Big Man Japan might scratch your itch. It's about the last in a long line of superheroes that grow to massive proportions to fight Kaiju threatening Japan. He's never really retired; but the public gives him no respect, blames him personally for every bad thing that happens and makes it so that there's no longer any glory in what he does.

You may also want to check out TV Tropes, as usual they have a list.

Also, as a little self promotion here, my comic Rabble! has an upcoming subplot where a retired superhuman is dragged out of a bar in cuffs and forced to help confront a modern group of self-titled superheroes because they're basically walking WMDs with chips on their shoulders. He doesn't want to be here, his 'partner' doesn't want him there and even the organization that brought him there doesn't want him there; he's just the only superhuman they have.