Hey guys, I'm currently running a game with a rogue who loves to throw ridiculous (but clever) items at scenarios that he picks up from markets throughout adventurers, some including a pouch of powdered chilli dust, coal dust, pigs blood and shards of glass just to name a few, it got me thinking about that and attempting to come up with other items of that sort could be used, does anyone have any additions to the "creative items to end scenarios without drawing a weapon" list?

For elaboration's sake, the pouch of powdered chilli dust was thrown into a few faces of hired thugs which caused them to stop and cough their lungs up and blinded them, (from someone who has had chilli dust to the face i can attest to the realism of said reaction. the coal dust was to add to stealth bonuses in the dark and used with sulphur to ignite an opponent, pigs blood was used to kafe death and make someone think they had been injured and shards of glass as cheap caltrops. I'm more of a rule of awesome DM so i give creativity the benefit of the doubt, do you guys have any other contributions?