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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Fortune Child [3.5]

    Author's Note:
    I've never been all that satisfied with Luck Classes (though Realms of Chaos came close with his Fortune-Blessed) so I came up with one of my own, hopefully it's a good one.

    Before anyone says it, I know the ability boost effect is odd and quite powerful in Gestalt or as a Dip. But I personally like the ability and would like to keep it.

    Fortune Child

    Every now and again, a child is born that is blessed by Lady Luck, usually under a sign of luck and good fortune. These children will always be gifted physically and mentally, with exceptional talents in many fields, though never mastering them. Any profession or craft the child takes up will more than likely be a hobby more than anything else, and that's okay for the children blessed by fortune itself, why would they want anything else?

    Adventures: A Fortune Child adventures for the sake of excitement and the adventure itself, they want to see the world, see new places, meet new people, and have a fun and exciting trip all the while.

    Characteristics: The primary characteristic of the Fortune Children is their abundance of luck. Everything just seems to go their way, from winning every game of chance at a casino to stumbling onto a bag of gold to getting the affections of a goddess, they're just that lucky bastard everyone wishes they could be.

    Alignment: A great many Fortune Children are true neutral, though they run the gamut from chaotic to lawful and from good to evil.

    Religion: Most, if not all, Fortune Children pay homage to Lady Luck, as well as patronage to deities of luck or trickery.

    Background: A Fortune Child is blessed by Lady Luck on a whim, they rarely ever have to develop their abilities, simply dabbling in whatever interests they may have.

    Races: Any race can be blessed by Lady Luck, however, humans and halflings make up the vast majority of them. Elven Fortune Children tend to be more relaxed and less aloof than most elves, finding their goals easier to obtain and their knacks and talents making their lives eventful. Dwarven Fortune Children are usually still greedy and stubborn, but have a much more relaxed sense of humor and devotion. Gnomish Luck Children are virtually indistinguishable from most gnomes, except maybe a lack of burn marks.

    Other Classes: Most classes tend to like the Fortune Child, with their ability to aid others with their own talents and use their luck for the benefits of the party. Some find their happy-go-lucky attitudes a little annoying and a few may be jealous of their ability to pick up talents, but generally, they are well liked.

    Role: A Fortune Child has no one defined role, their gifts and their bonuses from Lucky tend to define them. Beyond that, a Fortune Child is a skilled generalist, a jack-of-all-trades master of none. And with the Fortune Child's inborn luck and abilities, they can pull it off fairly well.

    Hit Die: d8

    Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Inspiration Fortunes
    Lucky, Knack, Font of Luck
    Fortune's Gift
    Born of Fortune (+2)
    Bonus Luck Feat
    Fortune's Gift
    Font of Luck
    Bonus Luck Feat
    Fortune's Gift
    Born of Fortune (+4/+2)
    Bonus Luck Feat
    Fortune's Gift
    Font of Luck
    Bonus Luck Feat
    Fortune's Gift
    Born of Fortune (+6/+4/+2)
    Bonus Luck Feat
    Fortune's Gift
    Font of Luck
    Bonus Luck Feat
    Fortune's Gift, Lady Luck/Lord Fortuna
    Class Skills (2 + Int Mod, x4 at first level). Select 7 skills, those skills are class skill for the Fortune Child.

    Wpn/Arm Prof: A Fortune Child is proficient with simple weapons but not with armor or shields.

    Inspiration: Not everything a Fortune Child can do is based on luck, sometimes, they just need a little flash of insight or spark of inspiration to get by. To represent these moments of insight, a Fortune Child gains inspiration points that he can spend to activate his Fortunes. At the beginning of each encounter, he gains a number of inspiration points determined by his level as shown on the table above

    Fortunes (Su): Most people who are lucky never learn to wield their luck, the Fortune Child, however, can shape their luck into supernatural effects known as Fortunes. The Fortune Child must spend a point of Inspiration to use a Fortune but can otherwise use Fortunes at will. Using a Fortune is a Swift Action unless stated otherwise in its description.
    Lucky Strike: The fortune child rolls their next attack roll twice. If either roll hits, the attack hits. If either of the rolls threatens a critical hit the Fortune Child can roll to confirm. If both rolls threaten a critical hit, the critical is automatically confirmed. If both rolls hit the Fortune Child makes a Lucky Strike, dealing 1d6 points of extra damage for every four class levels the Fortune Child has passed 2nd level.

    Fortunate Skill: The fortune child adds their Cha Mod as a luck bonus to the next skill check they make. The fortune child must use a skill within one round of using this fortune or its effects are wasted.

    Surge of Fortune: The fortune child gains a number of temporary luck rerolls equal to their Cha mod. These temporary luck rerolls last until the end of the encounter and can only be used to make rerolls with Luck Feats.

    Lucky Health: The fortune child gains temporary hit points equal to their character level plus the number of luck rerolls they currently possess (not including temporary luck rerolls).

    Fortunate Trip: The fortune child causes an accident that hinders an opponent. The fortune child makes a Cha check, adding his class level to the result, and his target makes a Sense Motive check. If the Cha check exceeds the Sense Motive check, the target is flat-footed until the start of the fortune child's next turn.

    Luck's Favor: The fortune child projects a palpable aura of luck, all allies within 60ft of the fortune child gain a Luck Bonus to AC, Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls, Skill Checks, and Saving Throws for one round. The bonus granted by this fortune is equal to 1/4 the fortune child's class level (rounded down, minimum 1) or their Cha modifier, whichever is lower. This Fortune cannot be used at the same time as Luck's Bane.

    Luck's Bane: The fortune child drains luck from the area, all enemies within 60ft of the fortune child take a Luck Penalty to AC, Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls, Skill Checks, and Saving Throws. The penalty inflicted by this fortune is equal to 1/4 the fortune child's class level (rounded down, minimum 1) or their Cha modifier, whichever is lower. This Fortune cannot be used at the same time as Luck's Favor.

    Shifting Fortune: The fortune child may move up to his unmodified base land speed. This fortune may be used as an Immediate Action.

    Copper Medicine: The fortune child uses his luck to manipulate magical energies into a small burst of living energy. The target of this fortune immediately heals damage equal to the fortune child's Cha Mod and gains temporary hit points equal to half the fortune child's class level. Temporary hit points from this fortune lasts for 1 hour. The fortune child cannot use this fortune on himself.

    Silver Medicine: The fortune child improves on his ability to manipulate magical energy towards healing. The target of this fortune heals hit points and ability damage (and/or ability burn) as if they had rested for eight hours. The fortune child may use this fortune as part of the same action to use Copper Medicine, the fortune child must still spend a point of inspiration on this fortune separate from Copper Medicine.

    Gold Medicine: Improving further on their healing abilities, the fortune child can mend the mind and body in more meaningful ways. The target of this fortune has all ability drain converted to ability burn. The fortune child may use this fortune as part of the same action to use Copper Medicine or Silver Medicine, the fortune child must still spend a point of inspiration on this fortune separate from Copper Medicine and/or Silver Medicine. Additionally, the effects of Copper Medicine are improved, now healing twice the fortune child's Cha mod and granting temporary hit points equal to the fortune child's class level. Requires Silver Medicine.

    Platinum Medicine: Reaching the final stepping stone of their ability to use luck for healing, the fortune child allows the target of this fortune a save against any and all poisons, diseases, and/or negative levels they possess. If they meet the required DC, the effects are removed completely. If not, they are suppressed for 24 hours. This ability can only be used on a target once per 24 hours. The fortune child may use this fortune as part of the same action to use Copper Medicine, Silver Medicine, or Gold Medicine, the fortune child must still spend a point of inspiration on this fortune separate from Copper Medicine, Silver Medicine, and/or Gold Medicine. Requires Gold Medicine.

    Copper Initiate: The fortune child can use this fortune when initiating a Coin's Edge maneuver with Coin's Edge Initiate. Reduce the level of the maneuver by one. This fortune is used as part of the same action used to initiate the maneuver. Requires Coin's Edge Initiate.

    Silver Initiate: The fortune child can use this fortune when initiating a Coin's Edge Counter or Boost. The fortune child does not use up the action required for the maneuver. This fortune is used as part of the same action used to initiate the maneuver. The fortune child may use Copper Initiate as part of the same action as this fortune but must still pay the inspiration point for it. Requires Copper Initiate.

    Gold Initiate: The fortune child can use this fortune when initiating a Coin's Edge Strike. Reduce the level of the Strike by one. This fortune is used as part of the same action used to initiate the maneuver. The fortune child may use Copper Initiate as part of the same action as this fortune but must still pay the inspiration point for it. Requires Silver Initiate.

    Platinum Initiate: The fortune child can use this fortune when entering a Coin's Edge stance. The fortune child selects another Coin's Edge stance and gains the benefits of that stance in addition to the Coin's Edge stance they used this fortune with. Requires Gold Initiate and Fortune Child level 16.

    : .

    : .

    : .

    : .

    Need Ideas for Fortunes

    Notes on specific Fortunes
    Lucky Strike gives them some more damage potential.

    Fortune Trip allows for some ally support by weakening opponents and making them succeptible to sneak attacks and sudden strike

    The Medicine line of fortunes are meant to allow the fortune child to act as a quasi medic, and by that I mean the one that can apply first aid until they can see a real healer. This will also let a fortune child get someone back in the game if they're downed with some of their minor healing effects.

    The Initiate line allows some focus on combat if you want that sort of thing, allowing you to get some flexibility with your limited supply of maneuvers.

    Lucky (Ex): By their very nature a Fortune Child is a font of luck and fortune, the Fortune Child gains a number of floating +1 luck bonuses equal to his Cha Mod + the Fortune Child's class level that can be applied to his attack rolls, damage rolls, a saving throw, a skill check, or AC. These luck bonuses can stack up to +2 at 5th level, +3 at 9th level, +4 at 13th level, and +5 at 17th level. These luck bonuses stack with other luck bonuses.

    In addition, games of chance tend to go in the Fortune Child's favor. This extends to magic items based on chance, the Fortune Child can add or subtract one from the result of a magic item that requires a roll such as a Deck of Many things or a Wondrous Rod. This can be done after seeing the results. At 5th level and every five levels thereafter the number that the Fortune Child can add or subtract increases by one.

    Lastly, the Fortune Child doesn't use up the action required for rerolling a roll with a Luck Feat.

    Knack (Ex): A Fortune Child is not inherently skilled, instead, they rely on a knack for picking up the basics for skills as they go along. The Fortune Child gains the Bardic Knack alternate class feature from the PHB2 and Jack of All Trades as a bonus feat.

    Font of Luck (Ex): At 1st, 6th, 12th, and 18th level, a Fortune Child gains two bonus luck rerolls. The fortune child may choose to trade one of these bonus luck rerolls for an additional inspiration point per encounter (only a single luck reroll may be traded each time this ability is gained) or trade both to gain an additional Fortune.

    Fortune's Gift (Su): At 2nd level and every three levels thereafter a Fortune Child gains a gift from Lady Luck, a benefit that comes simply by the luck of the draw in his life.
    Unique Heritage: The Fortune Child gains the benefits of a Major Bloodline without needing to take any bloodline levels for the selected bloodline. The Fortune Child must be at least 5th level to select this Gift. This gift can be selected an additional time at 14th level.

    Truly Lucky: The Fortune Child gains a bonus luck feat and an extra luck reroll. This Gift can be taken multiple times.

    Warrior's Luck: The Fortune Child has an instictive talent for battle and dabbles in the path of the warrior. The Fortune Child gains proficiency with all martial weapons, light and medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

    Lucky Knack: The Fortune Child's ability to pick up skills is quite impressive. The Fortune Child picks three skills. Those skills have their virtual ranks from Knack increased to equal his class level. Once per day, the Fortune Child can spend one or more luck rerolls to change an equal number of the selected skills.

    Lady's Grace: The Fortune Child is blessed by Lady Luck herself, granting him an uncanny ability to avoid harm. The Fortune ChildS gains his Cha bonus as a Luck bonus to his saving throws.

    Luck's Edge: The Fortune Child can designate one weapon as a Luck's Edge, imbuing it with his fortune. The Fortune Child places one Luck Reroll into the weapon as long as it is a Luck's Edge. While the Luck Reroll is in a Luck's Edge it cannot be used. Instead, the Luck Reroll increases the Critical Threat and Critical Multiplier of the weapon it is in by one each as long as the Fortune Child wields it. Additionally, the Fortune Child gains a +4 luck bonus to rolls made to confirm critical hits with his Luck's Edge. The Fortune Child must be at least 5th level to select this Gift.

    Luck Blade: The Fortune Child can infuse his Luck's Edge with even more of his luck. He can now invest up to five Luck Rerolls in the Luck's Edge. He gains a stacking Luck bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to the number of Luck Rerolls in the Luck's Edge. Requires Luck's Edge.

    Steal Fortune: Whenever the Fortune Child confirms a critical hit he gains a luck reroll. The Fortune Child cannot possess more luck rerolls than his maximum. Additionally, if the Fortune Child has Lucky Strike, he can trade the extra damage die to gain additional Luck Rerolls, gaining an additional Luck Reroll for every 1d6 traded from the Lucky Strike.

    Replenishing Luck: Every hour, the Fortune Child regains a Luck Reroll. The Fortune Child must be at least 14th level to select this Gift.

    Lady's Guard: As long as the Fortune Child has at least one Luck Reroll, he gains the benefits of Evasion, Mettle, and Uncanny Dodge. Requires Lady's Grace or Guardian Angel.

    Luck of Heroes: The Fortune Child does not automatically fail a Saving Throw or Attack Roll on a result of 1. The Fortune Child must be at least 11th level to select this Gift.

    Guardian Luck: The Fortune Child has someone, or something, looking out for him. He gains his Cha bonus as a Luck bonus to his Armor Class.

    Building Luck: The Fortune Child is a paragon of luck, any luck bonuses he recieves stack with other luck bonuses as long as they are from different sources.

    Black Luck: The Fortune Child can drain the luck of his enemies and make it his own. When making a Lucky Strike, the Fortune Child can forgo gaining Luck Rerolls to instead inflict a penalty to skill checks, saves, attack rolls, damage rolls, AC, and ability checks equal to the number of Luck Rerolls forgone. Requires Lucky Strike and Steal Fortune.

    Luck Token: When gaining Luck Rerolls with Steal Fortune, the Fortune Child may instead shape the stolen luck into a small golden token. This token is a one time use item that can grant a +1 luck bonus to all d20 rolls the user makes for one minute. The Fortune Child can make a total number of tokens each day equal to his class level and only one token can be produced with any one attack. The tokens lose their power after 24-hours. Requires Steal Fortune.

    Improved Lady's Guard: The Fortune Child gains the benefits of Improved Evasion, Improved Mettle, and Improved Uncanny Dodge. Requires Lady's Guard and that the Fortune Child be at least 14th level to select this Gift.

    Coin's Edge Initiate: The fortune child gains an initiator level equal to their class level + half their non-initiator class levels and gain all Coin's Edge maneuvers and stances of a level equal to half their class level and all lower maneuvers and stances. The fortune child may use a total number of maneuvers in an encounter with a total level equal to their class level + their Cha mod or less. Additionally, the fortune child gains Profession (Gambler) as a class skill with a number of ranks in in it equal to 3 + his class level.

    Born to Fortune (Ex): A Fortune Child has had luck all his life, even when coming into the world his luck blessed him. The Fortune Child gains a +2 Luck Bonus to one of his ability scores at 3rd level. At 9th and 15th level, the fortune child selects another ability score to get a +2 Luck Bonus to and adds an additional +2 to its previously chosen abilities.

    Bonus Luck Feat: At 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter a Fortune Child gains a bonus luck feat. They must still meet the prerequisites for the feat.

    Lady Luck/Lord Fortuna (Ex): At 20th level, the Fortune Child is no longer simply a child in the eyes of luck, he is a proud lord of luck. The Fortune Child becomes an Outsider with the Native subtype. Additionally, any time the Fortune Child makes a reroll, he may forgo actually rolling to instead treat the roll as a natural 10.
    Last edited by EdroGrimshell; 2014-04-03 at 11:43 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
    S. pirit



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    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fortune Child [3.5]

    Is there a mechanic to assigning the luck bonuses gained from the Lucky class feature that I'm just blind and missing?
    Quote Originally Posted by Bassetking View Post
    ...You don't know joy, until you look into the eyes of the GM, and see a scream of terror frozen right behind his pupils.

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fortune Child [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Swok View Post
    Is there a mechanic to assigning the luck bonuses gained from the Lucky class feature that I'm just blind and missing?
    You assign them at the beginning of the day and they persist for 24-hours.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
    S. pirit



    The Hub, for PTA & PTU community building. If you're interested, take a look.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fortune Child [3.5]

    Because this is so general, in that it can take any role, I wonder if it might not be more appropriate for a template than for a class...

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fortune Child [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Yitzi View Post
    Because this is so general, in that it can take any role, I wonder if it might not be more appropriate for a template than for a class...
    It's more able to skill-monkey or fight than anything else. So it can't really fill any role. I will be adding some moregifts that may make it a possible option.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
    S. pirit



    The Hub, for PTA & PTU community building. If you're interested, take a look.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fortune Child [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by EdroGrimshell View Post
    Class Skills (2 + Int Mod, x4 at first level). Select 7 skills, those skills are class skill for the Fortune Child.
    There is never a reason to curse a class with only 2+ skill points, I would go with 4. I also, like the idea of choosing 7 class skills. Awesome.

    Wpn/Arm Prof: A Fortune Child is proficient with simple weapons but not with armor or shields.
    No Armor? that's worrisome, how about simple armor? Rogues and bards get it and it seems to be int he same niche.

    Lucky (Ex): By their very nature a Fortune Child is a font of luck and fortune, the Fortune Child gains a number of floating +1 luck bonuses equal to his Cha Mod + the maximum number of Luck Rerolls he possesses + his Fortune Child level that can be applied to his attack rolls, damage rolls, a saving throw, a skill check, or AC. These luck bonuses can stack up to +2 at 5th level, +3 at 9th level, +4 at 13th level, and +5 at 17th level. These luck bonuses stack with other luck bonuses.
    This is good, but the bolded part is...confusing, do the reroll bonuses improve to +2? or...I dunno, the word 'stack' is throwing me off.

    In addition, games of chance tend to go in the Fortune Child's favor. This extends to magic items based on chance, the Fortune Child can add or subtract one from the result of a magic item that requires a roll such as a Deck of Many things or a Wondrous Rod. This can be done after seeing the results. At 5th level and every five levels thereafter the number that the Fortune Child can add or subtract increases by one.
    Nice, great fluff and solid mechanic.

    Knack (Ex): A Fortune Child is not inherently skilled, instead, they rely on a knack for picking up the basics for skills as they go along. The Fortune Child gains the Bardic Knack alternate class feature from the PHB2 and Jack of All Trades as a bonus feat.
    Born to Fortune (Ex): A Fortune Child has had luck all his life, even when coming into the world his luck blessed him. The Fortune Child gains a +2 Luck Bonus to all of his ability scores. These bonuses increase to +4 at 6th level, +6 at 12th level, and +8 at 18th level.
    Interesting, I would...maybe make this a 4th level ability? having at first will, like you said have people dip, why not....+2 at 4th, +4 at 8th, +6 at 12th and +8 at 16th? hell you could even do +10 at 20th (but that might be pushing it). I have no general qualm with this, but I can see how a lot of DM's might not allow the class solely for this ability. You might want to make an alternate ability, how about a similar progression akin to the VoP stat bonuses?

    Fortune's Gift (Su): At 2nd level and every three levels thereafter a Fortune Child gains a gift from Lady Luck, a benefit that comes simply by the luck of the draw in his life.
    Unique Heritage: The Fortune Child gains the benefits of a Major Bloodline without needing to take any bloodline levels for the selected bloodline. The Fortune Child must be at least 5th level to select this Gift. This gift can be selected an additional time at 14th level.

    Truly Lucky: The Fortune Child gains a bonus luck feat and an extra luck reroll. This Gift can be taken multiple times.

    Warrior's Luck: The Fortune Child has an instictive talent for battle and dabbles in the path of the warrior. The Fortune Child gains proficiency with all martial weapons, light and medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

    Lucky Knack: The Fortune Child's ability to pick up skills is quite impressive. The Fortune Child picks three skills. Those skills have their virtual ranks from Knack increased to equal his class level. Once per day, the Fortune Child can spend one or more luck rerolls to change an equal number of the selected skills.

    Lady's Grace: The Fortune Child is blessed by Lady Luck herself, granting him an uncanny ability to avoid harm. The Fortune ChildS gains his Cha bonus as a Luck bonus to his saving throws.

    Luck's Edge: The Fortune Child can designate one weapon as a Luck's Edge, imbuing it with his fortune. The Fortune Child places one Luck Reroll into the weapon as long as it is a Luck's Edge. While the Luck Reroll is in a Luck's Edge it cannot be used. Instead, the Luck Reroll increases the Critical Threat and Critical Multiplier of the weapon it is in by one each as long as the Fortune Child wields it. Additionally, the Fortune Child gains a +4 luck bonus to rolls made to confirm critical hits with his Luck's Edge. The Fortune Child must be at least 5th level to select this Gift.

    Luck Blade: The Fortune Child can infuse his Luck's Edge with even more of his luck. He can now invest up to five Luck Rerolls in the Luck's Edge. He gains a stacking Luck bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to the number of Luck Rerolls in the Luck's Edge. Requires Luck's Edge.

    Lucky Strike: When making an attack, the Fortune Child rolls twice. If either roll hits, the attack hits. If either of the rolls threatens a critical hit the Fortune Child can roll to confirm. If both rolls threaten a critical hit, the critical is automatically confirmed. If both rolls hit the Fortune Child makes a Lucky Strike, dealing 1d6 points of extra damage for every four class levels the Fortune Child has passed 2nd level.

    Steal Fortune: Whenever the Fortune Child confirms a critical hit he gains a luck reroll. The Fortune Child cannot possess more luck rerolls than his maximum. Additionally, if the Fortune Child has Lucky Strike, he can trade the extra damage die to gain additional Luck Rerolls, gaining an additional Luck Reroll for every 1d6 traded from the Lucky Strike.

    Replenishing Luck: Every hour, the Fortune Child regains a Luck Reroll. The Fortune Child must be at least 14th level to select this Gift.

    Lady's Guard: As long as the Fortune Child has at least one Luck Reroll, he gains the benefits of Evasion, Mettle, and uncanny dodge. Requires Lady's Grace or Guardian Angel.

    Luck of Heroes: The Fortune Child does not automatically fail a Saving Throw or Attack Roll on a result of 1. The Fortune Child must be at least 11th level to select this Gift.

    Lucky Aura: Your luck extends to your allies, making you their lucky charm. The Fortune Child gains a 30ft aura that grants all allies within the aura half the bonuses the Fortune Child gains from the Lucky class feature (rounded down).

    Guardian Luck: The Fortune Child has someone, or something, looking out for him. He gains his Cha bonus as a Luck bonus to his Armor Class.

    Building Luck: The Fortune Child is a paragon of luck, any luck bonuses he recieves stack with other luck bonuses as long as they are from different sources.

    Black Luck: The Fortune Child can drain the luck of his enemies and make it his own. When making a Lucky Strike, the Fortune Child can forgo gaining Luck Rerolls to instead inflict a penalty to skill checks, saves, attack rolls, damage rolls, AC, and ability checks equal to the number of Luck Rerolls forgone. Requires Lucky Strike and Steal Fortune.

    Luck Token: When gaining Luck Rerolls with Steal Fortune, the Fortune Child may instead shape the stolen luck into a small golden token. This token is a one time use item that can grant a +1 luck bonus to all d20 rolls the user makes for one minute. The Fortune Child can make a total number of tokens each day equal to his class level and only one token can be produced with any one attack. The tokens lose their power after 24-hours. Requires Steal Fortune.

    Improved Lady's Guard: The Fortune Child gains the benefits of Improved Evasion, Improved Mettle, and Improved Uncanny Dodge. The Fortune Child must be at least 14th level to select this Gift.
    I haven't had the time to look at all of these, but from a quick glance they rock.

    Font of Luck (Ex): At 3rd, 9th, and 15th level, a Fortune Child gains two bonus luck rerolls.
    How is this different than the Lucky class ability, you are changing the amount gained from that ability with another ability. why not include the amount in the original ability and get rid of this redundant ability or make this into a feat and allow others to take it. (TBH this sounds like a feat entry, I would go that route)

    Bonus Luck Feat: At 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter a Fortune Child gains a bonus luck feat. They must still meet the prerequisites for the feat.

    Lady Luck/Lord Fortuna (Ex): At 20th level, the Fortune Child is no longer simply a child in the eyes of luck, he is a proud lord of luck. The Fortune Child becomes an Outsider with the Native subtype.
    This seems like a lackluster capstone, the only mechanical bonus from becoming an outsider is darkvision, some proficiencies and not having to eat or sleep. Maybe something else? some form of Luck incarnate? DR, or fast healing, those are pretty standard though, and therefore boring. Maybe something like, opponents must reroll crit threats and you no longer autofail on nat 1's?

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fortune Child [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by BelGareth View Post
    There is never a reason to curse a class with only 2+ skill points, I would go with 4. I also, like the idea of choosing 7 class skills. Awesome.
    Knack tends to make up for the lack of skill points. Add in the bonus to Int from Born to Fortune and it shouldn't be a problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by BelGareth View Post
    No Armor? that's worrisome, how about simple armor? Rogues and bards get it and it seems to be int he same niche.
    Lucky and some Gifts make up for that, but I'll probably add Light Armor proficiency. Not sure at this point in time though.

    Quote Originally Posted by BelGareth View Post
    This is good, but the bolded part is...confusing, do the reroll bonuses improve to +2? or...I dunno, the word 'stack' is throwing me off.
    Um, those aren't Luck Rerolls or bonuses to Luck Rerolls, their straight luck bonuses in general. Normally, bonuses of the same type don't stack, the part you seem concerned about is allowing those floating bonuses to stack.

    Essentially, instead of a bunch of +1s, you can combine them for higher bonuses.

    Quote Originally Posted by BelGareth View Post
    Nice, great fluff and solid mechanic.
    I thought so too.

    Quote Originally Posted by BelGareth View Post
    Interesting, I would...maybe make this a 4th level ability? having at first will, like you said have people dip, why not....+2 at 4th, +4 at 8th, +6 at 12th and +8 at 16th? hell you could even do +10 at 20th (but that might be pushing it). I have no general qualm with this, but I can see how a lot of DM's might not allow the class solely for this ability. You might want to make an alternate ability, how about a similar progression akin to the VoP stat bonuses?
    Well if you notice, the progression for all the class features is a multiple of 3, mainly because it's supposed to be fairly linear. I may change it, or add a caveat to it, like requiring to have a certain number of levels of Fortune Child to maintain the bonus.

    Quote Originally Posted by BelGareth View Post
    How is this different than the Lucky class ability, you are changing the amount gained from that ability with another ability. why not include the amount in the original ability and get rid of this redundant ability or make this into a feat and allow others to take it. (TBH this sounds like a feat entry, I would go that route)
    These are luck rerolls, not luck bonuses. They are very different.

    Quote Originally Posted by BelGareth View Post
    This seems like a lackluster capstone, the only mechanical bonus from becoming an outsider is darkvision, some proficiencies and not having to eat or sleep. Maybe something else? some form of Luck incarnate? DR, or fast healing, those are pretty standard though, and therefore boring. Maybe something like, opponents must reroll crit threats and you no longer autofail on nat 1's?
    Plan to modify that eventually, but i can't think of anything ATM. And there's a gift (Luck of Heroes) for not autofailing on a nat one.
    Last edited by EdroGrimshell; 2012-10-28 at 10:48 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
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    Default Re: Fortune Child [3.5]

    I dont mean to instigate anything, but care to explain why you think RoC's Fortune-Blessed is a worse luck class? I dont mean anything by that, just looking for what you attempted to improve on, so as to see things from your perspective.
    "To play a fighter is to play the game.
    To play a wizard is to understand the rules.
    To understand the rules, and play a fighter, is to understand the game."
    Quote Originally Posted by jiriku View Post
    ...magical trumps mundane so often that mundane really needs to be able to give magic a good kick in the junk now and then.

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    Default Re: Fortune Child [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Sypher667 View Post
    I dont mean to instigate anything, but care to explain why you think RoC's Fortune-Blessed is a worse luck class? I dont mean anything by that, just looking for what you attempted to improve on, so as to see things from your perspective.
    That's not really it, I said I was never really satisfied with them. That doesn't mean I think this is superior to them. The way I see it, this class was born lucky, like a sorcerer was born with magic. Almost every other one I've seen has seems to forced for it. This is more like the person has luck in their very essence. In that regard, I think I succeeded where others have fallen short in my eyes.

    RoC's Fortune-Blessed is still a superior class mechanically, but it seems more like someone obtained the ability to use luck rather than being born to it. In that sense, mine is to the Fortune-Blessed what the sorcerer is to the wizard. If that makes sense.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
    S. pirit



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    Default Re: Fortune Child [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by EdroGrimshell View Post
    That's not really it, I said I was never really satisfied with them. That doesn't mean I think this is superior to them. The way I see it, this class was born lucky, like a sorcerer was born with magic. Almost every other one I've seen has seems to forced for it. This is more like the person has luck in their very essence. In that regard, I think I succeeded where others have fallen short in my eyes.

    RoC's Fortune-Blessed is still a superior class mechanically, but it seems more like someone obtained the ability to use luck rather than being born to it. In that sense, mine is to the Fortune-Blessed what the sorcerer is to the wizard. If that makes sense.
    I suppose I can see where youre coming from, but to me luck has always been an "in the blood" thing, regardless of whether you take the feat at 1st, or 20th.
    "To play a fighter is to play the game.
    To play a wizard is to understand the rules.
    To understand the rules, and play a fighter, is to understand the game."
    Quote Originally Posted by jiriku View Post
    ...magical trumps mundane so often that mundane really needs to be able to give magic a good kick in the junk now and then.

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    Default Re: Fortune Child [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by EdroGrimshell View Post
    RoC's Fortune-Blessed is still a superior class mechanically, but it seems more like someone obtained the ability to use luck rather than being born to it. In that sense, mine is to the Fortune-Blessed what the sorcerer is to the wizard. If that makes sense.
    I think I can see what you're saying here. While I made a class to be lucky, you have designed a class that simply is lucky.

    At the same time, however, that "is" is probably my one big critique with the class, even if it was intentional. Namely, this class seems a bit too passive. You have some mediocre skills, passable offenses, and excellent offenses but you have nothing or next to nothing to actually do while playing this class other than rolling multiple copies of the same dice.

    Well, I suppose that is going a bit too far (you do have a few active abilities in the Fortune's Gift menu that I missed with a first glance) but it still seems a bit jarring that there aren't any active abilities built into the main chassis.

    Other Notes:
    Lady's Grace and Guardian angel seem a bit too powerful when combined with the luck bonuses to ability scores (each of those abilities seems to almost assure at least a +8 bonus by level 20 and probably much higher).

    The greater guard ability doesn't seem to require the original. Was that intentional?
    Last edited by Realms of Chaos; 2012-10-29 at 10:15 AM.
    I'm try not to be too vain but this was too perfect not to sig.
    Quote Originally Posted by Primal Fury View Post
    okay RoC, that is enough! the gitp boards can only take so much awsome, you might actually hurt somebody with this one!
    At long last, I have an extended signature

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    Default Re: Fortune Child [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Realms of Chaos View Post
    I think I can see what you're saying here. While I made a class to be lucky, you have designed a class that simply is lucky.

    Quote Originally Posted by Realms of Chaos View Post
    At the same time, however, that "is" is probably my one big critique with the class, even if it was intentional. Namely, this class seems a bit too passive. You have some mediocre skills, passable offenses, and excellent offenses but you have nothing or next to nothing to actually do while playing this class other than rolling multiple copies of the same dice.
    Yea, I want to fix that, but I was so focused on creating it that I missed that flaw. Would you mind helping me with that?

    Quote Originally Posted by Realms of Chaos View Post
    Well, I suppose that is going a bit too far (you do have a few active abilities in the Fortune's Gift menu that I missed with a first glance) but it still seems a bit jarring that there aren't any active abilities built into the main chassis.
    Again yes, there are a few options as gifts for building martial or skill oriented Fortune Children, but nothing that's inherent to the class itself. I was planning to add something similar to invocations, but I was having a severe case of writer's block at the time. I just finished what I had and put it on here to get some critique to hopefully help with that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Realms of Chaos View Post
    Other Notes:
    Lady's Grace and Guardian angel seem a bit too powerful when combined with the luck bonuses to ability scores (each of those abilities seems to almost assure at least a +8 bonus by level 20 and probably much higher).
    Is that really a bad thing? Yea, it's a little high, but I don't honestly see it as a problem if you've invested in that defense. Though, I could always change it to half Cha instead.

    Quote Originally Posted by Realms of Chaos View Post
    The greater guard ability doesn't seem to require the original. Was that intentional?
    No that was not, will fix that ASAP
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
    S. pirit



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    Default Re: Fortune Child [3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by EdroGrimshell
    A few updates to this thing, added Inspiration (like the factotum) and a new feature called Fortunes, swift action invocations that are supernatural instead of spell-like but requires expenditure of Inspiration Points. I need ideas for those, and they're the actual active effects for this class to use.
    Updated with even more fortunes, allowing the Fortune Child to actually be more of a Jack-of-All-Trades as stated of it in the fluff of the class.

    EDIT: To cut down on repeated postings I've quoted my previous post and added it to this one.
    Last edited by EdroGrimshell; 2013-07-23 at 11:17 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
    S. pirit



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    Default Re: Fortune Child [3.5]

    And another update, added use of the Coin's Edge discipline as a Fortune's Gift and some Fortunes to modify it and make it effective. It's only one discipline, ever, but it gives some ability to emulate a martial initiator to a degree.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
    S. pirit



    The Hub, for PTA & PTU community building. If you're interested, take a look.

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