This has two parts

Part 1: To talk about a fighter build or mostly fighter build or to say why it doesn't need fighter.

The knight trampled over the orcs as he charged through on his horse, each attack the orcs made missed as he pierced his lance through the orc king and using that to kill two other orcs. Two orcs made the mistake to run away and both were killed by the unerring lance.
(This uses both mounted combat and mook killing feats)

The man had no respect for those so weak they needed weapons. He would teach them the true way to fight before he killed them. He gained great delight in breaking thier weapons but sometimes his adventuring companions wanted the weapons and the he had to just disarm them.
(Unarmed combat, disarm and sunder)

Part 2:

After seeing that brilliant post in the fighter thread. The challange is to create a build using the pieces of rules gives.

1st level fighter
Combat expertise as fighter feat. One of the improved feats eg improved sunder, improved disarm.