So I have a couple of modules of Pathfinder on standby for my long awaited DnD game, but a thought occurs; this campaign will keep us busy for maybe the next year, playing Council fo Theives, so if I want to use a different setting before my players settle in, now's the time to do it.

I know I make a lot of typos on this forum, but that's what a finetuned autocorrect in a word processor is for when you're as rushed a typist as myself. I say that to have a few less people laugh in my face when I say I'm something of a fantasy author. Not a great one, though I do have a 300 page mediocre first novel under my belt, and I am in the middle fo teh first in a trilogy, even full blown series of novels. I am really having a lot of fun using my first novel to flesh out this fairly rich setting of mine, though in true fantasy triology style, the really interesting stuff doesn't really come rapidly until teh second act/novel. Anyway, as I'm sure some people think to themselves when writing - this would make a badass DnD setting, if I could pull it off. Let me give you premise and see what you guys think. I don't have a dozen-men team working on a huge setting guidebook, so I imagine it will be less professional thanPathfinder, but why not give it a shot? Besides, my players are kind of *******s who often force me to wing it, and fortunately I have some of my best ideas on the fly when it comes to my fiction.

(Note that 'magic' below refers to arcane magic; divine magic is rare, but not unheard of, though Apollo has few Clerics - mostly priests with Expert levels and ranks in Profession [preacher])

Okay, most of it is set in the Apollonian Empire - your typical western fantasy setting - though if they MUST traverse continents, I have a few steampunk and wuxia sub-settings jsut beyond the horizon on this globe-based world. It's set two hundred years into the Crusade in the years of Emperor Hasil IV, who rules a huge and ever expanding domain by divine rite of the god Apollo. There's a lot of mystery to even Apollo - the mythos depicts him as a god of truth once thought dead, but then through enigmatic means, returning to the immortal coil as a god of judgement; and of vengeance. Telling his followers of the wicked ways of the mages, who summon demons, tamper with the dead and control free will all in spite of his command, he incited much hatred; this culminated in teh start of the Crusade - the utter outlawing of magic, the killing of any being thought capable of magic and any remnant of the age of wizardry. To aid in this, there is the Crusader's Guild, a special elite band of soliders, and teh Eye of Apollo, capable of detecting the slightest magical phenomina anywhere in the world. Well, almost any phenomina.

In the book, this is where the titular Cronox the Wizard enters the picture, mopping the floor with anyone who underestimates him for even a moment, befriending mages, rebels against the empire, lycanthropes, druids, and even dragons in his quest, the main goal of the envisioned campaign; to break the Crusade, end the slaughter of mages and expansion of the evil empire.

That's all the details of the book I'm willing to reveal, even for discussion, as it's something I would put on the back cover of the book as the synopsis. You freeloaders can go buy the book when I finish it! Ah, but seriously, I love you guys. Well, tell me what you think; is this setting fertile for the seed of adventure? Is it worth it rendering the whole thing in DnD as opposed to the established Cheliax?
