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  1. - Top - End - #1411
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    [Visiting Family]


    Zophiel has never considered just getting large of everything. That definitely could work, too.

    The paladin looks at the outline, wondering if it will follow them or something. Or does that even matter? He's not sure.

    "Yeah, okay," he says. He makes sure he has all of his things, and then goes out of the treehouse. He starts to descend as well, looking down to see how much farther to do. Once there's not that far below him, and Hunter is no longer below him, he drops the rest of the way.

    He looks around, trying to see if he can see any topography that he recognizes. " far is it from here?"
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  2. - Top - End - #1412
    Ogre in the Playground
    Reinholdt's Avatar

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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    Quote Originally Posted by 5a Violista View Post
    [Gem Dungeon - Floor 3]

    Carmen looks disappointed that they're not letting her in there, but she's secretly relieved. Killing someone that's awake is so different than killing someone who's asleep. After all, then you have to have them looking at you.

    "O-okay," she says. She looks at the two of them, and begins listing out the pros and cons. Carmen bites her lip, because apparently that helps her think through this better. Well...Rein is cute, but he's also probably still mad at her and doesn't want her near him. Plus, he is a guy, so...y'know. She's not sure if she wants him to even have those memories.
    Okay, wow, that was easy. She doesn't even have to consider the pros or cons of Tina.

    "Okay." She picks Tina (unless she's against it. Then, she really has no choice and ends up picking Rein instead).
    "Okay." Copying all of her memories is pretty imposing.
    "Okay." She'll have to plan this out.

    "Hey, mind if I leave out a few things?" Carmen suggests. "Like, nobody needs the thirty-thousandth conversation with the same guy asking me to change my hair color." Plus, making copies of literal centuries staring at the same bars and walls and faces of other demons? Yeah, that'll take far too long. And, besides, she can't remember every single thing ever anyway, so, like, so long as she gets all the important ones and how she felt about it and how she is now, she should be fine, right? She starts weaving memories into magic. Hardly visible to the people who can't actually see magic.

    After a bit, she holds up a magic, and laughs. "Haha, hey, hey, look! I made my whole childhood into a sock." Still just made of magic. Usually, when she does this, there's not enough memories she's making to actually make a shape out if it, so this is a pretty novel experience. "Maybe I should make all my memories with Jo a scarf. Scarves are cool."

    So, Carmen starts up again.
    "Hey. This will take a while. Should we just...keep on walking? then? while doing this? You guys were going farther downstairs, right?"

    If I remember correctly, the way down is a spiral staircase leading to [floor 4], a rickety catwalk going over a pit full of all sorts of wild animals.
    Of course, it may have changed a little since then, but there's no way to really know for sure until they get down there to see.

    Rein will, of course, remember that the stairs down are over that way.
    Quote Originally Posted by Murkus View Post
    [Gem Dungeon - Floor 3]

    Tina takes a few deep, steadying breaths. Rein is right. Insofar as her taking center stage in this plan and having Carmen ride around... "...I guess it's cool. I'm the one with experience for stuff like this. Or... not strictly experience. This doesn't really get done where I'm from, at least, not much. Two people in one head? I guess we'll just see how it goes."
    She points at Carmen. "You can leave out whatever you want, so long as you don't take anything of mine with you. And... yeah. Let's get moving. I'm sick of this place."

    [Gem Dungeon - Floor 3 -> Floor 4]

    Rein raises an eyebrow. "It's your memories, so the choice is yours. You could mess something up leaving something out... But it could be an opportunity as well. Choose wisely." Rein personally doesn't edit out memories from his clones. He should learn how.

    He never imagined memories could be clothes though. That's a new one.

    The fey turns around to start heading down as Tina requested, but adds one more thing before moving on. "I think your hair looks fine as it is."

    With that, he'll lead the way to where he remembers the stairs are and if they're still there, follow them down to the catwalk. "Be careful here. Pretty sure there's something important here I'm supposed to remember... Maybe..."
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
    Gods, Reinholdt was right, a hundred percent right.
    Quote Originally Posted by Supagoof View Post
    Tale as old as thread
    And you find yourself dead
    Reinholdt was the Beast
    Quote Originally Posted by Philistine View Post
    Reinholdt had already told the truth once in that post, and therefore was over his annual quota.

  3. - Top - End - #1413
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Recaiden's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by 5a Violista View Post

    Zophiel has never considered just getting large of everything. That definitely could work, too.

    The paladin looks at the outline, wondering if it will follow them or something. Or does that even matter? He's not sure.

    "Yeah, okay," he says. He makes sure he has all of his things, and then goes out of the treehouse. He starts to descend as well, looking down to see how much farther to do. Once there's not that far below him, and Hunter is no longer below him, he drops the rest of the way.

    He looks around, trying to see if he can see any topography that he recognizes. " far is it from here?"
    It's a long way to the ground. Sandstone spirals lazily down, wings half-extended. Meghan hops onto Hunter's shoulder.
    And then, at the bottom, "Hey, nice jump down."
    They're in a forest of giant, mostly evergreen trees. The ground (like the trees) is covered in snow. It's the middle of the night.
    But there's nothing to worry about. The song is all around them. They'll be fine.
    "It's, you know, <large distance>." Hunter points off to the south-south-east.
    ~Inner Circle~
    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
    He takes normality and reason and turns them UP TO 11!
    Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
    Recaiden, stop using your mastery of the English language to confuse the issue.
    Echidna by Serpentine

  4. - Top - End - #1414
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    [Visiting Family]


    The paladin looks in that direction. "So it should take, um..." He does some mental calculations. Talking about distance in time is so much more natural to him. "<amount of time>, then."

    He starts walking in that south-by-southeast direction. Snow. Trees. This is in that forest he could see earlier, from the snowy hills, right? "This isn't too far from where I..." What's the right way to talk about this without sounding embarrassed or embarrassing? "um. Ran into you. Right?"

    [Gem Dungeon - Floor 4]

    Carmen, because she's busy weaving together a bunch of memories, lets someone else go first. "...oh. Right. Yeah. I'll double-check to make sure I'm not erasing anything," she says. She checks the magic a bit, then continues.

    She doesn't say anything about the hair comment.

    They descend the stairs and reach the catwalk.

    This whole floor is just one massive room. They're near the ceiling of the room. The catwalk is all rusted and not in good condition. It squeaks and squeals as they walk. The room itself is fairly dark, with very little actual lighting (compared to the floor above, which was lit by the blue light from the rooms, or the floor above that, which had the ambient disconcerting redness). If they haven't turned the flashlights back on, they'll likely want to do that.

    Especially since, if they look ahead, part of the catwalk is missing - it looks like it broke and fell down. There's now a gap. Someone really good at jumping might be able to make it over, if they're not worried about the rest of the catwalk breaking and falling when they land on the other side. Alternatively, someone could fly across. Or they could build a makeshift bridge. Or...really, anything. There's dozens of options to get across, and prepared adventurers probably could do any number of those options.

    Regardless, it's dark. The catwalk is rickety. There's a place with missing catwalk. They can walk for a moment before they get there.

    Also, the ground below the catwalk used to have a huge variety of weird animals. If someone shines their light downwards, though, it'll be hard to spot any living animals; they're all unmoving skeletons. Just bones.
    Definitely not dangerous or spooky. Animals eventually die, after all.

    "Okay! That's all my memories of her!" Carmen announces. "That just leaves...everything else, I suppose. Maybe another sock's worth."
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  5. - Top - End - #1415
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    [Platinum Star] Telly, Maiel, Wenomir, Phèdre

    Wenomir's composure... doesn't quite crack, but he's clearly at a loss for what to say for now. This is not how he expected this conversation to go. But he's not going to admit what he's really thinking.

    "That's quite the suggestion, lady Tellysandra. Of course, it's not just my decision to make. I do not lead Vigil alone. But regardless of that, it is good to know what the Skyside corporations are attempting to do."
    My FFRP characters. Avatar by Ashen Lilies. Sigatars by Ashen Lilies, Gullara and Purple Eagle.
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  6. - Top - End - #1416
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    Quote Originally Posted by The Mad Hatter View Post
    [The Platinum Star] Piano

    The industrialist simply grins, leaning up against the grand piano.

    "Oh, I've been interested in the place for some time now, son." He knows the place, inside and out.

    He listens intently to Raril's offer. The man wasn't particularly interested in the machinations of the drow. From what little he knew of them, they were unreliable allies and stubborn enemies. Then again, the drow were already situated in the cities below, which might supply the "in" he was so interested in acquiring. "You know what," he bellows with a laugh, "I might have to take you up on that offer."

    "Now, back to the topic at hand. Tell me,"
    he demands, a little quieter now, "are you familiar with the concept of company scrip?"
    [The Platinum Star] Piano

    "I can't say that I am. My background is music and adventuring, not business." Raril admits. "Please, explain it for me?" The drow tilts his head a little, curious.
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  7. - Top - End - #1417
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5a Violista View Post

    The paladin looks in that direction. "So it should take, um..." He does some mental calculations. Talking about distance in time is so much more natural to him. "<amount of time>, then."

    He starts walking in that south-by-southeast direction. Snow. Trees. This is in that forest he could see earlier, from the snowy hills, right? "This isn't too far from where I..." What's the right way to talk about this without sounding embarrassed or embarrassing? "um. Ran into you. Right?"
    "Yeah. As long as nothing gets in our way."

    Zophiel is right, the same forest you could see from the earlier battlefield. Now, how to not embarrass him...
    "Right. It was just an hour that way." Just an hour walk.
    Hunter points off to the right a good bit.

    While they talk, Meghan races off ahead of them. Sandstone stays perched on Hunter's shoulder (which really, she's too big to keep doing).
    ~Inner Circle~
    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
    He takes normality and reason and turns them UP TO 11!
    Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
    Recaiden, stop using your mastery of the English language to confuse the issue.
    Echidna by Serpentine

  8. - Top - End - #1418
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    Quote Originally Posted by Felandria View Post
    You have a fantastic evening as well, sir, we shall be in contact regarding your proposal.

    As Arkant leaves, Fel will turn to Rosie.

    Is there anyone here you know we can say hi to?
    [The Platinum Star] Fel, Rosie and Arkant

    "I'm afraid not, darling. You're the one I should be asking that. If you have no ideas, then..." Rosie gestures with her head to M.H. their host. "How about going to speak to the man himself, see what we can glean from him? My haki should be able to detect something."

    But first, she turns to face Felandria. "So, tell me about your divine heritage, I'm curious about it. I admit I've had a bad impression of such people due to the celestial dragons of my world, but you don't act too haughty." She stresses the 'too' part teasingly.

    It's never come up (as far as I know), so it's news to her.
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  9. - Top - End - #1419
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    Platinum Star - You're All Completely Terrible Except Me

    Quote Originally Posted by UncleWolf View Post
    Platinum Star - After An Incredibly Awkward Hug

    "Oh, I wouldn't think you have to worry Magtok. Surprisingly, the worst thing I've had thrown my way was a door."
    Jezebel explains with a completely straight face, not at all betraying the horribly embarrassing circumstances it happened in. She gives a shrug before smiling a little. "Times have changed. I imagine we know better than many about how far." She adds, taking a slow look around the room. "And yet some things seem to stay ever the same. Extravagant parties included." Jezebel seems to come to some sort of conclusion and nods before slamming the end of her cane down with force. "At the very least, perhaps I should find whomever is in charge of the music and get something worthy of dancing or singing to going."
    Quote Originally Posted by Arkhosia View Post
    Platinum Star - Three People Who Like Their Butts Smacked, and Cessie

    Caelynn laughs. "If I know her, it probably doesn't need to be tidied up too much to begin with." The motivation to actually clean up came in bursts, but it didn't stop Blanche from habitually keeping her spaces generally rather sorted and orderly. It wasn't a remnant of living under rigid military dress codes or anything either; her daughter was always kind of like that.

    "And even if it turns out that, I dunno, Marciano had a change of heart, joined Vigil and had someone engineer the perfect pistol for killing Magtoks, I'm sure the mighty Mistress of Magma and the legendary Blademaiden of the Lotus Gardens are plenty capable of thwarting the perfidious attempt - and have the administrative power to dole out severe consequences for it, too." The mock-dramatic statement comes with a cheeky grin over towards her lover, although the last bit is delivered with more sincerity and reassurance. Magtok might realize that Caelynn has no intention of letting him get away with anything less than a visit in-person.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
    Platinum Star - Three People Who Would Get Smacked For Making Jokes Like That, and Cessie

    Cessie smiles at Magtok's comment, rather surprised that it sounded like he was even considering it. Had to be Jezebel making waves. That hug had definitely caught him off guard.

    "I'm afraid that's only Wenomir these days, Magtok. I know this might make you sound old, but everyone else that knew you that well have been phased out of VIGIL. We're nearly entirely made up of new people these days. Relatively speaking of course." She eyes Jezebel, had she really made a reference to their encounter with Anika? Well, that was someone Magtok ought to meet at some point.

    She then eyes Caelynn, not sure what to think of her description of them. She knows that Jezebel will either stare or laugh though.
    That does give her an idea though. "With descriptions like that, I'm suddenly curious. Just how do you two know one another, Caelynn? I don't think Jezebel mentioned you, yet you seem to know one another well."
    "Should I run some precautionary sword fight simulations beforehand, or would that only encourage-" Magtok, Wenomir is right over there. Let's not tempt fate, huh? Besides, these people are Wenomir's buddies, not yours. There's always a chance they might fill him in if you have too much to drink and start badmouthing his filthy medieval peasant philosophies. In fact, I practically guarantee they'd arrange for some sort of 'mock duel' or something to 'clear the air' if you don't cut this stuff out right now. I know you're not a big fan of playing the role of someone's punching bag, so let's not give them an excuse, okay?

    "...nevermind," he shakes his head, making the rare decision to avoid doubling down and digging himself an even deeper hole than the one he's already in. Huh...are we sure this is the real Magtok? As for how Jezebel and Caelynn met, well...shoot, Jezebel already found an excuse to slip away from the conversation, didn't she? It would be too obvious if we tried to send Caelynn out or run off to refill everyone's drinks. Curse her for boxing us in like this again!
    Last edited by Lord Magtok; 2020-10-03 at 12:46 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by RabbitHoleLost View Post
    Magtok's the best
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  10. - Top - End - #1420
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Zophiel looks that way to the right, and nods. "I see."

    He walks through the snow.
    As long as it's going to be this long, they might as well talk about something, right? He still hasn't really learned why, exactly, there's three of them, so he could ask that - but, to be honest, that question doesn't really matter. Answering it wouldn't change anything.


    Honestly, getting to know Hunter seems the best. He's already been doing this by...getting to know her and talking with her and observing her. Actually seeing her fight might go a long ways, too. Which is why he asks the question, "How do you normally fight?" Or hunt. Or...whatever the right word would be.
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  11. - Top - End - #1421
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    [Gem Dungeon - Floor 4]

    "Holy ****, this place is massive. You want me to just fly across all across? I think I can swing the both of ya for a little ways. Or I can make a couple trips." She looks uneasily at the catwalk, her steel wings rustling and rasping. She gives Carmen a look when she makes her announcement, but decides not to comment yet. Maybe they should get somewhere reasonably safe before doing this insane plan.

    She tries not to look at the bones.
    My avatar was done by Gullara. Thanks again!

    "If you meet a spirit walking,
    Incline your head.
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  12. - Top - End - #1422
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    [Gem Dungeon - Floor 4]

    "Riiiight, the gap." Rein looks over the edge of the catwalk. "And there USED to be things down there." Probably all ate each other over time.

    He looks to Tina, briefly befuddled. "Oh. Have I never told you I can fly? Oops." The two of them should have just gone flying together. But treasure called and it was a golden opportunity.

    To prove it, he will turn very pink and hover above the catwalk and over the gap.

    Technically it is floating more than flying.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
    Gods, Reinholdt was right, a hundred percent right.
    Quote Originally Posted by Supagoof View Post
    Tale as old as thread
    And you find yourself dead
    Reinholdt was the Beast
    Quote Originally Posted by Philistine View Post
    Reinholdt had already told the truth once in that post, and therefore was over his annual quota.

  13. - Top - End - #1423
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    [Gem Dungeon - Floor 4]

    Carmen looks around at catwalk, not bothering to look down. There's little point in looking down unless you're planning on falling, after all. She decides that she's going to finish weaving the memories once they're back on solid ground instead of on this flimsy catwalk, just in case she needs to use one of her hands.

    "I...I would rather be carried across,"
    Carmen asserts after seeing Rein start hovering. And after looking at the metallic wings. "Yup. Definitely don't want to fly myself across." But, looking at Tina's wings again, she asks, "You sure you can fly with those wings? They look kind-of heavy."

    If they do choose to fly across, there's going to be zero obstacles for them, so they can just fly safely over to the other side.
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  14. - Top - End - #1424
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    "Well, honestly, the best way to to start is to have a giant arctic ambush wurm try to fight for you." Hunter says, suppressing a laugh.
    "After that, the hope is that Meghan sees them, and I can hit them with the elephant cannon from waaay over there. Or the accelerator, if they're tough or in a group." The gun Hunter is carrying is the accelerator. It's a somewhat less conventional rifle.
    "If I'm being more sporting, or we have to be close up for one reason or another, I have three swords. You already saw one, one is this glass vampire sword from another planet, and the last is made of plasma fire. Only use one at a time though, so my other hand is free for blocking magic or using a wrist-cannon." And neither of the others are nearly as big as Zophiel's swords.
    "I can zip around once in a while, but I try to use that for getting out of trouble, not into it, you know."
    "Then it's basically Sandstone and I trying to get the other an opening." Meghan isn't so much of a fighter.
    ~Inner Circle~
    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
    He takes normality and reason and turns them UP TO 11!
    Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
    Recaiden, stop using your mastery of the English language to confuse the issue.
    Echidna by Serpentine

  15. - Top - End - #1425
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    Quote Originally Posted by Purple Eagle View Post
    [The Platinum Star] Fel, Rosie and Arkant

    "I'm afraid not, darling. You're the one I should be asking that. If you have no ideas, then..." Rosie gestures with her head to M.H. their host. "How about going to speak to the man himself, see what we can glean from him? My haki should be able to detect something."

    But first, she turns to face Felandria. "So, tell me about your divine heritage, I'm curious about it. I admit I've had a bad impression of such people due to the celestial dragons of my world, but you don't act too haughty." She stresses the 'too' part teasingly.

    It's never come up (as far as I know), so it's news to her.
    Yes, perhaps we should talk with him directly.

    Are you familiar with the Ancient Greek pantheon?

    Pony Felandria by Dirtytabs, OOTS Avvie by Purple Eagle, Doll by Recaiden
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  16. - Top - End - #1426
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    [The Platinum Star] Fel, Rosie and Arkant

    "What's Ancient Greek?" Rosie asks, for starters. "A number of names I'm familiar with from back home seem to be from this Greek place... but I suppose that's to be expected when you're from an anime world." She waves dismissively and continues. "What about them, what's their pantheon like?"
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  17. - Top - End - #1427
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    [Gem Dungeon - Floor 4]

    "It might have gotten lost in the whirl of Weird Rein Facts," Fettina admits as she props her fists on her hips and watches him float across. She swings her head to look at Carmen. "Yeah, I mean. I'm not super good at it. But I can fly a little ways no problem." She attempts to illustrate this by gently grabbing Carmen and whisking them both across. She's definitely imprecise and a bit clunky in this confined space, but there's no real trouble.
    My avatar was done by Gullara. Thanks again!

    "If you meet a spirit walking,
    Incline your head.
    Do not meet their gaze.
    Do not follow after."

    -Things Our Mothers Tell Us

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  18. - Top - End - #1428
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    [Gem Dungeon - Floor 4]

    As the two fly across, Rein reaches out to take hold and steady their landing. "You know... I hadn't considered that before. Too many weird Rein facts. I should make a pamphlet. Pass em out." It'd be easier than remembering who he's told what to.

    Once they're all across, Rein continues leading the way.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
    Gods, Reinholdt was right, a hundred percent right.
    Quote Originally Posted by Supagoof View Post
    Tale as old as thread
    And you find yourself dead
    Reinholdt was the Beast
    Quote Originally Posted by Philistine View Post
    Reinholdt had already told the truth once in that post, and therefore was over his annual quota.

  19. - Top - End - #1429
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    [Gem Dungeon - Floor 4]

    Carmen holds on with her arms as they fly across, but she makes sure to have her wrists turned away and her fists balled up.

    Since they flew across, there's no trouble at all and they all safely make it to the other side. With the old catwalk behind them, all that's ahead is the staircase down. Because of how deep this room is, the staircase is particularly long. Carmen opens her mouth, almost says something, then decides against it. She starts up weaving the memories again.

    About halfway down, Carmen announces, "Okay! Finished! Should we do it now?" She looks at Fettina for her confirmation.

    If she gives it, Carmen says, "Okay, hold still. I've never done this many memories at once." She steps to her; her palms start glowing, and then moves to touch Fettina.
    Assuming everything works out fine, Fettina will then get a wave of over a hundred years' worth of Carmen's memories, all at once. From childhood and living in a succubi village in a world where time and space is eroding away, to endless days hanging out with the same friend, and all the way up to being captured by a group of paladins. Almost all the time in the cell upstairs is conveniently edited out so that's a blessing.
    "...Hey, do me a favor and try not to remember them too hard, okay?"

    [Visiting Family]

    "Huh. I see. Yeah. Makes sense."
    The paladin nods and listens to it. Yeah, he can imagine fighting like that. It'd be pretty good in certain circumstances.

    There's only one question, though, that he has after that: "So that big worm was yours?"
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    Quote Originally Posted by Arkhosia View Post
    Platinum Star - Three People Who Like Their Butts Smacked, and Cessie

    Caelynn laughs. "If I know her, it probably doesn't need to be tidied up too much to begin with." The motivation to actually clean up came in bursts, but it didn't stop Blanche from habitually keeping her spaces generally rather sorted and orderly. It wasn't a remnant of living under rigid military dress codes or anything either; her daughter was always kind of like that.

    "And even if it turns out that, I dunno, Marciano had a change of heart, joined Vigil and had someone engineer the perfect pistol for killing Magtoks, I'm sure the mighty Mistress of Magma and the legendary Blademaiden of the Lotus Gardens are plenty capable of thwarting the perfidious attempt - and have the administrative power to dole out severe consequences for it, too." The mock-dramatic statement comes with a cheeky grin over towards her lover, although the last bit is delivered with more sincerity and reassurance. Magtok might realize that Caelynn has no intention of letting him get away with anything less than a visit in-person.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
    Platinum Star - Three People Who Would Get Smacked For Making Jokes Like That, and Cessie

    Cessie smiles at Magtok's comment, rather surprised that it sounded like he was even considering it. Had to be Jezebel making waves. That hug had definitely caught him off guard.

    "I'm afraid that's only Wenomir these days, Magtok. I know this might make you sound old, but everyone else that knew you that well have been phased out of VIGIL. We're nearly entirely made up of new people these days. Relatively speaking of course." She eyes Jezebel, had she really made a reference to their encounter with Anika? Well, that was someone Magtok ought to meet at some point.

    She then eyes Caelynn, not sure what to think of her description of them. She knows that Jezebel will either stare or laugh though.
    That does give her an idea though. "With descriptions like that, I'm suddenly curious. Just how do you two know one another, Caelynn? I don't think Jezebel mentioned you, yet you seem to know one another well."
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
    Platinum Star - You're All Completely Terrible Except Me

    "Should I run some precautionary sword fight simulations beforehand, or would that only encourage-" Magtok, Wenomir is right over there. Let's not tempt fate, huh? Besides, these people are Wenomir's buddies, not yours. There's always a chance they might fill him in if you have too much to drink and start badmouthing his filthy medieval peasant philosophies. In fact, I practically guarantee they'd arrange for some sort of 'mock duel' or something to 'clear the air' if you don't cut this stuff out right now. I know you're not a big fan of playing the role of someone's punching bag, so let's not give them an excuse, okay?

    "...nevermind," he shakes his head, making the rare decision to avoid doubling down and digging himself an even deeper hole than the one he's already in. Huh...are we sure this is the real Magtok? As for how Jezebel and Caelynn met, well...shoot, Jezebel already found an excuse to slip away from the conversation, didn't she? It would be too obvious if we tried to send Caelynn out or run off to refill everyone's drinks. Curse her for boxing us in like this again!

    The Platinum Star - The One Who Has Probably Been Smacked The Most

    Everyone present ought to be thankful that Jezebel wasn't taking a drink at that moment as she would have easily spit it out at her description. "Please, I haven't been a maiden in ages." She insists before shaking her head. "Admittedly, I don't believe Caelynn and I know each other very well. A handful of small chats from when she stayed in The Gardens. I always try to meet expecting mothers in the Gardens when I've time as they usually have concerns about the magic of the area." Of course, that would raise issues of Time itself, especially considering how old Blanche was now and how relatively young the Gardens were in comparison, but with how acquainted at least two present were with The Warp and its own shenanigans involving time, it shouldn't be anything too surprising or concerning. "It wasn't anything scandalous, I assure you. " She points out with a grin.

  21. - Top - End - #1431
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
    [Platinum Star] Telly, Maiel, Wenomir, Phèdre

    Wenomir's composure... doesn't quite crack, but he's clearly at a loss for what to say for now. This is not how he expected this conversation to go. But he's not going to admit what he's really thinking.

    "That's quite the suggestion, lady Tellysandra. Of course, it's not just my decision to make. I do not lead Vigil alone. But regardless of that, it is good to know what the Skyside corporations are attempting to do."
    [Platinum Star] Telly, Maiel, Wenomir, Phèdre

    "Oh, this is not a plan if theirs, nor some wast hidden conspiracy. I even doubt any of the companies that exist right now has the goal to become a mega corporation. It's simply what you might call the natural evolution of things as they need to do it to be able to earn more money and in this city people will do anything to achieve that goal." She raises her finger as to further emphasize her 'anything'. "Indeed, even if you tore down the largest companies right now, those that even might have plans like this, it would only serve to delay the eventual rise of the megacorporation. No, to ultimately prevent it you will need a city-wide systematic change that this city could never achieve on its own." Tellysandra nods and reaches over to grab a napkin from a table which she unfolds as she talks. "That is the devils truth I'm afraid but I'm here offering a way for VIGIL to prevent it. Now how do I... ah."
    Her well-manicured black-painted nail starts to glow as she presses it into the napkin, burning into a series of numbers. A phone number.

    She hands it to Wenomir. "You should call me."
    Last edited by Shadowcaller; 2020-10-11 at 09:52 AM.

  22. - Top - End - #1432
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    [Platinum Star] Telly, Maiel, Wenomir, Phèdre

    Wenomir takes the number with a slow, deliberate motion.

    "Perhaps I will. Thank you for your insights tonight, Lady Tellysandra. Have a pleasant evening."

    With a nod, he'll lead Phèdre away.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Purple Eagle View Post
    [The Platinum Star] Fel, Rosie and Arkant

    "What's Ancient Greek?" Rosie asks, for starters. "A number of names I'm familiar with from back home seem to be from this Greek place... but I suppose that's to be expected when you're from an anime world." She waves dismissively and continues. "What about them, what's their pantheon like?"
    Well, let’s see, So you’ve heard of Zeus, Hades and Poseidon?

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    Quote Originally Posted by 5a Violista View Post
    "Huh. I see. Yeah. Makes sense."
    The paladin nods and listens to it. Yeah, he can imagine fighting like that. It'd be pretty good in certain circumstances.

    There's only one question, though, that he has after that: "So that big worm was yours?"
    "Yeah, they were great, huh? I got 'em from a dimensional traveler who came through here years ago."
    As they hike on through the woods, the voices of the silent choir fade away behind them, till it's just Hunter, Sandstone, and Meghan a little ways ahead who are singing still.
    "How about you? What of your fighting style haven't you shown off already?"

    There's a creaking noise through the trees, ahead and to the right, a branch beneath the snow snapping as something large presses down on it. Something that meant to be heard, actually, imitating something that wasn't.
    ~Inner Circle~
    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
    He takes normality and reason and turns them UP TO 11!
    Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
    Recaiden, stop using your mastery of the English language to confuse the issue.
    Echidna by Serpentine

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    The Platinum Star - Two Moms

    Caelynn raises an eyebrow, in amusement as much as surprise. "I didn't realize maiden had such a specific definition to it, I'll admit. Or at least not one that needed to be refuted." It was more of a synonym for woman than anything else in her mind, although she wasn't exactly going to retract the compliment.

    "But yes, I know Jezebel more by her general reputation than anything else. Although I wouldn't mind changing that." The catgirl punctuates her words with a friendly smile. It wasn't as if she was terribly well-acquainted with many folks nowadays; most of the people she knew back in the day had disappeared or moved on in some manner or another, and she was never that great at reaching out and meeting new people.
    "Are we living a life that is safe from harm? Of course not, we never are. But that's not the right question. The question is: are we living a life that is worth the harm?"
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    Quote Originally Posted by SliiArhem
    Arkh I may be slightly delirious but I don't think that would make sense even if I was coherent.

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    [Platinum Star]

    Phèdre nods respectfully at Tellysandra, giving her a polite smile, and follows Wenomir, holding his arm lightly.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok
    She’s graduated from child soldier to unstable teen sorceress, way to go.

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    [Gem Dungeon - Floor 4]

    "From what I've been hearing these last few weeks, you've got enough to fill out your own trivia game," Tina decides. "'Weird Rein Facts', by Reinholdt. You could have true or false ones, multiple choice. We'd make a killing."

    Then on to the srs bsns. She looks at Carmen a little apprehensively. "Sure, sure, whatever. Let's just get on with it." She frowns. Then it actually happens...

    Fettina staggers as if hit by a very real wave, and she has to steady herself on the railing (or wall, if there is none in the stairwell). There's an audible metallic flicking sound as her eyelids blink rapidly. "Whoah. Okay. That was... enlightening... I think my... I think at least part of my cyber-brain is still working, but that was a lot to parse. D-Don't worry. I don't think I have enough processing power to wanna go poking." Though Carmen's history does make her curious... "I think I'm okay."

    [Platinum Star]

    Maiel looks at Telly as the others take their leave, arm still looped through her own, eyes twinkling with that greedy red down in their black pits. "...I am immensely curious as to what game you're playing, Tellysandra."
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    The Platinum Star - Two Three Moms and a Dad

    "I got the impression that you knew one another better than that." Cessie looks between Caelynn and Jezebel. "I didn't even know Jezebel had such a reputation as a duelist. I foremost knew her as an entrepreneur and leader. It took a while until I even knew that she had such a talent for violence."

    Her attention shifts to Magtok. "Back me up here, wouldn't you, Magtok? Jezebel just mentioned dancing and singing so I don't think either of us can't help but recall that unforgettable number she did at your casino. You must have known that she more than anyone would bring in the crowds." The sorceress smiles warmly as she turns to look at Jezzy. "How old were you back then? You couldn't have been much older than twenty." Jezebel's height and experience always made her seem older than she really was.

    [Platinum Star]

    "Likewise, just be careful. The walls have eyes and ears." She with a smile as she gestures at the branding of the train.

    The gaze of her floating eyes follow the two for a while but they don't actually move after them.

    But once they left, Telly turns to Maiel, still smiling. "Playing am I? I mean, what I told them was all true. VIGIL should fear Skyside and they would need allies like me to influence the city. I see that as a win-win for both them and me."

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    "Were they always that big?" the paladin asks in response to the answer.

    He answers her question next. "These swords are really too big to use indoors or in dense areas," he says. Hearing the noise, he draws one of the swords and looks in that direction and around it, trying to spot what caused the sound. His voice lowers so that he can still answer without being too loud. "So when not out in the open, I adapt and improvise with different weapons." They end up breaking or getting lost too quickly, however, so that's why he sticks with these two. They don't break and they're hard to lose.
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 8: Rawr serisaurus!

    [Gem Dungeon - Floor 4]

    Reinholdt laughs. "The trick would be coming up with fake facts about me that sound real, huh? Alright, I'm counting on you Tina, as my agent and writer. Make up some good ones." He grins at her.

    But Rein pauses halfway down the stairs when Carmen says she's ready. He watches the exchange silently, eyes flicking back and forth between the two women. "That's it then? It's all done?" It's important to be thorough before proceeding. He'll even offer an arm to Tina to help herself steady as she recovers from the transfer.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
    Gods, Reinholdt was right, a hundred percent right.
    Quote Originally Posted by Supagoof View Post
    Tale as old as thread
    And you find yourself dead
    Reinholdt was the Beast
    Quote Originally Posted by Philistine View Post
    Reinholdt had already told the truth once in that post, and therefore was over his annual quota.

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