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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ogre in the Playground
    zabbarot's Avatar

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    Default Empire 6: Round 9 Sikar Event - The Darkening of Kro Karael

    Spoiler: Bonus Game

    You may each compete to be the most opulent at the party. This would entail bringing lavish gifts and just being fabulous.

    Roll 2d6+Opulence. You may 'spend' treasure on this roll by gifting it to Crow's Tribe. Other gifts will also give bonuses.

    Treasure +1
    Unit +1
    Tech +2

    The city of Highnest is all but overrun as seemingly every crow on the continent returns for King Kro Karael's Darkening. Hundreds of caravans unload in Low City and the Grand Stair is a constant flow of slaves and workers moving goods from the bazaars of Low City, through the vertical neighborhoods of Highnest, and up to the royal palace. Over the years, the palace had expanded from the highest walls of the cliff to include significant amenities for flightless citizens in a sprawling horizontal palace atop the mesa. Much of the city's construction was adobe brick facades in front of rooms carved into the cliff side, but each tier of the city had a shelf that supported buildings, usually businesses or homes for the flightless.

    Crow homes were built into every nook and cranny of the city. Many were small clay spheres jutting out of the ceiling, just big enough for a small family of crows. The inside of these homes were very similar to wild bird nests except for how they were furnished. Crows favored bright fabrics and fluffy pillows over the usual sticks and twigs their lesser cousins built nests out of. Wealthy crows tended to have larger more elaborate nests, and the wealthiest had their nests built into a lavish home large enough for their flightless servants to live in. These homes were often roughly a square or u-shape built around a central patio where the nest was shaded, either by trees or a tent. These houses had been popping up at the base of the mesa in Low City, for few could afford that kind of floor space in the city proper.

    Today banners hung from every building, sky blue with the royal crest of Kro. The crown was funding a feast for all citizens in the city. The smell of roast meat and cookfires filled the city. Gifts had been sent from across the continent. A herd of Alodite cattle was being slaughtered in Low City for the feast. Dolod pottery and Sol'Ikoth nahkla stone were on display outside the palace. The Sultan Zidan al Ashir had sent two hundred trained night elf soldiers for King Kro's personal guard.

    They were celebrating King Kro Karael's coming of age. For those unfamiliar with the traditions of Crow's Tribe, crows are born with pink beaks and blue eyes. These persist until around their fourteenth or fifteenth year, when they darken to same deep black of their feathers. Only then are they considered adults and given full rights within the tribe. Overtime it became tradition to have the ceremony on a young crow's fifteenth year. A crow of lesser parentage would need to join a flock as part of their ceremony, but Kro Karael is a boy king. All crows are his flock.

    Guests were welcomed at the palace and a feast was laid out in the shaded courtyard. It was more lavish than what was being given away in the city of course. A menagerie of rare roasted beasts from near and far weighed down the tables. There were grain dishes, fresh bread and tortillas, as well. Beer, chicha, and pulque were were available for all the guests. Each guest was announced as they entered the palace and lead to head table where they could give their blessing to the young king.
    Last edited by zabbarot; 2020-11-03 at 10:16 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by lt_murgen View Post
    Exploratory expeditions expeditiously expediting exploration would be epicurially equipped.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Lleban's Avatar

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    The Astral Plane!!!

    Default Re: Empire 6: Round 9 Sikar Event - The Darkening of Kro Karael

    Shebitku and his retinue of Ka, Ramses, Hapshetsut, and 100 guards arrive at the bustling city of Highnest. Its elevated mesa buildings and imposing adobe bluffs made quite the impression on the Aldoites, who were far more accustomed to flat terrain and earthworks of the north. Shebitku had decided to take his two eldest children both to meet their Uncle, but also to learn the in's and outs of diplomacy.

    As the group walked beneath the royal blue banners Shebiku presented Kro Karael with a polished bone necklace made from the bone fragments of humans, buffalo, and horses inlet with gold and turquoise.

    "May you're reign be long and prosperous Kro."
    Beautiful Avatar thanks to Gengy

    Hangs out on the World building forums

    Giantitp projects: Caligoven the toxic seas, Baalbek Empire!3, Coatl Empire!4, Short and sweet world building
    Personal stuff: World of Tieg, Nexus: City of the Multiverse, Forgotten Planet Lost Between 2 stars, World of the 9 gates
    Spoiler: The gift that keeps on giving
    Spoiler: and giving
    Spoiler: and giving some more
    Spoiler: Metric tons of giving
    Spoiler: Keep going
    Spoiler: Suprise

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Troll in the Playground
    Nefarion Xid's Avatar

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    Default Re: Empire 6: Round 9 Sikar Event - The Darkening of Kro Karael

    The difference between an Ashir royal procession and an invasion seemed to be the ratio of camels to horses. The sultan's retinue and a not insignificant portion of his army camped below in the shadow of Highnest. Half his family ascended the switchback trails to the palace and two hundred of his night elf guard followed behind.

    Time had been kind to Zidan. He was not a young man, but he still had his good looks in his middle age. Deep wrinkles creased his forehead and he had the look of a man who habitually slept too little. Perhaps that was just the look of fatherhood. Jana had given him another daughter recently and he was rumored to spend hours in his studies. He wore an open blue coat for the occasion and a hammered gold circlet was on his brow, tucked in beneath his loose hair. On his shoulder he carried what must be one of the curiosities he'd designed in his pursuit of learning -- a parasol with a wicker frame on a pole with a gauzy piece of mohair stretched over it. He took care to position it between him and the sun and smiled slyly when people looked up at it. In the presence of the new king Kro, he gave a shallow bow.

    Jana was at his side. Time had not touched her at all. A beauty like that needed no adornments, but she was strewn with delicate gold chains and baubles of Sha make. It was true she glowed from within. Above her breasts and around her collar bones, light the color of the setting sun seeped through her bronze skin. She tugged at her daughters' shoulders, reminding them to stand up straight and show respect as their father did. The twins Salma and Ayla were just a bit younger than Kro Karael.

    "A shala elem. Forty blessings be upon you on this, the day of your Darkening, King Kro Karael. My family and I are most honored and that you would host us and your hospitality is received gladly.

    You know Jana, of course, my beloved. These are two of my daughters: Salma and Ayla. We are blessed with so many daughters, but the rest, and my son, are home with their grandmother. Kasima, my oldest, I regret she is still in seclusion with the Sisterhood. I'm sure she would have loved to attend.

    As a token of the enduring friendship and profitable cooperation between us, may I gift you a third my night elven guard. All masters of the bow and well drilled for battlefield maneuvering. All fierce and spirited warriors, but flawlessly loyal. May you never have need of them!"
    I apologize for drawing CockroachTeaParty as a winged centaur.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Ivor_The_Mad's Avatar

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    Default Re: Empire 6: Round 9 Sikar Event - The Darkening of Kro Karael

    It had been many years since the Sol'Ikoth attended such a gathering, almost half a lifetime ago. Now once again, in their age of revelation, the Sol'Ikoth leave their desert home.

    They come with the dusk. It trails them like a shadowy cloak. Seven figures quietly arrive at the palace. The procession is lead by a tall figure in an unusually black hooded robe with gold trim and ornate designs on the hood. The face is shrouded by shadow, or maybe it is the shadow. They carry a walking stick that twists and curves and is inlaid with Nakhla stone. The top is capped with gold and engraved in the shape of an Ankh. On either side of him are the two highest-ranking members of the Sol', Oraket, the High Pharaoh, and The Xthzgk'ahk. Oraket dons his most excellent robes and an ornamental headdress of gold and crow feathers, collected from feathers scattered as the crow takes flight. His robes are black and white, and he wears several decorative necklaces. The Xthzgk'ahk looks the same as always. A plain, tattered, dark grey robe pulled tightly around it. Nothing of its face can be seen except a long beak. Behind them are 4 cloaked figures with tattooed faces and carrying a simple staff.

    They reach the palace, and Oraket greets the crow who is there awaiting them as they are taken to the table.

    "Hello good crow." He makes a shallow bow, which is mimicked by the others.

    Once at the table, the ornately cloaked figure steps up to Kro Karael, bows, he then reaches into his cloak and pulls out a sphere about the size of an orange. It shines with unnatural silvery light and is speckled and patterned like the moon. In a strong, flowing, ancient voice, he addresses the young crow.
    "You honor me with this invitation Lord Kro. I hope that this small token of my gratitude is a worthy gift. This is the light of the moon. May its ancient wisdom bless you and your rule." He steps back and takes his seat, as do the others.
    Come to the dark side; we have pop-tarts.
    Avatar by Linklele
    "Is no fun. Is no Blinsky" "He is... FIZBOP THUNDERTOES!!!!!"

    Spoiler: The Night of the Living Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by DivisibleByZero View Post
    We, as humans, have incisors. Those are made for tearing flesh and meat.
    Meat tastes good.
    If we aren't supposed to eat people, then why are they made of meat?

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ogre in the Playground
    zabbarot's Avatar

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    Default Re: Empire 6: Round 9 Sikar Event - The Darkening of Kro Karael

    Spoiler: Shebitku of Ta Seti
    Quote Originally Posted by Lleban View Post
    Shebitku and his retinue of Ka, Ramses, Hapshetsut, and 100 guards arrive at the bustling city of Highnest. Its elevated mesa buildings and imposing adobe bluffs made quite the impression on the Aldoites, who were far more accustomed to flat terrain and earthworks of the north. Shebitku had decided to take his two eldest children both to meet their Uncle, but also to learn the in's and outs of diplomacy.

    As the group walked beneath the royal blue banners Shebitku presented Kro Karael with a polished bone necklace made from the bone fragments of humans, buffalo, and horses inlet with gold and turquoise.

    "May you're reign be long and prosperous Kro."

    Kro Karael met eyes with Prince Shebitku and raised his beak to the sky in respect. Culturally it had the significance of a slight bow, because crows do not look at the ground.

    "Thank you, Prince Shebitku. May we both reign in the shade as long as the sun burns overhead. You and your tribe are welcome here." He was polite, but was rushing to hide his own nervousness. It was his first time meeting much of the royalty of Sikar.

    Spoiler: Sultan Zidan of Al Ashir
    Quote Originally Posted by Nefarion Xid View Post
    The difference between an Ashir royal procession and an invasion seemed to be the ratio of camels to horses. The sultan's retinue and a not insignificant portion of his army camped below in the shadow of Highnest. Half his family ascended the switchback trails to the palace and two hundred of his night elf guard followed behind.

    Time had been kind to Zidan. He was not a young man, but he still had his good looks in his middle age. Deep wrinkles creased his forehead and he had the look of a man who habitually slept too little. Perhaps that was just the look of fatherhood. Jana had given him another daughter recently and he was rumored to spend hours in his studies. He wore an open blue coat for the occasion and a hammered gold circlet was on his brow, tucked in beneath his loose hair. On his shoulder he carried what must be one of the curiosities he'd designed in his pursuit of learning -- a parasol with a wicker frame on a pole with a gauzy piece of mohair stretched over it. He took care to position it between him and the sun and smiled slyly when people looked up at it. In the presence of the new king Kro, he gave a shallow bow.

    Jana was at his side. Time had not touched her at all. A beauty like that needed no adornments, but she was strewn with delicate gold chains and baubles of Sha make. It was true she glowed from within. Above her breasts and around her collar bones, light the color of the setting sun seeped through her bronze skin. She tugged at her daughters' shoulders, reminding them to stand up straight and show respect as their father did. The twins Salma and Ayla were just a bit younger than Kro Karael.

    "A shala elem. Forty blessings be upon you on this, the day of your Darkening, King Kro Karael. My family and I are most honored and that you would host us and your hospitality is received gladly.

    You know Jana, of course, my beloved. These are two of my daughters: Salma and Ayla. We are blessed with so many daughters, but the rest, and my son, are home with their grandmother. Kasima, my oldest, I regret she is still in seclusion with the Sisterhood. I'm sure she would have loved to attend.

    As a token of the enduring friendship and profitable cooperation between us, may I gift you a third my night elven guard. All masters of the bow and well drilled for battlefield maneuvering. All fierce and spirited warriors, but flawlessly loyal. May you never have need of them!"

    King Kro raised his beak again, this time extending one wing out of respect.

    "A shala elem, wise Sultan. Your presence here is the first of those forty blessings. Your family is as welcome as my own. We are certain my father, Thorael, may the sun shine upon him, will be looking to speak with you. He is working on final preparations for the ceremony though."

    Spoiler: High Pharoah Oraket of Sol'Ikoth
    Quote Originally Posted by Ivor_The_Mad View Post
    It had been many years since the Sol'Ikoth attended such a gathering, almost half a lifetime ago. Now once again, in their age of revelation, the Sol'Ikoth leave their desert home.

    They come with the dusk. It trails them like a shadowy cloak. Seven figures quietly arrive at the palace. The procession is lead by a tall figure in an unusually black hooded robe with gold trim and ornate designs on the hood. The face is shrouded by shadow, or maybe it is the shadow. They carry a walking stick that twists and curves and is inlaid with Nakhla stone. The top is capped with gold and engraved in the shape of an Ankh. On either side of him are the two highest-ranking members of the Sol', Oraket, the High Pharaoh, and The Xthzgk'ahk. Oraket dons his most excellent robes and an ornamental headdress of gold and crow feathers, collected from feathers scattered as the crow takes flight. His robes are black and white, and he wears several decorative necklaces. The Xthzgk'ahk looks the same as always. A plain, tattered, dark grey robe pulled tightly around it. Nothing of its face can be seen except a long beak. Behind them are 4 cloaked figures with tattooed faces and carrying a simple staff.

    They reach the palace, and Oraket greets the crow who is there awaiting them as they are taken to the table.

    "Hello good crow." He makes a shallow bow, which is mimicked by the others.

    Once at the table, the ornately cloaked figure steps up to Kro Karael, bows, he then reaches into his cloak and pulls out a sphere about the size of an orange. It shines with unnatural silvery light and is speckled and patterned like the moon. In a strong, flowing, ancient voice, he addresses the young crow.
    "You honor me with this invitation Lord Kro. I hope that this small token of my gratitude is a worthy gift. This is the light of the moon. May its ancient wisdom bless you and your rule." He steps back and takes his seat, as do the others.

    King Kro raised his peak in respect and spoke, "The honor is ours, High Pharaoh. We have heard tales of your tribe's mastery of the deep desert. We wish to speak with you at length about it after the ceremony. My father plans an expedition to tame the golden lions of the desert."

    After Introductions, The Ceremony

    Shades were drawn over the main courtyard as Kro Thorael emerged from the palace carrying a heavy scroll. Many had heard tales of his transformation, but this was likely the first time most had seen him. He stood tall in a human form, though his skin was still dark as the night sky and his hair was fine feathers. He wore loose robes of deep blue that nearly touched the floor. His black talons were visible beneath the hem of his robe with each step forward. Nobody had bothered designing shoes for the man who preferred to fly. He approached a dais at the north end of the the courtyard where Karael waited on a tall perch.

    "My son, my king, today, though you already bare an incomparable responsibility, you are an adult. As your beak and eyes darken to match our grand mother, the Night Sky, so too has your wit sharpened to match our father, Crow. There is no further responsibility I can bestow upon you, but I have prepared a gift." He unfurled the scroll across a lectern and the letters glowed pale gold. "In accordance with the Old Law, as an adult you may enter into new contracts. This is your birthright."

    The ceremony itself was simple, the shades were turned so the darkest shadow fell upon the dais and Kro Karael flew into the shadow so all could see that he could not be seen. The crows in the courtyard broke into rowdy cheers and music started as the shades were lifted. Circles of dancers formed on the ground and in the sky as criers spread the word across the city.
    Last edited by zabbarot; 2020-11-08 at 11:50 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by lt_murgen View Post
    Exploratory expeditions expeditiously expediting exploration would be epicurially equipped.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Troll in the Playground
    Nefarion Xid's Avatar

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    Default Re: Empire 6: Round 9 Sikar Event - The Darkening of Kro Karael

    Later, during festivities

    Known to maintain a steely aloofness with outsiders, the Ashir held no such reservations for members of the clan and especially their immediate family. The sultan was no exception, so when he found his sister later among the festivities he swept her off her feet with his embrace. They kissed one another on the foreheads, then began to converse in rapid, whispered Ashiric. He said that their mother would be heartbroken to hear she had missed Kasha, then demanded she return with them to visit. Kasha assented that she would ask her husband, and scolded Zidan for choosing such a grand title for himself. He reminded her that she could call herself whatever she wanted when she conquered half the south, then suggested she simply ask her husband for a more flattering title.

    "These are my nephews?" Changing the subject, Zidan took a step back to size up the two boys, half breeds but for their consummate Alodite trappings. "Can they ride?"

    "Ramses and Hapsetsu." She gestured from the oldest to youngest. "They ride."

    "Ha! Who taught them: you or Shebitku? Your mother was never a master. But, you boys are lucky! Later, you shall have a lesson from Al-Zamira and Al-Sultan. We'll set up targets and have some fun."
    I apologize for drawing CockroachTeaParty as a winged centaur.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Empire 6: Round 9 Sikar Event - The Darkening of Kro Karael

    The Soreni have been present at the the event for some time. There are only 10 guards, and a handful of beasts
    Queen Gothek Emerges from the procession. After many years, she looks very similar, albeit wiser and stronger, hardened by war and contest, trade and loss. She is adorned with fine silver amulets and bracelets.
    The Soreni queen approaches the Crow King
    Greetings, Crow King. I have to compliment you on your looks, you look very striking. I must apologize for being late to the social scene, I was just thinking about what gift to give you.
    She bestows the king with a silver circlet with crow imagery, a snow cat fur cloak, and the promise of a small castle on Soreni land.

    For the contest, the Soreni provide War Drums tech, as well as 1 treasure.
    Roll will be here: 17
    Last edited by D&D_Fan; 2020-11-09 at 01:01 PM.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Empire 6: Round 9 Sikar Event - The Darkening of Kro Karael

    Talking with Zidan
    Ramses was incredibly excited to meet his uncle, Zidan the Great, he repeatedly pestered his mother for tales of his man. He was so excited that the boy was taken aback by the shortness of Zidan, Yes he was tall for a human, but the figure in Ramses imagination was always a giant, standing in grandiose pose arms stretching the length of the Ashir's vast territory.

    Before he could speak his younger sister forcefully interjected "Mama taught me to ride Uncle, I've gotten so good I rode for 5 hours straight. It felt like FOREVER!"

    Ramses took an extra moment to gain his composure "Yes Father and mother have taken us on many hunting trips, so the eldest of us are quite educated in the martial arts."
    Beautiful Avatar thanks to Gengy

    Hangs out on the World building forums

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    Personal stuff: World of Tieg, Nexus: City of the Multiverse, Forgotten Planet Lost Between 2 stars, World of the 9 gates
    Spoiler: The gift that keeps on giving
    Spoiler: and giving
    Spoiler: and giving some more
    Spoiler: Metric tons of giving
    Spoiler: Keep going
    Spoiler: Suprise

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Troll in the Playground
    Nefarion Xid's Avatar

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    Default Re: Empire 6: Round 9 Sikar Event - The Darkening of Kro Karael

    "No doubt you are blessed with many fine teachers, nephew. If Zidan had such blessings as a young man, the Sultanate would be twice the size it is. I still think Neferkare could teach me something. But perhaps it is good he is not here today. At my age, bruises take longer to heal and I have no desire to be thrown to the ground before so many people."

    Despite decades of cultural exchange, the Ashir were still famously poor grapplers. To find oneself with no horse, no weapon, and no family, and an opponent in the same way was too strange a scenario to train for. There were only so many hours in a night. Best to spend your time learning to not be thrown from your horse and to kill from a respectable distance.

    "Where is your father? I should ask him if I can borrow you and your mother for a few moons. Kasha should see our mother again. And you boys should be instructed in cavalry tactics. You are of the Ashir, though your home is far from the clan. And the Ashir have never been defeated in an open field."

    True enough. Rakthuk's march south ended with a route when he met Ashir riders.

    "Ah, but I see Shebitku now. You two go and meet your cousins!"

    Zidan ushered the two princes away to meet his twins while he greeted Shebitku and took him aside. He made the usual polite inquiries about the health of the man's family, then quickly got to the point.

    "You know of my close working relationship with the Sisterhood, Shebitku. This is a position of trust I have worked diligently to cultivate these decades, as a man tends his garden. You know my daughter Kasima has gone to study with them in the land north beyond the narrow sea, in their seat of power. Kasima, my beloved first born, who will surely be heir to the Sultanate. You know then why mustering orcs cause me sleepless days. Kethix should stay home. I will sleep. My garden is undisturbed. Sahib, my brother, can nothing be done?"
    Last edited by Nefarion Xid; 2020-11-12 at 05:06 PM.
    I apologize for drawing CockroachTeaParty as a winged centaur.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Empire 6: Round 9 Sikar Event - The Darkening of Kro Karael

    Ramses tugged at the robes of his father "Dad can we, can we please, I've never been so far south before."

    Kasha also tugged at the prince's robes, mimicking the starry-eyed loo "Seeing mother for a few moons would be nice wouldn't it."

    When the conversation turned to marauding orcs Shebitku's attitude began to turn sour. Aspelta Never leaves his damn tent was never going to do anything about then, leaving the issue firmly in his lap.

    "Perhaps my father would pursue a peaceful resolution to this, but I know better, we know better. The best place to have an orc is chained, of course, I'm willing to do this for a price."
    Last edited by Lleban; 2020-11-14 at 12:01 PM.
    Beautiful Avatar thanks to Gengy

    Hangs out on the World building forums

    Giantitp projects: Caligoven the toxic seas, Baalbek Empire!3, Coatl Empire!4, Short and sweet world building
    Personal stuff: World of Tieg, Nexus: City of the Multiverse, Forgotten Planet Lost Between 2 stars, World of the 9 gates
    Spoiler: The gift that keeps on giving
    Spoiler: and giving
    Spoiler: and giving some more
    Spoiler: Metric tons of giving
    Spoiler: Keep going
    Spoiler: Suprise

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Troll in the Playground
    Nefarion Xid's Avatar

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    Default Re: Empire 6: Round 9 Sikar Event - The Darkening of Kro Karael

    "See? You are blessed with many fine masters, Ramses. It is good that you are here to observe. I think your father's reign will be a long one, but you should hear such things and know how the game is played."

    Zidan deflated and stroked his brow en silence for a bit. The Ashir did not keep slaves or servants. This was not due to any enlightened ideals, but a simple calculus of trust and effort. Making good slaves was too much work, and poor slaves could not be trusted.

    "Orcs make poor farmers. Too savage and proud. Too spiteful to even know what's good for them. Feh. What you do with them and their lands is your business, Shebitku. I would have settled for robust economic sanctions. But, this trespass must have a strong response. I had a deal with the Sisters! Say what you require of me -- it is no more than I would give freely."
    Last edited by Nefarion Xid; 2020-11-14 at 07:13 PM.
    I apologize for drawing CockroachTeaParty as a winged centaur.

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