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Thread: Alignment POV's

  1. - Top - End - #1
    Titan in the Playground
    Lord Raziere's Avatar

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    Default Alignment POV's

    Hey so I was wondering how the alignments see themselves and each other, so I decided to type out how I think they'd all see the Alignments:

    Spoiler: Lawful Good POV

    LG: The Best Way of Life Possible
    NG: A Good friend
    CG: A good friend, but they need to stop being so rebellious
    LN: They see the letter and forget the spirit, sadly.
    TN: They’re just trying to live their lives
    CN: Why do they insist on acting out like this!?
    LE: They pervert what should be helping people into selfish gain.
    NE: They’re only out for themselves. Don’t trust them.
    CE: Scum.

    Spoiler: Neutral Good POV

    LG: Good friend, if a little rigid
    NG: We should strive to all be kind and compassionate, no matter our philosophy
    CG: Good friend, if somewhat foolish
    LN: It is natural to cling to what is familiar and consistent, but it won’t help anybody if that is all you do.
    TN: They’re just trying to live their lives
    CN: It is natural to desire freedom and independence, but do you have to be so stubborn about it?
    LE: Cowards hiding behind rules and restrictions, but easily defeated once their carefully crafted plans fall apart
    NE: The worst of them all. Be wary, they are the most flexible and the most dangerous
    CE: foolish monsters who can’t think ahead, easily dispatched by using actual tactics.

    Spoiler: Chaotic Good POV

    LG: Good friend, but they need to stop being so uptight
    NG: A good friend
    CG: Everyone should be free to pursue their own way without fear of harm- I’m living the dream!
    LN: Sad, just sad. Your not even conforming to something admirable, your just too afraid to take any risks and have forgotten that your a person to.
    TN: They’re just trying to live their lives
    CN: A person after my own heart, sure you need work on helping others more but your a pretty cool guy nevertheless
    LE: Tyrants like these are dangerous, they set everything up so that their evil is not only widespread, but also self-sustaining. get rid of them first, or they will become entrenched
    NE: They’re only out for themselves. Don’t trust them.
    CE: They take freedom too far. They turn it into oppression by forcing their own freedom upon others, and are just larvae tyrants waiting to happen. kill them first too.

    Spoiler: Lawful Neutral POV

    LG: Ideals have no place in proper procedure
    NG: You again, alright what do I have to change this time?
    CG: Be wary of them the most. They are the most unpredictable and most likely to oppose you
    LN: Everything must be in order. Everything.
    TN: Just another citizen obeying the law, as it should be.
    CN: Crazy idiots the lot of them, disrupting everything for their own whims, they take too many risks
    LE: ….Umm….what they did is legal….I can’t do anything about it….
    NE: Taking a bribe? But that would be bending the rules, I can’t do that.
    CE: Stay away from me.

    Spoiler: True Neutral POV

    LG: Look, I get what your saying, but I’m just not all the devoted okay?
    NG: Yes I know….be good….be compassionate….yaddah yaddah yaddah
    CG: I understand you, but I’m just not the rebel type okay? I’m just not that brave
    LN: C’mon, stop being a stick in the mud and live a little.
    TN: I’m just a guy living my own life, I see nothing wrong with that.
    CN: I don’t understand, why can’t you just be normal like everyone else?
    LE: I’d rather listen to their preaching than deal with this guy any day.
    NE: They’re only out for themselves. Don’t trust them.
    CE: I will fight to defend my life and my home from you, monster

    Spoiler: Chaotic Neutral POV

    LG: Be careful around this guy, or you’ll earn a lecture
    NG: So selfless. Admirable, but how can they be this way?
    CG: Cool dude, he gets me, kind of passionate about helping others but no one’s perfect
    LN: This guy wouldn’t know a good time if it bit him in the behind. Steer clear of him.
    TN: Just a dude living his life. Not everyone can be as brave as me after all
    CN: I do what I want, when I want, whenever I want. No rules but my own. Awesome!
    LE: This guy however, he can die in a fire, the day he forces his rules on me is the day I die.
    NE: He misses the point of freedom by using it to gain nothing but power instead of just enjoying life. Uncool.
    CE: This guy is dangerous and willing to do absolutely anything to get what he wants. Get rid of him first.

    Spoiler: Lawful Evil POV

    LG: They are dangerous. They are both ordered and completely devoted to bringing you down. Be wary of them
    NG: Idealists. manipulate them into sacrificing themselves and you win
    CG: They will oppose you no matter what. Kill them before they kill you.
    LN: A useful servant if you first cow them into accepting your rules
    TN: With proper motivation, they make great disposable tools
    CN: A wild card. don’t underestimate them.
    LE: Only one smart as I could devise a system where I am the one that always wins
    NE: Competent, but untrustworthy.
    CE: They will demolish everything you have if your not careful, best to point them at an enemy and let them deal with them

    Spoiler: Neutral Evil POV

    LG: Fools so devoted to ideals and systems they can’t see how the world really is.
    NG: I will never understand how they do this everyday. Why they do this everyday. Is it just a con?
    CG: I understand the independence part, but then waste it on helping others
    LN: The system itself is not all powerful.
    TN: With proper motivation, they make great disposable tools
    CN: He misses the point of freedom by using it to do nothing but pointless acts of self pleasure instead of moving up in the world and gaining true mastery and power.
    LE: That is a nice system you set up there. What will you do when it falls apart?
    NE: I exploit the system when I can, do what I want outside of it when I need to, always to me benefit, I am clearly the smartest person of all
    CE: You idiot, don’t you see you could benefit from the system by just abusing it instead opposing it for no reason? Wait….forget I said that.

    Spoiler: Chaotic Evil POV

    LG: How do you exist? Are you sheltered or something?
    NG: Are you going to spout nonsense about rainbows and ponies next?
    CG: You got the right idea, but you don’t go far enough.
    LN: I have no time for idiots like you, out of my way
    TN: Fools, so focused on their stupid little lives. They need to be woken up.
    CN: Now this guy is smart. kinda lacking in the guts to follow through and really get things done though.
    LE: The greatest threat to my existence. They and their stupid rules need to burn.
    NE: This says he is on my side, but I’m pretty sure he will sell me out to the man. I’ll kill him at the first opportunity I get.
    CE: I do what I want, when I want, to whomever I want and no one can stop me, I’m top dog around here, you either accept that or I kill you.

    what does everyone think? Accurate? Inaccurate?
    I'm also on discord as "raziere".

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Colossus in the Playground
    hamishspence's Avatar

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    Default Re: Alignment POV's

    Pretty good.

    Easydamus manages to reduce "how the alignments are seen" to two word descriptions:

    LG: Honorable and Humane
    NG: Humane but Unreliable
    CG: Humane but Dishonorable
    LN: Honorable but Apathetic
    N: Unreliable and Apathetic
    CN: Dishonorable and Apathetic
    LE: Honorable but Ruthless
    NE: Unreliable and Ruthless
    CE: Dishonorable and Ruthless

    LG: Humane but Strict
    NG: Practical and Humane
    CG: Humane but Lax
    LN: Strict and Apathetic
    N: Practical but Apathetic
    CN: Lax and Apathetic
    LE: Strict and Ruthless
    NE: Practical but Ruthless
    CE: Lax and Ruthless

    LG: Humane but Dogmatic
    NG: Humane but Conformist
    CG: Independent and Humane
    LN: Dogmatic and Apathetic
    N: Conformist and Apathetic
    CN: Independent but Apathetic
    LE: Dogmatic and Ruthless
    NE: Conformist and Ruthless
    CE: Independent but Ruthless

    LG: Honorable but Idealistic
    NG: Unreliable and Idealistic
    CG: Dishonorable and Idealistic
    LN: Honorable and Realistic
    N: Realistic but Unreliable
    CN: Realistic but Dishonorable
    LE: Honorable but Egoistic
    NE: Unreliable and Egoistic
    CE: Dishonorable and Egoistic

    LG: Strict and Idealistic
    NG: Practical but Idealistic
    CG: Lax and Idealistic
    LN: Realistic but Strict
    N: Practical and Realistic
    CN: Realistic but Lax
    LE: Strict and Egoistic
    NE: Practical but Egoistic
    CE: Lax and Egoistic

    LG: Dogmatic and Idealistic
    NG: Conformist and Idealistic
    CG: Independent but Idealistic
    LN: Realistic but Dogmatic
    N: Realistic but Conformist
    CN: Independent and Realistic
    LE: Dogmatic and Egoistic
    NE: Conformist and Egoistic
    CE: Independent but Egoistic

    LG: Honorable but Self-Righteous
    NG: Unreliable and Self-Righteous
    CG: Dishonorable and Self-Righteous
    LN: Honorable but Irresolute
    N: Unreliable and Irresolute
    CN: Dishonorable and Irresolute
    LE: Honorable and Determined
    NE: Determined but Unreliable
    CE: Determined but Dishonorable

    LG: Strict and Self-Righteous
    NG: Practical but Self-Righteous
    CG: Lax and Self-Righteous
    LN: Strict and Irresolute
    N: Practical but Irresolute
    CN: Lax and Irresolute
    LE: Determined but Strict
    NE: Practical and Determined
    CE: Determined but Lax

    LG: Dogmatic and Self-Righteous
    NG: Conformist and Self-Righteous
    CG: Independent but Self-Righteous
    LN: Dogmatic and Irresolute
    N: Conformist and Irresolute
    CN: Independent but Irresolute
    LE: Determined but Dogmatic
    NE: Determined but Conformist
    CE: Independent and Determined
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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Gracht Grabmaw's Avatar

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    Default Re: Alignment POV's

    If you think of your character (or any character) in terms of alignment then that's all they're ever going to be.
    Stop playing with alignments and watch how your game and your roleplaying instantly improves.
    Your face is unoptimized.

    Currently playing:
    5e Forgotten Realms: Tamrosekincaiwellyn, wild elf barbarian/cleric of Umberlee
    5e Algasia: Harulf the lost, half-orc rogue
    Pathfinder: "Thatch", the spark of revolution, cleric of Millani
    Currently running:
    Pathfinder (Occult Adventures): Civil War among the Living Dead

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Alignment POV's

    LG, LN & LE would view CG, CN, CE as dishonorable and messy.
    CE would probably view CN and CG as ridiculous with their compassion, not lacking in bravery and see it as a weakness.

    CG would view LG and especially LN as dogmatic, and LE as the worst thing imaginable.
    Last edited by Mastikator; 2014-09-12 at 11:55 AM.
    Black text is for sarcasm, also sincerity. You'll just have to read between the lines and infer from context like an animal

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Alignment POV's

    I don't think you can generalize like this. Just because two characters have the same alignment doesn't mean they're all that similar.

    For example, my character Snowball is probably Chaotic Evil. But her reactions to others are mostly unrelated to their alignment. If they're nice to her, she likes them, and if they're nice to her for an extended period she'll slowly come to genuinely care about them. If they don't affect her in any way, she doesn't care. If they hurt her or her loved ones, she'll hunt them down and give them unrelenting torment. Any alignment could elicit any one of those reactions, depending on how they specifically react to her.

    Szsthrar'kek is also Chaotic Evil, but his reactions to characters is very different from Snowball. Szsthrar'kek wants power - he wants to be the power behind a mind-controlled figurehead, ruling a city full of slaves he can do whatever he likes to. Snowball, meanwhile, couldn't care less about power - she just wants her comfortable life, relaxing with her favourite people. Conversely, Szsthrar'kek doesn't care about revenge - if you hurt him in the past, he'll mostly try not to run into you again, and only attack you if he can't readily avoid you. Snowball is very much motivated by revenge, to the point where she'd probably sacrifice her own life just to make sure her enemies pay.

    Szsthrar'kek would evaluate everyone as 'can I use them?', 'can I kill them?' and 'are they a threat to me?' If he can use them, he will, and he could, under the right circumstances, use someone of any alignment pretty much indiscriminately. If he has no use for them and can easily kill them, he'll probably kill them - again regardless of alignment. And since he's a potential threat to pretty much everyone, he could end up being threatened by any alignment, and he'd react by fleeing or destroying them based on a purely practical analysis of his chances.

    So, just because one character is Chaotic Evil and another is Lawful Good doesn't mean you can automatically predict their attitudes towards each other. They may fight, they may be reluctant allies, one may end up using the other, or they may become fierce friends who find ways to resolve the tension of their opposing worldviews. It all comes down to the character, not their alignment.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground
    Jeff the Green's Avatar

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    Default Re: Alignment POV's

    Quote Originally Posted by Gracht Grabmaw View Post
    If you think of your character (or any character) in terms of alignment then that's all they're ever going to be.
    Stop playing with alignments and watch how your game and your roleplaying instantly improves.
    Holy strawmen, Batelf! It is indeed possible to think of a character as being a given alignment without thinking of them as only an alignment.

    That said, I think Lord Raziere is falling into the common trap of thinking that Law refers to legal instruments. It doesn't; it refers to following an internal code. A LN Monk doesn't have to tolerate a LE Blackguard's reign anymore than the LG Paladin does.
    Author of The Auspician's Handbook and The Tempestarian's Handbook for Spheres of Power.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lateral View Post
    Well, of course I'm paranoid about everything. Hell, with Jeff as DM, I'd be paranoid even if we were playing a game set in The Magic Kiddie Funland of Perfectly Flat Planes and Sugar Plums.
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