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    Firbolg in the Playground
    EdroGrimshell's Avatar

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    Oct 2008

    Default Corpse PrC [3.5]


    "Put that thing down! I'm not a zombie!"
    --A corpse talking to a cleric of Pelor

    Death is a common thing, but it is always hard for the family of the one that died, esspecially when the one that died was killed, either in an accident or by another. Adventurers are able to afford and use divine magic to bring back the deceased, but what of the commoner? The price of even raise dead is well beyond the peasantry. However, somewhere, a process was designed that produces a living corpse that is neither undead or deathless and maintains its personality from life. A happy surprise was that the process often made the corpse far stronger than when it was alive, though it takes some time to get to that level.

    Surprisingly, most corpses are commoners, experts, or warriors, adventurers and nobility tend to use divine magic instead, and most beyond the common man will ever even hear of the process unless they encounter a corpse.
    Flaws: Corpse (Dragon 330, page 87) (alternatively, the character dies)
    Special: Your body must be treated with special oils costing 50gp and have your source be somehow implanted in your body except in the case of Willpower. Any Corpse with the Willpower source can simply come into existance with GM permission or under dire circumstances.

    Hit Dice: d4

    Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
    Unliving Body, Source
    Improvement, Second Source
    Improvement, Unliving Paragon
    Class Skills (2 + Int mod) The corpse treats the class skills of one other class they possessed before becoming a corpse as their class skills for this class.

    Unliving Body (Ex): A corpse starts off at level 0, simply gaining their source and becoming a being that is not dead, alive, undead, or deathless, but somewhere in between in a state known as unliving. An unliving creature has the same traits as an undead except it is not healed by positive or negative energy. It is instead healed by Repair spells and similar effects as if it were a construct. Alchemical healing items provide their full benefit.

    Initially, a Corpse is rather weak from its forced reanimation. While it is not alive, a corpse still possesses a Con score. Its ability scores are all set 8 + their modifier for the ability to start, Intelligence being an exception with a minimum score of 10 + any racial modifiers. A corpse's source alters these values and it can use the improvement feature to boost its ability scores. A corpse has the Slight Build racial feature (unless it had the Powerful Build racial feature, in which case Powerful Build is lost instead), a base land speed of 10ft less than the initial race's base land speed, a size equal to the corpse's race's normal size category, and applies standard ability score modifiers for its race. Other racial features carry over if applicable.

    An Animate Dead spell or similar can be used on a Corpse to turn it into an undead, instead of unliving. An Animate Objects spell or similar can be used on a Corpse to turn it into a construct, instead of unliving. A Raise Dead spell revives the corpse making it a living creature. A corpse that is no longer Unliving cannot take further levels in this class (though it still benefits from previous levels). It does not lose its immunities if revived (as a living creature), but it now needs to eat, sleep, and breath like any other living creature must, though only half as often and loses its immunity to effects that require a Fort save, though it does gain a +4 bonus on effects that do not affect objects.

    Source (Ex): A corpse is powered by a specific source, which offers the corpse a new existance and abilities as described in the Source section below. At 4th level a corpse obtains a second source that is added onto the effects of the first. Each source has three main abilities that a corpse gets for just having it as a source. Additionally, all Sources possess a number of Source Abilities that can be picked up with the Improvement class feature.

    Improvement: A corpse is constantly being improved on by its own source and unliving existance, becoming ever stronger as it levels. At each level, a corpse gains a number of Improvement points it can use to improve its class features and abilities equal to 2 + its current class level.

    These points can be spent to increase the following:
    • Base Attack Bonus increased by one (can increase up to class level)
    • Saving Throws (can increase bonus up to 2 + Half class level)
    • Increase Hit Die by one Die Size (1d4 -> 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 1d10 -> 1d12), rerolling HP from previous levels in use the higher of the totals)
    • Increase an Ability Score by 1 (can be taken up to 1 + half their class level times for each ability score)
    • Gain three skills as class skills
    • Gains one bonus skill point for every corpse level (can be taken six times)
    • Gain one bonus feat (can be taken once for each Source the corpse possesses)
    • Increase Base Land Speed by 10ft (only taken once)
    • Gain a primary natural slam attack that deals 1d4+str mod damage (can be taken twice)
    • Increase the damage of your slam attack as if taking Improved Natural Attack (can be taken twice)
    • Gain a Source Ability

    A corpse with levels in commoner gains additional benefits from certain improvements. Any increase to the Hit Die of the Corpse also affects their commoner hit die. Increasing the base attack bonus of the corpse twice increases the commoner base attack bonus to Average (as a cleric), and increasing it by four increases the commoner base attack bonus to good (as a fighter). Increasing any single save by 2 increases the same save on the commoner to Good. Increasing the number of skill points per level also improves the number of skill points they gain from their commoner level, if commoner was their first level, they also gain an additional three skill points for each time they would gain extra skill points. Increasing an ability score instead increases the ability score by two. The corpse must have a number of commoner levels at least one lower than their corpse level to maintain these bonuses.

    Optional Rule: A corpse may find itself spending too much on its basic abilities and lagging when taking commoner levels. So it is recommended, though not necessary, to allow a corpse to gain a single improvement for each commoner level to gain one of the above improvements except for Gain a Source Ability. This allows the corpse to progress its basic stats a little more easily. This could be expanded to any NPC class as well, though I wouldn't suggest it for PC classes as they have class features that make up for the loss, usually.

    Unliving Paragon: At 8th level, a corpse reaches the pinnacle of its unliving form. It gains a +2 perfection bonus to all of its ability scores and gains 5 additional improvements to spend. It is now healed by both Positive and Negative Energy as well as Repair spells and is treated as an undead, deathless, construct, and its previous creature type whenever it would be beneficial to them. Additionally, it can spend its improvement points on the following features in addition to the standard improvements.
    - Fast Healing 1 for every 2 Improvement points spent (up to 5)
    - Damage Reduction 1/- for every Improvement point spent (up to 10)
    - Bonus Feat for every 2 Improvement points spent
    - A +2 Inherent Bonus to an ability score of your choice (stacks up to +6) for every Improvement point spent
    - Rejuvenation (if reduced to -10 hit points will die and reform 1d4+1 days later) at the cost of 4 Improvement points.
    - Gain a third Source for 5 Improvement points (only taken once).
    - Unliving Toughness (gain Cha Mod x HD hit points) for 3 Improvement points.
    - Unliving Grace (add Cha Mod as a bonus to all saves) for 3 Improvement points.
    A corpse that has been turned into an undead, construct, or living creature cannot gain this ability.


    Arcane - Sometimes, magic goes awry, soaking the land in its power and infusing itself into everything and everyone, including the Corpse. This power source is often accidental, making it a rather rare source. But it is also one of the most useful of sources.
    Arcane Attunement: The corpse's body is much like a magic item, shaping and storing it. The corpse gains the ability to attune themselves to specific tasks. Each day the corpse gains a number of floating +1 insight bonuses equal to their Int mod + their class level. These bonuses can be placed on any of the following; Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls, a single Save, a single Skill, or their Armor Class. These bonuses can stack up to 1 + half the corpse's class level.

    Unliving Arcana: On gaining their second source, an arcane corpse becomes a lesser mage, gaining the ability to cast a limited number of arcane spells. The corpse gains the spells known and spells per day of a bard, using their Int mod to determine the DCs of their spells and using their character level for the spells known and spells per day. The spells known are drawn from the sorcerer/wizard spell list. The corpse is limited to learning spells of the Divination, Abjuration, Necromancy, and Transmutation schools, as well as universal spells. Use the corpse's character level as their caster level. Additionally, the corpse gains a +4 inherent bonus to their Int score.

    Spell Mastery: The arcane unliving paragon no longer has spells per day, instead possessing spell levels they can spend to cast their spells. The number of spell levels the corpse possesses is equal to the total level of spells it may cast in a day. Additionally, the inherent bonus to the corpse's Int score increases to +6.

    Source Abilities
    Arcane Artisan: Arcane magic is often used in creation, imbuing objects created with it with power. The corpse gains a bonus on Craft checks equal to its character level and gains the Imbue Item ability from the Warlock. However, instead of Use Magic Device, the corpse uses an appropriate Craft skill to create the item (alchemy for potions, weaponsmithing for magic weapons, leatherworking for magic boots and belts, etc. Multiple Craft skills may be applicable). The corpse may activate any spell trigger or spell completion items it has crafted itself without making Use Magic Device checks even if it couldn't normally make use of the item.

    Arcane Resistance: The magic suffusing the corpse makes it resilient towards the magic of others. The corpse gains a bonus to all saves against spells, powers, and invocations equal to 1 + half its corpse level.

    Eldritch Blast: The corpse can condense his power into its rawest form, allowing him to fire off an eldritch blast as a warlock. This blast deals 1d6 damage plus an extra 1d6 damage for every two class levels the corpse possesses to a maximum of 5d6 damage.

    Eldritch Claw: The corpse may, as a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, charge a weapon or natural attack with their eldritch blast, adding the damage and effects of their eldritch blast to the next attack they make with the charged weapon or natural attack. A corpse that can draw a weapon as a free action may use this ability as a swift action.

    Eldritch Attunement: The corpse's magic is a potent power, and can be incorporated into the weapons they wield. The enhancement bonus from enchanted strike applies to any weapon the corpse wields. Requires Enchanted Strike.

    Enchanted Strike: The corpse's natural attacks are infused with the magic that animates them. The corpse's natural attacks gain an enhancement bonus equal to 1 + half their class level to a maximum of one third their character level.

    Knowledgeable: Arcane magic comes with a natural intellect, manifesting as collected lore the corpse can put to use. The corpse gains the bardic knowledge ability, using his character level in place of his bard level. Additionally, the corpse gains Knowledge Devotion and may make a Bardic Knowledge roll in place of a Knowledge roll when using Knowledge Devotion.

    Power Surge: The corpse may empower their Eldritch Blast at the cost of needing to recharge their power before being able to use it again. When making an Eldritch Blast the Corpse may double the number of damage die of the Eldritch Blast. If they do, they must wait five rounds before they can use their Eldritch Blast again. Requires Eldritch Blast.

    Reserved Spellpower: The corpse gains a bonus reserve feat (even if it doesn't meet the prerequisites). The corpse is treated as always having a spell of the appropriate type for its reserve feats, allowing it to use its reserve feats regardless of if it knows a spell with the appropriate descriptor or not. An unliving paragon gains the benefits of having a spell of the highest level spell it knows or its current number of spell levels (whichever is lower).

    Spell Knowledge: The corpse gains bonus spells known for a high Int score, much like gaining bonus spells per day. The corpse treats its Int as being 2 higher for determining bonus spells per day (but not for spells known). Requires Unliving Arcana.

    Artifice - When magic isn't available, sometimes technology and artifice takes its place, combining dead flesh, bone, and muscle with metal gears, springs, and chains. As a source, it is not as common as magic, but is easier to obtain in terms of costs and power, time being the only deficit.
    Unliving Reactor: A corpse brought back with artifice is powered by a central reactor that produces the energy necessary to keep the corpse animate. The corpse gains the ability to generate Energy Tokens which they can use to generate a number of effects. At the start of an encounter and the start of each turn thereafter, the corpse gains one Energy Token. Additionally, the corpse may spend an action to Accelerate their reactor, gaining additional Energy Tokens based on the actions spent. As a swift action, the corpse can gain one additional Energy Token, as a move action, the corpse can gain two Energy Tokens, and as a Standard Action, the corpse can gain three Energy Tokens. As long as the corpse possesses at least one energy token, he gains a +2 bonus to all saving throws. A corpse can have a maximum number of Energy Tokens equal to its character level. Outside of an encounter, the corpse does not generate Energy Tokens, effectively only possessing 1 Energy Token at any time, unless the reactor is Accelerated by spending actions.

    A corpse may spend Energy Tokens when making an attack roll, damage roll, saving throw, or ability check to gain a bonus equal to the number of Energy Tokens spent.

    Overclock: The corpses body is made of chains, springs, pulleys, and gears as well as its unliving flesh. On gaining their second source, these extra components become infused with its power, allowing the corpse to push them to the limit by doing what is commonly refered to as Overclocking. It takes a standard action to enter an overclock, at which point the corpse gains a +4 bonus to their Str and Dex scores until they end it as a free action. A corpse can safely overclock for a number of rounds equal to its Con modifier, after which the corpse's body starts to overheat and tear itself apart. Each round past the limit inflicts an amount of damage equal to 5 x the number of rounds it has continuously overclocked past the number of rounds they can safely overclock. Once an overclock ends, the corpse is overheated, which functions identically to being exhausted, until it has rested for one minute for every round it overclocked. A corpse cannot generate Energy Tokens or Accelerate their Reactors while overheated, effectively having 0 Energy Tokens while overheated. Additionally, the corpse gains a +4 inherent bonus to their Con score.

    Iron Constitution: On becoming an unliving paragon, the reactor that powers the corpse acts as a catalyst for strengthening and empowering the corpse's body, granting the corpse the Powerful Build racial ability and a bonus to AC, Saves, Attack and Damage Rolls, and Skill Checks equal to 1 + 1 per five energy tokens the corpse currently has as long as the corpse possesses at least one Energy Token. Additionally, the inherent bonus to their Con score increases to +6.

    Source Abilities
    Reactor Blast: By charging its Reactor, a corpse can fire a blast of energy of excess energy at an opponent. As a standard action, the corpse may spend one or more Energy Tokens to make a ranged attack with a range increment of 50ft and a maximum range of 500ft. This attack deals 1d6 points of force damage for every Energy Token spent.

    Propulsion System: Using a dispersed blast of force, the corpse is able to maintain a degree of propulsion to enhance its speed or even maintain flight for short periods. The corpse may spend one or more Energy Tokens as a free action to increase its base land speed by 10ft per Energy Token spent for a single move action. Alternatively, the corpse may spend an Energy Token as a free action to gain a fly speed equal to its base land speed with Perfect Maneuverability for one round. If the corpse ends its turn while flying with this ability, it immediately starts falling unless it spends an additional Energy Token to maintain its flight until the start of its next turn. Requires Reactor Blast.

    Damage Dispersion: A corpse may use excess energy from its Reactor to create a quick barrier of energy to mitigate some of the damage of an attack. When an opponent makes an attack, uses a spell, or uses special attack that deals damage, the corpse may spend one or more Energy Tokens to reduce the damage dealt by 1d6 per Energy Token so spent for that one attack. Excess damage mitigated is simply wasted. Alternatively the corpse may spend an Energy Token to deal nonlethal damage with an attack without taking the normal -4 penalty to the attack roll.

    Force Sheathe: By sheathing its limbs and weapons in an energy barrier, the corpse may augment its attacking power. By spending one or more Energy Tokens when making a melee attack, the corpse may sheathe its weapon and limbs with pure force, increasing the damage dealt with the attack by 1d6 per Energy Token spent. This is a force effect, allowing the attack to hit Incorporeal creatures. Empowering an attack in this way is part of the attack action and can used on multiple attacks in a round. Requires Damage Dispersion.

    Heat Sink: The number of rounds a corpse can safely overclock increases to twice its Con mod and the damage it takes for each round past this limit is reduced to 3 x the number of rounds overclocked past their safe limit and the corpse may spend Energy Tokens to mitigate some of the damage, reducing the effective number of rounds it has overclocked by 1 for one round for each Energy Token spent. Additionally the penalties from Overheating are reduced to being equivalent to being Fatigued. Requires Overclock.

    Cooling System: The number of rounds a corpse can safely overclock increases to quadruple its Con mod and the damage it takes for each round past this limit is reduced to 3 x half the number of rounds overclocked past their safe limit and the corpse only remains overheated for a number of rounds equal to the number of rounds they overclocked. The corpse now reduces the effective number of rounds it has overclocked by 2 for one round for each Energy Token it spends for Heat Sink. Additionally, for every 5 points of cold damage the corpse would take, it instead decreases the effective number of rounds it has overclocked by 1 (this effectively renders the corpse immune to cold damage). Requires Heat Sink.

    Overdrive: While overclocking, the corpse can push itself even further, going into an overdrive. As a move action, while overclocking, the corpse can enter an overdrive. The bonus to its Str and Dex increase to +6 each. Additionally, the corpse gains a bonus on attack and damage rolls equal to half its corpse level, a +10ft bonus to its base land speed, and an extra attack at its full base attack bonus each round that can be used during a normal attack action or as part of a full attack. Each round of overdrive counts as two rounds of overclocking. Requires Heat Sink.

    Overload: While in an Overdrive, the corpse can push its body still further, going into what is known as an Overload. As a swift action while overdriving, the corpse can enter an overload. The bonus to its Str and Dex increase to +8 each. Additionally, its attacks deal damage as if it were one size category larger, deals an additional die of damage as fire damage, and it may make an extra attack at its full base attack bonus each round that can be used during a normal attack action or as part of a full attack in addition to the one granted by overdriving. Each round of overload counts as four rounds of overclocking. Requires Cooling System & Overdrive.

    Reconstructed Body: The corpse's body has been reconstructed and reinforced with various materials, giving it additional resilience and power, allowing it to be enchanted. The corpse's slam attacks deal damage as if they possessed Improved Natural Attack and may be enchanted as if they were masterwork weapons. The corpse's body gains a natural armor bonus equal to 1 + half its class level and may be enchanted as if it was a suit of masterwork armor.

    Variable Enchantment: Instead of being simply enchanted with fixed magics, the magic enchanting the corpse can be reconfigured as necessary. The corpse may spend an hour to rearrange their enchantment bonuses from Reconstructed Body. Requires Reconstructed Body.

    Blood - In extremely rare cases, someone has their source built in from the very start. A drop of heritage that keeps them going after death, bound to the world by the magic inherent in their blood. Very rarely does this drop manifest in life, but as a corpse, the blood manifests more strongly.
    Resilience: The corpse gains hit points equal to their Con Bonus each level, essentially doubling the number of hit points they gain from their Con Bonus. Additionally, the corpse gains blood points equal to his character level and may spend blood points to reduce damage they take from an attack by 2 per point spent. These blood points are regained after 8 hours of rest.

    Bloodline Awakening: On gaining their second source, a corpse's blood is infused with the power causing it to concentrate, granting the corpse a Major Bloodline (Welknair's Bloodlines) without having to take any bloodline levels. The corpse may spend a minute action to quicken the production of their blood, granting them Blood Points equal to 1 + half their class level, however, doing so causes one point of Constitution Burn that bypasses the corpse's immunity to ability damage. By instead taking ten minutes, the corpse gains Blood Points without taking Constitution Burn. The corpse recovers ability burn at a rate of 1 per hour. The corpse gains bonus blood points for a high Con score, much like a psion with power points from a high intelligence score. Additionally, the corpse gains a +2 inherent bonus to any two ability scores they choose.

    Trueblood: An unliving paragon with the blood source has become a conduit of blood energy, and is now able to fully use blood magic. The corpse learns one blood power per class level, and must know two powers of one tier before being able to progress to the next (in example, the corpse needs two basic powers before learning an advanced power). Like the bloodcaster, the corpse needs to follow the paths for learning higher level blood powers. The corpse gains an additional 3 Blood Points per character level, essentially increasing the blood points they gain each level to 5. Additionally, the corpse can either gain a +2 inherent bonus to two other ability scores, increase the other inherent bonuses granted by the Blood source by 2, or gain a +4 inherent bonus to a single score that doesn't already have an inherent bonus.

    Source Abilities
    Fast Healing: The corpse's blood starts to work at reparing its body. The corpse gains fast healing 1 that can heal the corpse up to half its full hit points. This ability can be taken once more to allow the corpse to heal itself to full hit points. The corpse must have Resilience in order to take this source ability a second time.

    Powerful Blood: The blood of a corpse is concentrated and suffused with power. Bonuses from the corpse's bloodlines are doubled (this includes ability bonuses, skill bonuses, and Affinity bonuses).

    Morphic Blood: Once per day, the corpse can spend ten minutes concentrating on a special ritual to change its bloodlines to another bloodline. This is permanent until the corpse uses this ability again.

    Diverse Bloodline: The corpse gains a free bloodline level with any bloodline of their choice. This does not count towards their level or provide any benefits other than the bloodline's granted benefits. This ability can be taken 3 times. Requires Powerful Blood.

    Blood Lash: The corpse has the ability to concentrate his blood into a whip that he can use to attack. This lash has the same properties as a spiked chain except it deals slashing damage instead of piercing damage and naturally possesses an enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to 1/4 its character level.

    Bloody Feat: The corpse gains a bloody feat as a bonus feat. This source ability can be taken multiple times.

    Bloodfeeding: Any weapon, manufactured or natural, wielded by the corpse gains the bloodfeeding enchantment. Any time the bloodfeeding enhancement produces a blood point, it is added to his blood point pool. The corpse can't exceed its maximum Blood Point total with this ability. The corpse may spend points from his blood point pool to power his bloodfeeding enhancement.

    Incarnum - An uncommon source that sometimes occurs spontaneously on the recently dead, this source rejuvenates and empowers the soul as well as the body, using the corpse's own soul as a catalyst for the reanimation. Tied inherently to natural incarnum, many associate this source with nature spirits.
    Pale Shroud: Incarnum is a powerful fuel for the soul, and establishing the soul back in the body using incarnum has strengthened both. The corpse gains an essentia pool equal to its character level, which it may invest into Natural Avatars. Natural Avatars are icons of natural incarnum - often tied to emotions or traits shared amongst the natural world - that, when invested, provide benefits to the corpse. Once a corpse invests essentia into a Natural Avatar, the essentia remains invested until the corpse rests for 8 hours. The Natural Avatars, and any prerequisites needed to invest in them, are described below. Additionally, the corpse gains a bonus on Autohypnosis checks equal to half its character level.

    Spoiler: Natural Avatars
    The Swamp: The corpse gains Sneak Attack +1d6 per point of essentia invested in this Avatar. On investing in this Avatar, the corpse may choose one Ambush feat it meats the Sneak Attack prerequisite for and gain its benefits as long as the corpse has essentia invested in this Avatar. Requires Pale Soul to invest in this Avatar.

    The Beginning: On entering an encounter, the corpse gains 5 temporary hit points per point of essentia invested in this Avatar. The corpse may spend a Full-Round Action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity to refresh the temporary hit points gained from this natural avatar. Additionally the corpse gains an insight bonus to ability checks equal to the essentia invested in this Natural Avatar.

    The Tundra: The corpse gains a +1 insight bonus to AC per point of essentia invested in this Avatar. This bonus also applies against saves vs. Fear effects.

    The Stars: The corpse gains a +3 insight bonus to Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks per point of essentia invested in this Avatar. As long as the corpse has at least one point of essentia invested in this Avatar, it benefits from a constant Comprehend Language effect for spoken words only.

    The Forest: The corpse gains fast healing 1 per point of essentia invested in this Avatar. As long as the corpse has at least one point of essentia invested in this Avatar, it gains the benefits of the Diehard feat and does not die until reaching a number of negative hit points equal to 10 + 5 per point of essentia invested in this Avatar. Requires Pale Soul to invest in this Avatar.

    The Desert: On investing in this Avatar, choose either fire, sonic, acid, cold or electricity, the corpse gains Energy Resistance 5 for that type per point of essentia invested in this Avatar. The corpse can invest in multiple versions of this Avatar to gain additional energy resistances. As long as the corpse has at least one point of essentia invested in this Avatar, it benefits from a constant Endure Elements effect. Requires Pale Soul to invest in this Avatar.

    The Jungle: The corpse gains a +3 insight bonus to Listen, Spot, and Survival checks per point of essentia invested in this Avatar. As long as the corpse has at least one point of essentia invested in this Avatar, it gains Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60ft, and the Scent ability.

    The Mountain: The corpse gains Damage Reduction 1/- per point of essentia invested in this Avatar. As long as the corpse has at least one point of essentia invested in this Avatar, it may spend an Attack of Opportunity to cause an attack on an adjacent ally to instead target the corpse. The corpse must decide to use this ability before the attack roll is made. Requires Pale Soul to invest in this Avatar.

    The Sea: The corpse gains a +2 insight bonus on damage rolls per point of essentia invested in this Avatar. As long as the corpse has at least one point of essentia invested in this Avatar, it gains the benefits of the Power Attack feat, treating its natural attacks as Two-Handed Weapons for the purposes of the feat.

    The Moon: The corpse gains a+3 insight bonus to Bluff, Hide, and Move Silently checks per point of essentia invested in this Avatar. As long as the corpse has at least one point of essentia invested in this Avatar, it may choose to feint as a Move Action. If the corpse possesses the Improved Feint feat, it may instead feint as a Swift Action.

    The Hills: The corpse gains a +1 insight bonus to saves per point of essentia invested in this Avatar. As long as the corpse has at least one point of essentia invested in this Avatar, the corpse gains proficiency with light and medium armor, as well as shields (except tower shields).

    The Savannah: The corpse gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls per point of essentia invested in this Avatar. As long as the corpse has at least one point of essentia invested in this Avatar, the corpse gains proficiency with all simple and martial weapons as well as shields (except tower shields).

    The Plains: The corpse's base land speed increases by 5ft per point of essentia invested in this Avatar. As long as the corpse has at least one point of essentia invested in this Avatar, the corpse gains Trapsense with a bonus equal to the essentia invested in this Avatar.

    The Void: The corpse gains Blindsense out to 10ft per point of essentia invested in this Avatar and Blindsight equal to half its Blindsense gained from this Avatar. Requires Pale Avatar to invest in this Avatar.

    The Sky: The corpse gains a fly speed equal to 10ft per point of essentia invested in this Avatar with Poor maneuverability. With every two points of essentia invested in this avatar, the corpse's maneuverability improves by one step (average with 2 essentia, good with 4 essentia, and perfect with 6 essentia). Requires Pale Soul to invest in this Avatar.

    The End: The corpse gains a Spell and Power Resistance of 5 per point of essentia invested in this Avatar. The corpse can allow spells and powers to pass through their resistance without lowering its resistance. Requires Pale Avatar to invest in this Avatar.

    Pale Soul: On gaining its second source, the corpse's spirit becomes a volatile source of power that the corpse can tap to augment its abilities. As a swift action, the corpse can burn one point of essentia invested in a Natural Avatar to have it grant a bonus as if it had been invested with double its maximum capacity for a number of rounds equal to 1 + the corpse's Wis bonus (if any). This does not stack with any essentia actually invested in the Avatar. Burned essentia is regained after the corpse rests for 8 hours. The corpse also gains access to Chakras as if it was a totemist of its character level, though the corpse does not gain the Totem Chakra. The corpse may invest one additional point of essentia into its Natural Avatars. Additionally, the corpse gains a +4 inherent bonus to their Wis score.

    Pale Avatar: An unliving paragon with the Incarnum source has an incredibly volatile spirit that acts as an incredibly potent fuel source. As a swift action, the corpse can make an Autohypnosis check to empower its body with its own volatile spirit through a controlled burn. The corpse gains a number of temporary essentia that can be immediately invested into the corpse's Avatars equal to their Autohypnosis check result divided by ten, rounded down (so a check result of 32 would grant 3 essentia while a check result of 59 would grant 5 essentia). These temporary essentia last for one minute, after which they fade away. The corpse can burn these temporary points of essentia. Using this ability multiple times in a day is difficult, the corpse takes a -4 penalty on Autohypnosis checks to use this ability for each time they've used it since they last rested for 8 hours. The corpse gains access to the Heart Chakra at level 18, rather than 20, and the Soul Chakra at level 20. Additionally, the inherent bonus to their Wis score increases to +6.

    Source Abilities
    Spoiler: NOTE:
    Many of the Incarnum Source's abilities require Closing a chakra to work. Closing off a chakra means it cannot have a soulmeld or magic item bound to it, much like if I soulmeld was bound to the chakra. You may use a source ability that closes a chakra as many times as you have unclosed chakras.

    Azure Passion: After resting for 8 hours to uninvest and regain their essentia, the corpse can choose two Natural Avatars it has access to combine into a Composite Avatar. The corpse may invest in a Composite Avatar to gain the benefits of both the component Avatars. Creating a Composite Avatar closes off a chakra. Ex: A corpse selects The Mountain and The Forest and invests 3 essentia into the resulting Composite Avatar. The corpse gains DR 3/- and Fast Healing 3. Requires Pale Soul.

    Cerulean Outrage: After resting for 8 hours to uninvest and regain their essentia, the corpse can choose a single Natural Avatar to Forge for the day as a single weapon the corpse is proficient with. As a free action, the corpse can form the selected weapon shaped from the Forged Avatar. The corpse may only have one such weapon formed unless it is a light weapon, in which case the corpse may form a number of additional weapons equal to its number of off-hands. This weapon has an enhancement bonus to Attack and Damage rolls equal to 1 + half the corpse's class level. These weapons count as mind blades. Forging an Avatar closes off a chakra.

    Cobalt Dread: As a standard action, the corpse can open a closed chakra, losing the benefits of the source ability that closed the chakra in the process. When the corpse opens a chakra in this way, it regains a number of burned essentia equal to its Wis Mod or half its class level, whichever is lower. (A composite avatar ended in this way has its essentia uninvested and returns to its component natural avatars).

    Cyan Relief: As a standard action, the corpse can burn a point of essentia invested in an Avatar or Incarnum Feat to uninvest all essentia invested in the Avatar or Incarnum Feat. This essentia can be invested into other Avatars or Incarnum feats as part of the same action.

    Indigo Courage: Any time the corpse could burn a point of essentia, it may instead take a point of Wisdom Burn. This Wisdom Burn bypasses any immunity to ability damage or ability burn and heals completely after 8 hours of rest. The corpse cannot burn Wisdom gained from a bonus (Inherent, Alchemical, Enhancement, etc) except for Racial bonuses. Requires Pale Soul.

    Lapis Serenity: After resting for 8 hours to uninvest and regain their essentia, the corpse can choose a single Natural Avatar to Express for the day. The Avatar provides its bonus to all allies within 30ft of the corpse as long as it is Expressed, however, the corpse cannot burn essentia invested in the selected Avatar. Expressing an Avatar closes off a chakra. Requires Turquoise Joy.

    Navy Euphoria: Whenever the corpse burns a point of essentia, it gains a temporary point of essentia that lasts for one minute. Temporary essentia gained from this ability cannot be burned.

    Sapphire Hysteria: The corpse may, once per round, use a source ability that requires a standard action to use as an immediate action.

    Teal Awe: After resting for 8 hours to uninvest and regain their essentia, the corpse can choose a single Natural Avatar to Surge for the day. Whenever the corpse burns a point of essentia from a Surged Avatar to activate Pale Soul, the corpse gains a morale bonus Attack, Damage, Saving Throws, AC, and Skill Checks for five rounds equal to 1 + half its class level or its Wis mod, whichever is lower (min +1). Surging an Avatar closes off a chakra. Requires Pale Soul.

    Turquoise Joy: As a standard action, the corpse can burn a point of essentia invested in a Natural Avatar to select an ally within 30ft. The corpse loses the benefit of the Avatar and the ally gains the benefits of the Avatar for a number of rounds equal to half the corpse's class level + the corpse's Wis mod.

    Negative - One of the two most common sources, negative energy applied to a treated corpse awakens a cold likeness of the former soul and bonds it to unlife. This source is often used by novice necromancers looking to make an intelligent general for their future undead.
    Charnel Touch: The corpse is infused with a great amount of negative energy, and they can weaponize a small amount of it to make their very touch deadly. The corpse can make a touch attack that deals 1d8 + 1 + half their class level damage. This can be used as a full attack. A corpse can apply damage from their charnel touch to their natural attacks and unarmed strikes. Additionally, the corpse is healed by negative energy.

    Deadbolt: The negative energy within the corpse begins to leak out and infuse their bodies once they gain their second source. The corpse gains the ability to fire off a bolt of negative energy that deals their charnel touch damage as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 50ft. Additionally, the corpse gains a +4 inherent bonus to their Cha score.

    Unliving Essence: The negative energy that leaked off the corpse begins to pull back in once the corpse becomes an unliving paragon. They gain Unliving Toughness. Additionally, the inherent bonus to their Cha score increases to +6.

    Source Abilities
    Lifeleech: When the corpse deals damage with its charnel touch, it regains hit points equal to the negative energy damage dealt. This does not function if the charnel touch healed a creature instead.

    Aura of Dread: All enemies within 30ft of the corpse take a -1 morale panalty on all saves, attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. The penalty increases by -1 at every even numbered level after level 1 to a maximum of -5. Requires Deadbolt.

    Charnel Infusion: The corpse can add the damage from its charnel touch to its attacks with manufactured melee weapons. If the corpse has deadbolt, it can apply it to any ranged attack it makes with a manufactured weapon as well.

    Spirit Power: The corpse can condense a portion of another's spirit into an ephemeral wisp that binds to it and increases its strength. When the corpse brings a living creature below 0 hit points, it gains a +1 profane bonus on attack and damage rolls, to all saves, and to all skill checks. This bonus may stack up to 1 + half of the corpse's class level (rounded down) and lasts for a number of minutes equal to 2 + the corpse's class level.

    Shadow Pulse: Focusing the power of their deadbolt through its body, the corpse releases it in a single burst centered on itself. As a standard action, the corpse can unleash a 10ft burst that deals damage as their deadbolt. Requires Deadbolt.

    Charnel Spirit: The corpse's charnel touch deals an additional 1d8 damage for each +1 bonus they have gained from spirit power. Requires Spirit Power.

    Spirit Barrier: The corpse gains a profane bonus to their AC equal to the bonus granted by spirit power. Requires Spirit Power.

    Spirit Buffer: The corpse gains temporary hit points equal to the hit die of any creature it reduces to below 0 hit points. These hit points do not stack. Requires Spirit Barrier.

    Black Heart: The corpse, steeped so in negative energy, may make use of the Warlock Invocation The Dead Walk. The corpse must wait five rounds after using this source ability before it may use it again.

    Dark Soul: The corpse may rebuke undead as a cleric of their character level. The corpse has a number of additional Rebuke Attempts equal to their class level + 2. Requires Black Heart.

    Additional Sources found Here
    Last edited by EdroGrimshell; 2016-11-09 at 11:53 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
    S. pirit



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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    *Whistle* I very much like this, and will be asking the GM if my Paladin can take the class should he ever perish. However, there's one thing I'd like to ask about...

    'An unliving creature has the same traits as an undead except it is not healed by positive or negative energy.'

    Does this include being turned, vulnerable to Control/Command Undead, Undeath to Death, and other similar things?

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    Is "Level 0" even actually a thing? Are you sure you don't mean Level 1?

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    Sources Cont.

    Plant - A rarely used source created by druids, survivalists, and dedicates of nature deities that have a more lax view of what is natural. This source is simply specially treated and bred seeds or pits, often called the seeds of life, that are implanted into the body of the corpse, reanimating it by allowing roots to sink into the body and infuse it with natural energies, reactivating the mind and calling the spirit back to the body.
    Seeded Life: The seeds rooted into the corpse's body draw nutrients from its unliving flesh and slowly converts it into a more plant-like substance, too weak to provide protection just yet, but allowing the corpse to produce small fruits that can be plucked and eaten. Each morning, the corpse grows a number of fruits from its body equal to its character level x its Con bonus (minimum 1). These berries act as Goodberries from the Goodberry Bracelet except they heal hit points equal to 1 + the corpse's Con bonus (if any). These berries rot after 24 hours and become useless, providing no healing or nutritional value.

    Ironwood Skin: On gaining its second source, the power infusing the plant matter that now makes up much of the corpse's body, strengthening it to be as strong as iron. The corpse gains an enhancement bonus to its natural armor bonus equal to its Con bonus + one quarter its character level and the ability and gains Fast Healing equal to 1 + half its character level. As a full-round action, the corpse can accelerate its fast healing, quadrupling it for one round. Additionally, the corpse gains a +4 inherent bonus to their Con score.

    Yggdrasil: Said to be the power of the World Tree itself, the corpse gains the power to heal from almost any wound on becoming an Unliving Paragon. The corpse gains the ability to, once per month, plant a seed that holds a spark of its unliving essence. Should the corpse die, the seed sprouts and, over the course of a week, regrows into an exact copy of the corpse at half health with negative levels equal to its Corpse level that go away 24 hours later, the negative levels never results in actual level loss. The corpse also automatically regenerates any and all lost limbs (including its head) when its hit points reach its maximum. Additionally, the inherent bonus to their Con score increases to +6.

    Source Abilities
    Revitalizing Berries: Instead of only healing 1+Con mod points of damage, the corpse's fruits from Seeded Life heals 1d4 + Xd4 points of damage, where X is equal to the corpse's Con bonus (if any). Additionally, a single person can benefit from more than one of these fruits each day. By expending one of the fruits, the Corpse may increase the healing magic of the berries, causing them to heal d8s instead of d4s. The Corpse adds its Con mod to the damage healed for each die of healing.

    Restoring Berries: The corpse may expend one of its fruits to imbue another with restorative magic. Eating the imbued fruit provides the benefits of the Lesser Restoration spell. On gaining its second source, the corpse can instead expend three fruits for it to instead grant the benefits of the Restoration spell. On gaining Unliving Paragon, the corpse can instead expend five fruits for it to instead grant the benefits of the Greater Restoration spell. Requires Revitalizing Berries.

    Nature Gift: The corpse can invert the power of her fruits to make it damaging instead of healing. When picking a fruit, the corpse can choose to shape its magic into one of the following energy types: Fire, Cold, Electric, or Acid. The fruit can then be thrown as a grenade-like weapon with a range increment of 10ft that deals 1d6+1 points of the chosen type of damage plus an additional 1d6+1 points damage every even numbered class level (up to 5d6+5 at 8th level). The corpse adds his Con mod to the damage for each damage die.

    Cherry Bomb: When using Nature Gift, the corpse may empower the damaging traits of their altered fruits. The range increment of the fruits increases to 30ft and they explode in a 10ft radius burst when thrown instead of acting as a splash weapon. A Ref save, DC 10 + half the corpse's character level + the corpse's Con mod, halves the damage. Requires Nature Gift.

    Wild Gift: The corpse can expend an additional two fruits when picking one to grant the one that eats it a +2 bonus to any one ability score for one minute plus one minute per two class levels. The corpse can expend an additional three fruits to increase the bonus by two or provide another ability score a +2 bonus. The corpse may expend four extra fruits to have the bonus last for a number of hours instead of minutes. A person can only benefit from one such berry at any given time. Requires Ironwood Skin.

    Goodberry Armor: The corpse infuses a fruit with the strength of Ironwood. The corpse may expend an additional fruit to imbue another with the power to provide anyone that eats it the benefits of the Barkskin spell for one minute per character level. The corpse may expend three extra fruits to have the benefits to last for one hour per character level.

    Vines: The corpse may cause a fruit to grow into a vine that can be used as a secondary tentacle attack that deals damage as the corpse's slam attacks with a reach of 10ft. The corpse can have two such vines grown at any given time. The vines wither away when the corpse regenerates its fruits. On gaining Unliving Paragon, the corpse can have four vines grown at any given time instead of two. Requires a Slam attack.

    Verdant Armory: The corpse can imbue their natural attacks with the power of their fruits to augment them. The corpse can expend two of their fruits to grant its natural attacks the benefits of the Greater Magic Fang spell with a caster level equal to its character level. Every two additional fruits expended grants a +1 enhancement to their natural attacks. The corpse cannot gain more than +5 total equivalent enhancements from this ability. This enchantment lasts until the Corpse regenerates its fruits. Requires Ironwood Skin and a Natural Attack attack.

    Harvest: A corpse, like a plant, can benefit from good fertilizer. When a corpse deals enough damage with a natural attack to drop a living creature below 0 hit points, it can grow a fruit as a swift action as if with the Seeded Life ability. This fruit is like any other fruit grown by the Seeded Life ability and can be used with any of the corpse's source abilities as normal.

    Grim Harvest: When a corpse finds itself in over its head, it may use the magic in its fruits and its own unliving essence to get out of it. A number of times per day equal to the corpse's Con bonus, it may sacrifice a number of fruits to cast a spell. The number of fruits expended is equal to the Spell Level squared. The corpse loses five hit points for every fruit expended for this ability and takes one point of Con Burn for every spell level beyond half the corpse's class level. The corpse does not need to provide any material components or focus for spells cast with this ability, but must still provide any Exp components for them. Any Con burn from this ability persists if it revives with Yggdrasil. Requires Harvest and Yggdrasil.

    Positive - One of the two most common sources, positive energy applied to a treated corpse awakens the soul and forges a bond between the soul and the unliving body. This is the most likely to be used in commoner villages and results in a more life-like corpse, to the point it's near impossible to tell it's dead.
    Vigor: A corpse is infused with large amounts of positive energy, allowing their bodies to repair themselves at an accelerated rate. The corpse regains hit points equal to their character level every five minutes. Additionally, the corpse is healed by positive energy.

    Healing Touch: Once they gain a second source, some of the positive energy within the corpse is displaced and can be used to heal others or damage undead. The corpse may heal any living creature by an amount equal to 1 + half their class level multiplied by their Cha bonus each hour. A creature may only benefit from this healing once each day. Additionally, the corpse gains a +4 inherent bonus to their Cha score.

    Unliving Essence: The positive energy that leaked off the corpse begins to pull back in once the corpse becomes an unliving paragon. They gain Unliving Toughness. Additionally, the inherent bonus to their Cha score increases to +6.

    Source Abilities
    Bolstering Aura: All allies within 30ft of the corpse gain a +1 morale bonus on all saves, attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. The bonus increases by +1 at every even numbered level after level 1 to a maximum of +5. Requires Healing Touch.

    Healing Gift: Allies within range of the corpse's bolstering aura gain the benefits of the corpse's Vigor ability in addition to the normal benefits. Requires Bolstering Aura.

    Positive Buffer: The corpse gains gains temporary hit points equal to their character level every five minutes. These temporary hit points do not stack.

    Life Force: Allies within range of the corpse's bolstering aura gain the benefits of the corpse's positive buffer ability in addition to the normal benefits. Requires Healing Gift & Positive Buffer.

    Life Surge: The corpse may spend a full-round action to accelerate its healing, healing hit points equal to twice its character level. The corpse must wait five rounds before they may use this ability again.

    Life Rush: The corpse may spend a full-round action to stoke the power of the animating energy within themselves to empower themselves. The corpse gains fast healing equal to half their corpse level for a number of minutes equal to their Cha Bonus. The corpse must wait five rounds before they may use this ability again.

    Shared Life: Allies within range of the corpse's bolstering aura when the corpse uses Life Surge or Life Rush recieve the same effects as the corpse. Requires Life Surge or Life Rush.

    Empower: The corpse may, as a standard action, grant an ally a +4 sacred bonus to a single ability score for a number of minutes equal to 1 + half their class level. The corpse may use this ability on themselves. Only one ally may benefit from this ability at a time.

    Positive Infusion: The corpse may heal a target of any amount of hit points. The corpse takes an amount of damage equal to the damage it healed the target by. Requires Healing Touch.

    Sanctuary: The corpse emits a calming aura that replicates the effects of the sactuary spell with a DC equal to 10 + half the corpse's character level + its Cha mod. This effect is reestablished five rounds after the corpse has stopped commiting any hostile actions.

    Psionic - Psionics are a stable and incredibly structured power, however, as a source, psionics are a rather unstable source do to it normally being completely internal, focused on the mind, but being forced outward into the body to maintain it.
    Mental Link: The corpse can link its mind to the minds of other individuals. The corpse can link with with a number of intelligent (Int 3 or higher) creatures equal to their class level + 2. Linking with a creature requires a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity and can be formed with a creature within 30ft. An unwilling creature gets a Will save (DC 10 + Half Character Level + the corpse's Int mod) to resist the link. This link can go out to 100ft per class level. If a link extends beyond this range, it severs instantly. The corpse can speak telepathically with any creature it is linked to and vice versa. Creatures cannot communicate with other creatures the corpse is linked to unless the corpse relays the message itself. The corpse can sever a link as a free action. This is a supernatural ability. Additionally, the corpse gains a a number of power points equal to twice their character level.

    Psyshock: When gaining a second source, the corpse can channel some of that energy to overload their mental links. As a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, the corpse may sever any links it currently has connected to overload the links to breaking. This deals 1d8 points of damage plus an additional 1d8 for every two corpse levels to any creature that had their link severed with this ability. A successful Will save (same DC as the DC to link with an unwilling target) halves this damage. This is a supernatural ability. The corpse gains bonus power points from a high Int mod and a manifester level equal to their character level. Additionally, the corpse gains a +4 inherent bonus to their Int score.
    A 6th level Corpse has a link with three allies and an opponent that just failed their will saving throw. The corpse spends a swift action to Sever the link with the opponent to deal 3d8 points of direct damage. The opponent makes their saving throw against Psyshock, cutting the 14 damage it would have recieved from Psyshock to 7.

    Unliving Psionics: An unliving paragon with a Psionic source becomes a lesser psionicist, gaining the ability to cast a limited number of psionic powers. The corpse gains the powers known, max power level, and power points of a psychic warrior, using their Int mod to determine the DCs of their powers and using the manifester level gained from Psyshock. The powers known are drawn from the psion/wilder power list. The corpse is limited to learning disciplines of the Clairsentience, Psychoportation, Telepathy, and Psychometabolism schools. Additionally, the inherent bonus to the corpse's Int score increases to +6.

    Source Abilities
    Shared Awareness: As long as the corpse has a link maintained, it gains a synergy bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks equal to 2 + the number of links it has active. Additionally, any allies the corpse is linked to gain a +2 synergy bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot checks.

    Empowered Link: When trying to link to a creature, the corpse may spend power points to increase the save DC of establishing the link. The corpse adds 1 to the save DC for the first power point spent plus an additional 1 for every four additional power points spent to a maximum of +5 with 17 power points.

    Shared Strength: As long as the corpse has a link maintained, it gains a synergy bonus on damage rolls equal to twice the number of links it has active. Allies linked to the corpse gain half this bonus to their damage rolls. Additionally, when using psyshock, the corpse may sever any number of additional links without inflicting damage to increase the amount of damage dealt to other creatures by one die (+1d8 per additional severed link) and increases the DC by 1 for every two links so severed.
    Using the above example from Psyshock, the corpse manages to restablish its link with its opponent. It knows the opponent has a strong will, and decides to up the ante. The corpse severs the link once more as a swift action, this time severing its link with two of its three allies to increase the damage to its opponent to 5d8. The opponent fails the save and takes a full 33 damage, which would have been 16 even if halved by a failed save.

    Shared Might: As long as the corpse has a link maintained, it gains a synergy bonus on its ability scores equal to the highest ability modifiers of its linked allies (adjusted to medium size if they are larger than medium and and adjusted to small if smaller than small). These bonuses do not stack with each other, only apply the highest ability modifiers. Bonuses to Constitution from this effect do grant the corpse bonus hit points, however, if the corpse severs the link that grants the Con bonus, they lose the bonus hit points and may knock themselves unconscious or die from losing hit points in this way. This uses the base ability score of the linked allies, not adjusted by Magic Items, Spells, or temporary effects such as Rage. Requires Shared Strength and Class Level 6.
    A corpse is linked to three allies, a Rogue, a Monk, and a Ranger. The highest ability scores of these allies are the Rogue's 16 Dexterity, the Ranger's 18 Dexterity, and the Monk's 17 Wisdom. The corpse gains +4 Dexterity from the Ranger (superceding the +3 from the Rogue) and +3 Wisdom from the Monk.

    Shared Reaction: As long as the corpse has a link maintained, it gains a synergy bonus to its intiative equal to the number of links it has active. Allies linked to the corpse gain half this bonus.

    Emotional Stimulation: As a standard action, the corpse may sever a link to manipulate the emotions of the formerly linked creature. This may duplicate the effects of any of the following: Calm Emotions, Heroism, Rage, Cause Fear, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, or Daze Monster. The save DC for these effects is 10 + half the corpse's character level + the corpse's Int mod. The corpse may use this ability on itself by spending 5 power points. Requires Psyshock.
    A corpse is linked to a Frenzied Berserker ally, a Barbarian enemy, and an assassin that it spotted. The Frenzied Berserker frenzies while the barbarian rages and the assassin waits for the moment to strike. The corpse severs its link with the barbarian to use Calm Emotions, ending its rage and fatiguing it. Next turn, the corpse uses Tasha's Hideous Laughter on the assassin, alerting its ally to the assassin's presence. After dispatching the barbarian, the ally takes down the assassin with ease. When it turns its attention on the corpse, the corpse severs the link to use Calm Emotions to end the ally's frenzy and stop it before it can deal any damage.

    Shared Healing: As long as the corpse has a link maintained, when anyone in the link recieves healing of any kind, they may redirect some of all of that healing to another linked creature.

    Combat Synergy: As long as the corpse has a link maintained, it gains a synergy bonus on attack rolls equal to the number of links it has active. Allies linked to the corpse gain half this bonus to their attack rolls.

    Skill Synergy: As long as the corpse has a link maintained, the corpse can select a single skill from each linked creature. The corpse gains a stacking +1 synergy bonus to the chosen skill for every five ranks the linked creature possesses, up to a +10 bonus to any one skill. The corpse can select different skills from each linked creature to gain this bonus. As a swift action, the corpse can sever a link to grant the insight bonus it gained from the linked creature to it for one round.
    A corpse links with a Rogue, selecting the Disable Device skill, which the Rogue has 12 ranks in. The corpse recieves a +2 bonus to Disable Device from this link. When disabling a particularly difficult magic trap, the corpse decides to sever the link to grant the Rogue a +2 bonus to the check.

    Unsevered Link: The corpse may spend power points equal to the HD of the linked creature when severing the link to reestablish the link immediately with no save required. This essentially allows the corpse to sever a link by paying power points instead of actually severing the link. This is part of the action used to sever the link. Requires Fast Link and Psyshock

    Fast Link: The corpse can choose to link with a creature as a Standard, Move, Swift, or Immediate Action by spending power points. To link as a standard action, the corpse must spend 3 power points. To link as a move action the corpse must spend 6 power points. To link as a swift action, the corpse must spend 12 power points. To link as an immediate action, the corpse must spend 18 power points.

    Sublime - A rare and little understood source, the sublime source infuses the essence of combat itself into the unliving flesh of the corpse, the spirit of battle into their minds, and the drive to just keep on fighting into their very souls. This source is remarkably subtle, only being truly revealed in combat.
    Fighting Spirit: A corpse with the Sublime Source gains an instinctive understanding of a single discipline. The corpse selects a discipline, gaining the associated skill as a class skill and gains a competence bonus to that skill equal to half its charater level. The corpse gains proficiency with their chosen discipline's associated weapons. The corpse automatically knows all maneuvers and stances from their chosen discipline that they qualify for and has an initiator level equal to their character level for the purposes of maneuvers and stances gained through this source.

    The corpse does not ready maneuvers like other martial adepts, instead relying on a measure of martial inspiration to perform its maneuvers. The corpse possesses a pool of Fighting Spirit Points equal to its character level. At the start of an encounter, the corpse refreshes its Fighting Spirit Pool. To initiate a maneuver, the corpse must spend a number of points of fighting spirit equal to the maneuver's level.

    Inner Focus: On gaining its second source, the corpse gains an additional amount of Fighting Spirit equal to its class level, effectively counting their corpse level twice for determining their amount of Fighting Spirit. The corpse may select a second discipline to draw from for its combat abilities, gaining maneuvers known as a warblade of its character level for the selected discipline. The corpse automatically gains all stances of the chosen discipline. The corpse gains the associated skill as a class skill, a bonus to the associated skill equal to half the bonus granted by the Fighting Spirit ability, and proficiency with the associated weapons. Additionally, the corpse gains a +2 inherent bonus to its Str and Dex scores.

    Perfected Technique: On becoming an unliving paragon, the corpse gains a greater understanding of their chosen disciplines, allowing the corpse to use 1st and 2nd level maneuvers of their chosen disciplines at no cost and reducing the cost of higher level maneuvers by 2. The corpse may select a third discipline to draw from for its combat abilities, adding the selected discipline the maneuvers it may learn with Inner Focus and gaining a number of bonus maneuvers known equal to 1/4 the corpse's character level, rounded down. The corpse automatically gains all stances of the chosen discipline. The corpse gains the associated skill as a class skill, a bonus to the associated skill equal to half the bonus granted by the Fighting Spirit ability, and proficiency with the associated weapons. Additionally, the inherent bonus to their Str and Dex scores increases to +4.

    Source Abilities
    Battle Trance: A corpse with this source ability gains the ability to focus themselves to allow their fighting spirit and instinct for battle to take hold of it. After the first round of combat, the corpse enters a battle trance, gaining one point of fighting spirit at the start of each round of combat.

    Entwined Stance: A corpse has a natural instinct for using their styles of combat and can learn to weave the styles together almost seamlessly. The corpse may spend a number of points of fighting spirit equal to the level of a stance to gain the chosen stances benefits for one round. The corpse may maintain the benefits of the stance by spending a point of fighting spirit at the start of each round.

    Sublime Counter: A corpse with the sublime source is able to counter enemy attacks with ease. Whenever the corpse initiates a counter from one of their chosen disciplines, the corpse may spend one additional point of fighting spirit to use the counter without using an action. The corpse cannot use the same counter more than once in a round.

    Sublime Boost: A corpse with the sublime source is able to improve their attacks with great ease. Whenever the corpse initiates a boost from one of their chosen disciplines, the corpse may spend one additional point of fighting spirit to use the boost without using an action. The corpse cannot use the same boost more than once in a round.

    Defiance: While in a trance, the damage from a hit only pushes the corpse further. Whenever the corpse takes damage while in a battle trance they gain a point of fighting spirit. Requires Battle Trance.

    Frenzy: While in a trance, each strike vitalizes the corpse and makes it stronger. Whenever the corpse deals damage with an attack (not including strikes) while in a battle trance they gain a point of fighting spirit. Requires Battle Trance.

    Deft Strike: While in a trance, the corpse's attacks strike consistently and with great precision. The corpse may take 10 on attack rolls. The corpse cannot take 10 on an attack roll with a strike unless the strike allows it to do so. Requires Perfected Technique & Battle Trance.

    Combat Focus: Beyond a trance, the corpse finds itself in a state of near supernatural clarity. The corpse gains two points of fighting spirit each round they trance instead of one. Additionally, the corpse may spend a full round action to gain fighting spirit equal to half its class level. This source ability can be taken a second time to increase the fighting spirit gained each round while in a trance to three and letting the corpse gain fighting spirit as a standard action instead of a full-round action. Battle Trance.

    Swift Strike: A sublime corpse can achieve great speed with their attacks. The corpse may make a full attack as a standard action. Additionally, once per round, the corpse may make a single attack as a swift action by spending a point of fighting spirit. Requires Inner Focus.

    Vestige - A rare few spirits touch upon the void where vestiges reside when they return to the world of the living, taking a piece of a vestige with them on their return and subsequent reanimation, the vestige acting as a fuel source for the corpses unliving body, lying dormant until called upon.
    Dormant Binding: The corpse can bind vestiges as a binder of half his character level. Unlike normal binders, however, the corpse does not always gain the full benefit of his vestige, instead being able to briefly access the power of the vestiges they bind. Each day, the corpse may bind a single vestige as a Binder would, but doesn't immediately show the signs or abilities of the bound vestige, instead having a copy of the vestige's seal appear on their body somewhere (either appearing as a tattoo, a scar, or even replacing the corpse's pupil with a copy of the seal). The corpse remains bound to the vestige until they choose to bind a new vestige.

    As a swift action, the corpse may Tap their bound vestige. While tapping a vestige, the corpse not only displays the sign of the vestige, but also shifts in appearance further to emphasize which vestige is currently bound and tapped. This can range from simply having the seal expand to cover the corpse's entire body to actually mutating to look more like the manifestation of the tapped vestige. The Voidbound may only Tap their bound vestige for a number of minutes each day equal to their character level. The Voidbound can stop tapping their bound vestige as a swift action.

    Tapping a vestige is a Supernatural Ability.

    Second Binding: On gaining their second source, the corpse can bind a second vestige as described in the Dormant Binding ability. When tapping a vestige, the corpse may tap one of the vestiges, or tap both. If the corpse taps both, each round counts as two rounds for how long they can tap their vestiges. The corpse may untap one or both vestiges with a single swift action. The corpse increases its effective binder level to equal 3/4 its character level. Additionally, the corpse gains a +4 inherent bonus to their Cha score.

    Vestige Transformation: Once a corpse becomes an unliving paragon, the lines between the corpse and the vestiges it binds blur to the point where the corpse can draw great power from their bound vestiges. As long as the corpse has a vestige bound, he gains Damage Reduction 1/-, Fire and Cold Resistance 2, and a +1 Insight bonus to all saving throws. While Tapping a vestige these bonuses increase to Damage Reduction 3/-, Fire and Cold Resistance 5, and a +2 Insight bonus to all saving throws. While tapping two vestiges these bonuses increase to Damage Reduction 5/-, Fire and Cold Resistance 10, and a +3 Insight bonus to all saving throws. The corpse increases its effective binder level to equal to its character level. Additionally, the inherent bonus to their Cha score increases to +6.

    Source Abilities
    Power Tap: A corpse can expend five rounds of the total duration they can maintain tapping a vestige to recharge any ability that requires them to wait a number of rounds between uses.

    Ironclad Pact: When binding a vestige with Dormant Binding, the corpse may ignore the Influence of any vestige it binds and can access one power from each of its bound vestiges even when not tapping a Vestige.

    Duality of the Void: Choose Fortitude, Reflex, or Will upon taking this Source Ability. While bound to a vestige, the corpse may ignore partial effects from a failed save of the chosen type similarly to the effect of Evasion for the chosen save. While tapping a vestige, only takes the partial effect on a failed save. This ability may be taken up to three times, once for each saving throw. Requires Ironclad Pact and Final Binding

    Constant Binding: Upon selecting this source ability, the corpse chooses a single 1st level vestige. The corpse is immediately and permanently bound to that vestige as if it had made a good pact and constantly benefits from the chosen vestige's abilities without having to tap it. If the vestige has any variable abilities, the corpse may choose to change the abilities as if newly binding the vestige once per day as a full-round action. Requires Final Binding and Duality of the Void.

    Power Sign: The signs of a vestige are usually disturbing, but not very terrifying, for a corpse, they are. The corpse may combine the traits of their vestige signs and amplify them to make themselves more menacing. The corpse gains the frightful presence special ability as long as they are taping at least two vestiges and showing their signs. Requires Second Binding.

    Vestige Severance: As a swift action while tapping a vestige, the corpse may sever its connection to it and reduce the number of rounds it may tap its vestiges by 5 in order to bind a new vestige as part of the same action. The new vestige must be the same level or of a lower level than the vestige severed.

    Power Bind: The corpse may cause their vestige's power to surge through them. As a swift action, the corpse may reduce the number of rounds they may remain tapped by one in order to Surge. While Surging their vestiges, the corpse increases their effective binder level to equal their character level for the surging vestige, gains a +4 bonus to their Str, Dex, and Con scores, and deals damage with any weapon or natural attack they use as if they were one size category larger. The corpse may only surge with one vestige at a time. Requires Power Sign.

    Final Binding: The corpse may bind a third vestige through the use of Dormant Binding. Requires Ironclad Pact and Power Bind.

    Willpower - Some corpses manage to come back through sheer willpower. This source is unstable, and few live past the crisis that they so will to see come to pass, as that is the reason their will was strong enough to bring them back in the first place. Only unliving paragons with the Willpower source can survive losing the source of their powerful will.
    Rapid Improvement: Each level, the corpse gains two additional improvements it can spend on anything a normal improvement could be spent on.

    Willpower: Unlike most corpses, a corpse with the Willpower source does not obtain a second source. Instead, the corpse gains additional hit points equal to their Wis Bonus multiplied by their character level, add their Wis bonus as a morale bonus on all saves and to its AC, and as a morale bonus on attack and damage rolls. Additionally, the corpse gains a +4 inherent bonus to their Wis score.

    True Paragon: A corpse brought back through sheer will is by far the most powerful of unliving paragons. The +4 perfection bonuses to ability scores increase to +8 and the corpse gains ten additional improvements on becoming an unliving paragon. Additionally, the inherent bonus to their Wis score increases to +6.

    Xenoalchemy - Grafts of flesh, bone, and blood, used to keep people alive or to empower those that are still alive but want the edge these pieces of flesh can offer. As a source, however, the spirits of the creatures that donated the grafts become the power source, and allow the corpse to draw an ever growing reservoir of spirits to shape their grafts.
    Piecemeal Body: The corpse's body has been supplemented with several grafts from other humanoid creatures. In a ten minute process, the corpse may absorb some of the essence of a willing, helpless, or recently dead (within the last hour) creature, gaining an imprint of the creature. The corpse gains a number of instance of the Patchwork Corpse general source ability equal to its character level, but may only select the abilities of creatures it has imprinted. Additionally, the corpse's graft slots are occupied by level 0 grafts. The corpse's grafts have a xenoalchemist level equal to its character level, regardless what xenoalchemist level they would normally be. The corpse may change the abilities granted by their Patchwork Corpse improvements by aligning itself with a new imprint. The corpse may choose abilities from stronger creatures, allowing it to gain racial features of creatures with a total RHD and LA that don't exceed its class level.

    Monstrous Mien: On gaining their second source, the essences of the creatures the corpse has taken in gains increased strength and power. By taking ten minutes to focus and align with its imprinted creatures, the corpse may replace one of its existing grafts with a graft it could obtain from one of its imprinted creatures with a maximum level equal to the maximum level a xenoalchemist of the corpse's character level could apply (2nd level grafts at character level 5, 3rd level grafts at character level 9, etc). The corpse may only have grafts with a total level equal to half its character level at any one time. This replaces the normal graft limit of 1 + Con mod. A corpse may still only ever possess one 5th level graft. The corpse may not have two grafts in one graft slot unless it has the Conjoined Graft source ability (below). Additionally, the corpse gains a +2 inherent bonus to their Str, Dex, and Con scores, but has it's Cha lowered by 2 (minimum 1) as the imprints start to muddle the corpse's own personality and presence.

    Patchwork Paragon: Becoming an unliving paragon is unusual for a corpse with the xenoalchemy source. The corpse gains the ability to possess a second 5th level graft, gains the shapechanger subtype, and improves its Inherent bonuses to Str, Dex, and Con to +4. However, the corpse's Cha score is reduced by an additional 2 (minimum 1).

    Source Abilities
    Conjoined Graft: The corpse may possess two grafts in the same graft slot. Requires Monstrous Mien.

    Grafted Form: The corpse gains Massive Pain Tolerance and Mutagenic Body as a bonus feat. Additionally, the effects of these feats are doubled if the corpse has a Second Source and doubles again if the corpse is an Unliving Paragon.

    Mutable Form: The corpse gains Minor Change Shape, as the changeling racial ability of the same name. The corpse gains the Shapechanger subtype if they did not already possess it. Additionally, the corpse may take the Mad Surgeon feat, allowing them to pick a single graft slot they can put any graft they can manifest, regardless of what slot the graft would normally be restricted to.

    Enhanced Grafts: Grafts that augment other grafts (such as the Constricting Tail graft for the Tail Slap Graft) are treated as half their level (round up) for the corpse's graft limit. Requires Monstrous Mien.

    Apex Predator: Grafts that grant the corpse natural attacks have their damage increased as if by the Improved Natural Attack feat. Additionally, the corpse gains a bonus to their natural armor equal to the number of grafts they possess that grant natural attacks (multiple instances of the same graft do not count towards this bonus. So two claw grafts will still only grant a +1 bonus). Requires Monstrous Mien.

    Racial Emulation: The corpse counts as any race they have imprinted where it would be beneficial (such as counting as a dwarf when using a magic item only usable by dwarves or counting as elves for their immunity to a ghoul's paralytic attack). Additionally, the user gains a bonus on Disguise checks to appear as a race they're imprinting equal to 2 + the corpse's class level.

    Graft Shift: As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the corpse may swap out a single graft for another they could manifest with their imprinted creatures. The corpse may take this a second time to allow them to swap a number of grafts up to their Con mod with a single full-round action. Requires Monstrous Mien.

    Feral Form: The corpse may take a point of Cha burn to heal damage as if through natural healing, the corpse can substitute eating choice cuts of meat from an animal or other beast to activate this instead of taking Cha burn. To facilitate this, the corpse gains Lab Assistant as a bonus feat. Additionally, the corpse gains a mutator level equal to their class level. Classes that provide improvements are added to this mutator level as well.

    Feral Mind: The corpse gains a bonus to their Will Saves and on Survival, Spot, Listen, Sense Motive, Hide, and Move Silently checks equal to the number of 1st level or higher grafts they currently possess. Additionally, the corpse gains a bonus on Attack and Damage rolls equal to the number of 1st level or higher grafts they currently possess.

    General Source Abilities
    Patchwork Corpse: The corpse's body has parts from other races included in it. Select a racial feature from an LA 0 race with no racial hit die. You may not select racial bonuses or penalties. This cannot be used to change your base land speed or size. The corpse gains that racial feature.

    Toughness: The corpse gains 3 hit points + 1 hit point for every character level beyond first they possess (the hit points gained increase by one every level). This improvement may be taken once per two class levels.

    Corpse King Prestige Class
    Last edited by EdroGrimshell; 2020-05-27 at 06:17 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    How about the old favorite of a Virus. I don't want to get sued but there could be something that would work, right?

    Infection spreading. Allows for you to create a small group of zombie-ish thingies

    I like this and would like to help. I'll have another look at each source and try to post some ability suggestions. Just hoping they will be useful.
    Last edited by Merchant; 2012-10-08 at 03:51 AM.

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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    Have you considered making a PrC to the Evolutionist along these lines?

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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    This PrC. I like it. Another!

    I'm quite satisfied with the way you handled the basic framework while keeping the core from the Broken Corpse intact. I have yet to read deeply into the Sources, but from a skim of this thread so far I don't think I'll have a lot to be much concerned about.

    I do think you should specify in Unliving Body that it gains a new creature type, since now people could interpret it as "you're still a humanoid, but with undead traits" or somesuch. You could put all the Unliving type's traits and such in a spoiler for easy reading.

    I like the picture. Good find.
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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    How many Source abilities you looking for?

    And would you accept another source? I'm thinking a Binding one. Or maybe an Incarnum one.

    Anyway, I'm thinking that an Artifice/Blood Corpse would be awesome to play as (though then I saw Willpower, and I went squee.)
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    Alchemy? I know I said disease before hand but incase you didn't like that my second thought was alchemy.

    What kind of abilities are the source abilities supposed to be like? Or are they the abilities you already mentioned for each source so far? I got a little confused because they are so good and flavourful, but the "source abilities" comes after the 3 things you mentioned before.

    Unless you are looking for something more powerful. I feel bad that it stops at level 10 but I remember seeing the discussion in the broken corpse thread. That would be a heck of a lot of improvements.

    What if you could choose additional sources for the cost of X improvements? I kind of like the idea of a Corpse finding ways to increase its stength.

    How does one actually destroy a level 10 corpse? Is the only way to raise dead or anime dead or animate object?

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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    I struggled with this, I wanted to do something more complicated, mixing the various sources together into a singular one. But I was already experiencing trouble with the source abilities as it was, let alone melding them. So I went with simplicity and instead made the corpse king about progressing their existing abilities further. If anyone has suggestions on how to improve this class or how to make it more unique, please share them.

    Corpse King

    "This is getting rather old, priest. For the last time, I. AM. NOT. A. ZOMBIE!"
    --A corpse king talking to a cleric of Pelor

    An unliving creature that has reclaimed, and often exceeded, the power they had in life, from the lowest depths of their dead form to the most potent of unliving paragon, the Corpse King is one that has achieved the true power of their unliving body and mind to reinforce themselves into a greater form, and want to maintain that power in their continued existance.

    All Corpse Kings were corpses that have progressed as far as they could, and pushed farther.
    Special: Character Level 15
    Special: Must have spent at least 10 improvement points on source abilities granted by a single source OR possess the Willpower Source.
    Special: Unliving Paragon class feature
    Special: Must possess at least three sources OR possess the Willpower Source

    Hit Die: d4

    Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
    Aspects, Improvements
    Class Skills (2 + Int Mod per Level): The corpse king's class skills are the same as its class skills from the corpse class.

    Wpn/Arm Prof: A corpse king gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

    Aspect: A corpse king is enhanced by what they achieved as a corpse. If the corpse king has spent at least two improvement points on its Base Attack Bonus, its Base Attack Bonus improves to Average, and if the corpse king has spent four improvement points on its Base Attack Bonus, its Base Attack Bonus improves to Good. If the corpse king has spent at least two improvement points on any of its saving throws, then the improved saving throw improves to Good. If the corpse king has spent improvement points on bonus skill points it gains additional skill points from levels in corpse king equal to the number of improvement points spent on gaining bonus skill points as a corpse. If the corpse king has spent improvement points on its Hit Die, its Hit Die from corpse king are increased to equal the hit die it gained from the corpse class. If the corpse king spent improvement points to increase its base land speed, it gains a further +10ft increase to its base land speed. If the corpse king spent improvement points to gain a slam attack it increases the damage with them as if it was one size category larger.

    Improvements: A corpse king gains additional improvements that may only be spent on source abilities and the abilities granted by unliving paragon. The corpse king gains improvements each level equal to its current class level. A corpse king with the the Willpower Source may take select a new source to draw power from, gaining all of the basic abilities of the chosen source and being able to spend the improvements on the selectable source abilities of the chosen source.
    Last edited by EdroGrimshell; 2015-04-30 at 10:18 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
    S. pirit



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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    Oh I mean just adapting it to function within the Undead mutator as a full evolutionist advancement created for the class and granting it additional powers of your quasi-dead.
    Last edited by Hanuman; 2012-10-08 at 02:06 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by EdroGrimshell View Post
    I will likely be making remakes of a good number of your classes actually, at least the commoner flaw ones, though I'll probably start next with Nagging Cough, Incomprehensible Accent, and XP Farm rather than remake yours.
    Sounds good. I have had ideas for all the ones I haven't done yet, but never really got enough inspiration to get to it and make something great out if it like with the last few great ones -- the Mad Hat Trickster and Nameless Zerobody. Overall, I consider the Barngod the best out of them, the MHT and NZ the best filled-out ones, the Tasted the most flavourful (I'm not even kidding!) and the Broken Corpse the one best adhering to a "sense and simplicity" feel.

    I had the most notes on Incomprehensible Accent (partially thanks to you and others) and Dirt Farmer (which I made recently, but only got halfway finished with it and didn't post then).
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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by EdroGrimshell View Post
    Are there any Source abilities you'd like to see, Sources themselves if you have a suggestion (I already intend to do psionics, incarnum, pact, shadow, truename, and even sublime sources), anything you think I could do to fix up or refine existing sources? I really would like some feedback on this thing since it's going to be one of my larger homebrews.
    Well, for a source, I'd suggest vermin (As a note the manga I linked to is known for having nightmare fuel, so look at at your own discretion). That said, I'm not entirely sure all the abilities it could be given. For example swarm subtype could fit, but would need to only be available at later levels given how strong it can be.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanuman View Post
    Oh I mean just adapting it to function within the Undead mutator as a full evolutionist advancement created for the class and granting it additional powers of your quasi-dead.
    I never thought of it and don't really intend to do so.

    Quote Originally Posted by Morph Bark View Post
    Sounds good. I have had ideas for all the ones I haven't done yet, but never really got enough inspiration to get to it and make something great out if it like with the last few great ones -- the Mad Hat Trickster and Nameless Zerobody. Overall, I consider the Barngod the best out of them, the MHT and NZ the best filled-out ones, the Tasted the most flavourful (I'm not even kidding!) and the Broken Corpse the one best adhering to a "sense and simplicity" feel.

    I had the most notes on Incomprehensible Accent (partially thanks to you and others) and Dirt Farmer (which I made recently, but only got halfway finished with it and didn't post then).
    I remember that, I'd like to have a look at the notes on the Incomprehensible one since I don't have the PMs anymore and my notes on it died with my old computer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Owrtho View Post
    Well, for a source, I'd suggest vermin (As a note the manga I linked to is known for having nightmare fuel, so look at at your own discretion). That said, I'm not entirely sure all the abilities it could be given. For example swarm subtype could fit, but would need to only be available at later levels given how strong it can be.
    I actually did have that idea to an extent, but I don't think it'd work for this particular case. I do have to thank you for that link, I'm going to have to read that manga.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
    S. pirit



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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    Okay, one Source Ability currently up for each Source. I'll be working on these periodically. Ideas are always welcome and may help me finish faster so I can put up new sources!
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
    S. pirit



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    Arcane- gain a familiar,
    Artifice-Grinding gears(add slashing damage to slam), like attracts like (attract metal objects and gain spider walk on metal surfaces)
    Pos-light the way(light spell that increases in strength), hope step(you become magically lighter or freedom of movement)
    Neg- dead friend (animate dead), anethemic existance(penalty to enemy rolls)
    Willpower- without boundaries(untyped bonus surge to ability checks or )

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    Quote Originally Posted by Merchant View Post
    Arcane- gain a familiar,
    Artifice-Grinding gears(add slashing damage to slam), like attracts like (attract metal objects and gain spider walk on metal surfaces)
    Pos-light the way(light spell that increases in strength), hope step(you become magically lighter or freedom of movement)
    Neg- dead friend (animate dead), anethemic existance(penalty to enemy rolls)
    Willpower- without boundaries(untyped bonus surge to ability checks or )
    Arcane: Can do that with Obtain Familiar, which is essentially what the ability would be.

    Artifice: Grinding gears is good, not sure about Like Attracts Like though.

    Positive: This one seems to be giving some trouble, those two fit but I'm not sure how well.

    Negative: The anathemic one is good, a reversed aura from the positive aura. Dead friend would be a slightly higher level one.

    Willpower: A surge ability would be interesting, I'll work on it.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
    S. pirit



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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    Added some new Source Abilities and a couple feats.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
    S. pirit



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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    I don't know If I get this right. But Improvement does acutally allow you to boost a ability score +2 plus class level, every level you get it, with no limitation? That's 75 ability points for 10 levels o.O
    Last edited by CthulhuEatYou; 2012-10-17 at 03:42 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by CthulhuEatYou View Post
    I don't know If I get this right. But Improvement does acutally allow you to boost a ability score +2 plus class level, every level you get it, with no limitation?
    Yea, and? High ability scores are helpful, but the source abilities and improved class chasis are more useful. The only place that'd be a problem is in gestalt or tristalt.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
    S. pirit



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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by EdroGrimshell View Post
    Yea, and? High ability scores are helpful, but the source abilities and improved class chasis are more useful. The only place that'd be a problem is in gestalt or tristalt.
    Combining that many ability points with the ability to get d12 hit dice using only 5 points and adding special class abilities to that. Well, that's pretty abusable I'd have to say. Could give my self D12 hp and Con 76, and be an unbeatable meat shield of doom.
    You should limit ability points to 20 or somthing (not counting those you gain naturally every four level.) and maybe make it a little more expensive to increase hit dice.

    Also, buying skill points seems pointless when you can just buy intelligence points, which gives a skill point per level for every 2 intelligence you buy.

    Or am I reading it all wrong?
    Last edited by CthulhuEatYou; 2012-10-17 at 04:08 PM.
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    You may want to put a cap on how much a particular stat/ability can be increased at any one level (maybe I missed it if it'r already stated).

    From what you said at level 10 you get 75 points, does that mean you could increase your STR by 75 in one wanted to? If so, waaaay too much. I would say no more than 2xPrC level So at level 10 +20 points to any one stat/ability/score. So a 26 STR, if you get into this at level 5 or 6 that is pretty high.

    Also side question, even though it's a PrC how does it work with existing levels? You say your level 0 or 1, but I was a level 10 warrior, with a BAB of 10, do I go back to 0? or am I now level 10 warrior with +0?

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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by CthulhuEatYou View Post
    Combining that many ability points with the ability to get d12 hit dice using only 5 points and adding special class abilities to that. Well, that's pretty abusable I'd have to say. Could give my self D12 hp and Con 78, and be an unbeatable meat shield of doom.
    You should limit ability points to 20 or somthing (not counting those you gain naturally every four level.) and maybe make it a little more expensive to increase hit dice.

    Or am I reading it all wrong?
    No, you're not reading it wrong. Generally speaking, I'm letting the GM limit it. But, if you want to focus so much on a score that you get virtually nothing else, then go right ahead. Your other scores will suck, your skills will suck, your attacks will suck, everything will suck except that score.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vlos View Post

    You may want to put a cap on how much a particular stat/ability can be increased at any one level (maybe I missed it if it'r already stated).

    From what you said at level 10 you get 75 points, does that mean you could increase your STR by 75 in one wanted to? If so, waaaay too much. I would say no more than 2xPrC level So at level 10 +20 points to any one stat/ability/score. So a 26 STR, if you get into this at level 5 or 6 that is pretty high.

    Also side question, even though it's a PrC how does it work with existing levels? You say your level 0 or 1, but I was a level 10 warrior, with a BAB of 10, do I go back to 0? or am I now level 10 warrior with +0?
    Level 0 is just a revival. You gain the features at that point, but you don't lose anything from your previous levels, just like any other PrC.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    So, let's see -- a few comments.

    1. The level 0 thing (as far as I know) originally comes from Risen Martyr in the BoED, so rules-wise there is a precedent, just in case anyone was wondering. Do the "turn into a construct" & "turn into an undead" things prevent you from taking more levels like being rezzed does? I suggest they do, since otherwise you could very easily cheese the stats (which are the big drawback).

    2. General worry is that this should not turn a creature into something better than the dedicated class. I can see this being an insane gish class, if you build it properly, though I haven't tried to actually break it.

    2a. Inherent ability bonuses are handed out by some magic items and Wish spells. This makes those items & spells much less useful. Maybe a different bonus type (or untyped)?

    3. Arcane source:
    ~"Greatest invocations" aren't a thing -- I think you mean "dark invocations".
    ~You should also specify which invocation list they use. Honestly, invoking-wise, this is strictly better than straight warlock. EB is much less, but the invocation progression is superior (and definitely abusable via Legacy Champion).
    ~Need to specify how the bard casting works... is it "as a bard of your class level"?

    4. Artificer source:
    ~Can they take warforged feats which require being 1st level?

    5. Blood source:
    ~Do they have to pay any XP for the major bloodline? How many bloodline levels do they count as having? (It should probably be 0, make that explicit).
    ~Why two separate abilities which each grant a major bloodline? Do you get both of those at class entry?

    6. Negative source:
    ~Seems kinda underpowered compared to some of the others; though the chance for unlimited self healing out of combat is nice... it's nothing a 1st-level DN couldn't do. The rest of the sources have far superior options (especially Arcane), particularly when it comes to scaling.
    ~Should explicitly say that charnel touch is negative energy damage. It's strongly implied by the fluff, but humor me?

    7. Positive source:
    ~Kinda cool -- you should maybe specify somewhere what happens if you take both Positive and Negative sources. Do you heal from both kinds of damage?

    8. Willpower source:
    ~OK, this might be somewhat overpowered. Every Corpse should take this, probably as their first source, and then you can improve your chassis insanely while still getting your other abilities.

    Overall, I think you need to smooth out the balance between the different sources, some are strictly better than others (Willpower & Arcane) and others strictly worse (Negative). Needs more source ideas, definitely -- divine, primal, rage, incarnum, shadow, dragon, vestige. I can think of fluff for all of these off the top of my head. I also think this could very easily be broken open... if you build a Commoner 1/Corpse 10, then you can go into almost anything and be nuts.

    Cool class!

    EDIT: Also, can you make the Improvements into a list or table or something? Having them all smoodged together in the text makes it tedious to parse...
    Last edited by sirpercival; 2012-11-03 at 03:29 PM.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by sirpercival View Post
    So, let's see -- a few comments.

    1. The level 0 thing (as far as I know) originally comes from Risen Martyr in the BoED, so rules-wise there is a precedent, just in case anyone was wondering. Do the "turn into a construct" & "turn into an undead" things prevent you from taking more levels like being rezzed does? I suggest they do, since otherwise you could very easily cheese the stats (which are the big drawback).
    It locks you out, yes, and if you ever get one of those at 10th level you lose the benefits of Unliving Paragon.

    Quote Originally Posted by sirpercival View Post
    2. General worry is that this should not turn a creature into something better than the dedicated class. I can see this being an insane gish class, if you build it properly, though I haven't tried to actually break it.
    I'll do my best in that regard, any suggestions specifically to tone it down?

    Quote Originally Posted by sirpercival View Post
    2a. Inherent ability bonuses are handed out by some magic items and Wish spells. This makes those items & spells much less useful. Maybe a different bonus type (or untyped)?
    Inherent is so it DOESN'T stack with those magic items and wish spell uses. It also prevents stacking the ability bonuses from the Sources with each other and those from the level 10 ability. I do try to mind when making stuff like this.

    Quote Originally Posted by sirpercival View Post
    3. Arcane source:
    ~"Greatest invocations" aren't a thing -- I think you mean "dark invocations".
    ~You should also specify which invocation list they use. Honestly, invoking-wise, this is strictly better than straight warlock. EB is much less, but the invocation progression is superior (and definitely abusable via Legacy Champion).
    ~Need to specify how the bard casting works... is it "as a bard of your class level"?
    If you follow the link you'll see that the Invoker class calls Dark Invocations Greatest Invocations instead. And I meant for the Corpse to use that list. As it is, the Invoker outclasses the Warlock too, and I prefer to use it to Warlock anyway.

    Yes it is Class Level, so the casting never gets too high (I think level 3 or 4 at the highest), thouch I could probably change it to Sorcerer casting and still keep it okay.

    Also, they only ever get one Greatest Invocation. Sure they get it a lot earlier, but still, it's only one, ever, and they can't change it. I could always change it so that it uses Character Level to determine the Invocations and Spells. A half character level progression should tone it down enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by sirpercival View Post
    4. Artificer source:
    ~Can they take warforged feats which require being 1st level?
    Hm, debating that, actually. I want to say yes, but I'm not sure if it would require them taking the feat at the level they gain corpse or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by sirpercival View Post
    5. Blood source:
    ~Do they have to pay any XP for the major bloodline? How many bloodline levels do they count as having? (It should probably be 0, make that explicit).
    ~Why two separate abilities which each grant a major bloodline? Do you get both of those at class entry?
    No and 0 bloodline levels. They just get the benefits of the bloodlines.

    Actually, they get three Major bloodlines (using welknair's bloodlines rather than the official ones since the official ones suck), one for each ability. And they gain the benefits of the bloodline at the level they get the abilities that grant them. They still use their character level to determine the benefits.

    Quote Originally Posted by sirpercival View Post
    6. Negative source:
    ~Seems kinda underpowered compared to some of the others; though the chance for unlimited self healing out of combat is nice... it's nothing a 1st-level DN couldn't do. The rest of the sources have far superior options (especially Arcane), particularly when it comes to scaling.
    ~Should explicitly say that charnel touch is negative energy damage. It's strongly implied by the fluff, but humor me?
    If you'll note, the Corpse isn't Undead, it's Unliving, meaning it's more of a Living Construct of sorts. It's not healed by positive or negative energy unless it takes the appropriate source.

    Any suggestions for making it better?

    Quote Originally Posted by sirpercival View Post
    7. Positive source:
    ~Kinda cool -- you should maybe specify somewhere what happens if you take both Positive and Negative sources. Do you heal from both kinds of damage?
    Yes, you heal from both Positive and Negative energy, same as being an Unliving Paragon. Grants the same benefit.

    Quote Originally Posted by sirpercival View Post
    8. Willpower source:
    ~OK, this might be somewhat overpowered. Every Corpse should take this, probably as their first source, and then you can improve your chassis insanely while still getting your other abilities.
    True, but it requires GM Fiat to even take it (note the Requirements). That one is mainly meant for Solo games or high power games. As it is, I don't recommend GMs allowing the Willpower source in most normal games unless they know exactly what they're doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by sirpercival View Post
    Overall, I think you need to smooth out the balance between the different sources, some are strictly better than others (Willpower & Arcane) and others strictly worse (Negative). Needs more source ideas, definitely -- divine, primal, rage, incarnum, shadow, dragon, vestige. I can think of fluff for all of these off the top of my head. I also think this could very easily be broken open... if you build a Commoner 1/Corpse 10, then you can go into almost anything and be nuts.
    I do intend to create more sources, the main ones being Psionic, Vestige, and Divine.

    Any suggestions for toning down the powerful ones and increasing the power of the weaker ones? Like i said, Willpower is mainly a GM Fiat one, so that one shouldn't be as much of a problem.

    I also need ideas for Source Abilities, any suggestions there would be extremely helpful.

    Quote Originally Posted by sirpercival View Post
    EDIT: Also, can you make the Improvements into a list or table or something? Having them all smoodged together in the text makes it tedious to parse...
    Really? It's a single improvement for all of them so it'd just be one column of things you can improve, that's really it.

    I'll make one if it'll help, but I don't see it helping much at the moment.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by EdroGrimshell View Post
    It locks you out, yes, and if you ever get one of those at 10th level you lose the benefits of Unliving Paragon.
    At the moment, it seems like only Raise Dead has that effect.

    I'll do my best in that regard, any suggestions specifically to tone it down?
    Not at the moment, though I'll think about it.

    Inherent is so it DOESN'T stack with those magic items and wish spell uses. It also prevents stacking the ability bonuses from the Sources with each other and those from the level 10 ability. I do try to mind when making stuff like this.
    Fair enough. :)

    If you follow the link you'll see that the Invoker class calls Dark Invocations Greatest Invocations instead. And I meant for the Corpse to use that list. As it is, the Invoker outclasses the Warlock too, and I prefer to use it to Warlock anyway.
    Oh, okay -- I hadn't noticed that. Fair enough.

    Yes it is Class Level, so the casting never gets too high (I think level 3 or 4 at the highest), thouch I could probably change it to Sorcerer casting and still keep it okay.
    I would specify then, right now it just says "you gain the spells known and spells per day of a bard", which made me wonder, which bard? That guy over there? ;)

    Also, they only ever get one Greatest Invocation. Sure they get it a lot earlier, but still, it's only one, ever, and they can't change it. I could always change it so that it uses Character Level to determine the Invocations and Spells. A half character level progression should tone it down enough.
    They get 1 greatest invocation if they don't abuse it... :)

    Hm, debating that, actually. I want to say yes, but I'm not sure if it would require them taking the feat at the level they gain corpse or not.
    I would let them pick one at the first opportunity after gaining that source.

    No and 0 bloodline levels. They just get the benefits of the bloodlines.
    Might want to make that explicit, for clarity.

    Actually, they get three Major bloodlines (using welknair's bloodlines rather than the official ones since the official ones suck), one for each ability. And they gain the benefits of the bloodline at the level they get the abilities that grant them. They still use their character level to determine the benefits.
    Yes, but I meant that it's weird that they gain two as two separate abilities at the same time... the third one they get at 10th level, but the first two are both when they gain the source. It's just weird that it's two separate abilities that both give the same benefit.

    If you'll note, the Corpse isn't Undead, it's Unliving, meaning it's more of a Living Construct of sorts. It's not healed by positive or negative energy unless it takes the appropriate source.
    Oh yes, but I meant that once you take the source, you're healed by neg energy damage, and then you can hand it out with Charnel Touch.

    Any suggestions for making it better?
    My suggestion is just to make the abilities scale a little better.

    Yes, you heal from both Positive and Negative energy, same as being an Unliving Paragon. Grants the same benefit.
    Oh yeah, I missed that. Never mind then :)

    True, but it requires GM Fiat to even take it (note the Requirements). That one is mainly meant for Solo games or high power games. As it is, I don't recommend GMs allowing the Willpower source in most normal games unless they know exactly what they're doing.
    I would put that in explicitly then, so unwary DMs don't allow something they later regret.

    I do intend to create more sources, the main ones being Psionic, Vestige, and Divine.
    Whee! Like I said, I have more ideas :D

    Any suggestions for toning down the powerful ones and increasing the power of the weaker ones? Like i said, Willpower is mainly a GM Fiat one, so that one shouldn't be as much of a problem.
    Hm... not sure. I can get a better sense of the entire class's balance point once more sources are written, 5 is a relatively small sample size.

    I also need ideas for Source Abilities, any suggestions there would be extremely helpful.
    I'll consider, though my homebrewing time is greatly oversubscribed...

    Really? It's a single improvement for all of them so it'd just be one column of things you can improve, that's really it.

    I'll make one if it'll help, but I don't see it helping much at the moment.
    Then a list is probably better:


    • Base Attack Bonus increased by one (can increase up to class level)
    • Saving Throws (can increase bonus up to 2 + Half class level)
    • Increase Hit Die by one Die Size (1d4 -> 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 1d10 -> 1d12), rerolling HP from previous levels in use the higher of the totals)
    • Increase an Ability Score by 1 (can be taken up to twice their class level for each ability)
    • Gain three skills as class skills and one bonus skill point for every corpse level (can be taken six times)
    • Increase Base Land Speed by 10ft (only taken once)
    • Gain a primary natural slam attack that deals 1d4+str mod damage (can be taken twice)
    • Increase the damage of your slam attack as if taking Improved Natural Attack (can be taken twice)
    • Gain a Source Ability

    I think I divided them up correctly, but I'm not entirely sure (which is why this would be a better format).
    Last edited by sirpercival; 2012-11-04 at 02:55 PM.
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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    What is the point of Aura of Dread requiring Deadbolt? Wouldn't the Corpse automatically gain Deadbolt when it acquires the source?

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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    Both of you seem to be missing something, the first ability is gained once they enter the class, level 0. The second is gained when they get Second Source, at level 5. Then they gain the third when they get unliving paragon at level 10. I made sure that was clear in each entry that they gain it once they get their second source

    Quote Originally Posted by EdroGrimshell View Post

    Arcane - ...
    Unliving Arcana: The body of a corpse with a secondary source becomes so saturated with magic that it starts to manifest more powerfully as it is displaced. The corpse gains the ability to use Invocations, gaining one invocation for every class level they possess. The corpse must possess three least invocations to select lesser invocation, three lesser invocations to select greater invocations, and three greater invocations to select greatest invocations. Use the corpse's character level as their caster level. Additionally, the corpse gains a +4 inherent bonus to their Int score.

    Artifice - ...
    Overclock: The corpses body is made of chains, springs, pulleys, and gears as well as its unliving flesh. On gaining their second source, these extra components become infused with its power, allowing the corpse to push them to the limit by doing what is commonly refered to as Overclocking. It takes a full-round action to enter an overclock, at which point the corpse gains a +4 bonus to their Str and Dex scores until they end it as a free action. A corpse can safely overclock for a number of rounds equal to its Con modifier, after which the corpse's body starts to overheat and tear itself apart. Each round past the limit inflicts an amount of damage equal to 5 x the number of rounds it has continuously overclocked past the number of rounds they can safely overclock. Once an overclock ends, the corpse is overheated, which functions identically to being exhausted, until it has rested for ten minutes for every round it overclocked. Additionally, the corpse gains a +4 inherent bonus to their Con score.

    Blood - ...
    Black Blood: A corpse with a blood source finds their blood growing stronger over time, and becoming much stronger upon gaining their second source. The corpse gains a second Major Bloodline. Additionally, the corpse gains a +2 inherent bonus to any two ability scores they choose.

    Negative - ...
    Deadbolt: The negative energy within the corpse begins to leak out and infuse their bodies once they gain their second source. The corpse gains the ability to fire off a bolt of negative energy that deals their charnel touch damage as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 50ft. Additionally, the corpse gains a +4 inherent bonus to their Cha score.

    Positive - ...
    Healing Touch: Once they gain a second source, some of the positive energy within the corpse is displaced and can be used to heal others or damage undead. The corpse may heal any living creature by an amount equal to their class level multiplied by their Cha bonus each hour A creature may only benefit from this healing once each day. Additionally, the corpse gains a +4 inherent bonus to their Cha score.
    The only one that doesn't explicitly say that is Willpower. I need to add that to it ASAP.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    Well, must say I still rather like this class. Glad to see progress is still being mad on it. For the Blood source, you should specify they do not need bloodline levels for the bloodlines granted. Also, thought I'd try throwing this together for you to use if you desire. It may need some fixing up, but should be mostly decent.

    Swarm - Ever so rarely, there is something about an individual that is different. The beetles and grubs that would feed on them instead sustain them with a new existence, replacing what was lost in death even as they feed on what little remains. These swarms even work to form the body long after all that remained of the individual in life has long since been devoured, so great does the bond grow.
    Swarming Detachment: The corpse's body is covered and filled with a constant swarm of insects and other small vermin. It is capable of sending these out to attack its enemies. As a move action it may send forth a swarm of lesser vermin. Treat this swarm as a spider swarm that lacks the poison. The swarm always appears in a square adjacent to the corpse or another swarm adjacent to the corpse if all squares nearby are occupied. The swarms remain for 1d4 + cha mod rounds, though one or more may be recalled as a move action. After an initial command of where to move when first called out, the swarms may not be directed and will if in an unoccupied square move toward the closest occupied square other than the one the corpse is in. The swarm will never attack or otherwise adversely effect the corpse, nor move more than 25 + 5 per class level feet away from the corpse, and if the corpse moves outside that distance the swarm will return immediately. The corpse may only call out up to 1 swarm per two class levels at any given time using this ability (minimum one). It may call out an additional swarm during the action to bring out a swarm at fourth level and another at eighth.

    Ever-Present Swarm: The body of a corpse with a secondary source becomes so attractive to the vermin that feed upon it that they swarm even the area around the corpse. An area within five feet per class level is filled with the swarming creatures seeking to reach the corpse. As such the corpse may call forth his swarms anywhere within this area. Additionally, if it has a slam attack, it may use it in on any creature within this area, causing any creature targeted by it to need to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half class level + Con modifier) or be nauseated for one round at the start of its next turn. The corpse's slam attacks may also ignore immunity to weapon damage granted by the swarm subtype.

    Heart of the Swarm: An unliving paragon with a swarm source has had its original body entirely consumed by the swarms that are attracted to it. As its body is now entirely made of the swarms, the corpse gains a unique advantage. As a full-round action which may be performed even when fully bound or grappled, the corpse may have its body disperse slightly into a swarm that covers a ten foot by ten foot area. This causes the corpse to gain the swarm subtype and all the traits that come with it. However, while in this form it is incapable of using equipment, and and loses all natural weapons it possesses. Any gear that was being worn or held falls to the ground in the square the corpse occupied upon using this ability. The copse gains a swarm attack that deals 1d6 damage, or damage based on its slam attack (without the added Str mod) if it had one (whichever is higher). It also gains a distraction ability using the DC of the Ever-Present Swarm ability that causes any creature beginning its turn in a square occupied by the corpse to make a Fort save or be nauseated for one round. Ending this ability and reverting to normal is a full round action.

    Source Abilities
    Extra Swarm: The corpse can call forth an extra swarm at a time. This ability may be taken up to the corpse's class level times.

    Swarm Reconnaissance: When you recall a swarm, you may learn any information it saw or heard while separate from you.

    Advancing Swarms: The corpse may call forth an additional swarm each time it uses its Swarming Detachment ability. This ability may be taken a number of times equal to half the corpse's class level.

    Far Reaching Swarm: The swarms called forth by the corpse are willing to move further from their home. The range that swarms may move from the corpse increases by 10 feet. This ability may be taken up to the corpse's class level times.

    Carpet of Bugs: The bugs swarm surrounding the corpse grows even larger. The radius of the Ever-Present Swarm ability increases by 5 feet. This ability may be taken up to the corpse's class level times. Requires Ever-Present Swarm.

    Body of Many: The corpse's body being made predominantly by numerous smaller creatures is harder to harm in a meaningful way. The corpse gains DR 1/-. Each time this ability is taken the DR increases by 1. This ability may be taken a number of times equal to half the corpse's class level.

    Deadly Swarm: The corpse's body contains even more dangerous creatures than normal that may be called forth to make up the swarms. Upon taking this ability, select one of the swarm types from the table below that the corpse is of a high enough level to choose. When using the Swarming Detachment ability, it may call forth the chosen swarms in place of the normal lesser vermin swarms. However, many count as more than one swarm for the limit on how many swarms may be called out at a given time. Additionally, they count as that many swarms for how many swarms may be called out in a single use of Swarming Detachment, though at least one may always be called out if nothing else is being called out for that use if that number exceeds the normal limit. This ability may be taken as as long as there are options available.
    {table=head]Minimum Level|Swarm Type|# Counted As|Book
    1|Spider Swarm|1|SRD
    2|Bloodbloater Ooze|1|FF pg16
    2|Leech Swarm|1|SW pg162
    3|Tomb spider broodswarm|2|MM4 pg164
    3|Wasp|2|FF pg172
    4|Locust Swarm|2|SRD
    5|Centipede Swarm|3|SRD
    6|Ephemeral Swarm|3|MM3 pg50
    6|Hoard Scarab Swarm|3|Dr pg167
    6|Plague Ants|3|FF pg167
    6|Scorpion Swarm|3|Sa pg185
    6|Swamp Strider Swarm|3|MM3 pg171
    7|Bloodmote Cloud|4|LM pg88
    7|Dread Blossom Swarm|4|MM3 pg45
    7|Rapture Locusts|4|FF pg170
    7|Rot Grub Swarm|4|Du pg106
    8|Scarab Swarm, Death|4|Sa pg184
    9|Bloodfiend Locusts|5|FF pg170
    9|Hellwasp Swarm|5|SRD
    10|Scarab Beetle|6|FF pg171[/table]

    Flying Swarm: The flying creatures that help compose the corpse's body can work together to grant it flight. The corpse gains a fly speed of 5 feet or has its current fly speed increased by 5 feet. This ability may be taken once per 3 class levels to a maximum of 3 times at level nine. Requires a swarm with a fly speed be chosen with the Deadly Swarm ability.

    Last edited by Owrtho; 2012-11-30 at 10:05 PM.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Corpse PrC [3.5]

    Massive update after a time of inactivity.

    I got rid of the willpower source completely and gave all the current sources 10 abilities to choose from (or 9 with one that can be taken twice in the case of the Blood Source)

    Readded Willpower source. It's not nearly as powerful as it loses out on a second source and does not get Source Abilities. It's power is purely what it can do with its unliving body, not with the thing powering it.
    Last edited by EdroGrimshell; 2013-03-21 at 11:56 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

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