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So, the aasimar presented in Volo's are explicitly tied to Mount Celestia. This does make some sense, as the celestials that get published are disproportionately tied to law (and Eladrin being Fey doesn't help). Still, I wanted to create some aasimar options less associated with law and more associated to neutral good and chaotic good planes.

I'm a little bit worried adding new subraces after last time I tried, but since I'm not making any of the features of the base race into features tied to particular subraces, I should have an easier time accepting that commenters have accurately judged the power of what I've written. As it stands my biggest worry is giving the subrace with a Dex boost a transformation with a secondary effect I consider relatively powerful. Contrast to the Fallen Aasimar, which gains the standard damage boost, sure, but the secondary effect unique to the subrace only goes off on the same turn the transformation occurs.

Actually, having just written out the previous sentence, I'm wondering if I should change the huntsman aasimar's ability to work the same way.

Liberation Aasimar
Not all of the upper planes are focused on law or order. Liberation aasimar are descended from those who lived in upper planes aligned to chaos rather than law. Where other aasimar often confront evil directly, liberation aasimar often focus on plans to keep evil from returning than in quickly dispatching the darkness they come across.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Radiant Candor. Starting at 3rd level, you can use your action to unleash the divine energy within yourself, causing your body to glimmer and shine, appearing to move through and around obstacles in your way.
Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. During it, you have immunity to the blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, paralyzed and stunned conditions, and once on each of your turns, you can deal extra radiant damage to one target when you deal damage to it with an attack or a spell. The extra radiant damage equals your level.
Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Huntsman Aasimar
Connected to or descended from celestials of the Beastlands or Arborea, huntsman aasimar often appear gaunt or spindly rather than statuesque. Still, they retain the same connection to the upper planes as other aasimar, and have their own guides.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Radiant Sentinel. Starting at 3rd level, you can use your action to unleash the divine energy within yourself, causing your eyes to burn with white fire and your body to emit bright light within 30 feet.
Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. During it, you can make perception checks to search for unseen creatures as a bonus action, and once on each of your turns, you can deal extra radiant damage to one target when you deal damage to it with an attack or a spell. The extra radiant damage equals your level.
Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.