I had this idea for a campaign, during the transition from 3.5 to 4th edition, the altered the map of the Forgotten Realms, Maztica was replaced with another continent. Maztica had some central america analogs and a colony fro Amn called Helmsport. Maztica had to go somewhere, it was not covered very much in later FR supplements, so it seems the place was abandoned. So what if it was inserted someplace on an Earthlike planet in the Traveller T20 setting. Helmsport and Maztica and the planet itself is inserted in the Reft Sector, there is a possible jump route leading to it and more civilized space.

A starship lands there, some pirates think it might make for a great hiding place, they are surprised to find a habitable planet here, their charts indicated only an asteroid Belt, so the land and find some primitive humans here, and there is lots of gold and precious metals. The pirates cause some trouble with the local humans, both the native humans to Maztica and the Helmsport colonists. Any ideas for adventures? I imagine some of the locals try to rescue some off-world hostages that the pirates are holding for ransom. The hostages are the original owners of the Starship that the pirates stole.

Any suggestions?