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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Dawn of World - Shikalis - A Changing World

    In The First Days

    Like a bell in the distance, time began to flow, and sudden awareness was sparked.

    Figures spread out through the cosmos, trickling through star systems and plumes of undefinable energy, finding places they would call home, and eight, a certain eight figures, came to a world that would come to be known as Shikalis.

    This is their story.

    [Shikalis is a Earth-sized planet, approximately 45,000 kilometer around the equator, currently comprised of dirt, sand, and rocks (think Mars). A 1 inch area is the equivalent of 4,500 kilometer wide circle, so don't make individual landmarks with shape terrain, else we'll get mountains poking into space. Don't worry about the Map, I'll be seeing to it and will update it about once a week. Just post what you do and explain where the change is situated. Apologies for the low amount of prose.]

    • Rounds last 48 hours, or until each player posts. If a player fails to post during that 48 hours, they lose their chance to act in that round. A player can post only once each round.
    • If a player fails to post without contacting another player about their inactivity for a total of 3 rounds, they are immediately dropped from the game.
    • Gods can create non-race life, such as sheep or angler fish, simply by acknowledging that they are doing so. This also applies to exotic or magic life, such as glass flowers and lava squids.
    • However, in order to create non-race lifeforms of particular power or danger (Challenge Rating 10 or higher, assuming this were a creature in D&D), they must spend 1 point to create that type of creature.
    • Shape Climate is to be used for dramatic climate change, such as to produce hurricane-force winds every day, or make perfectly motionless air, or to create eternal nighttime. Less dramatic functions of shape climate have been subsumed into shape terrain.
    • You can split up individual shape climates or shape terrains into multiple smaller areas across the world.

    {table=head] Player|God|Avatar
    Rith|Haroen|The Eye of the Storm
    Plerumque|Tarethon|Sired of Stone
    ImperialSunligh|(The?) Axis|[Nameless Horror][/table]

    {table=head] Race|Habitat|Cities|Advancements|Achievments

    Halflings, The Crazed|The Kinvally, the islands, isle of insanity|Vien, Rivenric, Graric, Isleric, Kinric, Landric, Lainric, Swaric, Souric, Wearic, Verric, Lynn, Second|Farming, Machinery, Architecture, Metallurgy, Steel, Sailing, Medicine, Mathematics, Writing, Carrier Birds, Animal Husbandry, Mounted Combat, Heavy Armor, Ingenuity, Carpentry (Kinric), Fermentation (Souric), Camouflage, Drugs, Evocation, Swimming|The University, Seagard

    Dragons|The Kinvally|
    |Strategy, Flight, Antimagic, Singing|

    Ahkiln, Ahgana|The Glass Plains|Oum Pran, Soun Kiln, Welak Ohred, Oasis, Fah Choloum|Fortification, Bladecrafting, Glasscrafting, Battledancing, Dance, Leadership, Stormcrafting, Unity, Espionage|The Zlain

    Suturm|Stone Pillars|Yetomu, Telino, Umet|Tactics, Eidetics, Deduction, Logic, Philosophy, Code of Laws, Tinkering (Umet)|The Code of Laws

    Lapidea, Golden, Bright, Searchers, Forsworn|Underground tunnels|[unnamed], Aurus|Mining, Stonework, Gemcutting, Trade, Diplomacy, Persuasion, Storytelling, Inspiring Emotion, Deception, Democracy|The Great Embassy

    Syles, Thiosyles|The marshes, sulphur swamp|Sillis, Firststrike, Klissikt, Venin|Brawling, Transmutation, Animal Handling (Swamplands), Light Armor, Archery, Divination, Honor, Firecrafting, Survival, Rockets|Lessalon Arena

    The Strangled|The ocean|Carcasso, Gard, Sour|Illusion, Abjuration, Necromancy, Literature, Shadow Forging, Security Magic|The Book of the Deep, Wheel of Adjudication[/table]


    If it's not big enough, simply click on it.

    Last edited by Rith; 2013-08-09 at 12:05 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    The green creature floated throughout the empty non-scape of the Void. Looking down towards a certain space he simply nodded. "That will do." Cutting a small piece of nail from his finger, he ground his own finger nail carefully between two fingers and blew the dust out into space. . . Within a few short moments, the magical dust mysteriously blew throughout the Void, and shaped together into land.

    9 Points together to create the Land

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Well, Armin's post is confusing, but he tells me he's going to fix it. In the meantime, all I know is that he's making a lake, a forest, and a river, but nothing about where, so I'm just going with it.

    Far to the north, a sandstorm raged.

    This sandstorm possessed a ferocity that belonged only to neonate worlds, in their chaotic birth. It toppled great pillars of rock in moments, and hurled boulders into the air, smashing them against rocky outcroppings.

    Haroen reveled in it.

    The god screamed alongside the shrieking winds, his laugh shattering small mountains into dust as he poured through the air, and his mere presence desiccating the desert even beyond it's remarkable dryness.

    He ran for years, the sun and all sense of the passage of time blocked from him by clouds of sand and dust, but one day came when nausea overcame the god of sand. With a wave of his hand, the storm was quelled, as he turned his sight to the south, and trembled in utter revulsion at what he perceived there…


    He was repulsed. How could such a perfect world as this have been so quickly sullied with that blight upon existence? No, this was not natural, it did not belong here! But what would he do? It was still new, but, this was the work of a god, he could tell. He immediately new that if he were impulsive and attempted to undo this god's acts at every turn, he would only be met with eventual failure. So, he immediately decided, he would have to try and prevent the spread of this plague any further than it had.

    The god blossomed out into a screaming wind, streaking due south, carrying the storm he had silenced along with him, and once he was 5,000 kilometers (~1 inch) north of the accursed moisture, he turned the storm, and, reinforcing it with his godly prowess, allowed it to rage once more, in a long line, blowing west to east across the flat wasteland.

    Spending 8 points on four inches of 'shape climate', spread out in a 18,000 kilometer long band separated from Armin's land by '1inch' of untouched land. The climate in question is "hurricane force winds three days out of four" and "extremely hot and dry"

    Morgan_R, you're up.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    The Weaver surveyed the new world. It was clearly far from ready to support intelligent life... and she had little interest in playing with rocks and sand and water. Conserving her energy, she instead turned her attention to watching the other gods.


  5. - Top - End - #5
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    London, UK.

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    "Now where's the fun in this?" The young deity cried out.

    "Dust, dust and even more dust!" He sighs loudly and clasps his hands together near his mouth, he breaths into them deeply and flicks them out with a force, a green haze extending from them, settling onto the ground and forming a lush verdant field of grass as far as the eyes can see.

    Spending 6 points to turn two inches of land in the centre of the map into some nice verdant plains.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Savien looked upon the world and went down to it. But when he touched it, he found it dry and dusty, so he took his hammer and struck the earth and leveled the ground all around him, he then spoke three words.

    And a cloudburst rained upon the place for one day and filled the chasm with water.

    Savien looked upon the water and realized that a balance must exist, for now the ground was covered in a vast inland sea. So Savien spoke the nine words that can make a vulcano do your bidding.

    And the vulcanoes responded, forth in a blaze of fire and molten rock came seven great islands, rising above the water all around him.

    Savien looked upon the seven islands, and walked on the largest of the island in the middle his garden. And saw some of the earth fly away on the wind.

    So Savien spoke to the land and with two words he raised high mountains on the northside of all his islands to shelter the islands from the mighty northern winds blowing in the large wasteland to the north.
    Savien then used one last word to fill the mountains with metals, so no winds could ever grind them down.

    Savien walked around his work and was pleased, but still some of the dirt was flying away on the other winds, so Savien created all manner of flora and then fauna to renew the land. Savien knew that the needs of his creations and so the spoke 6 words, and forth came springs, creeks and formed rivers that flowed lazily through the land to water it.

    6 points: to make a 2 inch area with 7 lush, large sized islands, with Mountains on their northside rivers and creeks running down through the land

    2 inches south to rith, 1 inch west of armin

    Second roll 2d6: 11
    Last edited by Fiig; 2013-06-18 at 05:09 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Tarethon looked down on the new world. This form was weak, unable to cause great change in the land below. But- he sensed something deep below the surface. The heart of the land beat, slow and steady, as it pumped life through the ground. He flew downwards, passing through the surface of the planet as easily as a shadow. He went through the darkness, drawing power from the spirit of the land itself, until he reached a point deep underground. There he looked upon the heart and channeled a portion of his own divine energy into it. He spoke a single word.


    And the land obeyed him. An intricate network of tunnels and great caves spread itself outwards. Shafts sunk themselves deeper into the earth, revealing veins of metal ready to be dug from the earth. Passages weaved themselves through the ground and up to the surface, opening up in rocky locations hidden from all but the keenest eye. And Tarethon was satisfied.

    Spending 3 points to make a 1 inch area of caves, tunnels and mines hundreds of miles below the surface, in the exact center of the map. What kind of heat/pressure conditions would we be dealing with there? I may have to use divine power to make it suitable for life...

    Roll for next round: 8
    Last edited by Plerumque; 2013-06-18 at 05:59 PM.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    The Axis swelled and churned in the deep deepness below the new world, watching, but remaining ever stagnant. His brow furrowed in mock impatience.

    Pass. Also, are our points the same as our initiative?
    Last edited by ImperialSunligh; 2013-06-19 at 10:46 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Orc in the Playground
    Komodo's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Sunny Florida

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Thunder echoed throughout the skies of this barren planet, and the skies grew black. The journey through the Void was completed; the great serpent Slassiksyyr had found the place he would make his home. He saw that he had been delayed: already, several other deities had began their work. His fangs burned to add to it.

    Below, he saw that much of the land was still far too dry, aided not at all by the pestilence of aridity sent by the bothersome Haroen. Still, he resolved not to anger the burning one...not yet, anyway...not when there were other gods who had the foresight to sate the thirsty land. Not nearly enough, though...

    Slassiksyyr spat, and his venom struck near the islands, and the venom burned the dirt, and the chasm ran deep. Opening his serpentine wings, he unleashed a storm, and filled the basin full of water, salt, and beautiful things of shining scales to swim within it.

    Using all my points (three) to create a one-inch ocean, placing it so it connects to the sea that holds Fiig's islands and to Armin's river.
    There are no impossible encounters. There is only inadequate preparation.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Remember to be checking the Shikalis OOC thread.

    Power Roll: 2d6+1=3 :(

    The god of dust staggered and shrieked into the blistering winds, his form wavering with the wind. Many years had passed, and so much water had come flowing, Haroen didn't believe he could stem it before it consumed the entire world.He had fled to the far side of the planet, attempting to put as much dryness between him and the blight, but it hadn't helped, he was stilled pained by it's existence. This world had been so perfect…

    He had to preserve a piece of it. He couldn't let the entire world be quenched. But it was difficult with how disoriented he was. Regardless, he had to try. He had to fix this, so he reached out his power and reinforced the power he had laid down 500 years before, but he was weak and slow, and it barely changed.

    He had to keep working.

    Lowest power roll possible. Not much to do. Spening 2 points to extend the create climate another 'inch' to the west..



  11. - Top - End - #11
    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Power Roll: 2d6=8 (ignoring the incorrect +1)

    The Weaver waits, conserving her energy...
    Last edited by Morgan_R; 2013-06-21 at 02:40 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Malfunctioned is being skipped. Go Savien (Fiig).

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Savien had enjoyed his island paradise, but after 500 years he felt that he needed more. So he looked beyond his island and to the empty lands around him.

    So Savien gathered his strength and looked to the north east. There he marked out a 9000 km area with high iron filled mountains on the edge in an almost complete semi circle, with only an opening to his beloved islands.

    But the lands inside his circle of mountains was still dry and dead, so he dug a deep hole in the middle of the area and created a narrow strait into the sea. And the water filled up the hole and connected the lands.

    However the water could only renew so much lands, so Savien commanded the snow on the mountain tops to melt and flow in down into the center sea and the water came in rivers.

    So to crown his work, he crafted various forests and meadows and placed all manner of birds fly in the sky and beasts to roam in the forests.

    Savien called and a large island rose in the center, there Savien sat, tired and looked upon the wonders of his newest creation.

    12 points to use 4 shape land to create a 2 inch area, northeast of my previous created islands. since we work in circle the area is 9000 km in diameter with a mountain belt at the egde, inside that is a belt of forest and grass areas, with rivers flowing down from the mountains, with a large inland sea, which is about 1000 km in radius, with a an island in the middle about 250 km in diamter. The coast line is very abrupt with few strands on half of it

    2d6: 11+2=13 for next round.

    btw the last island i created i had expect to be much bigger than that
    Last edited by Fiig; 2013-06-22 at 07:29 AM.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    As the others worked, Tarethon floated next to the divine heart of the earth and continued to channel his spark of life into it. And the tunnels and caves kept growing, spreading across the map.

    Spending 9 points to extend the area of the tunnels one square inch to the north, one inch to the south, and one inch to the east. Next round I will have 11 points (roll of 8, 2 points left over from this round, 1 extra for being under 5 points).

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Power Roll: 2d6+1=3, total of 6 points this turn.

    The Axis stirs from a long wait and extends his tendrils over the world. He consumes the unshaped matter to the south of the already created land, creating a seemingly endless chasm, dropping at a 90° angle from the land. Axis pulls a stream of water from other dimensions in order to fill the chasm entirely with water, leaving an endlessly deep ocean.

    Satisfied for now, Axis sinks into the depths of the unconscious and sleeps.

    Creating a 1 inch area of deep ocean directly south of the western islands. Not overlapping already created water.
    Next: 2d6+3+1=12
    Last edited by ImperialSunligh; 2013-06-27 at 04:42 PM.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Orc in the Playground
    Komodo's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Sunny Florida

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Previous point balance: 0
    Roll: 2d6=10, +1 for low beginning balance = 11

    Slassiksyyr was pleased with the expanding ocean to the west, but was displeased with the dry, dry wasteland to the east. Spilling his venom once more, he carved out a basin for a river, and let his clouds gather...

    Spending nine points to create a forest with a river, starting at the central lake, then heading east, then south, around the central plain. Also, spending two points on climate shaping, located on the eastern river, centered around the island of trees. The climate is Rain: every day for six months out of the year, and every fifth day or so the rest of the year. Score is back at zero.
    There are no impossible encounters. There is only inadequate preparation.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Power Roll: 2d6+2=8

    The dust god was wavering, his material form beginning to break apart.

    Lightning crackled and lept from chasms in his dry form, as he turned his glowing eyes towards the south in a scowl. Bottomless seas, constant rain, islands, rivers, plants. There was so much of it. All gods upon this world were trying to drown it, and breaking his grasp upon it as they did so.

    As he stood there, his physical form crumbling into dust, he whispered into his ceaseless wind, this small joy that he had created, "Oh divinities of water. Flood this paradise with your blight, if you will, but you cannot destroy me, and as you plague this world, my influence will remain, and I will never stop fighting you. I will not rest until your every domain has been parched and dryness once again rules over all. Mark my words, divinities of water."

    He stood there another century before his dusty form finally gave way to the presence of it's antithesis, exploding into the maelstrom of sand and lightning that he would one day become known as. In that same moment, Haroen shrieked out along his winds, and reinforced them a thousandfold, and the winds spread another 18,000 kilometers to the east.

    Spending 8 points on 4 shape climate to spread the tornado-wind belt another 18,000 kilometers to the east. Ending with 1 point.

    Next Round: 2d6+3=11


    Last edited by Rith; 2013-06-25 at 08:10 AM.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Power Roll: 2d6 = 6

    The Weaver continues to bide her time, watching the others as they shape the world...

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    I will be out of the door, in 30 min. so i just rolled the dice for quickness sake so you guys could continue

    Savien had used the last 500 years to gather his strength but he knew he needed more to fulfull his plan.

    So he sat down in meditation og waited.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Tarethon continued to siphon divine energy from his spirit and channel it into the Heart of the Earth. And the tunnels kept spreading, the caves and mines kept growing from little pockets of air. But Tarethon began to become impatient with just rocks...

    Spending 9 points to extend the caves two square inches to the west and one square inch to the south (under the farthest-west inch). Roll for next round: 2d6+3=15.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    The Axis awakened once again, with more power than it had yet felt on this world. It pulled over twice the amount of land it pulled previously into nothingness, again filling it with water. The endless ocean expands to the east, consuming the land.

    Creating 3 inches of deep ocean East of the previous ocean.

    Next: 2d6+3=13
    Last edited by ImperialSunligh; 2013-06-27 at 04:44 PM.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Orc in the Playground
    Komodo's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Sunny Florida

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Power roll = 11, + 2 for two rounds below five, totals at 13.

    Is that so, god of the arid, the barren, the unendurable? hissed the great serpent. Would you, no less god than I, condemn my work to glorify thy own? So be it, then. Should the dust seek an enemy, he shall find it in the storm. Slassiksyyr spat, and the earth was burned, but this time, no canyons were formed, no forests grew, and his venom did not burn away. For centuries, it gathered there, seeping into the earth until the earth could drink no more. When the venom had settled, the serpent struck it with the tips of his wings and stirred it well, and lifted the dire fluid into the air, to let it fall once more.

    This land shall rot, but from rot shall rise new growth. One day shall my people take from these foul waters a strength strange to your own. Thus the serpent decreed, and with a flap of his mighty wings, flew back into the storm cloud, where he would consider his next act.

    Spending 9 points on three Land Shapings to make a south-pointing triangle of barren land speckled with pools and geysers of acid and sulphur. Also spending 2 points on climate: directly in the center of the triangle, the weather calls for burning acid rain. The whole thing is located to the west, with the northern edge of the triangle backed against Haroen's dust storm. Current total of points is 2.
    Last edited by Komodo; 2013-06-26 at 09:44 AM.
    There are no impossible encounters. There is only inadequate preparation.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    We are changing the turn format!

    There will not be any initiative for the time being. Instead, this round will last 48 hours (counting from when this post has been posted), or until all players have posted, whichever comes first. Any player may post once during this round, at any time. If a player fails to post during this 48 hour period, they are skipped and receive no power roll for that round. After this round has ended, the next round will begin and follow the same fashion. Ect ect.

    Keep an eye out for other people simultaneously posting as you, in case your actions might conflict with their own.
    Last edited by Rith; 2013-06-26 at 01:47 AM.

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Savien was ready, He had used the last 500 hundred years to prepare
    His plan, for while he may be powerful in all his divine energy, he could not be everywhere on his creation. And so Savien would create a creature unlike anything ever seen on Shikalis.

    Savien went to the heart of the earth and used it as his forge to create what would later be named as the kinfolk, the very first halfling.

    He created them in his own image, for the purpose of being the caretakers of his creations

    He crafted them upon the thousands and then breathed life into them. Taking a portion of his energy and placing it in each and every one of them.

    Then Savien spoke to them,

    "I am, that is
    My name is Savien your divine creator
    I have given you three gifts, given freely.
    I have given you a mind which posseses sentience, creativity, sapience and intelligence.
    So that you may think before you act, so you can remember and and act accordingly.
    I have given a body unlike any other on this world, so that you can stand and with create with your own hands like myself, for you are created in my image.
    Lastly i have given you fire, use it with care and it will feed you, warm you and let you craft things beyond my wildest imagination. But remember fire needs a master, do not let it wander off, for fire is the wildest thing on Shikalis.

    Now go forth onto my lands, you are its caretaker and the shepard of all the living creatures on them. The land and beasts will feed you, there you shall build your homes, and create most wonderous things and discover all manner of secrets."

    i use all my 22 points to create the halfling race and place it in my last creation, Their technological level are around the stone age, right now i would think.

    Roll for next round
    Last edited by Fiig; 2013-06-26 at 02:00 AM.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Tarethon sent a spark of energy into the Heart of the Earth, probing it for the land's desires. He found that such a new planet was not ready yet for living creatures, and having no desire to struggle against the earth and make an enemy of it, he returned to his task of shaping the earth below. At one point, he rose up above the surface for a brief few moments, and saw that his efforts, displacing the soil and rock, had formed vast mountain ranges and inhospitable crags above the unshaped areas, the ones that his companions had made, of course, held in place by their divine will. He returned to his sweet darkness after mere moments in the harsh sun and lack of surrounding life.

    Spending all 15 points to extend the range of the caves one more square inch to the west, then two inches to the east and two inches north from the farthest square inch east. Roll for next round: 7

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Power Roll: 2d6+3=11
    Current Power Points: 12

    Haroen churned, high in the arid skies above the north, which he had completely sealed off from the south a few years ago by closing the last few thousand kilometers of his wind belt. Those winds now pushed all moist air back south, preventing it from reaching him, in what was to become his domain. The sheer presence of that accursed material still brought him pain, but now he had some relief.

    However, he had to think. What would he do now? The other gods were still working, still drenching his world. He could not rest, lest they outpace him entirely. No, he had to think about what to do. He watched as the poison god spilled his bile upon Haroen's doorstep, the sleeper deepened his pit of evil, and the flame god brought together bags of water, and granted them a piece of his own sentience.

    As he boiled in those skies, he contemplated this strange creation of Savien's. He wasn't sure how he felt about them, but, as he watched them take their first steps in the world, he had to admit that he found them intriguing to watch. They quickly developed complex landscapes and relations among themselves. Cultures, societies, and tribes came as they grew and developed. It was then, as he watched them, that he knew, this creation was Savien's first masterpiece. So simple, yet so complex. Even as he watched, he witnessed other gods turn their own power towards creation of their own races, regardless of if they meant to make them immediately or not. As he watched, he discerned how frail these things were, and Haroen decided that this would be his means of warring upon the divinities of water: he would create his own mortals, and they would destroy the creations of the others, bringing Haroen's wrath down upon them all.

    However, he immediately knew that his desert was no home for any mortal: it's landscape was far too bleak, and so, he reached out with his power, sweeping himself over the far north, lightning bolts touching the desert, charging the sand so it would dragging away with him, so he could shape into spires, spheres, and great, stretching fields. Once he had the shapes he wanted, he unleashed his might, and trillions upon trillions of bolts of lightning flooded the northern pole beneath a brilliant aurora borealis, and in a flash, what had once been sand held together by static electricity, was now glass.

    It stretched out in all directions. Canyons, fields, and mountains, all made of glass, the ground below sealed away by miles of it. The dust god left behind a fair portion of his divine energy as well, charging this fantastic landscape with lightning, which fused the land together into a new shape, should the glass shatter or crack.

    Spending 2 points to fill in the last inch of Haroen's hurricane-wind belt, and then spending 9 points on 3 shape lands to make a vast expanse of glass landscape along the northernmost edge of the map, with several mountain ranges, canyons, and flat expanses of glass. This land also crackles with lightning, as another land might churn with volcanic forces. Should the glass shatter or crack, the lightning fuses it together again after a few hours, so the place remains seamless all the time.

    Current Power Points: 1
    Next Power Roll: 2d6+3=9

    Map will come next round.
    Last edited by Rith; 2013-06-27 at 01:02 AM.

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Orc in the Playground
    Komodo's Avatar

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    Sunny Florida

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Previous Balence: 2
    Power Roll: 2d6+3=13
    Total: 15

    Slassiksyyr looked down upon the strange glassy plains, and hissed. Such a strange place, a facsimile of his own lands. Weeds made of glass no wind would blow, growing on lightning rather then water. The great serpent, as much as it would please him, chose not to provoke the dry god further, not yet.

    The serpent looked to the west, and saw the strange little creatures appearing in the mountains, as they began to work with their fire. His own people would one day meet these, and the serpent planned for how he would handle such a time. Builders could be a handy ally against the dry one. Slassiksyyr left them alone.

    To the south, the great serpent peered through his mask and beheld the great barren plain. Each dry, dusty stone was an affront to him, and he spat upon them, opening his wings of storm that the venom spread far and spread cold. The venom seeped into the earth and froze, and powerful trees arose, ever sparsly, from the ice. In the winter, the place would be barren, he decreed. Little more than ice and bare barks. In the summer, though, Slassiksyyr made it so the top of true ice would melt, and streams of thaw would form cool swamps and wetlands.

    Spending all fifteen points to create a tundra in the south-east corner. Three spots on the southern border, the other two above them, keeping them corner-orientated.
    There are no impossible encounters. There is only inadequate preparation.

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    May 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    The Axis is bored. She felt and observed the world and decided that a fitting action to increase her presence would be to create an avatar, a manifestation of her essence.

    In the deepest depths of the southern endless ocean came forth from darkness a creature that can hardly be described. It takes the form of hard shadow and shifts between countless shapes constantly. It can barely be seen in the dark depths of the endless ocean, but it was most definitely there. It waited with its tendrils, pincers, hooves and all else, waited to act on the bidding of the Axis.

    And her bidding was told. The Axis saw the halflings above, Savien's creations, and she desired servants as well. The shadowy being immediately created a group of creatures deep in the endless oceans. They were an aquatic race, and were created to be able to survive at extreme depths of water. They can survive on the surface for three days before submerging again, else they die.

    They look much like a combination of fish that exist deep underwater, such as anglerfish, and halflings. Those who are born with bioluminescence are often respected highly and given extra privledge, similar to nobility or royalty.

    Axis spoke unto them through the shadowy being:

    "I am, that is
    My name is Axis -or perhaps the axis, I am not quite sure- your divine creator.
    I have given you three gifts that you have no real claim to. I am unsure as to why.
    I have given you a mind which possesses... something resembling sentience, stagnancy, ignorance and utter insanity.
    So that you may remember before you think, so you can remember and think accordingly.
    I have given a body unlike any other on this world, so that you can swim in the water insessantly. Don't get any idea that you are based on myself, however, I would truly hate to be the model for you creatures.
    Lastly i have given you water, which is good, since without it you would likely die and that would be quite boring.

    Now go forth into my depths, and be pleased, for they are a prison created specifically for you."

    The being then sunk farther than even the "strangled" (for that is what the Axis has dubbed them) could swim. It will return when the Axis deems it necessary.

    Creating avatar: -10 pts
    Commanding avatar to create race: -2 pts
    Next: 2d6+1=8
    Last edited by ImperialSunligh; 2013-06-27 at 05:31 PM.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World


    And still, the Weaver waits...


  30. - Top - End - #30
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Dawn of World - Shikalis - A New World

    Malfunctioned is out of the game.
    Last edited by Rith; 2013-06-28 at 03:17 AM.

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