Ill be running a Sci Fi game in the near future and these are the races i've come up with. They are made following the Savage Worlds Deluxe standard Race creation rules.

Noscarans. Resembling a hybrid between a human and a bat the Noscarans are a longlived species that is very difficult to kill. They also possess superhuman agility, but must ingest hemoglobin and have compromised vision when in a non Red Sun system
Hardy +3
Low Light Vision +1
D8 Agility +3
Light Blindness (suffers from Bad Eyes Hindrance
in any sytem that isnt a Red Sun, can be countered with sunglasses)-1
Diet Dependancy: Hemoglobin -2

Canids. Giant wolf people that act like a fusion of Klingons and Dwarves, what else do i have to say?
Spoiler: Reference Image

D8 Strength +3
+1 Toughness +2
Claws and Fangs +1
Pack Instincts (When 25% or more of your "Pack" is taken out
(weather killed or just unconcious) take a -2 to all
fear based spirit checks and a -1 on all combat rolls until the encounter is over) -2

Scavs, Space Goblns mixed with Jawas.
Spoiler: Reference image

D6 Smarts +2
D6 Agility +2
Pick 2 skills (Knowledge (any), Lockpicking, Piloting, Repair, Stealth) +2
Small -2

Humans. What it says on the tin.
Free Seasoned Edge +3
Reckless Bravery (+4 on all Fear based SPirit Checks) +2
Cold War (Must choose Hegemony or Coalition. You take a -4 Charisma when
dealing with humans from that faction) -1