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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Your Most Awesome Player(s) [Thread the First?]

    You know, we've all got our worst players, worst DMs, worst worst worst. I'm talking to one of my players right now, and I realized suddenly that they're a lot more awesome than I thought. In order to celebrate that, I have made this thread.

    So my players (let's call them Emma, Burner, Eric and Mimi, because that's their names and they're already on Youtube for the Dungeon Reports) started off on Hoard of the Dragon Queen, which is a positively brutal module, or at least seems that way to me. And my guys were crushing it with wit and cunning. They rarely fought openly, and instead used cantrips (pretty much just cantrips) to sow dissent and cause the cult to begin imploding, at least locally, and just in general kicked massive butt without stabbing a single dude.

    The one exception was Eric, who died. A lot. Multiple times in one session, sometimes. However, why he died? Was great. He's a roleplayer who roleplays hard, and he played a brave man in a party of... Shall we say "pragmatists", because coward is such an ugly word. He invariably fought against a foe far stronger than him alone, and kept on trucking. He rolled a new guy and came back with a vengeance, each time standing up and letting the rest of the party live. (Except for one time, but then it was racism against half-orcs that got him.)

    Overall, they're just a smart bunch who made playing D&D a ton of fun. And I figure they deserve some appreciation. So who else has stories of players they feel deserve to be shared?
    I have a LOT of Homebrew!

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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Your Most Awesome Player(s) [Thread the First?]

    One of my players is more or less a direct reading of This Guy. I'm not even joking. He reads rulebooks, he'll get invested in stories and characters, and he'll chat about this stuff with you after the game session. He gives honest, open critique (but waits until the session's over so as to not bog down gameplay), creates PCs that fit smoothly into the game you present for him, and bends over backward, whether as player or GM, to make a game excellent.
    It is inevitable, of course, that persons of epicurean refinement will in the course of eternity engage in dealings with those of... unsavory character. Record well any transactions made, and repay all favors promptly.. (Thanks to Gnomish Wanderer for the Toreador avatar! )

    Wanna see what all this Exalted stuff is about? Here's a primer!

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