Hi everyone,

In an upcoming game I'll be playing the part of the party warrior, but for my class I want to be Cleric. I've already discussed with the party that I will not be healbot and they should Seek Healing Elsewhere.

I am looking for build help. The system is Pathfinder and very little 3.5 splatbook material will be allowed. As much as possible, focus on official PF products. Complete Divine or other completes might be OK on case-by-case.

I want to be good or neutral. (Probably neutral). I can be any Dark Sun race. I am leaning toward human. I will be a cleric of Fire, so one of my domains must be fire. I think I have DM permission to make the falchion my element's favoured weapon.

Everything else is up in the air. I like the idea of playing a cleric who out-fights fighters, but I need advice. Suggestions on gear, feats, and the other Domain (from PF of course) appreciated.
