Madhatter Mercury has been alive for a long time... almost forever. Living in a world of classic rocknroll, he naturally took to the lute (+1 electric lute) and jioned a band. However, his partyig and general dubious nature has caused him problems. Maadhatter has really lived, doing drugs and drinking more than any drunken master could drem of, but at a price: he cannot emember any of his life before a year ago due to the obscene amount of illicit materials in his system. His best friend is an albino monkey (of legend) named Freddy (who is admitadly stronger battle-wise than my dude) who has kept him alive and well for the past year. Madhatter is trying to reform his life, but is largely unsuccesful. He is a jack of all trades, a vagabond, and the ultimate generalist. He favors his lute which has a scythe blade on he end, and is not hesitant to kill people that he believes deserve it.

Basically I need help with feats and skills. I took leadership at 6th to get his cohort Freddy, and will take the Bardic Knack feature when I start Bard levels, but beyond that what should I do to capture that ability to be the ultimate self sufficiant guy?

He has 5 feats (two are racial and 6th level is reserved for leadership) and the DM said my racial skill list was the same as the bard list (for simplicity).

Thanks in advance guys