Setup for the question: I'm once again looking at building a "wall of fur", a character that puts lots of extra bodies on the battlefield mostly to block movement and soak hits. I'm only considering mechanical options (fey beast tamer pets, familiars, beastmaster ranger companions, summoning powers, etc.), not "Your persuasive argument convinces the mayor to send an experienced warrior with you on this quest. Here's Bob Ennpeecee whose loyalty and longsword are now at your command."

The question is, aside from the Thrallherd paragon path, is there any definition of what kinds of items can be used by non-PC creatures?
  • Who can wear barding?
  • Who can use "familiar" body slot items?
  • Who can use "mount" body slot items?
  • Who can use "companion" body slot items?
  • Can a creature with a head wear head-slot items? Can a creature with toes or fingers wear rings?

That kind of thing.

Incidentally, the best furwall I've been able to come up with so far is a dwarf hybrid sentinel druid | shaman Fey Beast Tamer. That puts three movement-blocking allies into play constantly that all cost less to replace than the damage that took them down, and the minor-action dwarven Second Wind heals two of them in addition to himself without costing extra surges. And apparently a hybrid sentinel druid can take druid summon powers, since Dragon 400 doesn't say otherwise ... ? I'd be happy to hear other ways to optimize this concept.