis of their likely physical ability, this seemed likely. But was probably just a method of increasing the morale of the others. It was likely that there were some humans which were capable of beating these in a straight match of physical prowess.

    Pointing at Aortal, it said “You! Go kill the humansss”

    Which put it in a bit of a tight spot. Remove its cover, and refuse...or go ahead with the creatures orders, and attack the humans.

    Aortal chose neither, and said “Massster...would it not be a greater plan to ssssspare them, and thussss usssssee them as hossstages?” and empowered those words with a suggestion spell.

    Continuing - “I sssshall go and sssubdue them...Master.”

    Gazing at the stairs from which the four had come, Aortal noticed a strange half-ape, half-man creature. From the expensive clothes it was wearing, and various other personal effects – Aortal decided it was likely the captain of the Black Dawn. How inconvenient.

    Using its telepathy to talk unnoticed, it spoke directly to the captain, whilst advancing slowly.

    “Captain. I am one of your crew, recently recruited. My name is Aortal. I do not have time to describe the manner by which I cam to have this form, albiet that it was by magic. Now, I have promised the large Sahugin that I will subdue you, for future use... you will act as if I am subduing you. “

    Raising its Etherblade – disguised by the spell as a long staff, similar to that which the other Sahuagin were wielding – and adding:
    “Now! Act as if you are hurt! I shall take you away, and you will live. They wanted you dead, but for my magic, you would be very soon.”

    Unfortunately, fighting with a staff was not something the khan-zai were typically well-trained in. Aortal's swing failed to hit the hadozee, and struck part of the deck instead.

    An odd reptilian voice sounded underneath the deck, shouting: “For the Black Dawn!”, and a group of non-sahuagin deckhands charged the figure attacking their captain. Waving various improvised weapons and fists.

    The captain spoke to Aortal clearly: “First, don't presume to tell me what to do; ever. Try to strike me again, and you'll go over-board. Second, why bother with such a subtle approach when we have the entire crew? “ Then turned to shout at the men charging towards Aortal:
    “Stop shouting and make yourselves useful! This fellow here's gotten to the ship on his own and actually done something about the situation! Take him as an example, and let's get our ship back!”

    The crew looked a bit put-out, and one of them queried: “Orders, cap'n?”

    Whilst this was occuring, Aortal resumed its form as an androgynous human which it had assumed earlier when applying for a space in the crew.

    “Of course, captain. That plan was the best one I came up with at the time. I was unaware of the number or might of the crew on this vessel.“

    The captain ignored it, and before charging up the stairs, yelled: “Orders are simple! Get up there, and kill every last one of these abominations! With me! “
    The rest of the crew thundering after him.

    Aortal had to admit to itself that their fighting ability was more of a match for the Sahuagin, and wondered how the creatures had managed to gain control of the boat in the first instance. Probably a result of incompetence.

    After the fight, Aortal's eyes scanned the deck and searched for the corpse of the greater purple sahuagin.
    “There was one, larger than the rest. He commanded the others, so he was some sort of leader. Is he amongst the fallen?” Aortal asked the captain.

    “I do not see it's body, so it must have escaped.” Aortal expected that it would bring more of them back to attack the ship.

    Then something crashed into the boat, lightly, but still audibly. Several of the crew rushed over to check what it was, and the voice of the gnoll cook sounded from off the side: “Help us up, scurvy dogs!”, and the parrot repeating in an irritating voice, “Scurvy dogs!”

    A number of the crew help those on the boat aboard. Aortal wondered when someone would comment on their tardiness. Shooukul also appeared on the deck, dripping water.

    After a minute or so, the captain walked over. And said:
    “You're too late, lads! We already cleared out the rodents!" and laughed. Then said to the rest of the crew, “Get that boat up on deck! Others, go keep the ship out of danger; there's no knowing what direction those creatures hope to steer us in.“

    The crew rushed about to complete his orders. Aortal wondered why they were so loyal, and stared out at the waves below.

    This was the end of our first session. The next session deals with us clearing the ship of far too many corpses, and getting new decorations for our ship. Should be written either today or tomorrow, depending upon the amount of cake in my vicinity, an whether or not I get to eat it.
    Last edited by vampire2948; 2009-08-07 at 06:58 AM.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Campaign Journal - The Endless Seas

    Vampire! No cake until you catch up!


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