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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Northern Alabama

    Default [MnM] Paragons Campaign: Review Please?

    Okay I'm putting together a MnM / Paragons campaign that I may be running some time in the next few months. I've put together my basic premises, and I'd like some feedback and ideas. If you live in North Alabama, and might be one of my players, I suggest that you stop reading now, to protect your own enjoyment of my game.

    From anyone else with the patience/interest to read further, I'm looking for constructive feedback, ideas, and questions to things I might not have thought about.

    Spoiler 1

    The truth.
    Okay, my initial premise is that the Atomic Bombs dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasake basically altered the genetic structure of mankind, on a worldwide level. Initially this was mostly in subtle ways. Most of the original superheroes were of the two-fisted Pulp Hero type. Some were exceptionally intelligent, and were able to manufacture 'super science' equipment, and a significantly smaller portion developed low level psionic abilities. Primarily heroes of this day were involved in law enforcement, and eventually active roles in the Korean War and Vietnam. My Silver Age, Iron Age, and details of the Postmodern Age are still a little up in the air right now, but I expect that their will not be any significant increase in power until the Postmodern age. I'm thinking that there are minor changes in technology (electric cars, improved space program, better power sources, etc. . ) I'm also thinking that I may not have an Iron Age. The Postmodern Age, which is what Paragons is really focused on, comes about when a Mars Lander, returning to Earth, malfunctions, and burns up in the atmosphere, shedding various forms of radiation and other nastiness into the atmosphere. The result is a number of people, worldwide, pop up with super powers, and the material in Paragons begins to take place. In short, think, "Watchmen meets Aberrant". The Imageria is, at this point, unknown, exept to maybe a few "crackpots".

    Spoiler 2

    The Truth.
    Okay, Reality is not as concrete as we'd like to believe. In truth, reality is actually subject to consensus reality. The consensus prior to the A-bomb was pretty much in line with the real world. When the A-bomb was dropped two events occurred. First, reality "cracked" in a metaphorical sense, allowing for a change in paradigm across the world. That change originated in the American hero of WW2, in MG Sweeney, the original paranormal. Going by the monicker Paragon, his heroism further changed the face of the planet, in a Superman meets Captain America fashion, with stupendous feats, advances in science, and stirring speaches. Until one day (probably 2012 or so), his counterpart, his opposite, his Nemesis crept in from it's hiding place in the Imageria. Nemesis was as every bit evil as Paragon was good, and just as powerful. (I'm thinking either PL 20 or PL X.) When Nemesis had completed his objective, there was nothing left of humanity, except for Paragon. Two immortals that would otherwise be locked in combat forever. Except that Nemesis chose to run, flying through space, looking for the next planet to destroy. Paragon, realizing he would never be able to stop Nemesis in a direct conflict chose to travel back in time to try and change history. Paragon has done this numerous times, each time with the same results, no matter how he tweeks the history of the Breakout, it ends with Nemesis rising from the Imageria, in one fashion or another, and destroying the Earth.
    The problem is, when Paragon travels back in time, he does it imperfectly. He frequently drags things from the current timeline back with him, subconsciously. Other times he leaves weird "wakes" in the time-space continuum, that result in the Paranormal Events described in the setting.
    The thing being brought back by the Mars Lander from spoiler 1 could be any of several things, possibly the physical remnants of Paragon's previous incarnation, or perhaps a piece of tech left over from one of the previous timelines brought into the current timeline, by Paragon accidentally.

    Spoiler 3

    The TRUTH
    Paragon, as he exists now, is no longer the original MG Sweeney. He is an imprint on the Imageria in such a fundamental way that his imprint has it's own consciousness. In current history MG Sweeney died during the bomb run on Nagasaki (Not in accordance w. the Real World).
    Nemesis is a fractured portion of Paragon's personality, that rises from the metaphorical "subconscious" of the Imageria (The Depths, I believe is what it's called).
    The Imageria is the result of the many beliefs, religions, states of consciousness, and other psycho-babble, given form from the minds of people.
    In the current incarnation of Reality, Paragon has taken a new approach, instead of altering his direct history, he altered reality, allowing MANY people to become paranormals. It is basically Paragon's will that has allowed people todevelope powers, however, even his will is subject to concensus reality, and the end result is a mix of things that people will believe, which amounts to a belief in science. Thus all powers appear, at first, to be either Genetic/Mutations, Genetic/Inherited, or Super Science. (As opposed to religious trappings, or other non-pseudo-scientific explanations.)

    Spoiler 4

    I intend to incorporate rules for the following concepts:
    Taint, both psychological and biological.
    Concentration checks for the use of powers under certain circumstances.
    Power Level 10, and follow on progression to PL 12-15.
    Allowances for overchanneling powers.

    Spoiler 5

    Nemesis is also merely a reflection in the Imageria of the original Nemesis, particularly since, in the current timeline MG Sweeney is dead before ever gaining powers. However, his plan to work his way back into the world is to creep into the subconscious of the criminally insane. Having a connection to the original Paragon, he will choose to work on the powered individuals first. As the powered individuals come closer, they gain some kind of synergy from one another.

    Spoiler 6

    Paragon/MG Sweeney was originally from Freedom City, where they have erected a statue in his honor (since he died during the dropping of the second Atomic Bomb). In the Imageria, there is a plain (not plane), where the various incarnations of Freedom City exist, maintained by Paragon's ego/love. (Think Hal Jordan right before he went completely nuts.)
    The first person who mentions "maturity" while we are discussing a complex game of "pretend" . . . loses.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ettin in the Playground
    Kyeudo's Avatar

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    Draper, Utah

    Default Re: [MnM] Paragons Campaign: Review Please?

    If I get the gist of this, all the superheros are fragments of Paragon and all the supervillians are fragments of Nemesis?

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Northern Alabama

    Default Re: [MnM] Paragons Campaign: Review Please?

    More or less, though the mechanism is slightly different. Nemesis works through the subconscious and makes suggestions, he's a manipulator. Paragon is more in the position of "omg I'm fighting a battle I can't win directly, so I'm trying to find ways to change history to fix things."

    Additionally, I believe I left it out, or only implied it, but Nemesis is sort of the evil components of MG Sweeney, expunged when he became Paragon, so there's a connection there as well.
    The first person who mentions "maturity" while we are discussing a complex game of "pretend" . . . loses.

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