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    imp_fireball's Avatar

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    Default D&D 3.6 [3.5 Rules Update, Homebrew and Houserules; PEACH]


    I'm declaring OGL on this project - but it is not 'for profit'. Just in case anything is addressed that is not OGL, I'd like to declare that I will be unaware of such. Note that I've never actually reviewed the OGL.

    I'm going with the hope that others will take interest in what this project includes and will play test it in their own games, or substitute it as a more verisimillitude adaptation for existing 3.5 material.

    That said, the main intention of this project is to open up the more mundane angle of D&D. Specific verisimillitude and mechanics to compliment unlimited fluff in addition to opening up D&D to any concievable setting within the range of allowing casual game masters and players to exclude any reference to such systems considered more 'open', such as Burning Wheel and GURPS, are the full goal.


    Anything 'mundane' is considered to be any class feature, feat, racial ability, etc. that is not listed as (Ex), (Sp), (Su), etc.

    In regards to items, mundane reflects anything that is not powered by a source that is magical, psionic, incarnum, etc. Although, some mundane items and abilities are labeled as '(Ex)', (Ex) also includes such items and/or abilities that may break the laws of physics as well.

    Hence, an (Ex) powered source could equally apply to a remarkable technology as much as a 'phlebotinum' technology often appearing in campaign settings that use 'softer' elements of science fiction - being anything that cannot really be explained away with real world science or theoretical principles that are anything beyond vague; ie. a device that creates black holes, a gnomish teleporter or a faster-than-light drive core.

    Mundanity, however, explicitly refers to anything that is entirely, believably plausible in the real world. If an item exists that could easily be (Ex/phlebotinum) powered as much as mundane, it may often be encouraged by critics of a campaign setting that the GM provide a decent explanation for why this is so.

    For anyone who wishes to add content to this system, mundane can be referred to as (Mu), or be unlisted entirely - thus, anything unlisted in regards to non-item/equipment related abilities is assumed to be mundane.

    The most remarkable mundane items take advantage of technological principles that may or may not be widely known in a setting and/or component and/or (often rare and/or highly valuable) materials that may or may not have innately supernatural qualities untempered by the original crafter.

    Mundane items can be created with the assistance of other supernatural abilities such as 'arcane spells' (magic; ie. the higher level spell 'lesser creation' (detailed in the new spells section) to speed up crafting with certain materials and last for a duration), but are never 'imbued' with the magic itself without removing the fact that that item is anyway mundane.

    Such items as the magically 'imbued', that may be both magical and technological (abstractly or otherwise), are often colloquially referred to as 'magi-tech', but are never mundane due to actually containing a magical or supernatural quality or magical or otherwise supernatural power source (partially or fully).

    The same applies to other similar supernatural items that could be considered 'psi-tech', 'incarnum-tech', or even 'phlebo-tech' - the latter applying both soft and hard science fiction elements to convey it's creation, function and working processes.

    An 'ability' is a generic term referring anything that can be considered a 'feat', 'class feature', 'racial/template/sub-racial/etc. ability' in 3.5e.

    Ability scores, on the other hand, are entirely different - reflecting the six innate qualities, 'strength', 'dexterity', 'constitution', 'intelligence', 'wisdom' and 'charisma' - those of which define a creature/character's capabilities beyond any actual abilities or skills they may have - whether or not the creature may have those due to race and/or levels in a class, etc. Of course, as in 3.5e, there are creatures that entirely lack certain ability scores (instead listed as '-'; note that '0' still means the creature has the ability score).

    Anything solely involving the creature/character (and not necessarily the use of an item or equipment) that can be performed that is not an ability, is either something that can be learned by anyone (ie. a skill advanced through skill points) or something that can already be performed by anyone (ie. a combat maneuver or rolling initiative), provided they have decent enough scores in the appropriate ability scores. Note that while skills are not necessarily abilities, 'skill tricks' are.

    ECL is still the same, and remains unchanged from 3.5e. However, challenge rating will still remain relatively vague and difficult to work with under this system (as in 3.5e) - and the inclusion of 'perks' (exchange of raw XP for abilities) may even further complicate any attempt to make do with it.

    Thus, it is advised that instead of challenge rating, a game master should use their own judgement in creating challenges for their campaign or adventure appropriate to the desired playing level of the players.

    However, anyone with an in-depth understanding of challenge rating and formula for working out such can include challenge rating for easier reference for any game masters that wish to include their created (AKA 'homebrewed') content.

    A creature is anything that has at least one ability score. Anything else is an object. A character can refer to a creature that plays a more significant, rather than standard role (such as un-named monster), in a campaign or adventure.

    Some creatures also function as equipment or items.

    Anything that can be used or manipulated is an item - everything else may still qualify as a creature, but is usually an obstacle, simple territory or barrier. Obstacles usually hinder or require some kind of check to get pass through. Territory may or may not be an obstacle of its own - if not, then it has virtually no impact on the mechanics of a game at all apart from fluff, but (at least in 3.6) this can be quite rare if the GM gives a lot of attention to detail - ie. even soft, short cut grass might reduce falling damage slightly (ie. -1 damage) and hard black soil may actually result from being enriched to swiften growth period of living/organic matter for proper agriculture or gardening.

    Barriers are usually very tough obstacles - ie. a very high wall, a cliff with a long drop, or a wall of force.

    Equipment is any item that has to be worn or wielded to serve its function in accordance to an encounter or circumstance, as in 3.5e.

    However, equipment can also refer to anything that has to be entered to be moved and/or manipulated like an item. Such equipment can be sub-categorized as 'heavy equipment' or a 'vehicle'.

    Thus, a mount may qualify as a vehicle, while the immovable console used to manipulate a machine shop's robotic armatures would be considered heavy equipment, as would an alchemist's lab.

    'Entering' usually either assumes the shifting of bodily position (ie. from standing to kneeling), an action consumed to give attention to it (ie. standard action to read words on a plaque or press buttons/pull levers), or actual movement into the space that the equipment encompasses.

    Ability Scores

    In 3.6, ability scores mean a lot more than they used to. Every mundane ability stems from the use (applied or otherwise) of one or more ability scores, as do (in some cases) non-mundane abilities.


    Strength reflects the following:

    - Encumbrance
    - Strength based circumstance checks (ie. breaking down a door, bursting smaller items such as chains, etc.)
    - Combat maneuvers that could concievably use strength (ie. bull rush, overrun, grapple, overpower, etc.) as well as anything that can oppose such combat maneuvers (ie. bull rush, overrun, trip, grapple, overpower, etc.)
    - Opposing certain conditions (ie. preventing high winds from checking)
    - Melee attack rolls and damage (unless modified by the appropriate abilities)
    - The ability to overwhelm an opponent's fortitude through pressure
    - Exertion yield
    - Ease of wield (wield heavier weapons)


    Dexterity reflects the following:

    - Dodge bonus to touch and total AC
    - Initiative check
    - Accelerate actions
    - Combat maneuvers that could concievably use dexterity (ie. honed swing) as well as anything that can oppose such combat maneuvers (ie. parrying)
    - Dexterity based circumstance checks (ie. chasing, catching objects, physical multi-tasking, accelerating actions, etc.)
    - Attack rolls with ranged weapons
    - Modifier to Reflex saves


    Constitution reflects the following:

    - Bonus Hp per creature/character HD
    - Modifier to Fortitude saves
    - Constitution based circumstance checks
    - Endurance (physical exertion limitation, static - ie. running or forced marching before non-lethal damage is incurred - or otherwise; ie. additional use of an ability in return for less non-lethal damage incurred).
    - Tenacity (static ability to oppose and recover from various conditions such as damage that dazes, bleeds, knocks prone, etc. and the threshold between, disabled, dying and dead)


    Intelligence reflects the following:

    - Skill points per HD/character level
    - Intelligence based circumstance checks (usually those that rely on careful, precise thinking such as solving logic puzzles, discovering some new information, learning through study, etc.)
    - Languages becoming easier to learn (learning a new language costs 30 skill points - 5*(Int modifier); minimum 5 skill points)
    - Literacy becoming easier to obtain (obtaining literacy is 10 skill points - 3*(Int modifier); minimum 1 skill point)
    - Obtaining certain salient perks more cheaply (ie. photographic memory)


    Wisdom reflects the following:

    - Mental exertion (overcoming certain negative conditions and acquiring benefits through pure will; this can sometimes encompass physical conditions)
    - Mental tenacity (the ability to resist mental exhaustion)
    - Modifier to Will saves
    - Wisdom based circumstance checks (usually those that rely on perception and quick, well directed thinking as well as instinctive knowledge such as navigation without a map)
    - Recovering from negative mental affects under appropriate conditions (ie. sanity loss, fear, etc. without a present source to cause such things) and actions (ie. meditation)
    - Obtaining certain salient perks more cheaply (ie. empathy or gut feeling/fast resolution or resist extant mental barriers)
    - Minor affect on Social Combat (some creatures/characters are naturally immune to the wiseman's negotiation, however)


    Charisma reflects the following:

    - Charisma based circumstance checks
    - Obtaining certain salient perks more cheaply (ie. fast talk, hard to ignore, distraction, etc.)
    - Allowing for a wider range use of the charisma related skills (ie. use of diplomacy to stop a creature from performing a certain action immediately, convincing a creature to listen before changing their attitude, deluding a creature temporarily, etc.)
    - Prime dependent ability score for Social Combat

    Combat and ECL

    How BAB relates

    Base attack Bonus reflects a great aptitude for fighting. A character with no BAB and no weapon proficiencies knows nothing about war and fighting (although improved unarmed strike from a level in monk might reflect that they've stepped into a narrower avenue of martial arts). A character of BAB +1 is a soldier, fully willing to fight and grussomely die for their sovereign.

    Standard Attacks

    Standard Attacks are any attacks a character can make during a round without a circumstance penalty related to other additional-attack-boosting combat maneuvers (abilities can boost standard attacks).

    Wild Attacks

    Additional attacks can be made as free actions - but such attacks cannot be altered by abilities short of affects that apply to the weapon itself (the weapon used in the attack). An attack made after those allowable by the regular limitations imposed by BAB (not including additional attacks granted by abilities) is at a building -10 penalty (melee) or -8 penalty (ranged), of which a natural 20 is a miss.

    Swift Attacks

    In melee, any BAB can be forgone completely for the round, which applies to all attacks on the turn. Per +2 BAB sacrificed during the round, a character receives one additional attack in melee. But since the BAB is sacrificed for the regular attacks, this additional attack, effectively merging with the standard attacks, uses only the sacrificed BAB. More than +2 BAB can thus be sacrificed into a single attack, but at least +2 BAB is required to be granted an additional attack. These attacks may only be made after at least one standard attack in melee with the same weapon has been made that can beats an AC of 10 (this does not replace the target's AC; the AC is essentially a DC that must be surpassed by the attack rolled with the weapon) - if you are using multiple weapons; at least one standard attack must be made with each weapon.

    Ie. I want to make 2 swift attacks and so I declare my intention before taking any actions. I have +6 BAB - thus, I devote +3 BAB to each swift attack. My BAB now counts as +0 for any standard attacks made. My standard attack manages to beat an AC of 16, but does not hit the opponent - I am also disallowed from making my second standard attack (normally allowable by BAB) without a -5 circumstance penalty, since my BAB is effectively +0 (the penalty is however much my normal BAB would reduce itself for additional attacks; this only applies to additional attacks granted solely by BAB).

    I now have two swift attacks that I can make as a free action - each at +3 BAB.

    If the attack is made with a two handed weapon, take a -2 penalty to these additional special attacks.

    With ranged weapons, the rules are similar, except the minimum BAB that must be sacrificed is just +1. Also, a -2 circumstance penalty applies per additional target beyond the first attacked with a swift attack.

    With bows, take a -2 penalty on all swift attacks, because bows are hard to wield.

    NOTE: When BAB is forgone, it cannot sacrificed for other purposes, such as power attacks.

    Snap Shot

    Refer to my warglory conversion rules.

    A snap shot can only be performed with a ranged weapon. You must be aware of a target to make a snap shot against them. A snap shot can only be made against one target. It cannot be made against targets adjacent to you.

    Additions: In order to snap shot with a draw string bow (non-crossbow), you must have at least +2 BAB devoted to standard attacks, since the operation requires a certain level of finesse (LotR movie Legolas-level speed notching).

    Equipment General

    Armor Brainstorm

    It's possible that armor could be reflected as DR with the below ruling:

    Armor still provides Armor bonus to AC and works as it did in 3.5e, but weapons that would succeed on a touch attack versus the target will now potentially negate an armor's armor bonus to AC if they have an (Mu) quality called 'Armor Penetration' - but only for the purpose of determining whether or not the attack is a success.

    Ie. A dagger attack rolls a 24 against a full plate wearer. The full plate wearer had 34 AC, but his touch AC was 10. Normally, the dagger would 'miss', however this dagger has an Armor Penetration value of 11 (actually quite high, but is considered for the sake of this example). The attack effectively negates the full plate wearer's AC to 23 (armor bonus is +24 - 11, hence +13) and turns the miss into a 'hit'.

    Any attack that successfully hits as a direct result of the Armor Penetration quality on a weapon deals damage against the wearer - however the damage is subtracted by the armor's hardness. Note that some of these weapons also have Hardness Penetration (detailed in the below example).

    Ie. (Con't) So, if the dagger does 2 damage against the full plate wearer, but the full plate wearer is provided 5 hardness by his full plate, then the full plate wearer suffers no damage anyway. This applies unless the dagger has Hardness Penetration of at least 4 - which would allow her to do 1 damage, which is minimal, but damage nonetheless.

    From now on, attacks that make it through an armor's hardness bonus are considered to have simply targeted an area uncovered by the armor and hence always bypass any potential hardness opposition.

    If an attack deals bludgeoning damage, that damage is at 200% versus an armor's hardness that would apply, unless the armor also has the 'Shock Proof' (Mu) quality - one of many mundane technology based qualities that can vary strongly; an armor could negate bludgeoning damage against its hardness opposition by as little as 50% - putting the bludgeoning damage at 150% - or as much as 10,000% - putting the bludgeoning damage at 1%!

    Superior material used to make a weapon, material of greater hardness then the hardness of the material provided by the armor, usually results in general Armor Penetration and Hardness versus the given wearer of said armor.

    NOTE: You may have noticed that full plate is written as a +24 armor bonus to wearers. This isn't a typo - all attack and AC armor and enhancement bonuses are now tripled.

    BAB has also changed and can now vary from encounter to encounter on a roll to reflect a character's 'morale' in a given battle.

    Last edited by imp_fireball; 2010-09-24 at 06:53 PM.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: D&D 3.6 [3.5 Rules Update, Homebrew and Houserules; PEACH]

    Even if Wizards only get one school, once they can consistently make that check to a get an extra full-round action, look out!
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Roc View Post
    Ring of Evasion means never playing a monk with monk levels again. There is just no reason to dip that stuff. I know we're all about using every part of the buffalo here, but can we just admit that it's inedible?

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    imp_fireball's Avatar

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    Default Re: D&D 3.6 [3.5 Rules Update, Homebrew and Houserules; PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by Mongoose87 View Post
    Even if Wizards only get one school, once they can consistently make that check to a get an extra full-round action, look out!
    But only about once per encounter unless their CON is higher then 11.
    Last edited by imp_fireball; 2010-07-26 at 07:56 AM.

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: D&D 3.6 [3.5 Rules Update, Homebrew and Houserules; PEACH]

    Not a problem, really. If you take, say, a halfling wizard, you can get a high dexterity and intelligence, and still a decent constitution.

    However, I've thought about limiting wizards to one school, and the problem is always the same: it makes them less versatile (i.e. in my mind interesting), but they can still utterly dominate a party and stomp any encounter in the ground, if they choose the right schools and spells.

    A Transmuter can still choose Alter Self, Polymorph and Shapechange, depending on his level. A conjurer can still call creatures stronger than the party fighter, and creatures able to cast just about every possible spell for him.
    Resident Vancian Apologist

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    Default Re: D&D 3.6 [3.5 Rules Update, Homebrew and Houserules; PEACH]

    However, I've thought about limiting wizards to one school, and the problem is always the same: it makes them less versatile (i.e. in my mind interesting), but they can still utterly dominate a party and stomp any encounter in the ground, if they choose the right schools and spells.
    True, but at least characters like the sorceror can be better relied upon with their versatility and the wizard still can't do everything despite remaining uber buffed (even the conjurer, the staple batman).

    Also, I updated the OP and deleted everything I wrote previously.

    It's a long way coming, but (still to go) I plan to detail:

    - How body slots are arrayed depending on the creature (could someone link me to the section detailed in RAW regarding expanded body slots at epic level? Is it in the SRD?). For new creatures, this obviously depends on the creator of said creature or the GM. I hope to make dwarves very different from humans, for example (although mainly that will inevitably be regarding small things like social combat and how it largely depends on roleplaying to give mechanical bonuses and gaurantee or risk success), which depends more on just 'culture' - since, granted anyone of the same race can descend from a different nation with a different culture; but actual separate races may generally perceive and think differently in regards to life, but nonetheless functionally remain similar (thus, equal starting ECL). Most creatures can wear any number of items, provided they don't occupy the same body slots (ie. they could graft them inside the body), but some creatures have odd items that others don't (ie. a creature with DR could shove a magical iron spike into their foreheads and consider it worn).

    Also, some characteristics of certain creatures can expand or restrict body slots (as do certain abilities of characters) - although this is very minor for humans as creatures; ie. does the man have a beard or doesn't he? Well then, he can or can't wear a hair tie in his beard in that case or lack of a beard won't restrict the use of facial tattoos/piercings, etc., ie. (or if they're women, a bow or hair net for longer hair or whatever). Also some items require all of them to be worn together to reap the benefit, as it if were one piece of equipment (ie. several earrings that have to be worn on one ear). Note that body slots aren't intended to go to the extent that FATAL breached with body proportions and very high gender specifity (unecessary), beyond 'a woman might have long hair' or 'a man probably has a beard' and (for more adult oriented games), 'the two probably have different genitalia'.

    - Many new combat specifics. A lot more can happen in one round, even at low levels (that's the intention; wild swings, honed swings, full attacks while double moving with higher dexterity scores, snap shots, gun-fu, etc.) - however, hopefully, the greater abundancy of rolling won't bog things down. And 32 point buy will intentionally play much more hyper-martial heroic-like from say, 24 point buy (after all, 32 point buy is beyond 'heroic' ability score set up). Of course, that's for later play testing to decide.
    Last edited by imp_fireball; 2010-09-07 at 02:14 PM.

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