I've been thinking a lot about class endurance, and was wondering if anyone would want to run an ironman competition with various base classes.

Something like; who hits level 2 first, a bard or a wizard? Who hits level 10 first, a monk or a barbarian?

Basic rules:
Start at level one
Core only
*Encounters will be random and of a CR 1/4 the character's level.
*Every 1d3 hours, the players will face another random encounter.
Characters may withdraw from an encounter before engaging in, but have to wait the same 1d3 hours the other character who chose to fought it does. For instance, a fighter is faced with a harpy. not having fly, he chooses to sit the battle out, and waits 1d3 hours for the next encounter.
*Characters may rest for, and as long, as they like. Rest will not be interrupted by random encounters.
*Treasure will be random
*Every 1d3 days, ye olde magic shop sets up shop.

More complicating rules:
*Non core builds. Who hits level 10 first? A warlock or a wizard? What about an undead warlock who flies around invisible 24/7 blasting stuff?
*Random random encounters- oh noes, you're resting but something has decided to attack!
*Every X time, you may go and seek an encounter (wizard goes and finds some ogres to cast charm monster on, fighter goes finds something that won't fly, etc)

Your thoughts? Interest in making a character/coming up with the mechanics?

Ideally, we'd come up with a mechanical system that would be transpearant, but wouldn't let players predict accurately what they should expect (unless they use divination). Mechanics to randomize non-combat modifiers for combat situations (such as having your familiar scout) could be useful....