Name: Unknown

Fort save good, reflex bad, will good

Light, Medium, Heavy armor, simple/martial weapons

1st: Order: challenge, Familiar, Arcane Pool
2nd: Order Ability
3rd: Magus Arcana
4th: Challenge 2/day, spells
5th: Spell strike
6th: Magus Arcana
7th: Medium Armor, Challenge 3/day
8th: Order Ability
9th: Magus Arcana
10th: Challenge 4/day, fighter training
11th: Demanding Challenge
12th: Magus Arcana
13th: Challenge 5/day, Heavy Armor
15th: Order ability, Magus Arcana
16th: Challenge 6/day,
18th: Magus Arcana
19th: Challenge 7/day

Spell strike at 5th lvl, only against target of challenge? spells at 4th lvl, levels one through 4, progression as paladin. mostly off wizard/sorcerer I expect, and probably pretty broad in scope.

spell book based I'm thinking, int based casting, prep caster.

I don't like Magus Arcana that much for this class, but I'm currently coming up short on other ideas. They COULD be useful, but alot of their value would diminsh alongside the diminished spell casting. and that still leaves me with a couple empty levels. I'm not sure if I should borrow from Magus or Cavalier, I think an original design would be better, but... what? Ideas/comments/suggestions are absolutely welcomed.

Final ability would probably be challenge or spell related, but that's still in the works too.