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  1. - Top - End - #511
    Troll in the Playground

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    Nov 2012

    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot, for scouting the camp and ambushing a bunch of guys let's get say, 400 xp. And why don't you have Gabrielle roll survival to see how optimized the placement of the traps are.
    Last edited by dojango; 2020-10-07 at 07:55 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #512
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Apr 2017

    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Well, since it seems major combat is coming up, I'll put all those XP into improving combat stats.

    Now, should I pump WS and S to become a passable melee combatant, or blow them all on BS and Ag to maximize missile capability? Agonizing choices ahead...

  3. - Top - End - #513
    Ettin in the Playground
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    May 2017

    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    +10 WS, +1 A for sword lessons and helping to kill a Khorne worshiper in melee.

    Sharpshooter so I stop wasting arrows.

    Outdoor Survival vs. Int 38

    Although if this isn't separate there was another roll further up

  4. - Top - End - #514
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Oh yeah, there was that good roll from earlier.

  5. - Top - End - #515
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Apr 2017

    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Ah heck, I'll risk getting caught out in melee and go full gunslinger.

    300 xp to increase BS by +15 (+20 total) and 100 xp to increase Ag by +5 (+15 total).

  6. - Top - End - #516
    Troll in the Playground

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    Nov 2012

    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Shadowflick wants to join our game, if there are no objections, he will be rolling up a character in this thread soon.

  7. - Top - End - #517
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Indeed I Am! Rolling up A Hedge Wizard/Warlock sort of guy who certainly isn't a praticoner of dark magic or anything like that.

    WS (2d10+20)[32]
    BS (2d10+20)[34]
    S (2d10+20)[34]
    T (2d10+20)[35]
    AG (2d10+20)[32]
    Int (2d10+20)[37]
    WP (2d10+20)[28]
    Fel (2d10+20)[26]

    Wounds (1d10)[3]
    Fate Points (1d10)[10]

    Talent 1 (1d100)[14]
    Talent 2 (1d100)[90]

  8. - Top - End - #518
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Spoiler: Rickon Demedus

    Career: Rapscallion (Ex-Gambler)
    Wounds: 12
    Fate Points: 4

    WS: 32 -> 42
    BS: 34 -> 39
    S: 34
    T: 35 -> 50
    AG: 32 -> 47
    Int: 37 -> 47
    WP: 30
    Fel: 31 (Shyala's Mercy) -> 46

    Very Resilient
    Excelent Vision

    Common Knowledge (Border Princes)
    Speak language (Reikspiel)
    Gossip Mastery
    Charm Mastery
    Sleight of Hand
    Dodge Blow

    Spoiler: Advances

    Free Advance +1 Wound
    100 XP +5 WS
    100 XP +5 BS
    100 XP +5 AG
    100 XP +10 AG
    100 XP +5 INT
    100 XP +10 INT
    100 XP +5 FEL
    100 XP +10 FEL
    100 XP +2 Wounds
    100 XP Advance to Rapscallion
    100 XP +10 WS
    100 XP +1 Attack
    100 XP Dodge Blow Skill
    100 XP Charm Mastery
    100 XP +15 Fel
    100 XP +15 AG
    100 XP +5 T
    100 XP + 10 T

    Spoiler: Backstory

    Oh? Lokin for something long and tragic? where I wax poetecially about how the powers at be in this world abuse and trod upon the little guy? Well, sorry, thought that was obvious. in other news the Sky is Blue, Water is wet, and the Borderlands are a mess. As for me? Am I some kind of lost prince destined to reclaim the throne? A rogue Knight wielding a glowing blade that's powered by friendship and turns Daemons into tame kittens? Well, Sorry about that to mate, but I'm not that guy. No, Im just a roamer, a travler of sorts. Me dad left me a bastard and me mom spent time most days on her bacl to make money.

    I'm nobody special, just another just another soul makin there way through life as best they can, rolling dice and cheating with a smile.....Alright, fine. Maybe I'm being a bit facicious or whatever ya call it. But what else can I be? My whole life story is one black out to the next. A Fight in an alleyway, a romp on a boat, a big blur of events and consequences I am not always cognicient of.

    Alright, so maybe I'm still being a we bit of a twit. I'll give you something..but just a bite. Im a coward. See, I did spend a lot of days in a slurry of parties and drinking...but there was a time I knew peace. See, I wound up with a rusty knife in me gut once. Thought it was the end for me, a life of living like a wreck to die in an alleyway...till a priestess found me. She was wondering on her own, one of them followers of the healing one. Shelia? Sheyla? Soethin like that but..she did save me. Took me back to her hut in the wounds, fixed me right up with those..miracles. Least that's what she said. Had to stay there for a while with her, Hela her name was. Feisty girl she was. Didnt tolerate my attitude much. Told me all that alchohal would be the death of me one day. Course, I blew it off but I stuck around to help her. A few days turned into a few months, and I found a hell of a liking to her. Course, good times can never last. I started to slip up, returned to some bad habits turns out she wasn't a preist at all. She was a witch..only found out when I came back to the hurt one night after a night of gambling to find it set ablaze, a Witchhunter watching the fire with there dammed zealots alongside them. All she did was blood heal people! She wasn't a danger. Just...lived. I couldn't even bring myself to do anything but watch

    ...Its...Its just a reminder you know. Worlds a real ****e place at the end of the day. Just have to learn how to keep moving through with it, to roll with the blows and survive.

    Last edited by Shadowflick; 2020-10-13 at 01:30 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #519
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by dojango View Post
    Shadowflick wants to join our game, if there are no objections, he will be rolling up a character in this thread soon.
    I have no objections. After all, I suggested that Shadowflick should check it out.

    However, as I said to Shadowflick in the thread he started, I think we need to find some common ground for where this game will be heading. I've said before that ruling his own domain and, by extension, commanding troops or something similar, isn't a goal for Severin. I'm more interested in becoming a "lone gunslinger" type. In that respect, I like the current feel and themes of the game a lot. I also feel that Severin and Gabriele seem very compatible in terms of goals and game play.

    That isn't to say that I couldn't be convinced to have Severin become more interested in a leadership role, just that it's not currently on the menu. Given what I've seen so far, if Severin heads in that direction, he would probably seek to improve the status and security of the local halfling communities.

    One thing to note, Shadowflick, is that both Severin and Gabriele have expressed strongly negative feelings towards anything that smacks of Chaos. So, if you're going to be a warlock, it may eventually turn out to be difficult for the our three characters to interact on a friendly basis. After all, it's called Dark Magic for a reason.

  10. - Top - End - #520
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    That is a fair point, probably should have paused a bit before jumping the gun! So far, the character dosnet really have to rule over anything, since there more of a “death to tyrants” sort.

    As for Dark magic? Yea I guess having a necromancer hanging around could be a bit of an issue. I could try and go for a diffrent sort of character I guess? Maybe a Priest. Or local of the Borderlands. Could also reflux a bit to instead be a Hag witch of Kislev? That did look like an interesting kind of career with some fun spells.

    Course, I have no issue with going with a less magic sort of character. Just have to dig through the Career compendium again

  11. - Top - End - #521
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    And...actually nevermind. I found that Hedge Magic has its own lore in Shades of the Empire...So I think I'll just change Walker to be that instead

    Though on second thought, might be best to do something...less magical?

    Alright, think I decided on a Preist of Myrmidia if Walker is a bit too against the grain.
    Last edited by Shadowflick; 2020-10-12 at 02:28 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #522
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    There's always the option of being a low level hedge wizard and concentrating on brewing potions instead. Some of the potions in Realms of Sorcery are pretty sweet. They do cost a lot of money and some time to make, though. Still, it's a pretty cool way of adding some magic power ups to the game without being overtly magical.

  13. - Top - End - #523
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    While true, that would also mean that there would be a loooot of Downtime in order to make them sadly. Including a lab. Cant make Potions and travel unfortunately.

  14. - Top - End - #524
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by rax View Post
    One thing to note, Shadowflick, is that both Severin and Gabriele have expressed strongly negative feelings towards anything that smacks of Chaos. So, if you're going to be a warlock, it may eventually turn out to be difficult for the our three characters to interact on a friendly basis. After all, it's called Dark Magic for a reason.
    Gabriele is from Ostland and was present for the invasion so it's personal.

    On magic, as long as it's not obviously evil. It's not like she's an expert. Of course over a longer period it might be difficult to hide the effects of using it.

  15. - Top - End - #525
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    The 'hedgewise' career path is 'good hedge magic', unjustly persecuted by the witch hunters, if you wanted to pursue that path. As far as magic in the borderlands are concerned, yeah, there's no official agency tasked with hunting you down, so you're free to pursue your studies... but the locals and your companions may not approve. So I think perhaps if you do want to be an unlicensed magician, the hedge-wise path is a good one. Look up the 'cunning man' on wikipedia if you want an example of how they operate.

    Also, a bit of local lore for this region: Three hundred years ago, this region used to be under the sway of a cabal of evil sorcerers. A local hero, "Heraklon the Magnificent" defeated them and freed the lands, before establishing an empire of his own. The empire slowly dwindled and finally collapsed thirty years ago when a volcanic eruption caused famines, which was followed by an orkish invasion about twenty years ago. In the first part of the adventure, our heroes found one of the lairs of the evil sorcerers and looted it thoroughly after defeating the horrible mutants that lived inside. So this means that the locals don't really believe in chaos magic, but they don't like it either since legends of the terrible sorcerer-kings have been passed down.

    One of the players that dropped out was playing an elf-wizard, so I did have some magic stuff fleshed out that it would be nice to use.

  16. - Top - End - #526
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Also, you need to complete the entire advance scheme in a career before advancing to the next career. First careers usually take about 900 xp to get through, so you'll probably be about halfway through your second career.

  17. - Top - End - #527
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Right then! In that case, I've fixed up the sheet to be a Hedge Master Instead! Should be good now I think?

    Though, looking over the hedge spells they seem kinda...bad? Like. All of them seem kinda bad? They all seem pretty uhh...situational
    Last edited by Shadowflick; 2020-10-12 at 09:47 PM.

  18. - Top - End - #528
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    I dunno, we're fighting humans right now, but if we do run into orcs or beastmen or undead, fellstave seems pretty useful. I bet dagger of the art would have been handy when the group was attacked by the undead guardian in the Red Temple. The ones that let you spirit walk and see into the ether might be useful for scouting. You won't be smashing armies or toppling cities, true, but clever application of the spells might prove useful here and there. I do agree that the petty magic (hedge) spells are pretty... limited... in application, at least for resolving the siege of Stralwald. But then, maybe not? As written, the spell Ill Fortune looks pretty pathetic, though. I will house rule that the penalty to tests is Magic x 10 instead so that it is worth trying to figure out how to get someone to be afflicted by it.

  19. - Top - End - #529
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    While it’s true that clever application helps, at the same time that’s only what, 2 spells? With one of them currently impossible to cast? Maybe it’s best to just go with a different concept I think. Move away from magic and maybe just play a Bretonian Knight? They seem fun, and it’s rather in character to be traveling around the border lands looking for adventure

    Or of course...just play a Thug.
    Last edited by Shadowflick; 2020-10-12 at 11:08 PM.

  20. - Top - End - #530
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    You could always let Mr. Dice Roller choose your class...

  21. - Top - End - #531
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Don't forget, you also get access to Lesser Magic, which has some quite cool spells. If dojango is willing to house rule, perhaps the Witchcraft talent could be available to the Hedge Master career as well? Perhaps with some restrictions on which spells can be chosen to steer clear of unnecessarily Chaos-y magic?

    In the Old World Bestiary, there's also the Divine Lore (Spirits) for tribal shamans. It includes a magic missile and some nice boosts/debuffs. The spells themselves feel like they could be a wilder form of hedge magic, so perhaps dojango could let you buy them with Extra Spell at double cost? Alternately, be an actual shaman and just use the Shaman careers from the Bestiary?

  22. - Top - End - #532
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Spirits could be fun! I was looking for something darker, tad more ritualistic. The Witchcraft talent being available for Hedges could also be pretty good since they ARE supposed to double as elementalists but there isn't really any elementalism going on by the looks of it. A Shaman does look nice, besides there rather limited list of spells. Kinda like lesser hag magic. On another note, ever notice how Hag magic must have some kind of typo? Since most there spells have a difficulty of 15+, but when you first become able to cast it with the Hag witch career you are stuck with only a +1 magic score? Kinda odd...

    Though...I do kinda want to see what Mister dice roller gives to. I'll roll twice, just to see what fate decides


    (1d1000)[349] A Gambler -> Rapscallion could be fun.
    Last edited by Shadowflick; 2020-10-13 at 08:16 AM.

  23. - Top - End - #533
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Alright...So I finally just decided to go with a rapscalion who might end up a duelist later.

  24. - Top - End - #534
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Sorry, long day. IC post will have to wait till tomorrow.

  25. - Top - End - #535
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    You a human or a halfling rapscallion? Also, do you want to have been hanging around in the village for the past few days/weeks and just sort of... emerge, or do you want to have been wandering down south and be picked up by the village work crews?

  26. - Top - End - #536
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Wouldn’t mind having just rolled in and seeing the place you know....under siege a bit. And it’s a human! Sorry, forgot to put that down!

  27. - Top - End - #537
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Alright, it makes the most sense to have been coming down from Castle Bremcote, which is about a week's hike from Stralwald. Why you left Bremcote... whether it was itchy feet, or staying one step ahead of creditors... but it was time to leave. After a week's hike through rolling hills and then dense forests, turn a corner and find yourself suddenly face to face with a dozen axe-wielding halflings... and we'll go from there in the IC thread if you're ready to start.

  28. - Top - End - #538
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    That wors perfectly fine!

  29. - Top - End - #539
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    And also, Starting Gold (2d10)[15]

  30. - Top - End - #540
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    post is up! Try to convince everyone you're not a spy!

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