Looks can be deceiving, -Old Proverb
The Realm of Lady Abirun is a truly terrible hell, set apart for the greedy and the gluttonous. It looks like a sunny, well lit place, with rivers of wine (both red and white), fields, orchards, and pastures, little towns, massive hoards of gold, and great mansions for its inhabitants. It is filled with loved ones from your life, servants, and, should you desire it, victims. Most would not think it a hell right off the bat. However, those who have ever spent any time there will tell you that Lady Abirun's realm is a most foul hell.

Its nature becomes apparent when you first try to take part in one of its many joys, should you try to take a drink of the river, and the river will swerve to avoid you, to eat an apple or piece of grain and it will lurch back or set on fire or it shall be rotted and disgusting, if you try to greet a loved one they will shriek and flee, should you some how catch them, to touch them or speak to them will seem to cause them great pain. If you try and catch a victim, they will fight you and beat your or prove uncatchable. The servants are the most benign and seem to simply bring you things you can't touch or enjoy. If you even try to enjoy the scenery (go for a walk, lie in the sun, use anything in the little town) it will be denied you (your feet will blister, your skin will burn, you'll be unable to touch it, you'll fall through the bed, ect.).

Not long ago, the Hell of Heartache was merely a wasteland in the abyss, claimed by six upstart young would be demon lords, trying to use the realm to their own advantage (even though it was largely vacant of souls). These young would be demon lords (that is to say, not exceeding three hundred), impatient and greedy, were the Lady of Heartache's first victims when she arrived. Where or how Abirun came to the layer is unknown, but she captured the young demons through illusion, each in turn, and threw them into the Pot of Broken Dreams where they power her illusions constantly.

Abirun then set about gaining souls for her little layer, dragging them from other levels of hell under cover of illusions mostly. Indeed, when they first met the Lady of Heartache, they thought she was an angel come to deliver them from hell. They were most mistaken. Soon, more souls were being dragged there and the Cauldron of Broken Dreams grew more and more powerful as it was fed the souls who desired nothing any longer (basically the ones who gave up on everything they had ever loved or hoped for) and it began to produce things that were real, after a fashion, but nearly worthless.

Abirun's realm grows more and more powerful as she takes more souls to her realm and feeds more to the pot. There is some question among the demons whether it is Lady Abirun or the Cauldron of Broken Dreams who really runs the show. No one really bothers to find out, as that would mean entering her realm and talking to her, which no one has yet managed to do.

As it happens, Abirun really is running the show, but she spends most of her time working on collecting more souls and letting the Cauldron ruin her present ones. Every once and awhile, when a demon arrives on the plane, she herself works the illusions tricking the demon more uniquely until she can get the Cauldron to consume the demon and take on more power.

Planar Traits:[*] Normal Gravity[*] Timeless[*] Shape: A five hundred mile circular disk[*] Divinely Morphic[*] Minor Negative Energy Dominant[*] Strongly Evil Aligned

The Wantless

Lady Abirun

Pot of Broken Dreams