Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Flight Rising Dragon Races

    Well I found a web game called Flight Rising recently and have been enthralled in the lore and worldbuilding as well as the dragons themselves. So I decided to get off my ass and homebrew the different breeds as playable races for 3.P. In each post I'm gonna try and fit two of the breeds of a rarity, but I will link to the encyclopedia page on each for fluff and stuff. In this post I'm going to detail the basics that I'm working off of to make these races and to explain a little bit about some of the mechanics that I'm going to use.

    First off there are some things that I'd like to clarify:
    1. Size. I'm going off of the average for the breed and will add additional tables that will allow you to see the range of sizes and weights available. I will also add in a link to the spreadsheet I'm using as my resource.
    2. Stats. Due to DnD not having a stat like Quickness is used in the coliseum, I'm lumping it in with Dexterity. Dragons with excessive quickness with get the quickness trait. Dragons with lacking quickness might get the sluggish trait.
    3. Forms. I'm only doing dragon forms. I might add in a magic item that allows an anthro or gijinka form, but I'm going to get the base dragons done first.
    4. Anything Else. Comment anything else you have questions about and I'll answer them.

    Now to get on with the base mechanics...

    Elements: Each dragon is part of an elemental "flight." In the FR lore, each of these was formed by a massively powerful elemental deity. Thus each dragon flight has a certain elemental identity that dictates some of their later abilities within the FR coliseum. These will be represented with each dragon having an element which determines their breath type and/or effects and eye colouration (but not scale colouration as any colour of scale is available to any flight), as well as a slight personality quirk or bit of fluff that can be used or not as you see fit.

    The elemental effects are not automatically available to the dragons, but must be unlocked with the Lesser and Greater breath effect feats that will be posted later in the thread.

    These eleven elements are:

    The Earth Dragons of Dragonhome are monument builders. They prefer the consistency and eternal memory of the stone they shape. Of all the dragons, Earth Dragons revere their ancestors the most fervently, and remember the most about the first age. Gemstones are their favored treasures. The god of the Earth Flight is the the Earthshaker.
    Breath damage type: Bludgeoning and Slashing (Flensing Sand)
    Breath weapon effect: Lesser: Half damage is dessication. Greater: All damage is dessication and fort save vs Sickness for 1d6 rounds.
    Eye colouration: Brown

    The wind dragons of the Windswept Plateau are explorers. They prefer to be joyful and care-free, like the gentle and playful breezes that whisk them to new lands. Of all the dragons, wind dragons are the most friendly, eager to become a small part of every community they encounter before they eventually and inevitably leave, following the currents in pursuit of a new adventure. Maps, compasses, and feathers are their favored treasures. The god of the Wind Flight is the Windsinger.
    Breath damage type: Sonic
    Breath weapon effect: Lesser: All creatures hit by breath weapon must make reflex check or fall prone. Greater: All creatures hit by breath weapon are pushed back 1d4 squares.
    Eye colouration: Light Green

    The fire dragons of The Ashfall Waste are metalworkers. They prefer to be as passionate and intense as the flames they coax. Of all the dragons, fire dragons are the most temperamental, and their red-hot fury knows no peers. Rare metal ores, weapons, statues and tools are their favored treasures.
    Breath damage type: Fire
    Breath weapon effect: Lesser: Reflex or catch on fire for 1d6 damage per turn. Greater: Breath weapon and resulting fire goes through up to 10 points of fire reduction.
    Eye colouration: Orange

    The water dragons of the Sea of a Thousand Currents are oracles. They prefer to be as fluid as the waves and currents of the oceans. Of all the dragons, water dragons are the most mysterious, predicting the many futures that may come to pass, but revealing nothing of what they divine to outsiders. Shells and magic orbs are their favored treasures.

    According to some sources, water dragons have the ability to breathe underwater as well as see the future. They can share this ability with other dragons if they so choose. The reigning god of the Water Flight is the Tidelord.

    Breath damage type: Cold (Water Mist)
    Breath weapon effect: Lesser: Half damage is Bludgeoning. Greater: Fort Save vs Unconsciousness for 1d4 rounds.
    Eye colouration: Blue
    Extra Ability: All water flight dragons gain the aquatic and amphibious subtypes.

    The frost dragons of the Southern Icefield are collectors. They prefer to be as rigid and cold as winter's chill. Of all the dragons, ice dragons are the most unemotional, carefully preserving the world around them to be later analyzed and catalogued. Fossils and artifacts are their favored treasures. The god of the Ice Flight is the Icewarden.
    Breath damage type: Cold
    Breath weapon effect: Lesser: slows for 1d4 rounds, fort negates. Greater: Frozen in place for 1d6 rounds, fort negates
    Eye colouration: White/Light Blue

    The shadow dragons of the Tangled Wood are tricksters. They prefer to be capricious and fickle, like the flickering shadows they manipulate. Of all the dragons, shadow dragons are the most enthralled by games, and delight most in winning, even if it means underhandedly. Game boards, tokens, and pieces are their favored treasure. The god of the Shadow Flight is the Shadowbinder.
    Breath damage type: Force (The Essence of Darkness)
    Breath weapon effect: Lesser: Shaken and confused for 1d4 rounds. Greater: Breath weapon effect bypasses immunities to fear and mind-affecting, and shaken and confused for 2d4 rounds.
    Eye colouration: Purple

    The light dragons of the Sunbeam Ruins are philosophers. They prefer to be unbiased and logical, revealing the nature of the world as do rays of the sun’s light. Of all the dragons, light dragons are the most scholarly, holding the pursuit of truth as the highest virtue a dragon might aspire to. Scrolls and relics are their favored treasures. The god of the Light Flight is the Lightweaver.
    Breath damage type: Fire (searing light)
    Breath weapon effect: Lesser: Blind for 1d4 rounds, Fort negates, and breath weapon raises the light level by 1. Greater: Blind for 2d6 rounds, fort negates, and breath weapon acts as a daylight spell.
    Eye colouration: Yellow

    The lightning dragons of the Shifting Expanse are engineers. They prefer to be quick and intuitive, to better harness the power of the tempest under which they make their home. Of all the dragons, lightning dragons are the most ambitious, changing the world to adapt to them, rather than adapting to the world. The copper wire, tools, and reactors are their favored treasures. The god of the Lightning Flight is the Stormcatcher.
    Breath damage type: Electricity
    Breath weapon effect: Lesser: Stuns for 1d4 rounds, fort negates. Greater: Paralyzes for 1d6 rounds, fort negates.
    Eye colouration: Electric Blue

    The nature dragons of the Viridian Labyrinth are druids. They prefer to be as wild and primal as the ancient forests they call their home. Of all the dragons, nature dragons are the most nurturing, enjoying the care and cultivation of flora and fauna, spreading an overgrowth of life where once there was none. Seeds and rare flowers are their favored treasures. The god of the Nature Flight is the Gladekeeper.
    Breath damage type: Acid (Poisonous gas)
    Breath weapon effect: Lesser: Stuns for 1d4 rounds. Greater: When using your breath weapon, you may produce the effect of Plant Growth within the area of your breath weapon(you choose the effect when using your breath weapon)
    Eye colouration: Green

    The plague dragons of the Scarred Wasteland are survivors. They prefer to be as strong and adaptable as the plague they spread. Of all the dragons, plague dragons are the most savage, and celebrate the cycle of life and death by constantly pitting themselves against the other elements. The bones and armor of their enemies are their favored treasures. The god of the Plague Flight is the Plaguebringer.
    Breath damage type: Acid (A corrosive pestulent substance)
    Breath weapon effect: Lesser: Nauseate for 1d6 rounds. Greater: When using your breath weapon, you may choose to have your breath weapon cause the disease filth fever(or any other disease you have been infected with) to fester within those who take damage from your breath weapon.
    Eye colouration: Red

    The arcane dragons of Starfall Isles are dreamers. They prefer the allure of the unknown and mysterious nature of the magical energies that bind the universe together. Of all dragons, Arcane dragons are the most curious, pursuing their theories and their dreams, often oblivious to the effects that their dogged pursuits may have on the world around them. Meteors and runestones are their favored treasures. The god of the Arcane Flight is the Arcanist.
    Breath damage type: Force (Lazer of pink light)
    Breath weapon effect: Lesser: All creatures that take damage from your breath weapon become under the effects of faerie fire. Greater: Your breath weapon damage die increases by one step and you may have your breath weapon cause a wild surge within its range. If the effect target's the spell, it modifies your breath weapon. If the effect targets the caster, it targets you. Otherwise, the effect happens to all who were dealt damage by the breath weapon.
    Eye colouration: Pink

    Upon creating a dragon you must choose an elemental flight.

    Breath weapon ratios: In the game there are some dragon breeds that are more magically adept than others. The same is true for the physical, and there are a few races of dragons that are sort of in-between the two. Due to this difference, I've decided that I will implement a form of breath weapon ratios and breed based breath damage die. Each dragon species will get a bump of damage/effect at certain levels and every little bit will get to choose an ability relating to their breath weapon.

    The ratios and damage/effect gains are as follows:
    Level Exemplar Great Good Average Poor
    1 1d# 0d# 0d# 0d# 0d#
    2 2d# 1d# 1d# 0d# 0d#
    3 3d# 2d# 1d# 1d# 0d#
    4 4d# 3d# 2d# 1d# 1d#
    5 5d# 3d# 2d# 1d# 1d#
    6 6d# 4d# 3d# 2d# 1d#
    7 7d# 5d# 3d# 2d# 1d#
    8 8d# 6d# 4d# 3d# 2d#
    9 9d# 6d# 4d# 3d# 2d#
    10 10d# 7d# 5d# 3d# 2d#
    11 11d# 8d# 5d# 3d# 2d#
    12 12d# 9d# 6d# 4d# 3d#
    13 13d# 9d# 6d# 4d# 3d#
    14 14d# 10d# 7d# 4d# 3d#
    15 15d# 11d# 7d# 5d# 3d#
    16 16d# 12d# 8d# 5d# 4d#
    17 17d# 12d# 8d# 5d# 4d#
    18 18d# 13d# 9d# 6d# 4d#
    19 19d# 14d# 9d# 6d# 4d#
    20 20d# 15d# 10d# 6d# 5d#
    20+ +1d# +1d# as 3/4ths BAB +1d#/2 levels +1d#/3 levels +1d#/4 levels

    At certain levels, dragons will gain a Breath Weapon Augment, these levels are detailed below.

    Level Exemplar Great Good Average Poor
    1 0 0 0 0 0
    2 1 0 0 0 0
    3 1 1 0 0 0
    4 2 1 1 0 0
    5 2 1 1 0 0
    6 3 2 1 1 0
    7 3 2 1 1 0
    8 4 3 2 1 1
    9 4 3 2 1 1
    10 5 3 2 1 1
    11 5 4 2 1 1
    12 6 4 3 2 1
    13 6 4 3 2 1
    14 7 5 3 2 1
    15 7 5 3 3 1
    16 8 6 4 2 2
    17 8 6 4 3 2
    18 9 6 4 3 2
    19 9 7 4 3 2
    20 10 7 5 3 2
    20+ +1/2 levels +1/3 levels +1/4 levels +1/6 levels +1/8 levels

    At the indicated levels the dragon gains a new breath weapon augment. Breath weapon augments come in two forms: Metabreath feats and Warlock Invocations.
    When you gain a new breath weapon augment you can choose to gain a free metabreath feat or a warlock invocation.

    If you choose to gain a warlock invocation, you use your HD as your warlock class level when determining your warlock level. You may only obtain blast shapes and blast essence invocations as breath weapon augments and any elemental damage dealt as a result of the essence used is instead changed to the damage type for your element.

    Now, it's not specified within the lore on whether or not their dragons have breath weapons, but for these races I'll allow it. The amount/type of damage/effect/etc. is dependent upon the level and element of the dragon.

    Growth: Unlike True Dragons, these dragon species will not have 12 different stages of life. They will follow the usual formula for races aging: Adult, Middle Aged, Old, and Venerable.

    Level Advancement: The level advancement for these dragons depends on the setting and party composition. If the party is made up of only these dragons and the setting is chock full of them, lower the LA by one to a maximum of 0. If the party composition and/or setting is mixed or has none of them save a few, keep the LA as it is.

    Bogsneak Guess
    Everyone else.
    Last edited by Aniikinis; 2018-11-09 at 08:52 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarian Rex View Post
    Sometimes you need more than well crafted crunch. Sometimes you need well crafted crunch that is playable in the game.
    Steam: Papa Palpy Palpatine
    Pesterchum: mysticUmbra
    YouTube: Noctus Does Things

    Black(Blue and Green) or Sultai is my khanate, and my colour alignment.

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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Flight Rising Dragon Races

    Plentiful Breeds Part 1


    Male on the right, Female on the left.
    The small dragon picks up a strange insect then blasts it with it's breath weapon before eating it.

    Just some here.

    Fae characters possess the following racial traits:
    • +2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Str, -2 Con, -2 Cha (+2 App)
    • Small Dragon
    • Speed: 15 feet, Fly 40 feet (Good)
    • Special Qualities: Breath Weapon, Darkvision 60 ft., Element, Low Light vision, Draconic Immunities, Passive Divination, Emotionless Visage
    • Automatic Languages: Draconic and Common Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages
    • Favored Class: Wizard
    • Level adjustment: +2

    Element: Upon character creation, choose an element.

    Breath Weapon: Fey dragons are the most magically proficient of the dragons, but their puny size and low amounts of internalized magic keep their damage low. Their breath weapon ratio is great, their breath weapon damage die is d4, their breath weapon shape is a 15 foot cone, and their breath weapon is usable once every 1d3-1 rounds.

    Draconic Immunities: Immune to sleep and paralysis effects.

    Natural Weapons: Fae dragons have a primary bite attack that deals 1d4 damage and two secondary claw attacks that deal 1d3 damage.

    Passive Divination: Fae dragons have a constant nonmagical Detect Magic effect.

    Emotionless Visage: Fae dragons use their flexible, colour-changing frills to express their emotions and word inflections. Fae dragons take a -5 penalty to sense motive checks when dealing with other races due to their strange ways of expressing emotion. Other races, likewise, take a -5 penalty to sense motive checks when dealing with Fae dragons, due to their emotionless faces and monotone voices.

    Natural armour: Fae dragons have a +1 natural armour bonus.

    Random Starting Ages
    Age Modifier
    Adulthood 15 Years
    Simple +1d4 Years
    Moderate +1d6 Years
    Complex +1d8 Years

    Aging Effects
    Age Groups Age
    Middle Age 600 years
    Old 1200 years
    Venerable 1400 years
    Maximum Age +2d100 years

    Random Height and Weight
    Gender Base Length Length Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifiers
    Male 1' +1d4 feet and +1d10 inches 1 lb. +1d4 lb.
    Female 1' 6" +1d4 feet and +1d10 inches 1 lb. +1d8 lb.


    Female on the left, male on the right.
    The large dragon lifts his head up and narrows his eyes at you, ready to defend his charge no matter what.

    Just some here.

    Race characters possess the following racial traits:
    • +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha (+0 App)
    • Huge Dragon
    • Speed: 60 feet, fly 80 (Clumsy)
    • Special Qualities: Breath Weapon, Darkvision 60 ft., Element, Low Light Vision, Draconic Immunities
    • Automatic Languages: Draconic and Common Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages
    • Favored Class: Cleric
    • Level adjustment: +2

    Element: Upon character creation, choose an element.

    Breath Weapon: Guardian dragons are of the more physically inclined dragons, but their size and amounts of internalized magic keep their damage high. Their breath weapon ratio is poor, their breath weapon damage die is d10, their breath weapon shape is a 40 foot cone, and their breath weapon is usable once every 1d4+1 rounds.

    Draconic Immunities: Immune to sleep and paralysis effects.

    Natural Weapons: Guardian dragons have a primary bite attack that deals 2d6 damage, two secondary claw attacks that deal 1d8 damage, and a tail slap that deals 1d6 damage.

    Natural Armour: Guardian dragons have a +7 natural armour bonus due to their thick scales.

    Random Starting Ages
    Age Modifier
    Adulthood 100 Years
    Simple +1d6 Years
    Moderate +1d8 Years
    Complex +1d12 Years

    Aging Effects
    Age Groups Age
    Middle Age 800 years
    Old 1600 years
    Venerable 2000 years
    Maximum Age +4d100 years

    Random Height and Weight
    Gender Base Length Length Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifiers
    Male 32' +4d10 feet and +1d8 inches 15177 lb. +(12d12*100) lb.
    Female 30' +4d10 feet and +1d6 inches 13168 lb. +(12d12*100) lb.
    Last edited by Aniikinis; 2018-04-10 at 08:27 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarian Rex View Post
    Sometimes you need more than well crafted crunch. Sometimes you need well crafted crunch that is playable in the game.
    Steam: Papa Palpy Palpatine
    Pesterchum: mysticUmbra
    YouTube: Noctus Does Things

    Black(Blue and Green) or Sultai is my khanate, and my colour alignment.

    The Rest of my Signature
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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Flight Rising Dragon Races

    Plentiful Breeds Part 2


    Female on the left, male on the right.
    Upon Grazkil charging towards him, the shaggy-maned dragon simply stepped out of the way and politely asked him to stop trying to attack him because he'd already agreed to talk this out.

    Just this bit.

    Tundra characters possess the following racial traits:
    • -2 Dexterity, +2 Con (+2 App)
    • Large Dragon
    • Speed: 40 ft., Fly 60 ft. (Average)
      Breath Weapon, Darkvision 60 ft., Element, Low Light Vision, Draconic Immunities, Scent, Cold Survival
    • Automatic Languages: Draconic and Common Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages
    • Favored Class: Any
    • Level adjustment: +1

    Element: Upon character creation, choose an element.

    Breath Weapon: Tundra dragons are of the more balanced dragons with preference towards their breath weapons, but their size and amounts of internalized magic keep their damage alright. Their breath weapon ratio is good, their breath weapon damage die is d6, their breath weapon shape is a 15 foot cone, and their breath weapon is usable once every 1d4 rounds.

    Draconic Immunities: Immune to sleep and paralysis effects.

    Natural Weapons: Tundra have a primary bite attack that deals 1d8 damage and two secondary claw attacks that deal 1d4 damage.

    Natural Armour: Tundra dragons have a +3 natural armour bonus.

    Cold Survival: Due to the way they were created, tundra dragons take half damage from cold and take double damage from hot temperatures. This does not function like cold resistance or weakness to fire, as it does not change the amount of damage taken from fire or cold attacks, just from ambient temperature.

    Random Starting Ages
    Age Modifier
    Adulthood 50 Years
    Simple +1d6 Years
    Moderate +1d8 Years
    Complex +1d10 Years

    Aging Effects
    Age Groups Age
    Middle Age 250 years
    Old 500 years
    Venerable 700 years
    Maximum Age +1d100 years

    Random Height and Weight
    Gender Base Length Length Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifiers
    Male 7' +1d10 feet and +1d12 inches 160 lb. +(1d100*5) lb.
    Female 7' +1d8 feet and +1d12 inches 160 lb. +(1d100*5) lb.


    Female on the left, male on the right.
    The predatory draconid stalked the large beast with an agility and ferocity that could easily be felt by all who looked upon it. It's twin sets of eyes gleamed hungrily as it pounced and breathed directly into the open wounds of it's prey.

    Just this Bit

    Mirror characters possess the following racial traits:
    • +4 Str, +2 Dex, +4 Con, -4 Int, -2 Wis, -4 Cha (-2 App)
    • Huge Dragon
    • Speed: 35 feet., Fly 25 feet (Clumsy)
      Breath Weapon, Darkvision 60 ft., Element, Low Light Vision, Draconic Immunities, Heatsense, Pounce, Rake (2d4)
    • Automatic Languages: Draconic and Common Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages
    • Favored Class: Barbarian
    • Level adjustment: +2

    Element: Upon character creation, choose an element.

    Breath Weapon: Mirror dragons are of the more physically inclined dragons, but their size and amounts of internalized magic keep their damage okay. Their breath weapon ratio is poor, their breath weapon damage die is d6, their breath weapon shape is a 10 foot cone, and their breath weapon is usable once every 1d8 rounds.

    Draconic Immunities: Immune to sleep and paralysis effects.

    Natural Weapons: Mirror dragons have a primary bite attack that deals 1d6 damage and two secondary claw attacks that deal 1d4 damage.

    Heatsense (Ex): Mirror can detect heat (such as that generated by living creatures) within 60 feet, including the heat of invisible creatures. It functions as blindsense in regards to any non-visible heat sources within its range.

    Pounce: When a mirror dragon makes a charge, it can follow with a full attack—including rake attacks.

    Rake:A mirror dragon gains extra natural attacks when it grapples its foe. Normally, a creature can attack with only one of its natural weapons while grappling, but a creature with the rake ability usually gains two additional claw attacks that it can use only against a grappled foe. Rake attacks are not subject to the usual –4 penalty for attacking with a natural weapon in a grapple.

    A creature with the rake ability must begin its turn grappling to use its rake—it can’t begin a grapple and rake in the same turn.

    Natural Armour: Mirror dragons have a +6 natural armour bonus.

    Random Starting Ages
    Age Modifier
    Adulthood 10 Years
    Simple +1d2 Years
    Moderate +1d4 Years
    Complex +1d6 Years

    Aging Effects
    Age Groups Age
    Middle Age 100 years
    Old 200 years
    Venerable 400 years
    Maximum Age +2d50 years

    Random Height and Weight
    Gender Base Length Length Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifiers
    Male 19' +1d10 feet and +1d12 inches 1217 lb. +(1d6*5) lb.
    Female 19' +1d8 feet and +1d12 inches 1217 lb. +(1d6*5) lb.
    Last edited by Aniikinis; 2018-04-10 at 08:27 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarian Rex View Post
    Sometimes you need more than well crafted crunch. Sometimes you need well crafted crunch that is playable in the game.
    Steam: Papa Palpy Palpatine
    Pesterchum: mysticUmbra
    YouTube: Noctus Does Things

    Black(Blue and Green) or Sultai is my khanate, and my colour alignment.

    The Rest of my Signature
    My Hombrew

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Flight Rising Dragon Races

    Common Breeds Part 1


    Female on the left, male on the right
    The haughty dragon laughs at your diplomatic attempts. "No, no, no," the dragon said, "this is what you're going to do for me"

    Just a bit here.

    Pearlcatcher characters possess the following racial traits:
    • +2 Cha, -2 Con (+2 App)
    • Large Dragons
    • Speed: 40 feet, Fly 50 feet (Average)
    • Special Qualities: Breath Weapon, Darkvision 60 ft., Element, Low Light vision, Draconic Immunities, Essence Pearl
    • Automatic Languages: Draconic and Common Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages
    • Favored Class: Bard
    • Level adjustment: +1

    Element: Upon character creation, choose an element.

    Breath Weapon: Pearlcatcher dragons are very balanced dragons, but their size and good amounts of internalized magic keep their damage at a manageable level. Their breath weapon ratio is average, their breath weapon damage die is d6, their breath weapon shape is a 40 foot line, and is usable once every 1d6-1 rounds.

    Draconic Immunities: Immune to sleep and paralysis effects.

    Natural Weapons: Pearlcatcher dragons have a primary bite attack that deals 1d8 damage, two secondary claw attacks that deal 1d6 damage, a secondary tail slap attack that deals 1d4 damage, and a secondary gore attack that deals 1d6 damage

    Essence Pearl: Pearlcatchers are born with a massive pearl that is the sum of their very being and all of their experiences. If a pearlcatcher is killed, this pearl can be used as a focus to bring them back to life even if you do not have their body. If a pearlcatcher loses their pearl, they become listless and lose all purpose. If the pearl is lost, the pearlcatcher takes a permanent penalty to attack rolls, skill rolls, reflex and will saves, and AC equal to your HD until he gains his pearl back. The pearl is extremely valuable, easily fetching 5000g +2000XHD gold.

    Natural Armour: Pearlcatcher dragons have a +2 natural armour bonus.

    Random Starting Ages
    Age Modifier
    Adulthood 100 Years
    Simple +1d8 Years
    Moderate +1d10 Years
    Complex +1d12 Years

    Aging Effects
    Age Groups Age
    Middle Age 400 years
    Old 800 years
    Venerable 1000 years
    Maximum Age +2d100 years

    Random Height and Weight
    Gender Base Length Length Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifiers
    Male 11' +1d12 feet and +1d12 inches 607 lb. +((1d10+1d6)*60) lb.
    Female 11' +1d12 feet and +1d12 inches 594 lb. +((1d10+1d6)*50) lb.


    Female on left, male on right.
    The predatory dragon lands beside you and, with a single movement of his neck, spears a massive shark directly from the water before the both of you.

    Just a bit here.

    Ridgeback characters possess the following racial traits:
    • +4 Str, +2 Con, -6 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Wis (+2 App)
    • Gargantuan Dragons
    • Speed: 60 feet, Fly 80 Feet (Clumsy)
    • Special Qualities: Breath Weapon, Darkvision 60 ft., Element, Low Light vision, Draconic Immunities
    • Automatic Languages: Draconic and Common Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages
    • Favored Class: Barbarian
    • Level adjustment: +3

    Element: Upon character creation, choose an element.

    Breath Weapon: Ridgeback dragons are of the more physically proficient of the dragons, but their large size and high amounts of internalized magic keep their damage high. Their breath weapon ratio is Poor their breath weapon damage die is d8, and is used once every 1d6+1 rounds.

    Draconic Immunities: Immune to sleep and paralysis effects.

    Natural Weapons: Ridgeback dragons have a primary bite attack that deals 1d10, damage two secondary claw attacks that deal 1d6 damage, a tail slap that deals 1d6 damage, and a secondary gore attack that deals 1d6 damage.

    Natural Armour: Ridgeback dragons have a +5 natural armour bonus.
    Random Starting Ages
    Age Modifier
    Adulthood 120 Years
    Simple +1d10 Years
    Moderate +1d12 Years
    Complex +1d12+1d4 Years

    Aging Effects
    Age Groups Age
    Middle Age 1000 years
    Old 2000 years
    Venerable 4000 years
    Maximum Age +2d1000 years

    Random Height and Weight
    Gender Base Length Length Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifiers
    Male 39' +3d10 feet and +1d8 inches 11299 lb. +((1d10+1d8)*450) lb.
    Female 42' +3d10 feet and +1d12 inches 11865 lb. +(2d10*500) lb.
    Last edited by Aniikinis; 2018-04-10 at 08:28 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarian Rex View Post
    Sometimes you need more than well crafted crunch. Sometimes you need well crafted crunch that is playable in the game.
    Steam: Papa Palpy Palpatine
    Pesterchum: mysticUmbra
    YouTube: Noctus Does Things

    Black(Blue and Green) or Sultai is my khanate, and my colour alignment.

    The Rest of my Signature
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  5. - Top - End - #5
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Flight Rising Dragon Races

    Common Breeds Part 2


    Male on the left, Female on the right.
    The dragon before you crushes a large clam in it's mouth before giving out some deep wisdom.

    Just some here.

    Snapper characters possess the following racial traits:
    • +2 Str, +4 Con, +2 Wis, -6 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha (-2 App)
    • Large Dragon
    • Speed: 30 feet
    • Special Qualities: Breath Weapon, Darkvision 60 ft., Element, Low Light vision, Draconic Immunities
    • Automatic Languages: Draconic and Common Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages
    • Favored Class: Cleric
    • Level adjustment: +1

    Element: Upon character creation, choose an element.

    Breath Weapon: Snapper dragons are more physically proficient dragons, but their size and low amounts of internalized magic keep their damage low. Their breath weapon ratio is Poor, their breath weapon damage die is d6, their breath weapon shape is a 20 foot line, and their breath weapon is usable once every 1d8+1 rounds.

    Draconic Immunities: Immune to sleep and paralysis effects.

    Natural Weapons: Snapper dragons have a primary bite attack that deals 2d10 damage and two secondary claw attacks that deal 2d8 damage.

    Natural Armour: Snapper dragons have a +8 natural armour bonus.

    Random Starting Ages
    Age Modifier
    Adulthood 50 Years
    Simple +1d4 Years
    Moderate +1d6 Years
    Complex +1d8 Years

    Aging Effects
    Age Groups Age
    Middle Age 300 years
    Old 600 years
    Venerable 800 years
    Maximum Age +1d100 years

    Random Height and Weight
    Gender Base Length Length Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifiers
    Male 10' 1" +2d6 feet and +1d10 inches 11579 lb. +((2d10+1d4)*350) lb.
    Female 8' 10" +1d12 feet and +1d4 inches 594 lb. +((1d12+1d4)*350) lb.


    Male on the right, Female on the left.
    The serpentine dragon swoops down and asks if you'd like to play a game.

    Just some here.

    Spiral characters possess the following racial traits:
    • +4 Dex, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, -4 Str, -4 Con (+2 App)
    • Large Dragon
    • Speed: 35 feet, Fly 50 feet (Good), Burrow 15 feet
    • Special Qualities: Breath Weapon, Darkvision 60 ft., Element, Low Light vision, Draconic Immunities, Light Sensitivity
    • Automatic Languages: Draconic and Common Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages
    • Favored Class: Sorcerer
    • Level adjustment: +3

    Element: Upon character creation, choose an element.

    Breath Weapon: Spiral dragons are more magically proficient dragons, and their size and high amounts of internalized magic keep their damage high. Their breath weapon ratio is good, their breath weapon damage die is d8, their breath weapon shape is a 30 foot cone, and their breath weapon is usable once every 1d6-1 rounds.

    Draconic Immunities: Immune to sleep and paralysis effects.

    Natural Weapons: Spiral dragons have a primary bite attack that deals 1d4 damage and two secondary claw attacks that deal 1d3 damage.

    Natural Armour: Spiral dragons have a +1 natural armour bonus.

    Random Starting Ages
    Age Modifier
    Adulthood 40 Years
    Simple +1d4 Years
    Moderate +1d8 Years
    Complex +1d12 Years

    Aging Effects
    Age Groups Age
    Middle Age 600 years
    Old 1200 years
    Venerable 1300 years
    Maximum Age +1d100 years

    Random Height and Weight
    Gender Base Length Length Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifiers
    Male 7' +1d6 feet and +1d6 inches 194 lb. +(1d20*13) lb.
    Female 7' +1d8 feet and +1d4 inches 96 lb. +((1d12+1d4)*8) lb.
    Last edited by Aniikinis; 2018-04-10 at 08:29 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarian Rex View Post
    Sometimes you need more than well crafted crunch. Sometimes you need well crafted crunch that is playable in the game.
    Steam: Papa Palpy Palpatine
    Pesterchum: mysticUmbra
    YouTube: Noctus Does Things

    Black(Blue and Green) or Sultai is my khanate, and my colour alignment.

    The Rest of my Signature
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  6. - Top - End - #6
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Flight Rising Dragon Races

    Uncommon Breeds


    Male on the left, Female on the right.
    The dragon moves closer to you and says simply, "Might I ask what's troubling you?"

    Just some here.

    Skydancer characters possess the following racial traits:
    • +4 Int, +4 Wis, -4 Str, -4 Con (+2 App)
    • Large Dragon
    • Speed: 50 feet, Fly 75 feet (Good)
    • Special Qualities: Breath Weapon, Darkvision 60 ft., Element, Low Light vision, Draconic Immunities, Quickness, Crystalline Divination
    • Automatic Languages: Draconic and Common Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages
    • Favored Class: Wizard
    • Level adjustment: +4

    Element: Upon character creation, choose an element.

    Breath Weapon: Skydancer dragons are more balanced dragons, but their size and amounts of internalized magic keep their damage alright. Their breath weapon ratio is average, their breath weapon damage die is d6, their breath weapon shape is a 15 foot cone, and their breath weapon can be used once every 1d6 rounds.

    Draconic Immunities: Immune to sleep and paralysis effects.

    Natural Weapons: Skydancer dragons have a primary bite attack that deals 1d6 damage and two secondary claw attacks that deal 1d4 damage.

    Quickness: Skydancer dragons gain an untyped bonus to their initiative equal to their HD+3.

    Crystalline Divination: Skydancer dragons have a constant detect magic and detect emotions effect active.\

    Natural Armour: Skydancer dragons have a +1 natural armour bonus

    Random Starting Ages
    Age Modifier
    Adulthood 30 Years
    Simple +1d6 Years
    Moderate +1d8 Years
    Complex +1d10 Years

    Aging Effects
    Age Groups Age
    Middle Age 150 years
    Old 300 years
    Venerable 800 years
    Maximum Age +3d10 years

    Random Height and Weight
    Gender Base Length Length Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifiers
    Male 10' 1" +2d4 feet and +1d6 inches 634 lb. +((1d10+1d8)*80) lb.
    Female 9' 3" +1d8 feet and +1d8 inches 605 lb. +((1d8+1d6)*85) lb.


    Either dragon in the picture above can be a male or female.
    A strange, thick-bodied, frilled dragon rises from the muck before you and a cruel smile spreads across its face before it offers to guide you through the swamp, albeit with a hefty price.

    Just some here.

    Bogsneak characters possess the following racial traits:
    • +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Dex, -2 Cha (-2 App)
    • Huge Dragon
    • Speed: 35 feet, Fly 40 feet (Poor), Swim 45
    • Special Qualities: Breath Weapon, Darkvision 60 ft., Element, Low Light vision, Draconic Immunities,
    • Automatic Languages: Draconic and Common Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages
    • Favored Class: Barbarian
    • Level adjustment: +1

    Element: Upon character creation, choose an element.

    Breath Weapon: Bogsneak dragons are more balanced dragons, but their size and amounts of internalized magic keep their damage alright. Their breath weapon ratio is average, their breath weapon damage die is d6, their breath weapon shape is a 25 foot cone, and their breath weapon is usable once every 1d6 rounds.

    Draconic Immunities: Immune to sleep and paralysis effects.

    Natural Weapons: Bogsneak dragons have a primary bite attack that deals 2d6 damage and two secondary claw attacks that deal 1d8 damage.

    Natural Armour: Bogsneak dragons have a +4 natural armour bonus.

    Bogsneak Random Starting Ages
    Age Modifier
    Adulthood 20 Years
    Simple +1d4 Years
    Moderate +1d6 Years
    Complex +1d8 Years

    Bogsneak Aging Effects
    Age Groups Age
    Middle Age 400 years
    Old 600 years
    Venerable 800 years
    Maximum Age +3d100 years

    Bogsneak Random Height and Weight
    Gender Base Length Length Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifiers
    Male 23'2" +1d6 feet and +1d8 inches 1510 lb. +(1d10*5) lb.
    Female 23'2" +1d6 feet and +1d8 inches 1510 lb. +(1d10*5) lb.
    Last edited by Aniikinis; 2018-04-10 at 08:29 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarian Rex View Post
    Sometimes you need more than well crafted crunch. Sometimes you need well crafted crunch that is playable in the game.
    Steam: Papa Palpy Palpatine
    Pesterchum: mysticUmbra
    YouTube: Noctus Does Things

    Black(Blue and Green) or Sultai is my khanate, and my colour alignment.

    The Rest of my Signature
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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Flight Rising Dragon Races

    Limited Breeds


    Male on the right, Female on the left.
    The massive dragon looks down upon you, the feeling of magnificence awash within you.

    Just some here.

    Imperial characters possess the following racial traits:
    • +4 Con, +4 Intelligence, -6 Dex, -2 Wis (+4 App)
    • Colossal Dragon
    • Speed: 50 feet, Fly 70 feet (Clumsy)
    • Special Qualities: Breath Weapon, Darkvision 120 ft., Element, Low Light vision, Draconic Immunities
    • Automatic Languages: Draconic and Common Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages
    • Favored Class: Wizard
    • Level adjustment: +7

    Element: Upon character creation, choose an element.

    Breath Weapon: Imperial dragons are more physically proficient dragons, but their size and amounts of internalized magic keep their damage high, powerful, and often. Their breath weapon ratio is good, their breath weapon damage die is d12, their breath weapon shape is a 50 foot cone, and their breath weapon is usable once every 1d8+1 rounds.

    Draconic Immunities: Immune to sleep and paralysis effects.

    Natural Weapons: Imperial dragons have a primary bite attack that deals 3d8 damage, two secondary claw attacks that deal 2d6 damage, a secondary tail swipe attack that deals 1d10 damage, two secondary wing buffet attacks that deal 1d6 damage, and a secondary gore attack that deals 1d10 damage.

    Natural Armour: Imperial dragons have a +10 natural armour bonus.

    Random Starting Ages
    Age Modifier
    Adulthood 5 Years
    Simple +1d2 Years
    Moderate +1d4 Years
    Complex +1d6 Years

    Aging Effects (Roll upon character creation, due to them having extremely erratic life lengths. Reroll any roll that is lower than a previous, except for the Maximum Age roll.)
    Age Groups Age
    Middle Age 3d100 years
    Old 4d100 years
    Venerable 5d100 years
    Maximum Age 10d1000 years

    Random Height and Weight
    Gender Base Length Length Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifiers
    Male 60' 1" +4d10 feet and +1d6 inches 11266 lb. +(4d6*400) lb.
    Female 57' 10" +4d10 feet and +1d6 inches 594 lb. +((1d10+1d8)*450) lb.


    Male on the left, Female on the right.
    A strangely bat-like dragon swoops down and blindsides the charging razor boar, bowling it down before swiftly dispatching it.

    Just some here.

    Nocturne characters possess the following racial traits:
    • +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Str, -2 Con (+2 App)
    • Large Dragon
    • Speed: 35 feet, Fly 45 feet (Good)
    • Special Qualities: Breath Weapon, Darkvision 120 ft., Element, Low Light vision, Draconic Immunities, Light Blindness
    • Automatic Languages: Draconic and Common Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages
    • Favored Class: Ranger
    • Level adjustment: +1

    Element: Upon character creation, choose an element.

    Breath Weapon: Nocturne dragons are more balanced dragons, but their size and amounts of internalized magic keep their damage alright. Their breath weapon ratio is average, their breath weapon damage die is d6, their breath weapon shape is a 30 foot line, and their breath weapon is usable once every 1d4+1 rounds.

    Draconic Immunities: Immune to sleep and paralysis effects.

    Natural Weapons: Nocturne dragons have a primary bite attack that deals 1d8 damage, two secondary claw attacks that deal 1d6 damage, and two secondary wing strike attacks that deal 1d6 slashing and bludgeoning damage.

    Natural Armour: Nocturne dragons have a +4 natural armour bonus.

    Random Starting Ages
    Age Modifier
    Adulthood 40 Years
    Simple +1d4 Years
    Moderate +1d6 Years
    Complex +1d8 Years

    Aging Effects
    Age Groups Age
    Middle Age 400 years
    Old 800 years
    Venerable 1000 years
    Maximum Age +3d10*5 years

    Random Height and Weight
    Gender Base Length Length Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifiers
    Male 10' 1" +1d8 feet and +2d6 inches 668 lb. +(2d10*50) lb.
    Female 11' 1" +1d8 feet and +2d6 inches 671 lb. +(2d10*50) lb.
    Last edited by Aniikinis; 2018-04-10 at 08:30 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarian Rex View Post
    Sometimes you need more than well crafted crunch. Sometimes you need well crafted crunch that is playable in the game.
    Steam: Papa Palpy Palpatine
    Pesterchum: mysticUmbra
    YouTube: Noctus Does Things

    Black(Blue and Green) or Sultai is my khanate, and my colour alignment.

    The Rest of my Signature
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  8. - Top - End - #8
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Flight Rising Dragon Races

    Rare Breeds


    Male on the left, Female on the right. Both genders can flare their neck feathers like the female is in the picture.
    The serpent-like dragon flicks its forked tongue out and

    Just some here.

    characters possess the following racial traits:
    • +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Str, -2 Con (+0 App)
    • Huge Dragon
    • Speed: 40 feet, Fly 60 feet (Good)
    • Special Qualities: Breath Weapon, Darkvision 60 ft., Element, Low Light vision, Draconic Immunities, Hearing Impairment, Quickness
    • Automatic Languages: Draconic, Common, and Coatl Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages
    • Favored Class: Wizard
    • Level adjustment: +2

    Element: Upon character creation, choose an element.

    Breath Weapon: Coatl dragons are more balanced dragons, but their size and high amounts of internalized magic keep their damage high. Their breath weapon ratio is good, their breath weapon damage die is d10, their breath weapon shape is a 25 foot cone, and their breath weapon is usable once every 1d8-1 rounds.

    Draconic Immunities: Immune to sleep and paralysis effects.

    Natural Weapons: Coatl dragons have a primary bite attack that deals 1d8 damage, two secondary claw attacks that deal 1d4 damage, one secondary tail swipe attack that deals 1d6 damage, and two wing buffet attacks that deal 1d6 damage.

    Natural Armour: Coatl dragons have a +4 natural armour bonus.

    Hearing Impairment: Coatl dragons don't have ears or a very well developed internal ear structure. However they can still feel the vibrations in the air and understand speech, albeit at a loss. Whenever a coatl dragon is listening to someone in a place that has a lot of sound or within a good wind, they must make a listen check (DC 15, DC is 18 if both are true) to understand what is being said. If a coatl dragon is hit by a sonic attack, they are deafened for 1d4 rounds and take a -10 to all listen checks for 1d10 rounds after they regain their hearing.

    This racial trait does not apply to their racial tongue, as the coatl language uses vibrations that bypass the restrictions. In addition, coatl cannot understand a word that is being said by fae dragons due to the monotone nature of their speech coupled with the inexpressiveness of their bodies.

    Quickness: Coatl dragons gain an untyped bonus to their initiative equal to their HD+3.

    Random Starting Ages
    Age Modifier
    Adulthood 30 Years
    Simple +1d2 Years
    Moderate +1d4 Years
    Complex +1d6 Years

    Aging Effects
    Age Groups Age
    Middle Age 450 years
    Old 900 years
    Venerable 1200 years
    Maximum Age +3d100 years

    Random Height and Weight
    Gender Base Length Length Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifiers
    Male 20' 1" +1d8 feet and +1d10 inches 1426 lb. +((1d10+1d8)*50) lb.
    Female 21' 4" +1d6 feet and +1d6 inches 1350 lb. +((1d10+1d4)*80) lb.


    Male on the left, Female on the right.
    The giant, raptor like dragon charges from the foliage and leaps upon the gorgon, with a few gouts of flame and quick slices it silences the strange beast.

    Just some here.

    Wildclaw characters possess the following racial traits:
    • +4 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con, -4 Int, -4 Cha (-2 App)
    • Huge Dragon
    • Speed: 50 feet, Fly 60 feet (Poor)
    • Special Qualities: Breath Weapon, Darkvision 60 ft., Element, Low Light vision, Draconic Immunities, Silent Stalker, Pounce, Rend (2d10)
    • Automatic Languages: Draconic and Common Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages
    • Favored Class: Ranger
    • Level adjustment: +1

    Element: Upon character creation, choose an element.

    Breath Weapon: Wildclaw dragons are more physically proficient dragons, but their size and amounts of internalized magic keep their damage alright. Their breath weapon ratio is average, their breath weapon damage die is d6, their breath weapon shape is a 30 foot line, and their breath weapon is usable once every 1d6 rounds.

    Draconic Immunities: Immune to sleep and paralysis effects.

    Natural Weapons: Wildclaw dragons have a primary bite attack that deals 1d10 damage, and two secondary claw attacks that deal 1d6 damage.

    Natural Armour: Wildclaw dragons have a +4 natural armour bonus.

    Silent Stalker: Wildclaw dragons have a racial bonus on move silently, hide, spot, listen, survival, and track skill checks equal to their HD. In addition, each of those skills are always class skills for them.

    Random Starting Ages
    Age Modifier
    Adulthood 45 Years
    Simple +1d6 Years
    Moderate +1d8 Years
    Complex +1d10 Years

    Aging Effects
    Age Groups Age
    Middle Age 450 years
    Old 900 years
    Venerable 1300 years
    Maximum Age +2d100 years

    Random Height and Weight
    Gender Base Length Length Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifiers
    Male 9' 1" +1d8+1d4 feet and +1d8 inches 734 lb. +(2d10*40) lb.
    Female 14' +1d10 feet and +1d6 inches 749 lb. +((1d12+1d4)*45) lb.
    Last edited by Aniikinis; 2018-04-10 at 08:30 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarian Rex View Post
    Sometimes you need more than well crafted crunch. Sometimes you need well crafted crunch that is playable in the game.
    Steam: Papa Palpy Palpatine
    Pesterchum: mysticUmbra
    YouTube: Noctus Does Things

    Black(Blue and Green) or Sultai is my khanate, and my colour alignment.

    The Rest of my Signature
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  9. - Top - End - #9
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Flight Rising Dragon Races


    Elemental Infusion:
    Through the blessing of an elemental deity, you've been infused with the power of an elemental flight.
    Prerequisites: Breath Weapon, Dragon type
    Benefit: You gain the element racial trait, as above, and select one of the elemental flights to be a part of. This modifies your breath weapon's damage type and effect and your eye colour. You may also change your breath weapon to have good damage and gain augments at an average speed according to the charts above.
    Special: You cannot gain this feat if you already have the element racial trait. If you are above level 10, you may take this feat even if you are not of the dragon typing.

    Elemental Alchemy:
    Some have learned to enhance other items with their own inner power.
    Prerequisites: Element racial trait, Craft(Alchemy) 1 rank
    Special: If you have the Brew Potion feat, you may choose to brew a potion that can restore a use of your breath weapon upon drinking and create a grenade that causes an effect equal to your breath weapon in a burst centered on the square the grenade is thrown in. Radius of the grenade burst is dependent on the shape and length of the breath weapon. Cone shaped breath weapons have their length cut in half and used as the grenade radius. Line shaped breath weapons have their length cut to a quarter and used as the grenade radius.

    If you have the Craft Magic Arms and Armour feat, you may instead choose to channel a single use of your breath into your weapon or armour as a move action. If channeled into your weapon, your weapon adds your breath damage onto damage rolls for the next 1d3+1/4 HD rounds. If you channeled into your armour, you gain the effect of armour spikes that deal elemental damage instead of piercing.

    Breath Effect, Lesser:
    You have unlocked a trick with your breath weapon
    Prerequisites: Element racial trait, Breath Weapon
    Benefit: You gain the lesser breath weapon effect of your elemental flight.

    Breath Effect, Greater:
    You have gotten much better at your breath weapon trick, and unlocked new potential
    Prerequisites: Breath effect, Lesser
    Benefit: You gain the Greater breath weapon effect of your elemental flight.

    Breath Weapon Training
    Over the months of training with your breath weapon, you've learned new focus on it.
    Prerequisites: Element racial trait, Breath Weapon that explicitly has a breath weapon ratio.
    Benefit: Your breath weapon ratio increases by one step. If you would gain new breath weapon augments from this change, you may select them now
    Special: You may select this feat more than once, up to a breath weapon ratio of Good.

    Extreme Breath Training
    Through extreme measures, you've learned to increase your focus on your breath weapon
    Prerequisites: Element racial trait, Breath Weapon that explicitly has a breath weapon ratio, breath weapon ratio of good, level 6.
    Benefit: Your breath weapon ratio increases to great. If you would gain new breath weapon augments from this change, you may select them now.

    Insane Breath Training
    Through esoteric and vaguely legal measures, you've increased your focus on your breath weapon to peak performance and perfection save godlike
    Prerequisites: Element racial trait, Breath Weapon that explicitly has a breath weapon ratio, breath weapon ratio of great, level 12.
    Benefit: Your breath weapon ratio increases to exemplary. If you would gain new breath weapon augments from this change, you may select them now

    Breath Weapon Power Increase
    You've spent a good long time enhancing your inner magic reserves.
    Prerequisites: Element racial trait, Breath Weapon
    Benefit: Your breath weapon damage die increases by one step.
    Special: You can select this feat more than once.

    Breath Weapon Stamina Increase
    After carefully training, you've become more able to use your breath weapon
    Prerequisites: Breath Weapon
    Benefit: You can use your breath weapon sooner than normal. You may use your breath weapon one round sooner than you could normally. This effectively adds an addition -1 to the die roll to determine how long it is until you can use your breath weapon again.
    Special: At level 4, and every 4 levels after, you may use your breath weapon an additional round sooner.

    Breath Weapon Augment
    You've learned a new trick.
    Prerequisites: Breath weapon that explicitly has a breath weapon ratio
    Benefit: You gain a new Breath Weapon Augment as though you accessed it through your breath weapon ratio. You cannot select a metabreath feat with this breath weapon augment, you must select a warlock invocation.

    Draconic Blessing
    You have curried favor with the dragon gods and they have given you a blessing
    Prerequisites: Non-dragon type
    Benefit: You gain the dragonblood subtype and you may choose one of the following abilities: Heart, Breath, Wings, or Body.
    • Heart: You gain all of the traits of the dragon type, though your actual type does not change. If you are using the elemental flights, you may choose to gain the element racial trait even though it may not have any effect at the time you select this feat.
    • Breath: You gain the breath weapon of a dragon shaman. When you select this ability, you must choose your dragon totem from the list of available dragon shaman totems. Whenever you use this ability, you use your breath weapon as though your dragon shaman levels were equal to your HD. You cannot select this ability if you are a dragon shaman.
    • Wings: You gain a pair of draconic wings. These wings work as those granted by the Dragonborn of Bahamut.
    • Body: You gain a primary bite attack and one secondary claw attack for each arm you have. The damage die depends on your size

    Special: You may select this feat more than once. Each time you do, you must choose an ability that you have not chosen before.

    Draconic Reformation
    Your body has been reformed in the shape of a draconic race.
    Prerequisites: Level 10, Element racial trait
    Benefit:You learn the Ritual of Draconic Reformation, as detailed below.


    Maybe some later.


    Fae Dragon Hearing (Skilltrick)
    You've figured out how to hear Fae dragons speech.
    Prerequisites: Coatl, Listen 13 ranks
    Benefit: You can now hear when fae dragons speak, though you still cannot understand them if they are speaking in a language you don't know.
    Normal: You cannot even hear the speech of fae dragons.

    Fae Dragon Emotion Reading(Skilltrick)
    Through observation, you've learned to read the emotions through the colour-changing, flexible frills and monotone voices of fae dragons.
    Prerequisites: Any race besides Fae dragons, Sense Motive 8 ranks
    Benefit: You no longer take the -5 penalty to sense motive checks against fae dragons.
    Normall: You take a -5 penalty to sense motive checks against fae dragons due to their strange ways of expressing emotions.

    Outsider Emotion Reading(Skilltrick)
    With difficulty, you've learned to read the faces and speech patterns of other races to determine their emotions.
    Prerequisites: Fae Dragon, Sense Motive 8 ranks
    Benefit: You no longer take the -5 penalty to sense motive against non-fae dragon creatures.
    Normal: You take a -5 penalty to sense motive checks against non-Fae dragon creatures do to their strange ways of expressing emotions.

    Weak Breath (Flaw)
    You were born with a less intense breath weapon
    Effect: Decrease the damage die of your breath weapon by one step.

    Low Breath Stamina (Flaw)
    You have smaller internal magic than others of your kind
    Effect: Increase the amount of time between uses of your breath weapon by one round.

    Less Practice (Flaw)
    You tented to daze off when you should have been training your breath weapon
    Effect: Decrease the breath weapon ratio of your breath weapon by one step to a minimum of poor.

    Breath-less (Flaw)
    Through a quirk of genetics, you were born without a breath weapon
    Effect: Decrease your Level Advancement by two, to a minimum of 0, and you do not have the breath weapon granted by your race. You may still gain one through class levels or spells.

    Ritual of Draconic Reformation
    School Transformation; Level 5
    Casting Time 2 Hours
    Components V, S, M (a large coloured dragonscale inscribed with the symbol of an elemental flight and soaked in sacred oils worth at least 500 gp, 8 candles of the colour of the elemental flight set in an octagram pattern, an amount of chalk worth at least 1 gp), SC (up to 4)
    Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) DC 25, 3 successes; Knowledge (Religion) DC 25, 3 successes; Knowledge (The Planes) DC 25, 3 successes; Diplomacy DC 25, 3 successes
    Range Medium
    Target One living creature
    Duration Instantaneous; see text
    Saving Throw Harmless; Spell Resistance no
    Backlash The primary caster, secondary casters (if any), and target are exhausted.
    Failure The target is unaffected and all of the materials are used up

    This ritual must be cast within an area reminiscent of an elemental flight. Upon reaching the desired location, a large, intricate diagram must be scrawled within a circle surrounding a 30 ft2 space with each of the candles being placed at one of the cardinal and secondary directions. The target of the ritual must then enter into the center of the circle. Upon them doing so, the primary caster must then sing supplications to the draconic deities and/or the deity of the elemental flight that has been chosen, speak praises, and many other acts of gratitude towards the god/gods.

    If successful upon the last stroke of the last second of the second hour, the chalk diagram will glow and the energies shall rush into the target of the ritual and transform them into a dragon race from above in this thread. The target will then become fatigued due to the strain. This changes the target's race, size, and type, but does not affect their class levels, memories, or feats.

    And with that I'm fairly sure that I'm done with this for now unless I need to edit to fix mistakes or add in suggestions or add in new things that you guys would like to see. Most of these probably need an LA, but I'm unsure of what to give them.

    Any comments, reviews, criticisms, etc?
    Last edited by Aniikinis; 2020-07-22 at 08:36 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarian Rex View Post
    Sometimes you need more than well crafted crunch. Sometimes you need well crafted crunch that is playable in the game.
    Steam: Papa Palpy Palpatine
    Pesterchum: mysticUmbra
    YouTube: Noctus Does Things

    Black(Blue and Green) or Sultai is my khanate, and my colour alignment.

    The Rest of my Signature
    My Hombrew

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Flight Rising Dragon Races

    This is a huge project, wow! Basically the foundation of a campaign setting right here.

    As you say I think the level adjustment needs a bit of work. Even with the breath weapons (which basically make warlocks obsolete, but no great loss there! :D) I can't quite see why Imperial Dragons need +7 LA? Conversely, most of the others would be LA+1 or +2 at minimum. Are these tended to fit alongside core race PCs, or would a campaign solely have dragon PCs?
    Last edited by rferries; 2018-04-08 at 11:59 PM.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Flight Rising Dragon Races

    Quote Originally Posted by rferries View Post
    This is a huge project, wow! Basically the foundation of a campaign setting right here.
    Well, technically there already is a setting, Sorineth. I'm just creating playable races for it on a whim.

    Quote Originally Posted by rferries View Post
    As you say I think the level adjustment needs a bit of work.
    Ohhh you can say that again, I'm about as good as a drunk monkey typing out shakespeare when trying to pick out LAs.

    Quote Originally Posted by rferries View Post
    Even with the breath weapons (which basically make warlocks obsolete, but no great loss there! :D) I can't quite see why Imperial Dragons need +7 LA?
    I mistyped on their breath weapon, was using a template I grabbed from another dragon and just switched out the die and a few words without actually thinking. And now that I've taken a break from looking at them I can definitely see how little LA it really needs. I'm tempted to bring it down to maybe +2 LA due to the hindrance of its size and it's annoyingly random lifespan.

    Quote Originally Posted by rferries View Post
    Conversely, most of the others would be LA+1 or +2 at minimum.
    Yeah, I was leaving that blank not to say they wouldn't have one, but to say that I wasn't sure what it should be. Fae dragons should without a doubt be at least +2 from benefits.

    Quote Originally Posted by rferries View Post
    Are these tended to fit alongside core race PCs, or would a campaign solely have dragon PCs?
    Well... Yes and no. You can use them alone and with each other or you can use them with other races.

    If using them in a party with only each other I'd trim down the LA by the least number used so that two different dragons of the same LA could (theoretically) be on the same power level and reach level 20 without being bogged down by LA that otherwise wouldn't be needed.

    If using them in a mixed party with FR dragons and other races, I'd keep the LA as determined unless all characters have the same LA, then adjudicate as usual.

    In fact, I put in the Ritual of Draconic Reformation in case anyone wanted to become them without researching the ritual as normal. Though why anyone would want to use a limited feat slot on it is beyond me. But hey, it's your character. Maybe an NPC could use it? I dunno.

    EDIT: Now I kinda wanna see a fae dragon warlock.
    Last edited by Aniikinis; 2018-04-09 at 08:08 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarian Rex View Post
    Sometimes you need more than well crafted crunch. Sometimes you need well crafted crunch that is playable in the game.
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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Flight Rising Dragon Races

    Ah gotcha! The "variable LA" is a good solution. Hopefully some more fans chime in then as well (not familiar with the games myself).

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Flight Rising Dragon Races

    Quote Originally Posted by rferries View Post
    Ah gotcha! The "variable LA" is a good solution. Hopefully some more fans chime in then as well (not familiar with the games myself).
    It's a fairly straightforward solution. After I type this out I'm going to make a few adjustments and put out the LA as well as a fourth BWR and an additional feat to give it.

    It's less a game than you might be thinking. It's like a less time-intensive and more community-driven version of neopets (which I have on my to do list for races...) with dragons that you can breed and lots of familiars(petpet-like creatures) to collect. You can breed different dragons with different colours/breeds to get drastically different colours and breed possibilities. There are cosmetic effects called "genes" that change how one of the three colours your dragon has manifests. Every week, each of the 11 flights jockey for dominance by exalting dragons that they've bred. The top three flights of each week gain bonuses until the next top three are picked at the end of the week.

    There's a 12th flight, called the beastclans, that no player can be a part of. It's made up of a few main races but no dragons. Centaurs, Nagas, Harpies, Longnecks(llama/alpaca people), and a few others make of the beastclans and they are vying for survival and dominance over these new monstrous beings(dragons) that have taken over their lands. If they take a spot in the top three of the week, then no players get that bonus.

    For example, here's a few of my adult dragons and one hatchling:


    Breed: Female Fae
    Primary: Midnight Basic
    Secondary: Mulberry Basic
    Tertiary: Blue Basic


    Breed: Male Mirror
    Primary: Ivory Basic
    Secondary: Crimson Basic
    Tertiary: Azure Basic


    Breed: Female Nocturne
    Primary: Pumpkin Basic
    Secondary: Cyan Basic
    Tertiary: Caramel Basic


    Breed: Male Tundra
    Primary: Gloom Crystal
    Secondary: Sapphire Facet
    Tertiary: Royal Glimmer


    Breed: Male Nocturne
    Primary: Obsidian Crystal
    Secondary: Obsidian Current
    Tertiary: Obsidian Smoke


    Breed: Female Nocturne
    Primary: Obsidian Crystal
    Secondary: Obsidian Current
    Tertiary: Obsidian Smoke


    Breed: Female Guardian
    Primary: Blackberry Basic
    Secondary: Shadow Basic
    Tertiary: Purple Basic


    Breed: Female Mirror
    Primary: Thistle Basic
    Secondary: Dust Basic
    Tertiary: Stonewash Basic


    Breed: Female Guardian
    Primary: Red Basic
    Secondary: Cantaloupe Basic
    Tertiary: Maroon Basic

    Fun fact: Camazotz and Lunala are twins, and Lilith was hatched from an abandoned egg that I managed to get my hands on.
    Last edited by Aniikinis; 2018-04-10 at 08:39 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarian Rex View Post
    Sometimes you need more than well crafted crunch. Sometimes you need well crafted crunch that is playable in the game.
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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Flight Rising Dragon Races

    Oh cool! However once you mentioned Neopets I had to back right off, I was totally addicted to that back in the day and I don't want another time-sink haha. Pretty artwork though!

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Flight Rising Dragon Races

    Oh I understand completely. That's part of the reason why I like FR, it has parts of neopets in it but without anywhere near the addictiveness and actual limits on most things on the site. The big draw for me was the community interaction with the site itself (unlike neopets), the drastically different experience from neopets (growing and maintaining a clan of dragons and helping your faction vie for power vs 4 pets that can have their own pets and who's pets can have their own pets that you have to take care of forever), and the lore and worldbuilding.

    The lore is scarce, but there is a heavy amount of information in what is there and the worldbuilding is interesting to say the least.

    Also there are so many artists on the site, like it's insane how many.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarian Rex View Post
    Sometimes you need more than well crafted crunch. Sometimes you need well crafted crunch that is playable in the game.
    Steam: Papa Palpy Palpatine
    Pesterchum: mysticUmbra
    YouTube: Noctus Does Things

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