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  1. - Top - End - #181
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Apr 2004

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    And final update: TimeWatch finishes up in about 6 hours. We hit 48 stretch goals and are about $6.5K away from unlocking full color books (at $100K). Exciting!

    Many, many thanks to everyone at GitP who helped out -- you folks rock.

    Kevin Kulp
    TimeWatch, GUMSHOE investigative time travel RPG

  2. - Top - End - #182
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Feb 2014

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Hey All,

    Sherlock Holmes RPG is up on Kickstarter. We are licensed with the Conan Doyle Estate. Tons of stretch goals, including famous stretch goal designers and authors and a Jack the Ripper Campaign.

    Thanks for taking a look!

  3. - Top - End - #183
    Pixie in the Playground

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    May 2009

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Just an update, closing in on 48 hours remaining in the Tome of Horrors 2 (mostly) metal miniatures Kickstarter. Metal minis cost a lot more than Reaper Bones but it's at a pretty good value right now with some old-school and eclectic creatures, and there's several stretch goals within close striking distance.

  4. - Top - End - #184
    Librarian in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Breachworld, a game about an Earth populated by demons, monsters, humans and magic, from Jason Richards.

    I'm a backer to the tune of $30.
    The Cranky Gamer
    *It isn't realism, it's verisimilitude; the appearance of truth within the framework of the game.
    *Picard management tip: Debate honestly. The goal is to arrive at the truth, not at your preconception.
    *Mutant Dawn for Savage Worlds!
    *The One Deck Engine: Gaming on a budget
    Written by Me on DriveThru RPG
    There are almost 400,000 threads on this site. If you need me to address a thread as a moderator, include a link.

  5. - Top - End - #185
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    An old friend of mine is Kickstarting his new project Mars Colony: 39 Dark. It's a follow-up to his 2010 game Mars Colony - both are designed to be short, 2-player games dealing with politics and management of a failing colony on Mars (thus the title). The base-level $6 gets you the PDF but there are options for getting a hard copy and the first game with it. Campaign closes April 2.
    Take your best shot, everyone else does.
    Avatar by Guildorn Tanaleth. See other avatars below.

    My original avatar and much better ones by groundhog22 and a Winter Olympics one by Rae Artemi.

  6. - Top - End - #186
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Feeling oldschool? How about blue dungeon tiles?

  7. - Top - End - #187
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Montréal, Qc

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    We are proud to present Avalanche: an epic campaign and its application

    Avalanche is a multi-storyline campaign set in a Dark Fantasy setting. It is compatible with (almost) any systems but as soon as our stretch goals get financed, will provide rules, guidelines and character sheets for:

    Since avalanche is really voluminous (almost 400 page including over 40 npc,15 races, 20 organizations, 15 major locations and over 300 events depicting three month of campaign), we had to bring it to you in a new format. A format more suitable to a campaign that hangs on time as it's driving tool. So the Kickstarter is also about a web site dedicated to manage Avalanche. Here are some screen shot of what we want to bring to you:

    We are really exited about this project and we hope you will be to!

    Don't hesitate to like our Facebook page:

    Israël Ducharme
    Game designer, ExiStanc3
    Avalanche because an epic world needs an epic Storyline!

  8. - Top - End - #188
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Apr 2014

    Exclamation Dwarven Forge Caverns Kickstarter

    The Dwarven Forge Caverns Kickstarter is in its final days; it ends on Tuesday. Make sure you take a peek (and pledge some $) before it's all done! Last kickstarter, the sets were about 50% of retail with all of the pieces you get, so if you have EVER been interested in 3D terrain or Dwarven Forge, it will never be cheaper and it's a great way to break into the hobby. It ends soon, so hurry up!

  9. - Top - End - #189
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Apr 2014

    Default Metamorphosis Alpha Goodman Games reprint kickstarter.

    Metamorphosis Alpha Goodman Games reprint kickstarter.

    so far there is a GM screen, an adventure, and a poster map of the warden done in DCC style by Doug Covacs. there are also Four other adventures, one that was at Gary Con and more as stretch goals.

    Last edited by darjr; 2014-04-15 at 07:02 PM.

  10. - Top - End - #190
    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I


    Yesterday our Erevos Indiegogo project was launched!

    Check out our Introductory Video :

    Either you choose to live in Sun's Tear

    Or Theogonia :

    Your impact may change the whole world!

    In Erevos you can shape history!

    A few points presenting what Erevos is all about:

    • Erevos offers the opportunity to play ‘Rhapsodies’: short personalized adventures written by professional adventure authors specifically for 1 adventuring party, tailored to the needs of the players (theme preferences, characters backgrounds and goals, players likes and dislikes etc)!

    • Erevos is a truly living campaign setting, in the sense that the world evolves according to players' will and actions. There are no significant NPCs making decisions or major random events dictating the future!

    • Erevos leaves great room for creativity: by registering in the community, you can upload your custom creations (orders, faiths and so on) and see them become official if the community approves them!

    • Erevos is a world of political influence: you can determine some part of the world's history by participating in local political councils or even create a kingdom of your own!

    • Erevos acknowledges your character's accomplished tasks: every registered character has a personal on-line profile page where he can upload his adventures and socialize, much like a social networking platform. The most significant events are recorded in the On-line History Time-line becoming part of Erevos official history!

    • All in all, Erevos aims to provide a free, dynamic setting to everyone interested in running a home game and a high quality personalized service to all subscribers by maintaining personal contact and tailoring the gaming experience to each player’s needs. Personalized service is offered to players with ‘Growing’ characters who have several privileges compared to regular ones among which:

    - Receiving Rhapsodies through their subscription
    - Participation in Conclaves of Authority, regional councils that determine local politics (through Erevos forum)
    - Access to Kingdom-making (design in all aspects of their settlement which may grow into a metropolis)

  11. - Top - End - #191
    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Hi all,

    I recently launched a new RPG on Kickstarter, Altais: Age of Ruin.

    Altais is a dystopian fantasy RPG set in the distant future, combing elements of sci-fi and magic together in a world full of fallen kingdoms, strange magic and planar travel.

    The land is ruled by corrupt forces and undermined by constant conflict and rebellion.
    Relic hunters raid the ruins of ancient cities in search of treasure, and adventurers explore other realms to discover their secrets. Many of the cities are in ruins or overgrown like this one:

    Magic is one of the focuses of the game, and there are no arcane gestures or invocations involved. Magic users have the ability to weaken or strengthen the barriers between other realms, each of which has it's own unique properties. By allowing the energy from these realm in (or by denying the normal background amounts that seep through) spell casters can create all kinds of magical effect.

    I recently posted a whole update about magic and the realms, check it out here:

    One of the major threats to the land are creatures called the Rephaim. They come from one of the other realms, humans who have been mutated by its energies and some of them are thousands of years old and still have access to ancient technology.

    There are other forces out there to threaten the players, a whole wild ecology that includes these sentient draconic creatures:

    I'll be doing daily updates on the world, it's kingdoms, people and more so check it out and let me know if you have any questions, I'd love to know what aspects everyone finds most interesting :)

    I leave you with the Lyse flower, a symbol used by the Parliament of White Lies to represent rebellion and murder.
    Handing the flower and a name to one of their agents guarantees the target will be dead before the day is over.


  12. - Top - End - #192
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Apr 2014

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    In support of the Metamorphosis Alpha 1e kickstarter Goodman Games has on sale the AD&D 1e Adventure DCC #36 Talons of the horned King is $2

    And the pdf of Ward Co version of Metamorphosis Alpha 1st edition is $3.99 on DriveThru, please note that backers of the kickstarter will get a pdf copy as well. This is the version with errata, and includes further errata.

    ONLY TWO DAYS LEFT to get in on this! The very first sci-fi RPG ever published is returning in a deluxe oversized hardcover format, featuring the original 1976 rules plus loads of extras and new material!

    The project has funded and TEN stretch goals are unlocked! For the basic $80 pledge, you get the deluxe oversized 128-page hardcover (including the recently-added satin ribbon bookmark sewn into the binding), along with all of this:

    PDF of Wardco edition of 1E Metamorphosis Alpha rules
    GM screen
    Poster map of Starship Warden deck plans
    32-page Monster and Devices Guide
    A new adventure
    Six custom d6 dice
    Book of illustrated player handouts
    The Starship Warden Armory
    New printing of "The Long Hard Mile," a solo Metamorphosis Alpha adventure
    The Mutation Manual
    8 pages of starship geomorphs
    Plus a free PDF of the E-Z Future Deluxe Edition sci-fi PDF terrain set from Fat Dragon Games, as well as a copy of Jim Ward's sci-fi adventure Dark Outpost from Eldritch Entertainment.

    Goodman Games has also put another adventure on sale for $2 in support of the kickstarter. It's a newer DCC adventure with robots and sci fi elements.

    DCC #79 Frozen in Time.

    edit: Note I fixed the link

  13. - Top - End - #193
    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Concept Cards: Plot Hooks

    They are:
    • A 54 card deck of playing cards.
      Printed on high quality cardstock so that they will last for years of use.
      54 fantasy plot-lines that can be used as short side plots in an ongoing story, or can serve as the foundation for a whole campaign.
      Usable for hundreds of unique games... most of which haven't been invented yet!
      The third of the Concept Cards line, which includes Locations and Characters.
      Detailed plots, each with five separate aspects.

    This is our third foray into the wonderful world of Kickstarter, so we've learnt a lot about how to make the delivery process work well; and we've found that the backers from previous projects keep coming back for more :-).

    If you missed our previous projects, this is also the perfect opportunity for you to pick up the Location and Character decks.

    Concept Cards - Plot Hooks and Playing Cards
    Check out Plot Hooks, a Kickstarter for GMs whose players ignore the plot...

  14. - Top - End - #194
    Retired Mod in the Playground Retired Moderator
    Chambers's Avatar

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    Pacific Northwest

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Rare Elements RPG Fantasy Currency is having it's 2nd Kickstarter. I backed this one and the first one at the full set level ($60 for the previous kickstarter, $68 for this one.)

    The fantasy coins are high quality and a very nice gaming aid/prop. There's an Early Bird special backing level to get the full set of 60 coins at $58 instead of $68 (166 left of 250 slots at the time of this posting). Osbourne Coinage handled the Kickstarter well and shipped the coins on schedule for the previous Kickstarter so I've no concerns about backing again. Here are some pics.

    "We have sent many to Hell, to smooth our way," said I, "and we are standing yet and holding blades. What more?"- Roger Zelazny, This Immortal
    Avatar Image: The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai; bitmap version by me.

  15. - Top - End - #195
    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Frog God Games are re-doing The Lost City of Barakus (an Ennie award winner in it's 3E guise) in PFRPG and S&W. This product is aimed at getting more people into FGG world and products (which rock IMO), entry price fora Smythe sewn hardback is good.

    Intro Video:

    PS it has already funded with only the (optional add on) colour map to go on the stretch goals.
    Last edited by Machpants; 2014-04-28 at 03:22 AM.
    Gloria Finis

  16. - Top - End - #196
    Pixie in the Playground

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    May 2014

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Kromore just launched today on Kickstarter.

    This 350 page Setting and System aim to please. Check out the project and see for yourself.

  17. - Top - End - #197
    Pixie in the Playground

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    May 2014

    Default New simple role playing system

    I wanted to spread the word about Simple System, a project on Kickstarter that has 7 days left. It has an amazingly simple resolution mechanic and the rules can be as complex or as simple as you want. It even supports community content generation and accepts any setting you want to play. Check it out

  18. - Top - End - #198
    Pixie in the Playground
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    May 2014

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I - Adventure Journals

    Hi Folks,
    My husband and I have launched a Kickstarter for our journals designed just for RPGs.

    We're offering two different length journals. One is 50 pages and the other is 100 pages. Both are 8 by 10 inches paperbacks with matte covers so you can write the name of your adventure. The first page has spots for basic game info: GM, players, characters, set up, chronicler. There's a page for listing items found during the adventure as well as spots for sketches, grids for maps and plenty of space for keeping track of events.

    Other items include a 18 X 24 inch map of Silicon Valley done in Lord of the Rings style, bookmarks and greeting cards.

    Check it out!

  19. - Top - End - #199
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Half past Crazy

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    I have just launched a project for my new system. Based around the d20 system, this is my attempt at fixing the problems with 3.5.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

  20. - Top - End - #200
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Jul 2014

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Rebel Minis is proud to announce we are launching our first Kickstarter! The 28mm Dark Hold Goblin Adventurers Miniatures Kickstarter!!

    I have wanted to do this line for a while, and wanted some good Goblin characters for my RPG games, skirmishes, and dungeoncrawls. The project's main goal is to fund the creation and production of 18 Goblin personalities and characters to be used in RPGs, tabletop games, and even wargames. We have hired industry veteran Bobby Jackson to head the sculpting on this project.

    Here are some of the images for the miniatures that will come out:

    I'll have more updates soon, and please check out the project

    Thank You for Your Support & Please Pass The Word!

  21. - Top - End - #201
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Nov 2007

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Caleb Stokes of Hebanon Games and Role Playing Public Radio is Kickstarting a supplement for the Super Villain game Better Angels called No Soul Left Behind.

    Link to kickstarter here.

    I have been listening to the actual play of the playtest on RPPR and have been having a blast. Link to the actual play here. Don't be confused by the it being named 'The Spared and the Spoiled' they changed the name to No Soul half way through.

    I have been following Caleb Stokes as an RPG author since he ran a phenomenal Eclipse Phase campaign on RPPR called Know Evil and have been enjoying his published RPG material ever since. So now I'm telling you about the kickstarter in hopes of helping it's success so that I can keep enjoying more RPG material from him.

    P.S. If you are interested in Better Angels it's on the Bundle of Holding for for the next 7 days.

  22. - Top - End - #202
    Ettin in the Playground
    Zherog's Avatar

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    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Necromancer Games: Back for 5th Edition

    This kickstarter has been running since July 4th weekend, and goes through early September. It's currently already funded, and passed several stretch goals along the way as well. This Kickstarter includes three books:

    • 5th Edition Foes - a monster book that starts out with 200 monsters (about 220 pages) and grows based on stretch goals. It's currently at 220 monsters now, and the next stretch goal adds 20 more.
    • Quests of Doom - this book starts off with 12 adventures; stretch goals can push it as high as 18.
    • Book of Lost Spells - This unlocks at $45,000 raised (it's just under $10,000 away now). The estimate is 250 pages of new spells for 5th edition.

    The project has quality people working on it (Greg Vaughan, Bill Webb, Matt Finch, Steve Winter, Skip Williams, Ed Greenwood, James Ward, and more). FGG / Necormancer Games produces books via a textbook printer; bindings will last you a crazy long time on these books. Lots of bang for your buck here, and more to come - including stuff I can't talk about at the moment.
    John Ling
    Frog God Games Lead Pathfinder Developer

    Note: unless explicitly stated otherwise, opinions in my posts are my own and not those of Frog God Games.

  23. - Top - End - #203
    Ettin in the Playground
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    May 2012

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Quote Originally Posted by Zherog View Post
    The project has quality people working on it (Greg Vaughan, Bill Webb, Matt Finch, Steve Winter, Skip Williams, Ed Greenwood, James Ward, and more). FGG / Necormancer Games produces books via a textbook printer; bindings will last you a crazy long time on these books. Lots of bang for your buck here, and more to come - including stuff I can't talk about at the moment.
    I know there's quality people, but how do we know there's quality rules? The 5e books haven't been released yet, and the DMG is supposed to be the big "hacker's guide" for homebrewers and 3rd party publishers alike. I can still remember Sword & Sorcery's awful Creature Catalog...

  24. - Top - End - #204
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Quote Originally Posted by obryn View Post
    I know there's quality people, but how do we know there's quality rules? The 5e books haven't been released yet, and the DMG is supposed to be the big "hacker's guide" for homebrewers and 3rd party publishers alike. I can still remember Sword & Sorcery's awful Creature Catalog...
    That's a fair question. Obviously, I can't say if you'll like the 5e rules, hate 'em, or not give a dire rat's hairy behind about them. What I can say is that Steve Winter is leading the project; he was one of the designers (along with Wolfgang Baur) who worked on the Tyranny of Dragons adventures for Wizards (via Kobold Press). The expectation is that having Steve on staff means the rules are right. Whether you end up enjoying the rules or not, of course, is a personal decision.

    On a personal level, I think a lot of the stuff should convert to other system easily enough. All of the adventures, for example, should translate across systems with the DM/GM just needing to "plug in" stats for monsters and NPCs (with some tweaks, of course). Monsters will require work to build the stats, but the concepts will be there and so it's just a matter of slapping together the right pieces

    My suggestion? Keep an eye on things if the system is all that makes you wary. The Kickstarter runs until September 4th. The PHB releases by then, and should give people a good feel for the rules system.
    John Ling
    Frog God Games Lead Pathfinder Developer

    Note: unless explicitly stated otherwise, opinions in my posts are my own and not those of Frog God Games.

  25. - Top - End - #205
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Jul 2008

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    For anyone who likes the FATE series of RPGs (FATE Core/Accelerated, Spirit of the Century, Dresden Files RPG, Campaign Coins is developing metal Fate Tokens. They're super detailed, with the word "FATE" on one side and a plus, minus, or blank on the other side. They come in sets of 12, and there's already been stretch goals met to allow you to choose a different metallic finish for each set.

    I spent an hour on the edge of dreams,
    I walked between the worlds,
    and when I woke I never knew
    to which side I had fallen

  26. - Top - End - #206
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Jul 2014

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Quote Originally Posted by RebelMinis View Post
    Rebel Minis is proud to announce we are launching our first Kickstarter! The 28mm Dark Hold Goblin Adventurers Miniatures Kickstarter!!

    I have wanted to do this line for a while, and wanted some good Goblin characters for my RPG games, skirmishes, and dungeoncrawls. The project's main goal is to fund the creation and production of 18 Goblin personalities and characters to be used in RPGs, tabletop games, and even wargames. We have hired industry veteran Bobby Jackson to head the sculpting on this project.

    Here are some of the images for the miniatures that will come out:

    I'll have more updates soon, and please check out the project

    Thank You for Your Support & Please Pass The Word!
    Final Hours! Thank you for all your support!


  27. - Top - End - #207
    Ettin in the Playground
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    May 2012

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    So Designers & Dragons, a 4-volume history of RPGs is kickstarting!

    It looks amazing. The 70's volume is wonderful so far.

  28. - Top - End - #208
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Mar 2011

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    My visual novel game, Queen At Arms, is finally on Kickstarter after a year of development! We're shipping it in January, assuming successful funding.

    It's full of branching paths, death, and hot boys. The decision-making aspect is modeled after Telltale's Walking Dead.

    We were just funded... T_T a backer pledged $1000 in one go....

    We're trying to choose our first stretch goal.

    Some ideas:
    • Alternate poses for all the boys (workload on Li+Emily)
    • More branching paths (workload on Rosstin+Diana+Seren)
    • More CGs (workload on Emily)
    • More endings (workload on Seren+Diana+Rosstin)
    • More soldiers (workload on Li+Emily)
    • Better GUI and animations (workload on Rosstin+Emily)
    • More complex action sequences (workload on Rosstin+???)
    Last edited by Rosstin; 2014-08-16 at 02:17 AM.
    Check out our O'Reilly Book, "Creating Augmented and Virtual Realities: Theory and Practice for Next-Generation Spatial Computing"
    I contributed Chapter 13: "Virtual Reality Enterprise Training Use Cases"

  29. - Top - End - #209
    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    On August 28th, say goodbye to the shackles of Vancian magic with Strange Magic, a collection of exciting magic systems compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Written in association with Flying Pincushion Games and Thilo "Endzeitgeist" Graf, Strange Magic expands upon the Ethermagic, Musical Composition, and Truename Magic systems released by Interjection Games earlier this year with brand new base classes, archetypes, prestige classes, spells, and feats. To date, the number of spells present in this book is over 500 and is still growing by the day!

    Additional custom art by Gary Dupuis, archetypes, prestige classes, and even base classes will be added to the book at regular funding intervals, and announcements will be made as to what we desperately cook up if this happens faster than we expected. In short, if this Kickstarter takes off, the end product will become the sort of book that makes brave bookshelves weep - even the oak ones. As of posting, we're already 85% of the way funded and are poised to absolutely annihilate the stretch goals. I'm looking forward to breaking as many bookshelves as possible.


    • 3 new systems of magic unlike anything else compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: truename magic (redesigned and remastered), musical composition (custom bardic performances), and ethermagic (advanced warlock)
    • Over 500 manifestations, compositions, and recitations!
    • 7 new base classes: cantor, ethermagus, ethermancer, etherslinger, maestro, scion discordia, and truenamer
    • 4 new prestige classes: polycosmic theurge, speaker of the word, willshackler, and wordsworn defender
    • 9 new archetypes: arranger, herald of creation, herald of madness, herald of the void, orator, truescribe, verminspeaker, virtuoso, and voidstalker
    • NPC writeups for all classes, archetypes, and prestige classes - Strange Magic is a stealth NPC codex!

    Expansion Material


    What is it? - Ethermagic is a magic system that is defined by its plasticity and its inexhaustibility. Simply put, you have a spell point pool, a regeneration rate per round, and can build spells on the fly from various pieces, or manifestations, rather than being forced to prepare spells ahead of time. Given this approach, it is balanced against the capabilities of martial classes, but can "nuke" to some extent by burning more ether points than the regeneration rate grants. Most ethermagic users who try anything fancy will be doing this rather quickly.

    Ethermagus - Tap into the infinite power of the ether, summon your void blade, and start etherstriking with the ethermagus, a brand new alternate class by Jason Linker of Flying Pincushion Games! This class features the brand new voidmeld etherheart, which allows the ethermagus to customize his personal void blade on the fly, as well as a number of ways to choke the fight out of his foes with the force of the ether itself. And yes, your void blade can go way past +5 without a problem. The ether does not subscribe to your pitiful physics.

    Etherslinger - In the icy blackness of space, nobody can outsmart bullet. Written by Endzeitgeist himself, the etherslinger alternate class is a deconstruction of the gunslinger with some ethermagic thrown in for good measure. Gone are the days of having to go into melee because bullets are prohibitively expensive. Instead, pull some energy out of the void, load it into the chamber, and start firing! Grit and ether points combine to allow for a complex resource management game, while a new talent system replaces autogranted gunslinger deeds and allows for powerful customization from etherslinger to etherslinger.

    Heralds of the Multiverse - The heralds of creation, madness, and the void are a series of archetypes for the ethermancer base class that each have their own explanation for the way the universe is. Are you the celestial protector and superhero, the servant of elder abominations, or the selfish egotist?

    More feats, manifestations, and greater manifestations!

    Musical Composition

    What is it? - Musical composition allows for the creation of custom musical scores. Each score is made up of an intro, which triggers when conducting begins, a number of stackable melodies, which provide their function for the duration of the performance, and an outro, which triggers when the performance ceases.

    Cantor - Sick of the orchestra? Lead the choir! Written by Jason Linker, the cantor base class puts away the arcane bells and whistles of the maestro and instead picks up a number of divine tricks all her own. Complete with her own composition and opus lists, the cantor brings the idea of musical composition full-circle. Just as the bard straddles arcane and divine magic, so too follow the composers.

    Arranger - Whenever one man makes a masterpiece, others start arranging it in an effort to show that they could have done it better. This archetype for the maestro base class allows you to do just that - add melodies to your opuses to prove that you know the way the 1812 Overture should have ended.

    Virtuoso - Why compose when you can also play? This archetype for the maestro and cantor base classes does away with the ability to cast, but grants the ability to make bardic performances instead. Achieve total aural saturation by conducting a score and performing a bardic performance all at the same time!

    Truename Magic

    What is it? - A from-the-ground up reconstruction of the classic 3.5 system with entirely new core, metamagic, and spell systems, classes using Interjection Games' truename magic uses pseudo-Concentration checks in order to cast spells. Flexible metamagic, called inflections, allows for the application of special modifiers, such as faster casting or additional targets, to any spell, called recitations, that the class can cast; however, as casting gets harder the more a specific spell has been cast per day, and as using inflections increases the rate at which a spell gets harder, using these inflections literally dumps the caster's resources up to five times faster than casting without. Combined with copious resources provided by lower level recitations that get easier and easier to cast, but do not scale with level, this new truenamer is perfect for those players who love to spam numerous effects and chain combos in order to keep up with the party. It's dynamic. It's rewarding. But, as the abilities never scale, it's never overpowered.

    Savant of Heart and Mind - Most truenamers fight long and hard to learn how to think like a thing or like a place so that they may leverage the various codices that reference them. Some few simply end up being too alive to do so and focus on the Codex of Heart and Mind, the tome of First Language knowledge that concerns itself with living things. True masters of that codex, savants of heart and mind, a truenamer archetype, deal exclusively in its recitations and are known to have a vast vocabulary in that area of expertise.

    "Babylonian/Cthulhu Base Class" - Endzeitgeist hasn't written it yet, but, from what notes we have, this base class reaches out to Lovecraftian horrors existing beyond time and space and leverages their power to force the universe to conform to the class' will.

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    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Brian Patterson of d20monkey fame is Kickstarting his rules-neutral Campaign Setting featured in the comic. Rules supported is slated for 5e, Pathfinder, and 13th Age.

    Karthun: Lands of Conflict..

    $35 (US) gets you the Hardcover book and digital copies of all the stretch goals.
    "We have sent many to Hell, to smooth our way," said I, "and we are standing yet and holding blades. What more?"- Roger Zelazny, This Immortal
    Avatar Image: The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai; bitmap version by me.

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