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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Duplings


    Duplings are a strange race. Once halflings, as it is belived, their forefathers were supposedly farmers whose farms happened to be caught in a crossfire of a magical battle. This was part of a war that created several strange creatures, like the owlbear and some creatures I haven't statted out yet. I mean...oh, forget it,
    Anyways, duplings can create doubles of themselves.

    Dupling racial traits:
    +2 Dex, -2 Str, -2 Con: Duplings are quick and weak like most halflings, but the magic makes their forms unstable.
    The magic in them grants them a +1 bonus to caster level for any arcane spell they cast.
    Duplication: This ability causes the dupling to "split" in two. The duplicate must be in a square adjacent to the original. The dupling's double has copies of all the original dupling's equipment, but any magical enhancements are "split" between the copies. Charges in magic items and hit points are likewise split. A magic item without a numeric effect or charges may either be given in all of its magical might to one dupe or "split" between the two in a manner determined by the DM.
    Example: A dupling has a +3 short sword, +2 leather armor, and Gloves of Dexterity +4. When he duplicates, he chooses to give one duplicate a +1 short sword, masterwork leather armor, and +1 Gloves of Dexterity; the other gains a +2 short sword, +2 leather armor, and Gloves of Dexterity +3. If he has a Wand of Lightning Bolt and a Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds each with 13 charges, one could get a 7-charge LB wand and a 13-charge CMW wand; the other would have a a 6-charge LB wand and an ordinary stick. If he had a Ring of Invisibility, either both dupes wouldd have a Ring of Translucency (yet to be created) or one would have a Ring of Invisibility and the other would have a Ring. Finally, if he had 16 arrows, both dupes would have 16 arrows.
    The focus needed for magic is not duplicated. Thus, only one dupe can cast a spell or use a spell-like ability in a round.
    The duplicate lasts for 3 rounds plus the dupling's Con modifier. After that, one merges into the other.
    Automatic Languages: Common, Halfling. Bonus languages: As halfling.
    Favored class: Sorceror

    Dupling Feats:

    Stable Split
    Prerequisites: Dupling, Con 13
    Benifet: Your dupe lasts 1d10 minutes, plus a number of minutes eqqual to your Constitution bonus.

    Prerequisites: Dupling, Con 10+current number of duplicates creatable
    Benifet: You can create another duplicate when duplicating.
    Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

    Throw Dupe
    Prerequisites: Dupling, Str 11, Con 15, Stable Shift
    Benifet: Your dupe may come into being anywhere within 20 feet of you if there is nothing solid (like a wall) in the way. An enemy in the way gets an attack of oppurtunity, if he isn't amazed that the halfling can shoot a dupe past him.

    Recognising a Dupling
    Duplings mostly look like halflings, but someone can notice the magic that resides in a dupling that lets him duplicate trying to tear him apart. This requires a DC 15 Spot check, modified by time observed and any bulky clothing worn.
    Once noticed, these strange convulsions can be identified for what they are by a DC 20 Knowledge (arcana) check.
    Last edited by GreatWyrmGold; 2009-09-11 at 08:33 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Blade Wolf View Post
    Ah, thank you very much GreatWyrmGold, you obviously live up to that name with your intelligence and wisdom with that post.
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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Duplings

    I definitely like the idea. I think there are a few edits to make, however. While dividing, I think there should be a 'prime' and a 'dupe'. The prime retains all the magic items, and the dupe gains mundane comies of them, though they still radiate the same magical auras. Main reason for this is not all magic items have bonuses, and hardly any of them divide evenly. You could give a dupe your magic items, and it would be returned to you when the duration was up, or maybe you could choose the dupe or the prime getting an item. Maybe some feat that lets you duplicate one magic item of choice when you divide, which dissovles to nothing when the dupe is pulled back into you.

    I'd also make the dupe last a concrete number of rounds/minutes. 3+con on cha rounds would be better than 1d6+either of them in my opinion, because it actually allows you to plan it out exactly.

    EDIT: Also, it's generally a bad plan to give a racial penalty to a score other racial abilities depend on.

    Also, your multi-dupe needs a clause about being able to take it multiple times.

    EDIT 2: Aaaand I'm just now realizing the potential casting cheese of having twice the actions in a turn. Big issue. Perhaps the hups should be magically inert? Able to produce nothing more substantial than illusions of other spells you can cast? That could work with magic items, too. They could create an illusory effect of whatever the magic itme does, but nothing substantial.
    Last edited by Admiral Squish; 2009-09-10 at 09:30 PM.
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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Duplings

    Quote Originally Posted by Admiral Squish View Post
    I definitely like the idea.
    Glad to hear it.
    [quote]I think there are a few edits to make, however. While dividing, I think there should be a 'prime' and a 'dupe'. The prime retains all the magic items, and the dupe gains mundane comies of them, though they still radiate the same magical auras. Main reason for this is not all magic items have bonuses, and hardly any of them divide evenly. You could give a dupe your magic items, and it would be returned to you when the duration was up, or maybe you could choose the dupe or the prime getting an item. Maybe some feat that lets you duplicate one magic item of choice when you divide, which dissovles to nothing when the dupe is pulled back into you.[/quote
    Interesting idea...I'll add something about how magic items without numeric effects either get "split" (a ring of invisibility turns you translucent) or one only gets it.

    I'd also make the dupe last a concrete number of rounds/minutes. 3+con on cha rounds would be better than 1d6+either of them in my opinion, because it actually allows you to plan it out exactly.
    How about compromise? How does 1d2+2 rounds sound? Better? I want it to be a bit random, though.

    EDIT: Also, it's generally a bad plan to give a racial penalty to a score other racial abilities depend on.
    Well, both are partly flavorful. A dupling is "strained at the seams", but the tougher one is, the better they stay together. Maybe I should change it to Charisma?

    Also, your multi-dupe needs a clause about being able to take it multiple times.

    EDIT 2: Aaaand I'm just now realizing the potential casting cheese of having twice the actions in a turn. Big issue. Perhaps the hups should be magically inert? Able to produce nothing more substantial than illusions of other spells you can cast? That could work with magic items, too. They could create an illusory effect of whatever the magic itme does, but nothing substantial.
    A. "Hups"?
    2. Interesting idea.
    3. I think that this point means the minor things that make it "too weak" actually make it better. Maybe it's still too powerful and should gain another penalty? Maybe struggles to keep from coming apart at the seams should reduce speed or Dexterity?
    Quote Originally Posted by The Blade Wolf View Post
    Ah, thank you very much GreatWyrmGold, you obviously live up to that name with your intelligence and wisdom with that post.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Duplings

    Also, are there any rules about reforming? Must they touch? Does the dupe simply dissapear into mist and the dupling is 'whole' again? What happens if you forcecage a dupe, and prevent it from returning to the prime?

    I think you should have the division of items between the two happen as the dupe is formed. Like, a dupling wearing a ring of invisibility, a gauntlet of rust, a +2 longbow and wings of flying, the dupling could could decide the dupe gets the ring and the gauntlet to go make a mess of the armory, while the prime keeps the wings and bow to go distract the guards. They both get illusionary/mundane copies of the gear the other took.

    While randomeness is a good thing, this seems like something that would encourage planning. And you can't plan it if you expect the dupe to come back in 6 rounds, but it turns out to have a time limit of 4. I'd say make it 3 or 4 tound plus your wisdom mod. That would represent the stress of sharing two completely different perspectives at once. Make the feat make it the same number, just in minutes, instead.

    For the casting issue: perhaps it could be that the stress of manipulating magic is too great to do in two places at once. So, only once copy could do magic in each round, but they are both capable of it.

    Can a dupling flank with itself?

    On an unrelated note, maybe this idea would be better served as a template. Like, there's a spell or ritual that gives it to them, and then any creature can divide.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Duplings

    Quote Originally Posted by Admiral Squish View Post
    Also, are there any rules about reforming? Must they touch? Does the dupe simply dissapear into mist and the dupling is 'whole' again? What happens if you forcecage a dupe, and prevent it from returning to the prime?
    No. I thought that one would go all "elty" and merge with the other.

    I think you should have the division of items between the two happen as the dupe is formed. Like, a dupling wearing a ring of invisibility, a gauntlet of rust, a +2 longbow and wings of flying, the dupling could could decide the dupe gets the ring and the gauntlet to go make a mess of the armory, while the prime keeps the wings and bow to go distract the guards. They both get illusionary/mundane copies of the gear the other took.
    I can't figure out what's so bad about my way.

    While randomeness is a good thing, this seems like something that would encourage planning. And you can't plan it if you expect the dupe to come back in 6 rounds, but it turns out to have a time limit of 4. I'd say make it 3 or 4 tound plus your wisdom mod. That would represent the stress of sharing two completely different perspectives at once. Make the feat make it the same number, just in minutes, instead.
    They're accidents. Randomness fits them.

    For the casting issue: perhaps it could be that the stress of manipulating magic is too great to do in two places at once. So, only once copy could do magic in each round, but they are both capable of it.
    Good idea!

    Can a dupling flank with itself?

    On an unrelated note, maybe this idea would be better served as a template. Like, there's a spell or ritual that gives it to them, and then any creature can divide.
    Cool idea, but it would imply that a whole mess of guys were at that battle.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Blade Wolf View Post
    Ah, thank you very much GreatWyrmGold, you obviously live up to that name with your intelligence and wisdom with that post.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Duplings


    It's not that your way is bad, just awkward. It would make bookeeping a lot simpler to just have one get the item and the other get a mundane copy.

    Randomness does make sense, but if this has been something they could do their whole lives, then it would make sense they'd have a lot of practice, and a lot of time learning to control the division. I picture the split being like holding your breath, but with your mind. You can do it for a while, but not forever, and you know how long you can hold it for.

    Maybe it was developed for the war effort? I mean, it would certainly be useful to be able to double your forces, even if only for a bit. Or the affected food was widely-distributed, the effects only noticed after a generation or so?
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Duplings

    Quote Originally Posted by Admiral Squish View Post
    Issed an M.

    It's not that your way is bad, just awkward. It would make bookeeping a lot simpler to just have one get the item and the other get a mundane copy.
    Alright, have the player come up with stats for some varients that aren't so simple. If I were the player, the only complex combos I'd use would be regular enogh that I'd write them out.

    Randomness does make sense, but if this has been something they could do their whole lives, then it would make sense they'd have a lot of practice, and a lot of time learning to control the division. I picture the split being like holding your breath, but with your mind. You can do it for a while, but not forever, and you know how long you can hold it for.

    Maybe it was developed for the war effort? I mean, it would certainly be useful to be able to double your forces, even if only for a bit. Or the affected food was widely-distributed, the effects only noticed after a generation or so?
    Interesting idea. Use it in a campaign, if you use this race. I like magical accidents.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Blade Wolf View Post
    Ah, thank you very much GreatWyrmGold, you obviously live up to that name with your intelligence and wisdom with that post.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Duplings

    So, say a dupling divides, and send his dupe forward in the dungeon to scout while he heals an injured part member or something. The dupe trips a trap, and an airtight adamantium door seals off the dupe. Duration of thr divide ends. What happens?
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    Default Re: Duplings

    Quote Originally Posted by Admiral Squish View Post
    So, say a dupling divides, and send his dupe forward in the dungeon to scout while he heals an injured part member or something. The dupe trips a trap, and an airtight adamantium door seals off the dupe. Duration of thr divide ends. What happens?
    ...Good question.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Blade Wolf View Post
    Ah, thank you very much GreatWyrmGold, you obviously live up to that name with your intelligence and wisdom with that post.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Duplings

    Quote Originally Posted by GreatWyrmGold View Post
    ...Good question.
    That's definitely not something I want to hear from my DM's mouth.
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    Default Re: Duplings

    Quote Originally Posted by Admiral Squish View Post
    That's definitely not something I want to hear from my DM's mouth.
    Then be glad that your DM doesn't use homebrew without considering major possibilities.

    ...Unless he does...
    Quote Originally Posted by The Blade Wolf View Post
    Ah, thank you very much GreatWyrmGold, you obviously live up to that name with your intelligence and wisdom with that post.
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