Way of the hunter
Monks who employ the techniques of bounty hunters and assassins.

Martial fighter
Starting at level 3 You gain proficiency in all ranged martial weapons except nets and they count as monk weapons for you.

Point blank
Starting at level 3 making a ranged attack against a creature within 5ft of you does not grant disadvantage, And when you do you may make an unarmed strike as a bonus action.

Starting at the 3rd level you gain proficiency in two extra languages of your choice and two of any skill proficiency.

Skillful grappler
Starting at the 6th level On your turn instead you may replace making an unarmed strike with a grapple check, this grapple check is made with a dexterity(athletics) check instead of a strength(athletics) check. On a successful grapple ranged attacks and unarmed strikes against that creature are made with advantage.

Weapons expert
Starting at the 6th level You ignore the heavy and loading traits of ranged weapons.

Starting at the 11th level you may spend 2 ki points to turn an ordinary ranged attack into a crit.

Lock on
At the 17th level as a bonus action on your turn you may spend a ki point to select one creature you have seen to be your target. For the next 2 week days you have advantage on all attacks against that creature and all rolls to find that creature.