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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    EDIT (10/26/2021): New Thread: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave II [IC] ... The Exciting Conclusion!

    As the Epsilon Elite returned from a mission to visit Shyamal, they found that something terrible has apparently happened. Korvosa was in flames. Smoke rose on the horizon. The frantic clang of alarm bells sang out in harmony with a multifarious cacophony of screams, the clash of steel, moans, and even the periodic detonation of arcane power. A wing of Sable Company griffon riders swooped overhead, angling towards Castle Korvosa at a breakneck pace. A badly wounded mount rained blood down on the street around the Elite before it succumbed and crashed headlong into a statue, taking its rider and itself to a bone-crushing demise. So fierce the anarchy, that others in the flight could not pause to check on their fallen ally. Amid the chaos, the voice of a Korvosan herald cut through the din: "The king is dead! Long live the queen!" only to be shouted down by ragged cries of "Hang the queen!" and "The usurper whore must die!" Through an alleyway, the party even spotted a contingent of hellknights clad in dark iron armor and horned helms pursuing a small gang of what appeared to be looters. The city has gone mad.

    So passed King Eodred II, second of his honorable name, and with his last gasp the Crimson Throne became the seat of Queen Ileosa, his lady wife.

    Rumors quickly spread on the street -- that he suffered from some disease beyond even the priesthoods of Sarenrae and Abadar's skill to cure, and that even Asmodeus' disciples were summoned from their pentacle temple in the deep of night to try their dark hand at restoring the king. With the king's death, Queen Ileosa ascended the Crimson Throne, much to the displeasure of most Korvosans, who view her as a petulant gold-digger at best. Worse, the castle seneschal had vanished, supposedly slain in one of the initial riots that broke out at the base of Castle Korvosa when the grim news of Eodred's death was proclaimed.

    Desperate citizens, salty dock workers, soot-covered smiths, all manner of tradesmen, already stifled by Eodred's spendthrift reign, roar at the thought of Ileosa taking the throne. Dock workers abandoned the seafront wards and caravan men lee the Northgate. Frustrated merchant ships and wagon convoys turned around when they found no one to offload their goods, much less buy them. Food and other staples trickled into the city, while thousands vied for the last sack of flour or bundle of cook-fire timber in the market. Riots erupt throughout the streets. Entire wards plunge into chaos. Those who do not rove the streets with cudgel and torch in hand instead lock their doors against the gathering mob. The Bank of Abadar closes its gilded gates and a contingent of the Coin's Faithful stands at the ready with halberd and crossbow to repel would-be looters. The Academae closes its doors as well, shutting its students and professors within its walls and closing them to the rest of the city until order can be restored. In the space of a dozen hours, all of Korvosa's oppression and anger explodes into chaos. The city lies perched on the edge of anarchy.

    Ill-equipped for this level of calamity, the military arm of Korvosa falters, and even the griffon-mounted marines of the Sable Company are pushed far past their limits. The Korvosan Guard does the best it can to quell the riots, yet its members are cut off from each other and forced to operate on their own. Several junior officers, thrust into the harrowing responsibility of command, break under the pressure and abandon their posts, or worse, become part of the problem by attempting to institute martial law.

    In a desperate attempt to regain control, Queen Ileosa invited the Order of the Nail into the city, paying the Hellknights in royal gold for their mercenary services. Yet the Hellknights are a greatsword brandished in a tavern brawl, and their brutal crackdowns restore order only by drowning chaos in blood.

    At that time, Korvosa was in desperate need for heroes to bring order, for if someone didn't step in at that time, the city might very well have torn itself apart. While the Eliite heard of another group of heroes helping out, your team pitched in to help. Their were flocks of imps fighting pseudodragons in skies. The group had to deal with doomsayers and mad prophets, trying to calm mobs and protect the innocent, and Epsilon even helped a bucket brigade put out a fire and effect a rescue of trapped persons.

    The initial civil unrest and outbreaks of riots are quelled quickly, thanks to swift action by the Korvosan Guard, the Sable Company, and the Hellknights. After a day, the streets are once again relatively safe to walk, but a thick tension remains in the air. For several weeks, riots, fires, lootings, and similar events continue to erupt, and certain small parts of the city remain out of control. The group does what it can to help, but pragmatism and an understanding of limits keeps them from overextending themselves.
    .................................................. ...

    It has been weeks since Eodred II’s death, and things are finally starting to get back to normal in Korvosa. Yet still the streets thrum with unrest and wild rumors. Crime seems to be on the rise, with pickpocketings, robberies, and assaults skyrocketing. Some still hiss “usurper” and “murdering harlot” at the mere utterance of Ileosa’s name, and more shockingly, rumors that the king’s death was not of natural causes increasing, and the queen herself has become the primary suspect in these rumor mills.

    Then things take a turn for the more concrete. There are eye-witness accounts from guards at the Castle that say that the beautiful young painter of the king's portrait, one Trinia Sabor, had been behaving oddly during her many trips to the Castle. Then, a confession is finally wrenched from a guard who swore that he was part of the young painter’s plot and saw her slipping a specially prepared poison powder into Eodred’s tea the night he took ill and her portrait of him was completed.

    Word of the confession spreads rapidly, and the guard’s apparent suicide (a leap from one of the towers of Castle Korvosa cements Korvosa’s anger. In no time, Trinia’s name becomes a household word, and once again riots threaten to erupt in the streets. This time, however, the cries are not for the queen’s death, but the death of the king’s true murderer—Trinia Sabor. After two weeks of apparently hiding out, she is spotted by a patrol of Sable Company marines who swooped in on hippogriff back to arrest her and carry her off to Castle Korvosa where she is sentenced to execution.

    The execution it is not an affair to be missed. The toast of Korvosa is in attendance in garish gowns, fine capes, and enough jewels to blind a common man. The overall feel of the event is that of a grand ball or party, not an assassin’s public execution. It is only because of Delta's family and Shyamal's house that the party was even given and invite.

    Queen Ileosa emerges amid a great flourish and pomp as heralds announce her arrival with a fanfare of music and drums. This queen is no longer a subdued mourner witnessed by some earlier, but Queen Ileosa has fully accepted the mantle of sole monarch now, and carries herself with poise, style, and grace. She wears a green and white silk dress worth thousands of gold coins, and is attended by a small army of servants. Chief among these is Sabina (a bodyguard who is rumored to never leave the Queen's side, and even rumored to be a lover), her expression neutral but ever watchful for possible problems in the crowd. Ileosa takes her seat in a high throne-like chair at one end of the public courtyard, while the headman’s block stands ominously at the other. The executioner is a towering, muscular man wearing an executioner’s helm and idly holding an immense axe—he remains motionless until his services are called upon.

    As sunset draws near, the expectant excitement in the crowd builds. When the ominous beating of a single large drum begins, the assembled gawkers fall silent. The drum sets the pace for Trinia’s procession to the headsman’s block. As they reach the headsman’s block, one of the guards removes Trinia’s shackles and the hood, revealing a very frightened woman who nonetheless bravely holds back her tears, if only barely. Trinia is led up onto the platform, her arms bound behind her back by a leather cord, and she is forced to kneel over the wooden block before the headsman as Queen Ileosa stands and addresses the crowd.

    “Fellow Korvosans! You have suffered greatly these past few weeks. Homes have burned, family members have died, fortunes have been lost. I feel your suffering, for not only have I lost a beloved husband, but with each riot, each burning home, each act of anarchy, my heart bleeds a little more. This has been a trying time for us, yet the torment is at an end. Before you is the face of your anguish and pain. Do not be deceived by this murderer’s timid nature—she is a black-hearted assassin, a seductress and sinner, a viper amidst us all. I offer you all her death as a salve against the hatred and hurt you have suffered. Her death will not rebuild Korvosa, nor will it bring back the king, yet tomorrow will be a new dawn—a dawn over a city ready to rise from the edge of anarchy to become stronger than ever before!

    “And so, without further delay, let us usher in this new dawn with justice! OFF WITH HER HEAD!

    As the headsman hefts his axe, the already silent crowd freezes in anticipation. Yet just before he swings, the headsman gives a strange little grunt and staggers. His raised axe falters as he reaches with one hand to the small of his back and then brings it to his face, the fingers dripping with blood. An instant later, he cries out in pain and drops the axe as a dagger embeds itself in the back of his other hand. The axe sinks itself in the block inches from Trinia’s head, and the headsman doubles over in pain, revealing a second dagger that’s already embedded in the small of his back. Trinia rises to her knees, glancing up at the executioner in shock as a scream echoes through the crowded courtyard: “By the gods! It’s Blackjack!”

    An instant later, a man dressed in a hooded cloak and leather armor springs onto the executioner’s block. He wields a rapier in one hand and a dagger in the other. Blackjack cuts the bonds on Trinia’s wrists and then throws the dagger down to pin the executioner’s left foot to the wood below. He quickly helps Trinia to her feet and then briefly turns to address the shocked crowd.

    “Yes indeed, my queen! Let us usher in justice, but let that be justice for Korvosa, not this shambles you petulantly call a monarchy! Long live Korvosa! Down with the Queen!”

    Blackjack’s words spread like fire, causing the crowd to erupt into a frenzy of activity. Some demand that he release the assassin while others call for the queen to step down from the Crimson Throne. Queen Ileosa stands stunned for a few moments, whispers something to Sabina, and then quickly turns to flee into Castle Korvosa, Sabina and a dozen guards behind her to cover her retreat. The remaining guards in the courtyard move to apprehend Blackjack, but the gathered nobles, thirsty for blood, make it difficult to move. At the same time, the executioner recovers from his wounds and lifts his axe once again over Blackjack, who seems to have momentarily forgotten the man in his apparent delight at having forced the queen to flee.

    There is a squeaking warning from small humanoid, garbed head-to-toe in a street juggler's outfit and with a funny mask. With that, Blackjack notices the headsman in time, and just ducks out of the way of his axe, dragging Trinia behind him and clambering up a hanging banner to a nearby wall. When he reaches the wall, looks down to the little patchwork guy and bows to the crowd and the little guy in particular, raising a salute to him with his rapier. He takes out a vial and drinks it. Backlit by the sunlit wall, he and Trinia leap from the wall ... a leap from a height that would kill anyone.

    Escaping the chaos after Blackjack's exit was relatively simple, partly due to the chaos of the scene. Blackjack has long been seen as a hero of the city, and the fact that he has taken up a position in such direct opposition to the queen causes many of those who supported the monarchy to begin to doubt their convictions. After Blackjack’s daring rescue of Trinia, Queen Ileosa remains ensconced in Castle Korvosa for several weeks—this gives Korvosa the time it needs to recover from recent events.
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2021-10-26 at 03:04 AM.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    With the quieting of much of the city’s disorder and the slow acceptance of Queen Ileosa as Korvosa’s new sovereign, the city returns to a state of near normalcy—although the scars of the past week’s upheaval still show on many buildings and in whispered gossip.

    Just before midnight, the evening’s peace is shattered by a wooden screech, followed by the thunder of a trebuchet being fired. Again and again the sounds echo from the Wall of Eodred near North Bridge, waking nearly all of North Point. Across the river in Trail’s End, citizens wake just in time to see a sleek brig burn and swiftly sink into the wine-dark waters. The rest of the night passes in breathless anticipation of the wall-weapons’ further use, which fortuitously never comes. Next morning, gossip buzzes through the city and fanciful tales run wild. Every tavern and street corner is abuzz with rumors of pirate raiders and ghost ships. The Crimson Throne remains quiet on the matter, though, with even the loosest-tongued politicos seemingly knowing nothing of the previous night’s incident. With so many far wilder and more interesting tales circulating, the facts of the matter become lost among the frenzied gossip.

    Paxre ... Epsilon Elite ... do you care beyond the interesting stories? or, do you do anything?
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    No blessed way Pax is going to try and sneak around trigger-happy guards opening fire on ships just to climb the wall to see what's what. He'll wait until the next day. He'll do what he normally does, go from place to place performing, but this time he's going to try and get some information on last night's bayside fireworks. He'll still do a full day's worth of performing.
    Spoiler: Rolls and Stuff
    I know, I know ... you roll anything which might be meta-. My Diplomacy (with my Pseudodragon's Mark) is +12.
    Gather Info time (1d4)[2]
    Perform check (1d20+9)[15]
    Current Games
    Curse of the Crimson Throne: Dušana Essert(Zeta), & Fathi (Phi) and Hülya (Eta) Sharif of House al-Din
    Legacy of Fire: Water Prince Rafiq Karim
    Rise of the Runelords: Keghart Valdemar & Valbard the Velociraptor
    Savage Tide: Rabbi Eliezer "Lazer" Whuraili Cohen ben Mordechai of Clan Ironoath of Oriadeth
    Serpent's Skull: Harsk! (yes, that one)
    Shattered Star: Lilim
    Strange Aeons: Dorn

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    It's not that it takes a flat two hours, obviously. Rather, interspersed into Paxre's rounds he plies folks for information. He ends up spending about 10 hours in the streets and taverns total.
    Spoiler: Paxre
    As standard, you provide an enjoyable performance, earning 6 silver. It's only silver, interestingly, and not silver and copper equaling the same. Those who would only toss in a copper either can't afford to pay for your busquing, or are tight-fisted because of what has happened recently. There were a total of six persons that paid one silver each. This is no worse overall, but something about only six people in the course of a good day of performing is disheartening.

    Questioning a guard that happened to be stationed on the walls last night reveals that only that an order was given to fire upon a light on the water. As you dig deeper past the rumors that talk about foolish pirates from Riddleport that tried to sneak into the city under cover of night, you find some very interesting information, if it's true. A sinister-looking ship refused inspection as it sailed into the Jeggare River. When it neared North Bridge and still failed to make its intentions known, the watch fired on it and destroyed it. None of the guardsmen who signaled or shouted out to the ship received a response. Some say that no one was on board at all.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]


    Delta and Gamma head out to investigate, asking the others to stay behind and take care of themselves. They make their way through the taverns looking for information about it, trying their best to learn all they can, while communicating back and forth through their mental link.

    Gonna make the roll here, my binding check pre-leaving to bind Lady Jarah

    (1d20+7)[19] vs. DC 19

    I'm also gonna gather information, using Delta's Diplomacy and Gamma's sense motive together, since they can communicate telepathically.
    Kitten: *bats around a mini a few times*
    DM: "Ok, it looks like Fluffy...err, 'The Tarrasque'...Full Attacks the Cleric"
    Cleric: "Full attack my a**, that was just two claw attacks!"
    Kitten: *starts gnawing on the mini*
    Cleric: "...nevermind."

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    Spoiler: Delta
    As you dig deeper past the rumors that talk about foolish pirates from Riddleport that tried to sneak into the city under cover of night, you find some very interesting information, if it's true. A sinister-looking ship refused inspection as it sailed into the Jeggare River. When it neared North Bridge and still failed to make its intentions known, the watch fired on it and destroyed it.

    It is assumed that Delta and Gamma will return to the others to give a report. By the strangest coinky-dink, the one least likely to know something that might be of interest is the one least likely to deal with things nautical. Perhaps it's because of his travels to/ from Jalmeray, but the long-lived Beta knows that a single light from a ship that has no other running lights is an indication that a vessel is quarantined. The condition of quarantine might be the captain's consideration, or a label imposed by an outside force (like harbor masters, navies, and the like), and it usually deals with ships that have, or need to be checked for, diseases and other dangerous things.
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2015-02-20 at 11:09 PM.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    Epsilon Elite

    The five members of Epsilon Elite all gather in a room to speak of what they known openly, rather than always relying on the mind link. Beta explains what he knows of nautical rules, and after a moment of silence, Delta speaks up first. "So you're telling me that that ship may have been under quarantine? Would that have been why it supposedly refused inspection?"

    Beta nodded gruffly. "You didn't happen to find out whether or not that was the case, did you?"

    Delta looked out the window towards the town. "No such luck so far. Might have to find one of the guards that was there to find out. Although I can't think that they wouldn't know this themselves." Pulling up his back, he waves at the rest of the Elite and steps out the door. "I'll be back as soon as I can, call me through the collective if something comes up." With that he heads back out into town looking for more information.

    Delta is gonna scour the town looking for someone who was actually present during the events in question, or anyone who may have actually seen the ship and might be able to verify whether or not Beta's knowledge is relevant.
    Kitten: *bats around a mini a few times*
    DM: "Ok, it looks like Fluffy...err, 'The Tarrasque'...Full Attacks the Cleric"
    Cleric: "Full attack my a**, that was just two claw attacks!"
    Kitten: *starts gnawing on the mini*
    Cleric: "...nevermind."

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    since Delta is going out now, it's harder for him to actually get any better information. As the time moves on, the rumors get crazier and wilder and the truth is harder to parse out.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]


    Delta wanders town still looking for information, but after finding crazy rumor after crazy rumor, he gives up and stops within a tavern to grab a drink before heading back. As he drinks, leaving the payment on the counter, he tries to strike up a conversation with the bartender. "Crazy story about last night, don't you think?"
    Kitten: *bats around a mini a few times*
    DM: "Ok, it looks like Fluffy...err, 'The Tarrasque'...Full Attacks the Cleric"
    Cleric: "Full attack my a**, that was just two claw attacks!"
    Kitten: *starts gnawing on the mini*
    Cleric: "...nevermind."

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    The bartender is busy, but entertains your presence. He is quite fine with the most common word that pirates tried to sneak into the city and were blown out of the water right off the bat. The thing that does amaze him is that he heard from some guards that the time the ship was spotted and accosted, the ship was destroyed in record time. But, that's the kind of speedy response evil-doers can expect if they mess with his town.
    I know Diplomacy mentions the gather-info can be retried, but it consistently goes down. The flat 1d4 hours with no adjustment over time with increasing interference works against you, and does not keep DCs static.

    Also, considering your upbringing, the kind of places you would likely frequent are better than average unless you state otherwise. As such, assuming you get a mug of good ale, it will cost 2 sp.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Oct 2011

    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]


    Delta places two pieces of silver on the counter, thanking the bartender for speaking with him and walks out as soon as he finished his drink. He sighs and looks up into the sky, waiting for night to fall as he slowly returns to the rest of his team.

    Well, i'm out of ideas for the day, so i guess i'm done with the day.
    Kitten: *bats around a mini a few times*
    DM: "Ok, it looks like Fluffy...err, 'The Tarrasque'...Full Attacks the Cleric"
    Cleric: "Full attack my a**, that was just two claw attacks!"
    Kitten: *starts gnawing on the mini*
    Cleric: "...nevermind."

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Bristol, PA

    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    Paxre will go home to the Shingles in Old Korvosa. He'll drop 15 copper on bread and cheap beer and see what happens. After that, he'll go sleep in some corner of the Shingles.
    Current Games
    Curse of the Crimson Throne: Dušana Essert(Zeta), & Fathi (Phi) and Hülya (Eta) Sharif of House al-Din
    Legacy of Fire: Water Prince Rafiq Karim
    Rise of the Runelords: Keghart Valdemar & Valbard the Velociraptor
    Savage Tide: Rabbi Eliezer "Lazer" Whuraili Cohen ben Mordechai of Clan Ironoath of Oriadeth
    Serpent's Skull: Harsk! (yes, that one)
    Shattered Star: Lilim
    Strange Aeons: Dorn

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Colossus in the Playground
    lostsole31's Avatar

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    St. Louis

    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    Spoiler: Paxre
    Grau finds you as you are out and about, but that's most assuredly no thanks to Muhrbala. He's in much better condition then the last time you found him, having shaved, bathed, and sobered up. "Is there a private place where we can talk?"

    Doubtless you follow, since you helped him out though he is still an acquaintance. Besides, something different beats something old.

    “My niece is sick. I don’t know what she has and neither does anyone in Trail’s End. She’s broken out all over in red pocks and can barely keep down food, or even the swill that good-for-nothing herbalist gave her. Her mother’s talking about going to the Bank of Abadar, but her family can’t afford to pay the prices their clerics would demand. Then I remembered how you and your friends handled yourselves during the riots, and how you helped me out, and I figured you all could help. A bunch of resourceful folk like you, I’d bet if you don’t already have a way to fix this you must know who can. Surely you can’t just sit by while a child suffers, can you?”

    He looks about confused. "By the way, what happened to your friends?"

    Spoiler: Epsilon Elite
    Shyamal awakens his son-in-law, for out of love Omega is still his son-in-law despite Meera's death. With him is a fellow countryman, a Vudrani you easily recognize as a cleric of Abadar, the patron god of Korvosa. Shyamal says, "Let us have breakfast early now. There is a matter to discuss. Gather your fellows."

    Since two of the Epsilon Elite's members are adopted sons and the Omega is his son-in-law, lacking a home (Gamma), and having been removed from the dormitory (Delta, whose human mother and elven father live in Mierani) all are given room and board in Shyamal's home. Obviously, there are tasks he may send you on, and that is the price of living in what is otherwise moderate luxury.

    With breakfast, the meal is eaten and the countryman is a Vudrani man by the name of Ishani Dhatri.
    Spoiler: Ishani Dhatri

    "Honored guests and family of Shyamal Phan, I come to seek help in a mission of mercy. Last night I was summoned to Trail's End to check on an ill child. I will be leaving shortly, for it is only an hour after dawn and I want to make sure the herbal incenses are set for she has been without. I have it on good authority that your members Warpriest Gamma and Guru Omega were of incredible help with their healing skills during the riots that broke out a couple of weeks ago. Perhaps your magic and medical skill can be of use? It pains me that I must ask the family for money, but Abadar's faith is one of trade and wealth. However, my knowledge is that Iomedae requires no such restriction. Are you willing to look into this matter and accompany me to make a house call for this family?"
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    While Delta moves to speak, he stops, as though accosted by a silent voice, and Gamma steps foward, bowing his head. "It would be our pleasure to accompany you. With any luck Iomedae's blessing will be with us and we can save that child soon." Omega stands up after him, nodding and agreeing, and Delta after that. Beta and Alpha look at each other and nod their head, knowing that they had no choice otherwise.
    Kitten: *bats around a mini a few times*
    DM: "Ok, it looks like Fluffy...err, 'The Tarrasque'...Full Attacks the Cleric"
    Cleric: "Full attack my a**, that was just two claw attacks!"
    Kitten: *starts gnawing on the mini*
    Cleric: "...nevermind."

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    "The riots took their toll on one; the attack on Gaedran Lamm's took another; another two left once Lamm was killed and his power broken, vengeance having been served; and, the last one and I had a falling out."

    Paxre looks up. "You look better. Glad to see you've cleaned up. Of course, it takes some coin to try to get a priest to help. A lot of coin that is usually well beyond the reach of an ex-watchman like yourself. My time and services aren't free, Grau, but I assure you I'm cheaper than any Abadaran capitalist. What figure were you thinking?"
    Last edited by PSinger; 2015-02-27 at 09:34 PM.
    Current Games
    Curse of the Crimson Throne: Dušana Essert(Zeta), & Fathi (Phi) and Hülya (Eta) Sharif of House al-Din
    Legacy of Fire: Water Prince Rafiq Karim
    Rise of the Runelords: Keghart Valdemar & Valbard the Velociraptor
    Savage Tide: Rabbi Eliezer "Lazer" Whuraili Cohen ben Mordechai of Clan Ironoath of Oriadeth
    Serpent's Skull: Harsk! (yes, that one)
    Shattered Star: Lilim
    Strange Aeons: Dorn

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    Spoiler: Paxre
    "I'm sorry for that. They seemed like good people, and you all helped me pull out from the bottom of my cups."

    Grau's gaze goes to Paxre's chest. Despite the gaudy array of patches and ribbons and things for a street busquer, one thing that seems incongruous is the medal Grau had not seen before. He whistles in admiration. "I see you were awarded the Pseudodragon's Mark for service in getting rid of ... well, everything you did? That came directly from Field Marshall Krofft, didn't it?"

    When he sees Paxre's fixed stance, Grau realizes his stonewalling won't work; Grau had already heard about the dissolution of the group at the hands of mobs and mobsters. He could've worked the sympathy of the Sarenite cleric that was Paxre's late companion, but the only thing Grau knew about this one is that he seems to be a great street clown, but when Paxre's group came to help him in Field Marshal Krofft's name, the cleric and the bard did most of the talking, and Paxre merely threw in quips here and there. But now, the cleric of the goddess of healing is no longer here to at least give kind words, and Grau is stuck with the dark clown. "I have saved, and saved, from when I was a soldier and good at cards. Along with my sister and help from neighbors, the absolute best I can do is 100 sails. I am told that is 50 sails shy of what I would need to pay an Abadaran cleric to heal her."

    "My suggestion is to take it," hums the voice in his mind. "You have no skill in healing, you don't have that kind of magic, you aren't even an apothecary, but he came to you, not the other way around. Besides, I'm bored, and this makes for better food for awhile. It is nice when we don't have to steal sometimes."

    Spoiler: Epsilon Elite, including Setting Info for Paxre
    Ishani Dhatri (nearing 30 yet still only a low-ranking priest in the church of Abadar), has to take his leave to get to the Soldado house right away, but he gives the address to the group while they finish doing whatever preps they need to make.

    Once the Epsilon Elite moves out, the address takes them to a small community to the northeast of Korvosa disparagingly called Trail's End -- a slight against the number of settled Varisians in the area. Made up primarily of Varisians - with a few Shoati and socially disaffected Chelaxians - Trail's End is poor and reputedly dangerous, but the neighborhood feels more like a small town than any district in the city proper. The criminal element is obvious and impossible to ignore in the faces of toughs and thugs who loiter on the streets here, Szarni brutes who call themselves the Bashwater Boys and prey exlusively on Chelaxians and other outsiders. As it is, there are no members of the party who have Varisian blood, and the motley group is eyed very carefully. Knowing most city folks' distaste for Varisia's natives, the residents of Trail's End return such prejudices, creating a community that thrives off Korvosan coin but reviles the city all the same.

    Only a crooked block from the Jeggare shore, the Soldado home is a squat, two-story wooden building in desperate need of repair and gardening. Overall, the building feels like the home of a family too busy living to bother with tedious chores. Once you get inside, the house is remarkably clean and well-kept, filled with worn, well-used furniture and decorated with the crafts and scribblings of children.

    When you knock on the door, the mother of the afflicted - Tayce Soldado - answers. Nearing 40, she possesses a simple beauty, scarcely hidden by her disheveled appearance and wan features - she's not slept in more than a day. Ishani Dhatri is already there for formal introductions and to give you (Gamma and Omega) an idea of the family background.

    Tayce Soldado lives here with her three children, Brienna "Breeze," Charlo, and Rello. Despite being only half-blooded Varisians, Tayce’s sons have distinctly Varisian features, with unruly black hair, brown eyes, and olive skin, while Brienna takes more after her father, having a paler complexion, with light hair and freckles. Tayce and her family are well-known and quietly respected in Trail’s End, and have nothing to fear from the local Sczarni toughs. While Tayce works as a washerwoman for those in the community and several families in North Point, her children also bring in a few coins for the family—Brienna working as a maid, while Charlo and Rello work as unofficial apprentices to a wheelwright friend of the family. Tayce is a single mother. Her husband Bayan was murdered long ago by highwaymen. Left with three children to raise alone, Tayce dedicated her life to bringing them up right.

    Tayce welcomes the group sincerely, especially Gamma. She knows nothing of how her daughter might have become so ill, as the girl has drifted in and out of consciousness since her discovery. Once Tayce satisfies herself that Gamma and Omega might be able to help her, she invites the two (the others stay downstairs) upstairs with her to see Brienna.

    The creaky steps open up into a bedroom loft above the main room of the Soldado home. A young girl with auburn hair lies in one of the beds, her slight frame dwarfed by the bed’s size and the pile of pillows, afghans, and quilts surrounding her. Splotches of an angry red rash cover her face and arms, appearing in irregular shapes and sizes. Suddenly, her restlessness is interrupted by a violent fit of hacking coughs that jerk her entire frame, lifting her well off her pillows. The spasm passes after a moment, dropping her back to the bed, but seemingly having done little to ease her breathing.
    Spoiler: Brienna "Breeze" Soldado

    A little bit later, the door opens and in walks two figures: the first is a hale man with a definite touch of sadness to him, the other is a curious creature that is only 3' tall.

    "Uncle Grau!" the boys cry as they rush over to hug him.
    Spoiler: Grau

    In turn, and just as curious to the little guy in street performers' clothing are possibly a Chelaxian (but of unusual coloration); a strange man that appears to be made of stone; and a well-dressed half-elf of obvious Chelaxian descent on his human side.

    Paxre, Alpha, Beta, Delta .... describe yourselves.
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2015-02-28 at 07:49 PM.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    Creepy little bug guy. Really. That's the simple part.

    Base form. He is 3'1" and a spindly 26 lbs. He can be vaguely likened to an upright walking caterpillar with thin and elongated limbs; two arms and legs like most other humanoids, and a pair of mid-legs. His arms in three-digit hands and his legs end in two-clawed toes. His mid-legs appear to aid him in attack, balance, movement, and object manipulation, though these appendages only end in very sharp points. While these limbs are sheathed in leathery chitin, his body is fleshy and covered in coarse hair.

    His coloration, even though you will only see limited bits for now ... Overall coloration is a very dark green (Kombu Green 19-0417 TPX to a Foliage Green 18-6018 TPX ) blending with no particular pattern from one to the other. There is a mild sheen to all of the fur, all over the body. A stripe (Royal Blue 19-3955 TPX ) going up his back from his abdomen to the back of his head. Six equidistant spots of purple (Amaranth Purple 19-3536 TCX ) run along the back in pairs, on opposite sides of the stripe -approximately where each set of limbs exist on the other side of the body.

    His face is fairly standard to humanoids, the color is slightly lighter than his body (Pagoda Blue 17-4724 TPX) with large dark black pools for eyes. There is a small curved ridge that starts between eyes down to just above his mouth that has two small horizontal slits. His mouth, while tiny, has no readily visible teeth, but is almost always in a smile that readily conveys happiness and innocent wonder. (Above colors are in PANTONE chart numbers and names)

    He bathes regularly, and is fastidious about his cleanliness. Although for all of that, he remains under clothes that for the most part cover his shape and colors, yet also give him access for both sets of arms.

    He wears an entertainer's outfit, specifically geared towards street clowning, and his odd appearance does not need any greasepaint or makeup. His thick outer clothing is is a kaledoscopic riot of color with dozens of little trinkets and ribbons tied into fun shapes, and from his look he caters to children, or at least to a child-style performance that is sure to draw good-natured laughs and "Awwww's" from crowds.

    For all of his crazy look, there is the obvious accessories that show he is some type of warrior. A closer look at his performers cloths reveals that his clothing is actually relatively well-disguised studded leather of very high quality. Across his back, covering a high-quality backpack, is a light shield of wood that is nearly as dark as Mwangi ebony, also of very high quality. Also across his back, just underneath the shield, are two swords of what must be a similar make. The handle does not appear to be of a familiar style, and the rest of the body of the swords are covered by the scabbards. At his side, are a paired set of light crossbows, and a partially filled case of bolts on each side.

    "Seems like others have come to the party Grau,"
    the little one says. He steps forward and proudly proclaims, "Hi! I'm Paxre. Who are you guys?"
    Current Games
    Curse of the Crimson Throne: Dušana Essert(Zeta), & Fathi (Phi) and Hülya (Eta) Sharif of House al-Din
    Legacy of Fire: Water Prince Rafiq Karim
    Rise of the Runelords: Keghart Valdemar & Valbard the Velociraptor
    Savage Tide: Rabbi Eliezer "Lazer" Whuraili Cohen ben Mordechai of Clan Ironoath of Oriadeth
    Serpent's Skull: Harsk! (yes, that one)
    Shattered Star: Lilim
    Strange Aeons: Dorn

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    The Half-elf steps forward first. He has an unusually nice smell about him, dressed in finer clothes than the others, and appears to have a simple smile on his face. He holds his hand out towards the unusual creature in a manner of friendship. "We are the members of the Epsilon Elite. I am the leader, Delta, this..." He points towards the human, a red haired male with fiery red eyes and an unusual skin tone that makes the others feel just the slightest bit uneasy. "Is Alpha, and meanwhile this one is called Beta." With that one he points towards the gray skinned man, he looked tougher than the others, physically fit, yet was clearly unarmed and unarmored, although close inspection revealed a nearly imperceptible membrane surrounding him. "There are two more members of our team, but they are in the other room." Alpha nods with a smile while Beta kinda just grunts a greeting.
    Kitten: *bats around a mini a few times*
    DM: "Ok, it looks like Fluffy...err, 'The Tarrasque'...Full Attacks the Cleric"
    Cleric: "Full attack my a**, that was just two claw attacks!"
    Kitten: *starts gnawing on the mini*
    Cleric: "...nevermind."

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    Spoiler: Paxre and Delta
    Actually, Delta, I hadn't looked at this, but below is perfect. (Very minor) noble-born from one of Perishial's entourage, which actually gives you a little more sense of lineage in Korvosa. Paxre knows this about Korvosan (half-)elves as a function of knowing about the people of the town in which he lives.
    Spoiler: Elves of Korvosa
    Almost as rare as druids in Korvosa, most of the elven citizens of the city originally hail from the Mierani Forest. The leader among these elves, Perishial Kalissreavil, serves as the Mierani ambassador. He and a handful of his aides and family members have lived peacefully within the city for as long as the city has existed. A small enclave specifically built for the elves exists in South Shore, where they often serve as scholars, sages, and advisors for those who would seek magical or natural advice.

    Spoiler: Half-Elves of Korvosa
    Bored young women of the human noble families occasionally approach the Mierani enclave looking for an adventurous rendezvous with someone exotic and beautiful. Rather lustful himself, Perishial welcomes these trysts with bemused pleasure and claims each one strengthens the bonds between Korvosa and the Mierani elves. In his years as diplomat, Perishial has fathered countless hal-felf offspring in this way, while the male members of his entourage have collectively contributed to dozens more. Half-elves in Korvosa are thus generally looked upon as unfortunates at best, or untrustworthy bastards at worst.

    Spoiler: Paxre
    Delta is obviously of Chelaxian descent on the human side, which only makes sense given he would come from a noble family.

    You have no idea what Alpha is. He seems human, but definitely bizarre in features. No weapons, but he has a thin, slender, mummified hand - probably from an elf - hanging from his neck by a golden chain. Ewww. He wears a thick leather coat that is charred around the edges and smells faintly of soot.

    There can be no mistaking Beta for one of a very race known as an oread. There are many djinn who long ago bred with humans to beget children who eventually bred true with each other. Genies begat sylphs; efreet sired ifrits; from marids came forth undines; and from the shaitan came the oread ... which is what this man is. Due to their strong connection to their otherworldy heritage, they are considered as alien to this world as any from the Great Beyond, and yet their nature is anchored more to this plane than the Elemental Plane of Earth. Oreads are strong, solid, stable, and stoic, though their muscle mass and form tends to make them slower of foot than a comparably sized human. As expected, they have an affinity with stone, but you are not sure how that exactly manifests beyond the cosmetic. The hardy nature of their skin, and some of the micro-crystalline structure, gives them a minor resistance to corrosives and solvents.

    You've heard of a mercenary company called the Epsilon Elite, a mixed-race company. You know that the other two Delta alluded to are a dwarf and a human, but nothing more than that.

    Spoiler: Epsilon Elite
    Looking at Paxre .... what in Desna's travels is that thing??

    The boys Charlo and Renno continue playing in the living room, but can't help but notice the odd assortment of people in their own home! Every few minutes, a spasm of ragged coughing fills the house from above. There is a cleric of Abadar (Ishani Dhatri) tending a kettle boiling in the kitchen hearth. He is there with a bag of herbs, and the whole kitchen - now wafting into the living room - smells of cinnamon and anise. Upon seeing the man there, Grau is obviously displeased and sternly asks Tayce to talk to him outside in private.
    Spoiler: Beta
    Beta's incredible hearing makes out the gist of the conversation: Grau scolding Tayce for racking up a bill with an expensive and worthless healer when he said he would handle things, and Tayce defending her decision and restating the direness of Brienna’s condition.
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2015-03-01 at 10:53 PM.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    Paxre, despite the fine greeting, immediately has a new shiny object. He moves right past Delta without any continuance of pleasantry and he goes up to the cleric. "Hey! Why the hell aren't you the one healing this girl?! You're a cleric, right?"
    Current Games
    Curse of the Crimson Throne: Dušana Essert(Zeta), & Fathi (Phi) and Hülya (Eta) Sharif of House al-Din
    Legacy of Fire: Water Prince Rafiq Karim
    Rise of the Runelords: Keghart Valdemar & Valbard the Velociraptor
    Savage Tide: Rabbi Eliezer "Lazer" Whuraili Cohen ben Mordechai of Clan Ironoath of Oriadeth
    Serpent's Skull: Harsk! (yes, that one)
    Shattered Star: Lilim
    Strange Aeons: Dorn

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    Ishani holds up well to Paxre's surprisingly effective push. He sighs in frustration and replies, “If I had been sent for earlier perhaps I could, but I’m afraid that my duties at the Golden One’s Vault required me to entreat him for similar miracles already this day. Even if I could, though, the tenets of my church force me to request a donation for Abadar’s power—one that I suspect these simple folk could scarcely afford.”

    What do Gamma and Omega do? Don't roll anything (that will be me). Any Heal check is about trying to figure out the disease. Otherwise, give me an idea in RP of what they do.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    Gamma and Omega

    Gamma and Omega both together check the usual symptoms of the child, and Gamma will try using his fervor to heal the child if possible. He is woefully unprepared to deal with disease, but both of them will be trying heal checks also.
    Kitten: *bats around a mini a few times*
    DM: "Ok, it looks like Fluffy...err, 'The Tarrasque'...Full Attacks the Cleric"
    Cleric: "Full attack my a**, that was just two claw attacks!"
    Kitten: *starts gnawing on the mini*
    Cleric: "...nevermind."

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    Spoiler: Gamma & Omega
    There is a rash and blisters that cover the face. Breeze has headache, fatigue, and coughing. The cough is obtrusive, the rash started in the face obviously, and spread to the neck, face, and limbs and there are pox-like blisters, and the lymph nodes have swollen into pox-like buboes.

    But that's only with a quick look at her symptoms. Trying to figure out her disease with just a check of symptoms to give you a prognosis .... well, this disease is beyond anything either of you have ever seen. Gamma's fervor does absolutely nothing to help. These are symptoms of systemic, not traumatic/structural damage (i.e., she has lost CON and CHA, but not hit points beyond the natural drop to max hit points because of CON loss). As a child, she seems like she might be a little more frail than normal as it is. The disease does seem to progressing. And with her system getting worse, her ability to fight the disease keeps getting worse. If you can't heal her outright over the next day with healer brilliance, then the only way to help her for now is to keep her stable.

    What do the rest of you do?
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    Paxre doesn't wait for any more babble. He doesn't even ask permission but just goes bounding upstairs to meet the girl (if awake) and the two others. As he enters the bedroom he looks at the two persons, the healers. (What do these guys look like?)

    "I take it you two are the healers? What do we have? I can't heal diseases and stuff - but something that can help if your magic isn't good enough."
    Current Games
    Curse of the Crimson Throne: Dušana Essert(Zeta), & Fathi (Phi) and Hülya (Eta) Sharif of House al-Din
    Legacy of Fire: Water Prince Rafiq Karim
    Rise of the Runelords: Keghart Valdemar & Valbard the Velociraptor
    Savage Tide: Rabbi Eliezer "Lazer" Whuraili Cohen ben Mordechai of Clan Ironoath of Oriadeth
    Serpent's Skull: Harsk! (yes, that one)
    Shattered Star: Lilim
    Strange Aeons: Dorn

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    The first, a heavily armored dwarf, that is surprisingly hair and beardless, turns towards Paxre and looks him up and down. As he makes eye contact, Paxre can see a very large tattoo of Iomedae's symbol over his face, and notices that the man carries a sword and shield strapped to his back, both appear to have the same symbol. If you had to guess, you'd think he worshipped Iomedae. "I would be the healer, yes. I'm called Gamma, and this one is Omega." He gestures to the other fellow, a regular human of what appears to be Vudrani descent, he doesn't much stand out from other humans, but looking at him you can tell he has a darkness within that most folks do not. "The others informed us that you were coming. Paxre, was it? If you have something that can help, we would appreciate it. I may need to pray to Iomedae for magic that might help this illness."
    Last edited by meemaas; 2015-03-04 at 07:30 PM.
    Kitten: *bats around a mini a few times*
    DM: "Ok, it looks like Fluffy...err, 'The Tarrasque'...Full Attacks the Cleric"
    Cleric: "Full attack my a**, that was just two claw attacks!"
    Kitten: *starts gnawing on the mini*
    Cleric: "...nevermind."

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    Spoiler: Paxre
    The dwarf is a dwarf is an Iomedaen cleric, no surprise. Beardless, no doubt, to allow his holy mark to show through; you have no doubt it is a powerful mark that acts as a holy symbol. While a dwarf, there are enough things, little things like perhaps his pouch or something, that say he has spent significant amount of time with Vudrani. Unless he has fantastic ears, he is possibly some type of trained mystic that possibly read your mind for your name .... a cleric who has also spent time in distant lands. A doctor who can read a patient's mind would make for a complete healer.

    The Vudrani man stands out to you more than any of them ... not blending into the background as he might to others. He carries an aura - one likely only perceptible to you - that speaks to the dark things in, beyond, and between the worlds. The source and use of this darkness is unknown at this time, obviously. As you look at him, something that can easily be overlooked becomes damningly evident to you. He has a pair of knuckles, almost like brass knuckles - with a hue that instantly defines it for what it is: forcestrike knuckles, a manifestation of one who uses akashic magic.

    Spoiler: Gamma
    What the hell is that?! Quick! Someone hit it with a fly-swatter!

    Spoiler: Omega
    This Paxre may dress in clown clothes, and maybe or maybe he acts like a clown, but the two swords whose features are hidden by scabbard still bear enough shape and style to instantly define what they are to the learned warrior: two katana. Coming from him and his seemingly gregarious style is a darkness that does not seem too far afield from what you project. But where only the learned can see that darkness in you, but anyone can sense something grim, in this strange, demi-insectile creature does not project any negativity to the world around him, keeping it perfectly contained except to someone like yourself. A darkness hidden, controlled movements, a variety of weaponry on a clown, and definitely neither samurai or even ronin. The katana are made for someone of his size. No, it is unmistakeable ..... ninja.
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2015-03-07 at 08:17 AM.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

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    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    Gamma doesn't wait for Paxre to respond, and excuses himself for his prayers. He hides in a quiet area and begins to pray while Omega speaks calmly and reassuringly to the child, trying to relax her. After an hour, Gamma returns, and places his hand upon her, while putting his other hand to the tattoo he cherishes so much, casting his spell to attempt to help her.

    Gamma will swap one of his second level spells for Delay Disease, and then cast it upon the girl.

    Caster level check vs the disease (1d20+4)[19]
    Kitten: *bats around a mini a few times*
    DM: "Ok, it looks like Fluffy...err, 'The Tarrasque'...Full Attacks the Cleric"
    Cleric: "Full attack my a**, that was just two claw attacks!"
    Kitten: *starts gnawing on the mini*
    Cleric: "...nevermind."

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    Before Omega begins his bedside manner, Paxre snickers. He stops, but then he snickers again. Which, frankly, given his facial features is a little disconcerting in trying to match noise to facial movement. "So, let me get this right. You're Vudrani, a race of man known to have special mystics like yourself that can read minds, and that usually comes from powers of meditation, right? But more comically, your name is ....

    [.... wait for it ....]

    [.... wait for it ....]

    And here Paxre sits down in what is an absurdly, overdone and stereotyped lotus position and hums the first part of the Vudrani's name in a melodramatic and austere, "Awmmmmmm-ega! Awmmmmmm-ega!"

    He laughs hysterically to himself and gets on to his feet. He calls to the left, as if a person "offstage" was shouting. "Hey, Ommie! We need some milk!" He tries to guess what Omega might sound like, at least a comical sense of it, and says, "Ah-mey-ga to the store later ...."

    He laughs but peters out quickly and shrugs, realizing that one wasn't so good. Not that Omega would necessarily think it good or not. I don't know.

    "Oooh!" as he thinks of another. "Ever hear of the Jade Empire's greatest bounty hunter? He always taunted his quarry by simply sending a note merely showing his name: 'OmeGA-Nagetchu!' Get it? Huh? I'm-a-gonna-get-yu?"

    He suddenly is struck with even greater inspiration. "Of course, if you are looking for company and you are accosted on the street by a gussied-hussy, you can always throw her off your trail by saying: 'Om-not-a-straight! Om-a-gay!"

    He goes into a deep and gracious bow for his singular audience and pops up to say,
    "Thank you, thank you. But you can see the rest of my show at the Iomedaen brothel on Toildays; and, oh, how they love the men to bring their favored weapon ... the longsword!"

    Current Games
    Curse of the Crimson Throne: Dušana Essert(Zeta), & Fathi (Phi) and Hülya (Eta) Sharif of House al-Din
    Legacy of Fire: Water Prince Rafiq Karim
    Rise of the Runelords: Keghart Valdemar & Valbard the Velociraptor
    Savage Tide: Rabbi Eliezer "Lazer" Whuraili Cohen ben Mordechai of Clan Ironoath of Oriadeth
    Serpent's Skull: Harsk! (yes, that one)
    Shattered Star: Lilim
    Strange Aeons: Dorn

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Colossus in the Playground
    lostsole31's Avatar

    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    St. Louis

    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    Though she is too weak to laugh, and she suffers several coughing fits during Paxre's "performance," she seems to keep focused on the silly, colorful, funny clown-bug, managing to crack the weakest smile, but her eyes speak more. They are the eyes of a girl desperate for humor and joy in this dark time.
    Spoiler: Comedy Result
    25 on a Perform: Comedy check. Well, done, sir. Perhaps laughter is good medicine?

    How does Omega react to all of this?
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2015-03-08 at 12:47 PM.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Bristol, PA

    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

    Paxre is actually surprised and touched. Though Omega might be a good sport (or not), Paxre didn't expect the child to take to it (just doesn't hope she laughs-coughs herself to death). Paxre takes some of the ribbons off of his outfit and ties them into little ribbon animals and places them next to her. But he does NOT touch the girl or the sheets or pillow .... that is a little too worrisome for the little guy.
    Current Games
    Curse of the Crimson Throne: Dušana Essert(Zeta), & Fathi (Phi) and Hülya (Eta) Sharif of House al-Din
    Legacy of Fire: Water Prince Rafiq Karim
    Rise of the Runelords: Keghart Valdemar & Valbard the Velociraptor
    Savage Tide: Rabbi Eliezer "Lazer" Whuraili Cohen ben Mordechai of Clan Ironoath of Oriadeth
    Serpent's Skull: Harsk! (yes, that one)
    Shattered Star: Lilim
    Strange Aeons: Dorn

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