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    Titan in the Playground
    Mystic Muse's Avatar

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    Default LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Notice: This is mostly a support thread. If you want to ask a lot of questions, it would be best to make a separate thread (there does not seem to be a currently active questions thread at the time of posting this).

    The AI is for All-Inclusive because we have only so much space in the title, but everyone, regardless of orientation, direction, letter, acronym or chosen astrological symbol is welcome here!

    We do, unfortunately, have a few rules. We are not an anarchist state! Or, we weren't until we voted we were? But shush.

    1. We are primarily a support thread.
    This means that the primary focus should be in helping people here feel better; about themselves, about their lives, about their problems. We are also an education thread, but when helping someone learn involves not supporting, we will default to support - Mostly. We are only mostly human, after all.

    All of the other rules are basically precisions of rule #1.

    2. If you want answers to triggering topics, spoiler-box or ask them privately.
    Triggering topics are those which are likely to make other people feel bad, in any way whatsoever: for instance, rape, violence, bullying and many others may be triggering to some people. If someone, even just that one individual person, has a problem with a topic because it stirs demons best left in their pit, Do. Not. Bring. It. Up. Publicly. Use a spoiler box and think carefully about whether this is the place to broach the topic at all (see rule #1: "We are primarily a support thread.")

    If you have questions or need help on something that involves triggering topics, please use spoiler tags and label your spoilers for trigger warnings. When in doubt, put trigger warnings.

    3. Avoid discussing politics or religion.
    It doesn't matter how much these two topics intersect with our forum topic, they are verboten. Sometimes, hints are...looked over, such as, "Man, in my country being gay sucks," but detail is right out, and even that could be considered willful disregard. Be careful. As the moderators themselves often say, if you aren't sure, don't.

    4. Do not discuss moral justification.
    No one here is going to discuss whether or not it's Right" or "Okay" to be LGBTAEIOUsometimesY or anything else. It's not topical, it's not relevant. We are, and we are here to cope with that and with the stresses it causes.
    And no, my joking acronym doesn't constitute considering this rule less important.

    5. Do not post sexually explicit content.
    It's against forum rules, it's against decorum, and it will get us shut down pretty fast. What adults do behind closed doors is cool, and allusion is fine. Anything that could involve a diagram, though? No.

    6. Avoid unfriendly debates.
    Several topics of conversation have created huge arguments that made several people uncomfortable and defied our goal of being a support thread. This is especially true debates of definition. These do not always end well, and are best avoided.

    Fight Club, AKA things we do not talk about.
    This thread has a past of traumatic experiences which we would rather not repeat, and some topics which have created (in)famous rows include:
    - The precise distinction between bi- and pansexual;
    - What is or isn't a polyamorous relationship;
    - Whether transgender is more correct than transgendered.
    - Whether people who have homosexual sex should be able to give blood.
    (Other topics may be added to the list.)
    Unless you need support or help about this, please refrain from bringing up these topics.

    Also, if a conversation that is not about support runs long, spoiler it if possible, even if it is polite.

    Glossary of Common Terms

    For reference, here is a list of commonly-used words in our community along with their definitions. Please keep in mind that this vocabulary is constantly evolving and that this list may not be complete. Any contributions to the list are appreciated.
    LGBT: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*

    LGBTAI: LGBT+Asexual/Aromantic/Agender+Intersex/All-Inclusive

    Q - Queer and Questioning
    U - Unidentified
    I - Intersex
    L - Lesbian
    T - Transgender/Transsexual
    B - Bisexual
    A - Asexual/Aromantic/Agender
    G - Gay, Genderqueer

    GSRM: Gender, Sexuality, and Romantic Minorities; sometimes only GSM

    Where a word below is in italics, that means it has its own entry on the list.

    A note on labels: many of these labels are seemingly interchangeable, and for some people they are. However, please do not presume to correct or judge another person's use of a label. Bisexual and pansexual are especially tricky in this regard, as are transgender and transsexual to a lesser degree.
    Often the difference in why one person feels one label is appropriate and not another is deeply personal. If you wish to know more it is probably a topic to seek private advice on, from one of the people listed in the next section.

    AFAB/AMAB: Assigned Female/Male at Birth.

    Agender: Someone who lacks a gender.

    Androgyne: Gender Identity with male and female aspects.

    Androsexual: A person who is attracted to men.

    Asexual: A person who does not feel sexual attraction.

    Assignment/Assigned Gender:-The gender which someone is assigned at birth.

    Bigender: Someone who identifies as both male and female (or as any two genders) either simultaneously or alternating. See also Genderqueer, Genderfluid

    Binary, The: See: Gender Binary.

    Bisexual: 1. attracted to two genders; 2. attracted to one's own gender and another gender; 3. attracted to various genders; 4. attracted to people regardless of gender; 5. ask the person who says they're bi what exactly they mean by that. See also Pansexual

    Cis: See: Cisgender

    Cisgender (CG): Somebody whose gender and sex align.

    Demisexual: A person who is sexually attracted to someone only after they have formed an intense emotional relationship with them.

    Dysphoria: The etymological opposite of "euphoria." A state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction. In this context, generally referring to the discomfort or dissociation Trans* people feel with their own body.

    Male-to-Female (MtF): Someone who was assigned male at birth, but is female. (AKA: trans woman)

    Female: See: Woman

    Female-to-Male (FtM): Someone who was assigned female at birth, but is male. (AKA: trans man)

    FAAB: Female Assigned at Birth.

    Feminine: Something generally associated by society with women.

    FFS: Facial Feminization Surgery: Surgery to reduce chin/nose/cheekbones. Associated primarily with MAAB Trans people

    FtM: See: Female to Male

    Gay: See: homosexual.

    Gender Binary: The commonly held notion that there are only men and women on two extremes, with nothing in between.

    Gender Expression (GE): How one expresses their Gender Identity to society.

    Gender Identity (GI): How one feels inside society's idea of "man, woman, or other".

    Genderfluid: Someone who fluctuates between different genders.

    Genderqueer (GQ): Someone who is not of a binary gender; someone who is neither male nor female.

    Gynosexual: A person who is attracted to women.

    Heterosexual: A person who is attracted to members of the opposite gender.

    Homosexual: A person who is attracted to members of their own gender.

    HRT: Hormone replacement therapy. MtF's tend to progesterone, estrogens and androgen blockers, while FtM's take testosterone almost exclusively.

    Lesbian: A woman who is attracted to women.

    MAAB: Male Assigned at Birth.

    Male-to-Female (MtF): Someone who was assigned male at birth, but is female. (AKA: trans woman)

    Man/men: A cis man or trans man. Male.

    Masculine: Something generally associated by society with men.

    Pansexual: A person who is attracted to people regardless of gender. See also Bisexual

    Polyamorous: A person who is interested in a relationship with more than one person.

    Presenting: Trans* shorthand for appearing as their preferred gender, regardless of any HRT, SRS or other changes.

    Trans*: Transsexual and Transgender primarily, with the asterisk denoting that the trans- prefix could be followed by any number of appropriate words. It also includes other labels, and is a catch-all term for people who identify as something other than their biological sex at birth.

    Note: While "Trans*" was at one time preferred terminology, of late it has become seen as problematic for various reasons, and is being phased out of use. The preferred term at this time is simply "Trans". You use the term in the definition of dysphoria.
    Also, FtM and MtF are sometimes seen as problematic, and i've been seeing a lot more 'Trans man/Trans woman' for target gender, moving on to 'Trans-feminine/Trans-masculine' which describes the direction of change, but does not define an end point.
    "Transsexual" is also being phased out as being a bit obsessed with crotch bits and orientation linked either to the cis obsession with genital configuration, or the proven false idea that transgender people are just "super gay".

    Transgender: Used in reference to a person whose sex(body) and gender(mind) are at odds or do not match. A transgender person can also identify as genderqueer, transsexual, or may use transgender as their only identity.

    Transitioning: The process a Trans* person undergoes to move to their preferred gender. Often includes HRT, SRS, FFS.

    Transsexual: In common terms the same as transgender above. In medical terms refers specifically to people who wish to transition from male to female or female to male, not accommodating any other options.

    SRS: Sex Reassignment Surgery: Surgery to replace/transform a vagina into a penis, or vice versa. Mastectomies or plastic surgery may be used on breasts.

    Sexual Orientation (SO): How one identifies who they are attracted to.

    Significant Other(s) (SO): Person(s) you are in a relationship with.

    Third-gendered: Someone who fits in a local society's third gender, usually male performing female tasks, occasionally vice versa. Also a person who feels they do not identify with any other gender identity.

    Woman: A cis woman or trans woman. Female.

    Allies: Heterosexual-Cisgender people who support equality for sexual, gender, and romantic minorities.

    Aromantic: a person who does not experience romantic attraction.

    Non-Binary: Same as Genderqueer.

    Enby: Shortened form of "Non-binary".

    Private Consultation.

    We have a list of people who are willing and able to discuss topics that may not be thread-appropriate but are still topical. They can be reached by Personal Message (PM), thought they may not respond immediately, or may be on sabbatical.

    Don't be afraid to reach out and talk to them.

    Many of us on the list are more than willing to listen to your questions or concerns and will not just lash out in hostility or anger.

    Spoiler: Topical Consultants

    Name: Especially familiar with the topic(s) of
    Absol197: Gender identity issues.
    Astrella: GSRM rights, feminism, trans stuff, Skype.
    BisectedBrioche: General basics, PM.
    Chess435: Skype.
    Eldest: General/basics, bisexuality, polyamory, pansexuality will Skype(voice if needed, no video).
    Golentan: Mental health, fluid and questioning sexualities, and issues arising from sexual trauma.
    inuyasha: Shoulder on which to cry, someone to listen.
    Irish Musician: PM, Rants/Venting.
    Kesnit: Trans stuff (FtM), legal issues.
    Lentrax: General/basics, depression, bullying.
    Lissou: Any.
    Lix Lorn: General/basics.
    Lycunadari: genderfluid, genderqueer, nonbinary and asexual/grey-ace. I'm also happy to chat over discord (just text) for potentially forum-forbidden topics
    Miraqariftsky: Family issues, transfolk issues, bullying, depression
    Mystic Muse: General basics, PM. If it's significantly board unsafe, let me know and we'll find a way to talk.
    TaiLiu: General Transgender information, transphobia.

    Some people are also willing to talk off-board, through Skype or email or other means; this is especially useful if your question involves board-forbidden topics such as religion or politics. Also, we can't (and ethically shouldn't!) give medical advice. If you need medical advice, please see a professional!

    And as a parting note, I will say that even though moderators do not read PMs, they are still part of the forum and still subject to forums rules. Non-allowed topics and discussion should NOT be conducted via PM.

    Previous Incarnations

    Like the Glorious and Unconquered Sun, we have risen, lived, died, and risen anew, with many faces, many voices, many hearts. In this past, much can be found, both good, and bad, should one be brave or perhaps, foolish, enough to seek it.

    Spoiler: Past Threads
    1. LGBT people in the playground
    2. LGBT people in the playground - part II
    3. LGBTitp - part III
    4. LGBTitp 4: We are a family?
    5. LGBTitp - Part Five
    6. LGBTitp - Part Six
    7. LGBTitp - Part Seven
    8. LGBTitp - Part Eight
    9. LGBTitp - Part Nine
    10. LGBTAitp - Part Ten
    11. LGBTAitp - Part Eleven
    12. LGBTAitp - Part Twelve
    13. LGBTAitp - Part Thirteen
    14. LGBTAitp - Part Fourteen
    15. LGBTAitp - Part Fifteen
    16. LGBTAitp - Part Sixteen
    17. LGBTAitp - Part Seventeen
    18. LGBTAitp - Part Eighteen!
    19. LGBTAitp - Part Nineteen
    20. LGBTAitp - Part Twenty - Critical Hit!
    21. LGBTAitp - Part Twenty-One - BLACKJACK!
    22. LGBTAitP Part 22: The Best There Is
    23. LGBTAitP Part 23: Et tu, ~Bianca?
    24. LGBTAitP: Alphabet Soup-with 24 different Vitamins!
    25. LGBTAitP part 25: Doing Away With Subtitles
    26. LGBTAitP 26: No Time For Snappy Titles
    27. LGBTAitP 27: Of Shoes, and Ships, and Sealing Wax
    28. LGBTAitP #28: Come Taste the Rainbow!
    29. LGBTAitP #29: The Rainbow Outreach Program
    30. LGBTAitP 30: Free Cuddles (Enquire Within)
    31. LGBTAitP #31: Cuddles Are On Back Order. Have Some Snuggles!
    32. LGBTAitp #32: The Great Plushie Invasion!
    33. LGBTAitp #33: The Thread at the End of the Rainbow!
    34. LGTAitP #34: <3!!
    35. LGBTAitp #35: What Midlife Crisis? :3
    36. LGBTAitp #36: May Contain Bites!
    37. LGBTAitP #37: Once upon a time...
    38. LGBTAitP #38: Once More With Feeling!!
    39. LGBTAitP #38: Making Your Way in the World Today....
    40. LGBTAitP #40: Technicolour Partyboat
    41. LGBTAitp #41 - Imprecise Terminology Supercenter
    42. LGBTAitp #42: Better Than Skittles/The Meaning of Life!
    43. LGBTAitp #43 [Insert snappy subtitle here]
    44. LGBTAIitP #44: Quick, We Need To Vote A New Title!
    45. LGBTAIitP #45: Rainbow Anarchy
    46. LGBTAitP #46: I Cast Prismatic Hugs
    47. LGBTAIitp #47: Weather Control Central
    48. LGBTAIitp #48: For a Cuddly Tomorrow!
    49. LGBTAIitp #49: Please check all baggage before boarding the Rainbow Rail Road
    50. LGBTAI+ #50: Warning: This Thread Has Exceeded its Maximum Awesome Level
    51. LGBTAI+ 51: Lay That Hammer Down!
    52. LGBTAI+ 52: Aces High
    53. LGBTAI+ 53: The Nefarious Rainbow Syndicate
    54. LGBTAI+ 54: A Full Deck
    55. LGBTAI+ 55: AKA The Page We'll Get to if I Don't Make a New One
    56. LGBTAI+ 56: Prismatic Spray
    57. LGBTAI+ 57: I Love You, Always Forever
    58. LGBTAI+ #58 Infinity 2.0: The Darth Arminius Apology Thread
    59. LGBTAI+ #59 Will you take this woman to be your galpal

    Webcomics that touch on... Well, everything related to the thread.
    Venus Envy. Long dead webcomic. The creator has chosen not to continue it and move forward in life.
    Rain. A story of a MtF girl in high school.
    Khaos Komix.As the creator puts it(from his site): "A complete GLBTWTFBBQ comic about gender and sexuality. (Trigger warnings for EVERYTHING and nothing is safe for work.)"
    Always Raining Here. "Adrian is heartsick, Carter is horny. This is a story about their misadventures as awkward teenagers as they fumble through unrequited romances."
    Tripping over you.An awkward blind date leads to better options.
    Questionable Content. The LGBTA characters are fairly well done, and not stereotypes.
    What's normal anyway. "What’s Normal Anyway? is a comic that discusses the trans male experience through the story of Mel, who takes the big risk of being himself and transitioning from female to male."
    Princess. A webcomic.
    Twokinds. Keveak: "It generally portrays GRSM matters positively and is quite a nice tale overall."
    Misfile The Rose Dragon: "Ash is a young boy who, as a result of a screw-up in Heaven, gets stuck in a girl's body in a life he doesn't recognize, and has to deal with the changes and challenges of his new body while trying to get back his old life. Supernatural hijinks and car racing are involved."
    Portside Stories A cute(and recently started) webcomic.
    El Goonish Shive A long running webcomic, that I've heard often touches on lgbta relevant stuff.
    Validation A Slice of Life webcomic focusing on Ally, a young transgender woman, just living her life.
    Wildflowers A self proclaimed triggering comic dealing with suicide, depression, dysphoria and more.
    Check, Please! It’s a story about hockey and friendship and bros and trying to find yourself during the best 4 years of your life.
    I Want To Be A Cute Anime Girl

    I know I missed a few webcomics, and if anyone finds more, feel free to PM them to me with a brief description, and I will add them.

    And a picture made by the Giant to celebrate gay marriage legalization in America.

    Spoiler: Prismatic Spray
    Last edited by Mystic Muse; 2022-06-17 at 08:05 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Lycunadari's Avatar

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    May 2012

    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Yay new thread!
    It might be a good idea to update the list of private consultants- a lot of the people listed there haven't been active in the forums in years, so people wanting to ask them a question are likely to be disappointed. Also, even the people who are still active might not be willing to answer questions anymore, or have started to identify differently then when the list was made (like me! You can change my "speciality" to genderfluid, genderqueer, nonbinary and asexual/grey-ace. I'm also happy to chat over discord (just text) for potentially forum-forbidden topics).
    You can call me Juniper. Please use gender-neutral pronouns (ze/hir (preferred) or they/them) when referring to me.

    "We all are vessels of our brokenness, we carry it inside us like water, careful not to spill. And what is wholeness if not brokenness encompassed in acceptance, the warmth of its power a shield against those who would hurt us?" - R. Lemberg, Geometries of Belonging

    Stories Art

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Please PM me, if you are a private consultant. I am trying to recover from past Gay Conversion Therapy.
    Last edited by DarthArminius; 2021-02-18 at 02:56 PM.
    I am ArlEammon. I've been here since 2004, but I've lost access to my other account.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Somewhere over th rainbow

    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Ayy new thread! Not much to say 'sides that, but cool!
    Professional Ancient Relic
    Beware, Monologues
    Ambassador from Gen Z

    Quote Originally Posted by Waterdeep Merch View Post
    Use your smite bite to fight the plight right. Fill the site with light and give fright to wights as a knight of the night, teeth white; mission forthright, evil in flight. Despite the blight within, you perform the rite, ignore any contrite slight, fangs alight, soul bright.

    That sight is dynamite.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Titan in the Playground
    Mystic Muse's Avatar

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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Quote Originally Posted by Lycunadari View Post
    Yay new thread!
    It might be a good idea to update the list of private consultants- a lot of the people listed there haven't been active in the forums in years, so people wanting to ask them a question are likely to be disappointed. Also, even the people who are still active might not be willing to answer questions anymore, or have started to identify differently then when the list was made (like me! You can change my "speciality" to genderfluid, genderqueer, nonbinary and asexual/grey-ace. I'm also happy to chat over discord (just text) for potentially forum-forbidden topics).
    I have removed anyone who has not been on in more than a year.

    I'll go back over the list in April, and if anyone who hasn't been on in a few months still isn't, I'll remove them as well.

    There are three names on there I will have to do some more digging to figure out what their status is, because their names seem to have changed or something (Enrico Dandolo, Musashi, Metditto).

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Enrico Dandalo changed her name to Miriel and hasn't posted since 2019.
    DEGENERATION 86: Copy this into your sig and subtract 1 from the degeneration when you first see it. This is an antisocial experiment.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Quote Originally Posted by Grytorm View Post
    Enrico Dandalo changed her name to Miriel and hasn't posted since 2019.
    Similar case with Musashi it seems.

    Cannot find Metditto at all, so assuming they're no longer part of the boards and have removed them.

    Alright, this is as far as I'm willing to go for the time being. Will check the list again in April.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Dire Moose's Avatar

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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Just checking in here, wondering if I shouldn’t just change my gender to female since I almost never present male anymore.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Quote Originally Posted by Dire Moose View Post
    Just checking in here, wondering if I shouldn’t just change my gender to female since I almost never present male anymore.
    Whatever makes you happiest.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Quote Originally Posted by Mystic Muse View Post
    Whatever makes you happiest.
    The hard part is figuring out for yourself what makes you happiest

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Quote Originally Posted by Mystic Muse View Post
    I have removed anyone who has not been on in more than a year.

    I'll go back over the list in April, and if anyone who hasn't been on in a few months still isn't, I'll remove them as well.

    There are three names on there I will have to do some more digging to figure out what their status is, because their names seem to have changed or something (Enrico Dandolo, Musashi, Metditto).
    You can leave me on the list. I may not be in here that much anymore, but I still check in every once in a while.

    Co-Founder of LUTAS.
    For all you lesser superheroes out there.

    Custom STO avatar by Durkoala.

    A novella about a wizard and a rock star, cross-dimensional travel, and healing wounds neither knew were there.

    Spoiler: Online stuffs
    Lentrax has a Deviantart now, check it out!

    Streaming Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 11CST on Twitch.

    Follow me on Twitter!

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Updated! I’m still genderfluid, but I’m a guy so rarely that I might as well just go with female.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Troll in the Playground
    BisectedBrioche's Avatar

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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    FWIW, I'd be happy to be added to the list for anyone who has questions about trans issues, especially in the UK.
    Hi, I'm back, I guess. ^_^
    I cosplay and stream LPs of single player games on Twitch! Mon, Wed & Fri; currently playing: Fallout: New Vegas (Mon/Wed) and The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (Thurs or Fri)

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    I'm happy to be on the list to provide an ear and shoulder, but with the caveat that I'm by no means a specialist in any of these topics at all. Not sure what that falls under, aside from "Any".

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Is the Spoiler marked "Prismatic Spray" supposed to contain an image linked to, mayhaps? Because it's blank for me.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Quote Originally Posted by Sermil View Post
    Is the Spoiler marked "Prismatic Spray" supposed to contain an image linked to, mayhaps? Because it's blank for me.
    Same for me as well.
    Quote Originally Posted by Calanon View Post
    Raven_Cry's comments often have the effects of a +5 Tome of Understanding

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    I'll edit the OP tomorrow.

    Yes, the pic is broken for some reason.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Well, it's happening!

    Today I'm going into hospital for my GCS!
    Hi, I'm back, I guess. ^_^
    I cosplay and stream LPs of single player games on Twitch! Mon, Wed & Fri; currently playing: Fallout: New Vegas (Mon/Wed) and The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (Thurs or Fri)

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Quote Originally Posted by BisectedBrioche View Post
    Well, it's happening!

    Today I'm going into hospital for my GCS!
    So happy for you!

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Quote Originally Posted by Dire Moose View Post
    So happy for you!
    Thanks! I'm in my hospital room now. Free wifi and everything!
    Hi, I'm back, I guess. ^_^
    I cosplay and stream LPs of single player games on Twitch! Mon, Wed & Fri; currently playing: Fallout: New Vegas (Mon/Wed) and The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (Thurs or Fri)

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    OP still broken.

    Unsure, whether I should post it or not, but whatever: is there anyone here who can tolerate my whining for a little while (advice optional)? I'm stuck, and somewhat confused and depressed.
    It's not so much triggering as stupid, and not 100% LGBTAI in nature, so I don't want to put it here, unless.
    I'm a white cis gay male from Russia.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    UPDATE: I had my surgery successfully one Wednesday! I'm back on solids foods and am able to stand up. If all goes well, I'll have my bandages off on Monday morning and be discharged the next day!
    Hi, I'm back, I guess. ^_^
    I cosplay and stream LPs of single player games on Twitch! Mon, Wed & Fri; currently playing: Fallout: New Vegas (Mon/Wed) and The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (Thurs or Fri)

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    So, when will you be discharged?

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigako View Post
    OP still broken.

    Unsure, whether I should post it or not, but whatever: is there anyone here who can tolerate my whining for a little while (advice optional)? I'm stuck, and somewhat confused and depressed.
    It's not so much triggering as stupid, and not 100% LGBTAI in nature, so I don't want to put it here, unless.
    I'm a white cis gay male from Russia.
    Fixed the OP. Sorry, been a bit of a week.

    Feel free to post. Maybe just put it in a spoiler, and be mindful of the board rules.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    The bandages are off, I've been shown how to clean everything and do post op stuff that might be a bit NSFW to name and I can walk freely again. Let the good times roll! ^_^
    Hi, I'm back, I guess. ^_^
    I cosplay and stream LPs of single player games on Twitch! Mon, Wed & Fri; currently playing: Fallout: New Vegas (Mon/Wed) and The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (Thurs or Fri)

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Spoiler: whining

    I have some nasty skin condition (basically, boils all over most part of the body surface), and doctors couldn't do anything with it for about a decade before I simply gave up, and on top of that I'm not the most pleasant person to have around - somewhat autistic and often abrasive.
    Skin stuff means there's no sex for me, period. Turns out, most people have no use for a partner they cannot have sex with - the ones actually answering me in dating services usually haven't read my profile, and even the ones that do usually ghost on me shortly after. Actually, I cannot even blame them.
    I hear sometimes that I should move to another country, but I don't see a point - the problem is in me, not in the attitude of the people surrounding me, homophobia and related stuff isn't the limiting factor.

    For a long time I was somewhat chill about it - I invented some sort of philosophy justifying me being alone and focused on other stuff in my life. Several years later that stopped working - most of my other pursuits turned to be dead ends, I remembered that I'm not getting younger, it became too tiresome to deceive myself - actually, dunno, what was the exact cause.

    Now I'm sort of stuck - I cannot distract myself from my sexuality, but all my attempts to find a mate are doomed before start, and it's driving me nuts.
    Is there a way to "shut down" your sexuality and romatic urges, since in my case it does not do me any good? Also, one of my biggest fears is that if I actually find some good man, it'll turn out I cannot reciprocate the feelings (see above - autistic), and this will turn into a shaggy dog story.

    And the rule of the internet which number I forgot: nobody cares.
    Last edited by Sigako; 2021-03-16 at 03:32 PM.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Happy Transgender Day of Visibiliy, everyone!

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Oh no I can't ghost here invisibly

    <3 Happy Transgender Day of Visibility day to you too!

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Just came out on another thread so figured I should here to. Recently discovered I'm pansexual and still tryna figure if I want to come out to my siblings or if that'd be to stressful (they are open to lgbtq+).
    My limited homebrew experience
    oh hey didn't see you there

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Well. Whatever you decide, just remember that here in this thread, you will be loved and respected, no matter what decision you make.

    Co-Founder of LUTAS.
    For all you lesser superheroes out there.

    Custom STO avatar by Durkoala.

    A novella about a wizard and a rock star, cross-dimensional travel, and healing wounds neither knew were there.

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    Streaming Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 11CST on Twitch.

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