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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    I am running a Kickstarter campaign to turn my favorite Future Armada ship into a 24x36, double sided poster featuring miniature-scale deckplans and high poly renderings.

    You can learn more (and see the breath-taking video) here: Kickstarter: Clydesdale Poster

    The ships on the poster (gunboat on one side, civilian transport version on the other) are detailed and described in a supporting electronic document (issue #5 of Future Armada) and I have created a custom miniature of the ship (produced via 3D printing ala Shapeways). If this campaign is successful, I have many more ships just waiting to make the transition onto posters.

    Here are a couple of the renders:

    And a photograph of the miniature (dry brushed with white paint to bring out detail)

    ~Ryan Wolfe of 0 hr: art & technology

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Ars Magica: Years of Conquest


    I don't know how many of you, if at all, are familiar with Ars Magica, a roleplaying game whose 5th edition is currently published by Atlas Games.

    What is Ars Magica? Well, it is a game that takes place in the middle ages, not so much as they really were, but as people thought they were, with Faeries in the forests, Demons tempting humans, and powerful Magi living in secluded towers.
    And you are one of these magi, wielding power beyond the wildest fantasies of the mightiest king.

    Ars Magica features many unique features, from the ability to create spells "on the fly" (spontaneous magic) to the creation of just about any spell, potion or enchanted item you can imagine, all the while being guided by one of, if not the best and most coherent magic system ever.

    And there is a Kickstarter project to bring it to the computer, whose page describe both the actual game and the project waaaaay better than I could ever do.
    I urge you to at least take a look at it.

    For those who don't know (and since the Giant himself used it, I think most of you may be familiar with it), Kickstarter is a crowd-funding site designed to fund projects through rewarding sponsors just like you and me - sign up to sponsor the project now and, depending on how much you pledge, you might earn your name in the credits, a copy of the books, you could even work with the developers to develop spells, devices, characters, families, or even covenants that all have a presence within the game.
    Of important notice is that you only spend money if the project sees completion. If it doesn't, you spend nothing, zero, zilch.

    Please do check out the Kickstarter page and take a look at the ambition. And if you'd like to support Ars Magica and/or the developers, please consider taking part.

    There have been a few interviews with the developers, which are linked below.

    Thanks for reading me.
    Last edited by The_Fixer; 2012-11-08 at 01:06 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Librarian in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Oh, wow, I thought I'd already pimped Years of Conquest!
    The Cranky Gamer
    *It isn't realism, it's verisimilitude; the appearance of truth within the framework of the game.
    *Picard management tip: Debate honestly. The goal is to arrive at the truth, not at your preconception.
    *Mutant Dawn for Savage Worlds!
    *The One Deck Engine: Gaming on a budget
    Written by Me on DriveThru RPG
    There are almost 400,000 threads on this site. If you need me to address a thread as a moderator, include a link.

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    This one looks pretty cool and ends in about 2 hours, glad I caught it in time.
    Seems like a fairly simple system based on African cultures and once you back there is a link to the low art PDF.

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Ars Magica: Years of Conquest

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Fixer View Post
    Ars Magica features many unique features, from the ability to create spells "on the fly" (spontaneous magic) to the creation of just about any spell, potion or enchanted item you can imagine,
    This would be a value of "unique" that leaves out off the top of my head:
    Mage the Ascension
    Spirit of the Century
    (Legends of Anglerre and Dresden Files both use the SotC framework)
    Marvel Heroic RPG.

    So that would include the system for magic in the most popular non-D&D framework of the 90s (Storyteller), the fantasy version of the most popular non-D&D framework of the noughties (Spirit of the Century) and the magic system for the most popular tabletop RPG so far this decade (Marvel Heroic).

    Some "unique".

    Not to say that Ars Magica wasn't groundbreaking in 1987 or that troupe based play and powerful wizards are a bad thing. But be honest about the virtues please. And wouldn't improvised magic make porting to computer actively significantly harder?

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Thumbs up Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Who wants a +1 sword when you can wield something that has meaning, weight, consequence?

    The Reliquary is 60 magic items for Savage Worlds, Pathfinder, and 13th Age, written by Ash Law and beautifully illustrated by Chris Mcfann. Each item has a story, consequences to wielding it, and questions and prompts that will help GMs to weave any item into their game-world’s history and mythology.

    We are over 1000% funded, and still have 2 days to go! We've blown right past a load of stretch goals so the backer rewards are really stacking up!

    Here is an example of one of the items:

    The Axe That Hungers

    This orichalcum axe is covered with stylized gaunt faces carved into the metal. When carried into battle these etchings migrate to the edge of the blade, animating the cutting edge with hundreds of overlapping biting mouths.

    Blood Offering
    To attune to the axe an adventurer must spill enough of his or her own blood onto it that they pass out. Thereafter the axe behaves as a normal d10 weapon (save for the animate properties of the axe). If the axe is unattuned it fumbles on a natural even roll, twisting in the hand of the unlucky wielder and doing 2d20 damage to the hand that holds it (if this damage exceeds half the maximum total hit points of the unattuned wielder roll a d6. On a 1 or 2 the hand has been severed at the wrist and eaten by the axe).
    Eternal Hunger
    The axe is animate, given life by the souls trapped within it. At level 1 the axe fumbles on a 1 and scores a critical hit on a 20. At level 2 this becomes a fumble on a 1 or 2 and a critical hit on a 19 or 20. At level 3 the axe fumbles on a 1, 2, or 3 and critically hits on an 18, 19, or 20. By level 10 a roll of 1 to 10 is a fumble, a roll of 11 to 20 is a critical hit. This represents the axe animating and twisting about attempting to bite whatever is close to it.
    Keeper But Not Owner
    The wielder of the axe must constantly wrestle with it once the axe animates. If the wielder fumbles with the axe in combat they take their level multiplied by the number that came up on the d20 in damage unless they choose to sacrifice their move action that round. If the wielder has already moved they are out of luck, and the axe twists in their grip to bite at them!
    Soul Eater
    If the wielder of the axe over-attunes, then the axe consumes their soul. While this doesn't kill the wielder it is up to the GM exactly how having no soul is a detriment. The GM may decide that the character's soul is now one of the faces on the axe and that they can only consume food by attacking it with the axe, or that holy magic no longer has a beneficial effect on the character, or that a quest is needed to get the soul back from the axe before a resurrection can take place.
    (GMs - Who made this axe? Who was trapped within it accidentally? Is there some axe-based demi-plane where hungry ghosts wander? Who wants this axe back? Is the axe made by orcs, or dwarves, or does it have the marks of another race? Which important person is inside the axe? How can the axe be destroyed, and who wants to destroy it?)

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Esteren Kickstarter : LAST DAYS!

    Hello Everyone!

    Here we are! We hit 50k and now Book 2 Travels is unlocked!
    THNAK YOU everyone!

    And here is the complete update because others things are also unlocked:

    Book 2 Travels

    First, this new stage gives you the possibility of getting access to the whole content of Book 2 Travels!

    • The PDF is automatically included without any additional fee for the following pledges: High Shadow, Farl Collector, Tuaille Collector, Gouvran Merchants, Seňl Patron, and Lord of Shadows.
    • For the Tri-Kazelian and Varigal pledges, you must select the “High Shadow” option ($15 and $10 respectively) to get this PDF.

    You will get the PDF of Book 2 Travels as soon as it is ready, well ahead of its public release. We plan to release the book for next Gen Con, and we intend to deliver the PDF next spring. Note that these dates are purely indicative. It is not easy for us to determine when the translation of the book will be complete exactly! We will do everything we can to stick to this planning, but we wish to be honest with you and warn you of possible delays.

    The English version of Book 2 Travels will be an extended version of the French one: it will be a hardcover book, and the number of its pages will be increased from 80 to about 140. The Travels book contains Leader material: descriptions of important places of the peninsula, a series of scenarios, a gallery of non-player characters, and also a small bestiary. You can learn more about the contents of this book here.

    Special poster for Tri-Kazelian and higher pledges!

    But we are not done yet! We are also going to print a special poster illustrated with one of the sketches realized for the cover of the “Kickstarter Special Edition” of Book 0. Moreover, on the other face, we will print a map of Tri-Kazel (the same as the one printed for the map of the first Kickstarter). This poster will be included in the Tri-Kazelian, Varigal, Farl Collector, Tuaille Collector, Seňl Patron, and Lord of Shadows pledges. If you have chosen another pledge, or wish to get a second poster, simply add $5 to your pledge. Here it is... with a reference to the movie posters!

    And the other side with the map of Tri-Kazel:

    New option: Engine Room

    Moreover, we propose you a special and new option for Book 2 Travels:

    • Option 10 – Get access to the work forum "Engine Room" for the translation of Book 2 Travels and get the PDF in priority (included for Seol Patron and Lords of Shadows, $20 for others pledges).

    This very special option will give you access to a private part of the forum where the game's team will show you, piece by piece, the contents completed for Book 2 Travels (whether translations, additional content, or illustrations).

    This way, you will have a front seat to witness and support with your feedbacks the conception of this next release. These pieces of work will be made available to you as they will be completed, so that you can use them during your game sessions. It is even planned that the game's team will ask for your opinion about exclusive content that will be added in the upgraded English version of Book 2. The opening of this work forum for Book 2 is planned for January.

    This option is automatically included without any additional fee for the following pledges: Seňl Patron and Lord of Shadows. The Lords of Shadows of the previous Kickstarter will automatically be given access to this private forum.

    For other pledges, you can add $20 to get the advantages of this option.

    Once more, THANK YOU ALL for your support,

    We are glad we can make this new book available to you! Tomorrow we will update the pictures for every pledges on the front page with the new contents and options.
    If you have any questions, do not hesitate!
    Only 3 days to go and new stretch goals.. you can check here:

    All the best,

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Just started my Conversion of tabletop to PC!

    It's based off existing rules, and i am trying to bring the feel of the tabletop games more to the PC than what is currently existing

    If you could check out the video below and offer any advice/suggestions, or if you have any questions, let me know :)

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Just started my Conversion of tabletop to PC!

    This looks very interesting. I've been looking for a cool, 'old school' turn based RPG for the pc that I can play with my friends.

    When my paycheck rolls in a few days from now, expect a little funding!

  10. - Top - End - #40
    Troll in the Playground
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    Jan 2012

    Default Re: Just started my Conversion of tabletop to PC!

    Your proposal needs a lot of work. If you intend to be professional about the project, then you need to practice professionalism. The proposal is riddled with grammatical errors.
    • missing apostrophes ("we're" instead of "were")
    • unnecessary commas
    • misuse of tenses

    Also, the usage of the first person is rather distracting. Put most of the focus on the game, not your team.

    Edit: Also, capitalization. For one, Imbue Games is a proper noun.
    Last edited by Grinner; 2012-12-01 at 09:35 PM.

  11. - Top - End - #41
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Just started my Conversion of tabletop to PC!

    Thanks, i'll look into fixing them now :)

  12. - Top - End - #42
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    If anyone is interested in FATE, Evil Hat Productions currently has a kickstarter that has exploded (3600%+ funded).

    At the $10 level, we're currently up to 14 pdfs (Core system, Tool kits, settings).

  13. - Top - End - #43
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    There's a tumblr here directly from Kickstarter that gives an easy overview of tabletop projects.
    Mannerism RPG An RPG in which your descriptions resolve your actions and sculpts your growth.

  14. - Top - End - #44
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    No idea how I have neglected to tell you fine folks about Dice Rings.

    These are just like those fidget rings, with a part in the middle that spins independently, only it stops itself and you can use it as a die (or dice, depending on the ring) So far, they come in the style of each die in a normal gaming set, plus a 2d6, a M:tG life-counter, Yes/No, Rock/Paper/Scissors, Playing Card draw, and more! These are nifty as heck.

    Beguiler, you just got served.
    ALL hail DirtyTabs, creator of this wonderful UserClone TRONpony!
    X Stat to Y Bonus
    Quote Originally Posted by BRC
    Railroading isn't saying "There is a wall there", Railroading is when you say "There is a wall everywhere BUT there"

  15. - Top - End - #45
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Nick Logue's Razor Coast to finally get published - at least, as long as the publisher can raise funds.

    So, some history. Way back in '08, Nick Logue formed his own publishing company, Sinister Adventures. He had grand visions for several products; he put out teasers, what he called Indulgences, and took pre-orders. Then he found himself in over his head. He essentially vanished, leaving a bunch of folks pissed off. A friend - Lou Agresta - and I took over design and development, got it finished up, expanded it, got editing done, took care of art, and so forth. Lou busted his backside to get a bunch of things taken care of - including getting money from Nick to pay back pre-orders.

    Lou's next act was to find a publisher. Frog God Games agreed to put it out. Due to some commitments made by Nick, the book is going to be full color. It's going to be hard cover. It's going to be at least 350 pages (new content keeps getting added). There's a soft cover Player's Guide available. If the project hits one of the stretch goals, a full source book for building ships and running naval battles will be added.

    There's cool add-ons like actual pirate treasure, miniatures from Reaper, cloth maps of the region, character sheets, and adventure "set pieces" to serve as side quests to the main campaign.

    Razor Coast proper takes your PCs from level 5 up to 12 or so. It's very much a sandbox rather than a set adventure. Throughout the book are encounters, and details of how the encounter runs depending on the way the players approach it.

    I'd like to encourage everybody to check it out. I'll answer questions as best I can if anybody has 'em. If I don't know the answers, I'll find out.

    Thanks for looking.
    John Ling
    Frog God Games Lead Pathfinder Developer

    Note: unless explicitly stated otherwise, opinions in my posts are my own and not those of Frog God Games.

  16. - Top - End - #46
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Ehdrigohr Kickstarter - pretty incredible!

    So first off, I'm pretty geeked about the FATE Core Kickstarter, which is one of the best gaming deals I've ever seen. (Also, it has instant gratification in a PDF download, which is pretty sweet.)

    But I keep coming back to the kickstarter page for Ehdrigohr and finally decided to back it a few days ago. It's related to the first; it's being written in FATE and FATE Core. But if you're looking for something that promises to be a pretty radically different cultural take on fantasy (rather than just standard European fantasy with the serial numbers filed off), it looks pretty amazing. Also, the art is incredible.

    I wanted to shoot this over here, too, in case you folks hadn't seen it. :)


  17. - Top - End - #47
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Ehdrigohr Kickstarter - pretty incredible!

    Ok, that looks really, really great. I'd love to take a look at the ruleset.

    Note to self: Don't post before watching the whole video.
    Last edited by Wyntonian; 2013-01-11 at 11:50 AM.
    Guess who's good at avatars? Thormag. That's who.

    A Campaign Setting more than a year in the making, Patria!

  18. - Top - End - #48
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Ehdrigohr Kickstarter - pretty incredible!

    Look at the second picture. There's something magic about it.

    This looks good...but I'm afraid that it'll start eating into my gas money...

  19. - Top - End - #49
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Ehdrigohr Kickstarter - pretty incredible!

    What really sold me was the creator's profile pic.

  20. - Top - End - #50
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Ehdrigohr Kickstarter - pretty incredible!

    The castle on the back of a giant turtle sold me. And the guy's credentials in game design.

  21. - Top - End - #51
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Aug 2006

    Default Re: Ehdrigohr Kickstarter - pretty incredible!

    I'm liking it, as well as the FATE Core one, which I hadn't seen either.

    Now it's just a matter of how much to fund

  22. - Top - End - #52
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Ehdrigohr Kickstarter - pretty incredible!

    Quote Originally Posted by Holocron Coder View Post
    I'm liking it, as well as the FATE Core one, which I hadn't seen either.

    Now it's just a matter of how much to fund
    For once, I have a small RPG money surplus... I am thinking of upping Ehdrigor from $15 to $25, and will do so if the color book is close to being unlocked. (Shame the pdf isn't included, too, at the $25 level). I think it looks incredible.

    Today, I upped my FATE Core pledge from $30 to $55. Fred from Evil Hat posted a preview of the Magic system(s) from the toolkit book, and it's pretty amazing. I decided I needed the toolkit in hardcover, too, and didn't want to wait for both to be done for shipping.

    Like I've said elsewhere, I think the FATE Core kickstarter is basically the Reaper Minis kickstarter for written RPG material. The amount of stuff you get even at the $10 level is just shocking. Also, since you get the (mostly laid out) PDF right away, you can check out the game itself. I like what they're doing with the system.

    But! I wanted to post here about Ehdrigohr because the FATE one has gotten a lot more buzz. And I think the author of Ehdrigohr is doing some really, really interesting stuff I haven't seen (done well, at least) before.

    (Edit: The Ehdrigohr author is also on board with an artist who seems atypical for RPG art, and I love that, too. The giant turtle, the scary dude on the rhino... And now all this cool stuff.)

    Last edited by obryn; 2013-01-11 at 01:31 PM.

  23. - Top - End - #53
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Aug 2006

    Default Re: Ehdrigohr Kickstarter - pretty incredible!

    First time doing some kickstarter stuff, but I have some spare cash, so I funded both pretty well... $85 and $80, Fate and Ehdrighor. I like getting all the things without jumping to the high levels of funding

    Looking forward to April, now.

  24. - Top - End - #54
    Ettin in the Playground
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    May 2012

    Default Re: Ehdrigohr Kickstarter - pretty incredible!

    Quote Originally Posted by Holocron Coder View Post
    First time doing some kickstarter stuff, but I have some spare cash, so I funded both pretty well... $85 and $80, Fate and Ehdrighor. I like getting all the things without jumping to the high levels of funding

    Looking forward to April, now.
    And now I am jealous.

    (These are the first ones I'm funding, too.)


  25. - Top - End - #55
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    FYI, Ehdrigohr just cracked $10k, so full-color books are a go!


  26. - Top - End - #56
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Quote Originally Posted by obryn View Post
    FYI, Ehdrigohr just cracked $10k, so full-color books are a go!

    Awesome! I need to catch up on the updates for the various kickstarters... And look for some more good ones

    EDIT: Here's another kickstarter I put some money towards: Might be interesting to some people.

    EDIT2: Could be interesting:

    EDIT3: Neat, if it gets funded:

  27. - Top - End - #57
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Quote Originally Posted by Zherog View Post
    Nick Logue's Razor Coast to finally get published - at least, as long as the publisher can raise funds.
    Just a quick follow up...

    Last night, the Razor Coast Kickstarter passed the funding threshold. This will get published, finally. For anybody who pledged, Thank you! for helping it get there.

    But there's still 6 days left and we have some pretty awesome stretch goals. You can read about them in the most recent update. And if you read back through the updates, you can find all the cool stuff that has been added. A lot of 3rd party publishers were gracious enough to give Frog God Games PDF copies of their product to throw into the Kickstarter. So you don't get just the RC material, you also get all sorts of awesome pirate and aquatic themed products from other publishers as well.

    At the moment, I'm most excited about the Fire as She Bears! stretch goal. I have many sleepless nights invested in it (with a few more to come, I think).

    Give it a look, and as always if there's any questions about Razor Coast I'll be happy to answer 'em. If I don't know the answer, I'll get somebody who does.
    John Ling
    Frog God Games Lead Pathfinder Developer

    Note: unless explicitly stated otherwise, opinions in my posts are my own and not those of Frog God Games.

  28. - Top - End - #58
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default It just keeps getting better and better...

    The FATE Kickstarter. Yeah. Crazy, right?

    • Do you think it'll make it to the 400k stretch goal?
    • What do you think it is?
    • What's your favorite stretch goal, anyway?

    For me:
    • No ****ing way.
    • Hardcopies of the core book for everyone.
    • CrimeWorld. It's supposed to be written by the head writer of Leverage. How can you not love that?

      The magic toolkit comes in at a close second, since I heard that the writer wanted to incorporate Faustian pacts.

    Incidentally, if anyone wants to play a PbP game about pactmaking con-men later, I'm game.

  29. - Top - End - #59
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: It just keeps getting better and better...

    Quote Originally Posted by Grinner View Post
    The FATE Kickstarter. Yeah. Crazy, right?

    • Do you think it'll make it to the 400k stretch goal?
    • What do you think it is?
    • What's your favorite stretch goal, anyway?

    For me:
    • No ****ing way.
    • Hardcopies of the core book for everyone.
    • CrimeWorld. It's supposed to be written by the head writer of Leverage. How can you not love that?

      The magic toolkit comes in at a close second, since I heard that the writer wanted to incorporate Faustian pacts.

    Incidentally, if anyone wants to play a PbP game about pactmaking con-men later, I'm game.
    I started at $30 and upped mine to $55 after the magic system preview came out last week. I like FATE, and I'm contractually bound to support anything with a cyborg martial-artist gorilla on the cover.

    I love that we're actually getting preview PDFs of some of the promised supplements. This is awesome for two reasons. (1) INSTANT GRATIFICATION, just like with the core book available immediately upon pledging; and (2) Well... we have to face it - this is a massive kickstarter with a lot of promises. And seeing that most of the work is already done on the stretch goals is reassuring as all hell.

    But yeah, I'm pumped Rogers is giving us a crime-based FATE supplement. His RPG and comic work (especially the D&D comics) is amazing enough to forgive him Catwoman and The Core.

    Last edited by obryn; 2013-01-20 at 12:41 AM.

  30. - Top - End - #60
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: It just keeps getting better and better...

    Quote Originally Posted by obryn View Post
    I love that we're actually getting preview PDFs of some of the promised supplements. This is awesome for two reasons. (1) INSTANT GRATIFICATION, just like with the core book available immediately upon pledging; and (2) Well... we have to face it - this is a massive kickstarter with a lot of promises. And seeing that most of the work is already done on the stretch goals is reassuring as all hell.
    I thought about that too, but I realized that they're contracting out a lot of the work instead of writing it themselves. Now, whether the hired authors will know the system well enough to do it well remains to be seen.

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