The Co-DM of my group and I are thinking of getting a bunch of other players together to run a small tournament. Mostly for fun and bragging rights since everyone in the group is always broke. Here's the basics.

We will both run the same dungeon.
He will DM group 1 while I DM group 2.
Neither of us will have a DM PC
There will be a 12 hour time limit (noon to midnight)
No one but the DMs will be allowed to use their cellphone (emergencies are ok)
Will be running it in different rooms of the house
Groups will take breaks at the same time, but separated (front & back yard)
We're going to do random player placement (kind of like picking players for a pick-up game of baseball)
Not sure which rulesets to use. It will either be D&D 3.5, d20 Modern or Pathfinder
The dungeon, traps, treasure and monsters will be identical

My question to the Playground is this: is there any suggestions to a one-shot dungeon like this anywhere? Or would we be better off writing our own? We have a collective 22+ years between us with D&D (and a few other gaming systems here and there) and want it to be challenging and new. I've already ran Tomb of Horrors, so that one's out. Just looking for some ideas is all. Thanks