Hello Fellow DND travelers. 2 of my friends and I have started a DND Podcast. We call it "Sliding Into The Dm's". I am mostly a player with some DMing, and the other two are forever DM's. We take our different perspectives and create alot of homebrew ideas, helping finish flushing out characters, build lore, make really fun NPC's, creatures and BBG's to fight. We also answer questions from the most basic DND questions to wild and outlandish ideas. Sometimes we even create entire worlds with a campaign idea to run for you. If you have any questions/ ideas for us to explore you can post them on here, hit us up on Facebook, instagram or twitter. We will always try to get everyone questions into the podcast, and will let the asker know which episode. If you dont have a question but may just be interested to listen to the crazy ideas that come from our minds give us a listen. We are on Spotify, Iheart Radio, Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher and probably others I am forgetting. :D Looking forward to some questions this amazing community might have.