So, I've been developing my own game system, and have created 2 Aps to go with it (a Player Ap and a Principle Author, i.e. GM, Ap). I'm currently stuck on the inventory/equipment system (mostly a paper doll showing the inventory, since I have little to no digital art skill). Art however is not my question; my question is, how should I handle Equipment? Currently I have all equipment slots as Spinners (drop-down menus) that only allow choices that fit those slots. the problem is that there are a LOT of empty slots on average:

For inventory (stuff carried, not worn) the system is lists with Drag and Drop capabilities:

Where the 4 corners have menu options depending on the item (this shows a user about to Split a stack of 2 coins), these options only appear when you hold down on an item and "grab" it; a short click opens an item description (not shown).

Question is, would a drag and drop be better for equipment? On the one hand, easier when you don't have a lot of stuff...on the other, probably weirder when you have a lot of stuff. The game is relatively low magic, so hyper-dependence on items (like most RPGs) is not as big an issue, but armor can get complex (there is a simple hit location system, and armor reacts differently to blades and arrows than to non-typed attacks). That said, it's really more about user interaction, so game system should be mostly irrelevant, hence I feel like I can ask in general here with little to no detail. Opinions?