Entering into the town of (insert town's name here) you spy a squat building on the fringes of town. It has a dark roof (DC 15 Knowledge Local, or Arcana would let you know the roof has been spelled against fire) supported by massive oaked logs that must have taken a hillgiant to haul! (DC: 20, they did use hillgiants, with Venderholfen pitching in as well) The logs have been stained a dark brown and the tavern would be pretty non-discript if it werent for the sign out front that says 'Seff's Pub' in mithril lettering. At night, it's more visible that the letters are spelled with a Continual Flame spell (DC: 22). The building looks aproximatly 100ft by 60ft but is really more along the lines of 200ft by 120ft.

The tavern is a squat dark building with a few torches (DC: 10 knowledge arcana shows them to be everburning) permanently mounted into the walls. The flickering light they spread lends an aura of mystery to the tavern, as it also possesses many dark nooks for a quiet conversation with a mysterious cloaked figure (DC: 15 spot check lets all who have low-light vision know that there are indeed a few mysterious cloaked figures waiting in those, keeping a watchful eye on the newcomers). The tables and the bar are all a dark oak or mahogany, and faintly shine from being rubbed clean so many times. The flickers of flames from the torches reflected in the dark polished wood also reflects from the eyes of the man sitting at the end of the bar. While the lithe greybeard pours drinks and takes gold, he just sits and watches, ready to step in and break up any fights. While the greybeard is wearing a thick leather money-belt, a tan tunic and loose grey breeches, covered by a white apron-type garment, the big man at the end is wearing only a brown vest and baggy dark green pants, held up by a very thick leather belt. His arms, with muscles rippling at every slight motion, are bare down to where his forearms are covered in bracers. On his person, an impressive array of weaponry sits, everything from a greatsword strapped across his back, a heavy flail in a belt loop, a dozen daggers hanging from his belt and a quiver of javalins slung over one shoulder. The main weapon in his hands however is an intimidatingly large morning star which, on the rare occasions you can get him to speak, he calls 'the nap-maker'. All sorts of races and types frequent Seff's Pub, including the 'monstrous races' because of Seff's simple set of questions 'Can ye pay? Will ye pay? Will ye pay for anything ye break?' and of course 'What'll ye have to drink?'



background and history
knowledge and gather information information

Seff: The greybeard, practically radiates a energy as he dashes the length of the bar, scurried up ladders to reach bottles way at the top, and makes the gold dissapear as if it never was there.

Venderholfen: The large man at the end of the bar, is basically a bouncer, but is also known to act as a vigilante if someone thinks to try to kill a patron of Seff's pub.

plot hooks
signature items: The Basilisk's Venom