I'm planning on running a few virtual tabletop sessions, the main purpose of it all is to interact with many different voices and moods in prepparation for a special event where I cannot allow myself to lose out on the fine details (I don't have good hearing, don't get me wrong I'm not deaf, it's just some sounds and syllables are difficult for me to pick at all) The problem I have is I cannot really decide which system to run (or even what kind of game to run for that campaign, so I'm also open to campaign ideas). I'm planning on doing this on Roll20

What I'm looking for:
  • A quick to run system whitout too many stats per PC (programing each stat set per PC takes up valuable time) and whitout too much prep time.
  • While not against hack and slash I would want something more RP heavy
  • PCs should be quick or at least easy to create.
  • The setting itself shouldn't have too many made-up or uncommon words, nothing too exotic.
  • Something popular enough to recruit a group of players fast.

Thank you in advance.

So any good suggestions here? I'm open to almost anything that fits on that as long as it isn't half-cooked and is easilly available. And of course it should be something that isn't too hard to master from the DM's screen and not that Homerule ridden. Something with clarity would help too, last time I ended up running a 3.5 D&D campaign when I wanted to attract playtesters for Next and I don't want that to repeat again.