Okay, at the end of my first Campaign (Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, with some extra stuff I added at the end) three PCs were entrusted with three parts to the artifact that was used to imprison Tharzidun, and given the gift of eternal life (can be killed, but not from old age or natural causes). They were each told to go to another plane and hide themselves, and dedicate their eternal lives to protecting the piece of the artifact, for if all three parts were to fall into the wrong hands they could be used to imprison any god, or to free Tharzidun.

They also absorbed a small amount of divine power (when another diety died during the final epic battle of the campaign). For the Dwarven Cleric of Moradin, this meant he no longer needed to call on Moradin to cast spells... he was still limited by his own abilities, but could replenish his spells each day on his own. Additionally, he learned that he could grant spells to other clerics. So, he went to the Earth Node (a demiplane of earth ruled by the Earth Prince of Elemental Evil), and killed the aforementioned prince, claiming the demiplane for his own. The module, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, outlined the Fire Node. And a web supplement had the Water Node. But as far as I know, there's no Earth Node maps anywhere. I need to come up with one. This Dwarven Cleric has adopted some Dwarves and started his own clan, living in this node. They worship him as a god (think Egyptian Pharaoh for how the relationship works). He' s amassed a bit of a treasury, probably dug out enough to increase the size of his domain. He has earth elementals under his thrall as well, and has constructed a number of Golems.

Anyone know of (or feel like drawing up) a map I could use for his territory? The party is going to be going after his piece of the artifact, entering the demiplane through a portal from their world. The demiplane should be more or less filled with this Dwarf and his clan. He's been building it for nearly 1000 years, and the Demiplane isn't exactly huge (judging from the size of the Fire Node).
