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  1. - Top - End - #541
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Quote Originally Posted by Ionathus View Post
    It's Starfleet's ship, Starfleet's holodeck, which the crew uses at Starfleet's discretion. Were I in that decision-making position, even in a post-scarcity utopia, I would absolutely restrict the holodeck's ability to recreate actual real-life people. At the very least, don't load up the computer with the likeness and personality of every member of your ship that you're all stuck on for 8+ years. That's a fiasco waiting to happen.
    Remember that they also use the holodeck for training simulations. That's probably the main reason that the computer contains accurate holo-images of the entire crew.

    It might make sense to restrict the ability to duplicate crew on the holodeck to senior officers or something, but almost all the actual characters are senior officers already, and the vibe on a starship is probably just that the holodecks are mostly used responsibly.

    And we've seen holodeck privileges taken away as a punishment, too.
    Last edited by KillianHawkeye; 2022-02-11 at 12:30 PM.
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  2. - Top - End - #542
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Quote Originally Posted by KillianHawkeye View Post
    Remember that they also use the holodeck for training simulations. That's probably the main reason that the computer contains accurate holo-images of the entire crew.

    It might make sense to restrict the ability to duplicate crew on the holodeck to senior officers or something, but almost all the actual characters are senior officers already, and the vibe on a starship is probably just that the holodecks are mostly used responsibly.

    And we've seen holodeck privileges taken away as a punishment, too.
    Yeah, restricting to senior/training officers, or not allowing them for personal programs, would make a lot of sense.

  3. - Top - End - #543
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Eventually by Voyager, people started password protecting at least some of their holoprograms.
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  4. - Top - End - #544
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Season 3 Episode 7
    The Enemy
    Stardate: 43349.2

    the crrew go to a planet that has bad weather. the romulans lost a scout ship. one romulan is found while another is found by geordi when geordi is left behind. geordi and the romulan work together to get rescued and do some manly bonding

    meanwhile, the first romulan is ill and needs some medical treatment that requires Worf, who says no. the romulan says no to Worf. dr crusher proceeds to violate medical ethics and chews out Worf and tells him to give in to the Federation. Worf goes to Riker for advice, and he still decided no. Picard has to talk to Worf after dr crusher bugs him. Worf makes it clear that if Picard gives the order, Worf will allow treatment.

    meanwhile, Commander G'Kar, Tomalok, contacts the crashed scout ship and will rescue the guys. G'Kar deals with Picard who is cold and obstructive. G'Kar crosses to the planet and uses his bravado on Picard, who is unimpressed. G'Kar allows Picard to beam up geordi and his romulan, with the other having died. Worf gets guilted over this.

    G'Kar exchanges words with Picard and then leaves. geordi's romulan is beamed over to G'Kar.

    5 - Excelent episode: Episode excels in most or all ways - major character development, good story and so on
    but goes to
    4 - Good episode: A few parts of the episode are above average - good plot points, clever use of effects and so on.

    {Episode Commentary}
    so this episode works in every way...

    except for the stuff with dr crusher. Somehow, despite the romulan saying he didn't want Worf's stuff, that Crusher still acts like she didn't hear any of that. Well, she probably didn't.

    This episode is probably TNG's version of Dr. Franklin's problematic episode from Babylon 5. Crusher completely violates Worf's privacy, and tells Picard that Worf would do, but more importantly, refuses to accept Worf saying no to her. Worf has the right, medically speaking, to not be used for treatment. Crusher rushes roughshud all over that right. Worf makes it clear that he will go along if Picard orders him to.

    The Romulan refuses treatment. A right that Crusher then proceeds to ignore. What effect would that have had, if she had operated? I am pretty sure that G'Kar would have taken it badly. Neither is there any reason that Crusher should have keep pursuing the matter. All it does is give the impression that Crusher doesn't care about medical ethics or doing her job probably.

    I don't see the actor playing DR Mccoy or Bashir or the EMH being willing to accept this kind of behavoir in their characters. I am prtetty sure that they have commented about whether it fit any kind of medical properness. Even worse, Crusher doesn't even get a slap on the wrist

    This may be the first episode that actually shows that the Federation and Starfleet only pay lip service to their ideals, rather than back them up. As soon as the Romulan guy said, no thanks, the entire matter should have been dropped. It wasn't.

    I really don't think I am going to be taking Dr Crusher as a qualified Doctor anymore because a fundamental Medical right that is known is the right of REFUSING TREATMENT. Medical Doctors are required to accept that in their code of ethics. How does Crusher get away with this violation? Simple. She has the same boss of medicine as Dr Franklin of Babylon 5, who carries out treatment that was refused, but does it anyway.

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  5. - Top - End - #545
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    I'm a little baffled by your take. You have a very different reading of Crusher and Picard's actions than I've ever seen in discussions of this episode. The entire point is that at every step along the way they are respecting Worf's right to refuse donating his blood. No one forces Worf to donate. No one operated on the Romulan against either his or Tomalak's will. I'm not sure how you could read it otherwise.

    The Romulan also does not refuse treatment, he objects to having a transfusion of Klingon blood (and even that was hardly a flat refusal as it was an insult flung at Worf). Crusher had been treating him with other methods and there is no sign he had been objecting to that.

    Quote Originally Posted by russdm View Post
    Neither is there any reason that Crusher should have keep pursuing the matter.
    It was also clear that the Federation and Romulan Empire were at the brink of war here. A Romulan officer dying on the Enterprise could very well have aided that. Crusher and Picard have every reason to keep pursuing the matter. It's also clear Worf acknowledges he understands the situation when talking to Picard. Worf has his family honor conflicting with his duties as a Starfleet officer. He's offering Picard a way out of that by pushing him to order the donation.

    I think the bigger solution is missed here though. The problem is they can't meet up with Tomalak because Geordi is stuck on the planet. I don't recall, was it ever suggested in the episode to separate the ship? Send the battle section to meet with Tomalak while the saucer continues retrieval attempts?

  6. - Top - End - #546
    Dragon in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    In addition to what Dire_Flumph says...
    Quote Originally Posted by russdm View Post
    I don't see the actor playing DR Mccoy or Bashir or the EMH being willing to accept this kind of behavoir in their characters. I am prtetty sure that they have commented about whether it fit any kind of medical properness.
    Are you blaming Gates McFadden for this? This is a super weird take, first off because she's an actress and presumably not medically trained, and even if she was, she would probably not be able to override what the script calls for her to do regardless. And also because claiming the other Trek doctors' actors wouldn't have stood for it, considering Dr. Bashir freely talks about specific patients who see him for medical issues to other people (usually in Quark's over a drink or a meal), and the EMH told everyone on the ship about Broccoli's Barclay's personal medical issues. I'm also like 90% sure that Bashir had inappropriate relationships with some of his patients.

    This is a really weird complaint, man.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
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  7. - Top - End - #547
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Quote Originally Posted by russdm View Post
    This may be the first episode that actually shows that the Federation and Starfleet only pay lip service to their ideals, rather than back them up. As soon as the Romulan guy said, no thanks, the entire matter should have been dropped. It wasn't.
    I don't see this as the Federation/Starfleet ignoring their "ideals" - I see this as a bad portrayal of the character (script/writing/editing) in order to make a dramatic story.
    This occurs in most TV series at different points, where characters don't act the way they should (according to past actions , training/profession, etc) merely to make a point or be dramatic.I don't like it when this happens, but I don't consider it a failing of the fictional character, or organisation - just the people who wrote that particular story.

  8. - Top - End - #548
    Colossus in the Playground

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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    considering Dr. Bashir freely talks about specific patients who see him for medical issues to other people (usually in Quark's over a drink or a meal), and the EMH told everyone on the ship about Broccoli's Barclay's personal medical issues.
    Then there was the occasion where the doctor on the Enterprise NX-01 freely narrated Malcolm's medical history to his colleagues just so they could get him a better birthday present. It's like Starfleet has never heard of the Hippocratic Oath.

  9. - Top - End - #549
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Quote Originally Posted by Dire_Flumph View Post
    Crusher and Picard's actions than I've ever seen in discussions of this episode.
    The Romulan also does not refuse treatment, he objects to having a transfusion of Klingon blood (and even that was hardly a flat refusal as it was an insult flung at Worf). Crusher had been treating him with other methods and there is no sign he had been objecting to that.
    Not sure where you get Crusher doing it, because I only recall/remember the Scene of Picard talking with Worf in his ready room, and Worf commenting about how if Picard orders him, then he will. I don't recall Crusher doing anything to respect things. Maybe she did and I just missed those scenes. I though I recall her coming to Worf and reminding him or something. Maybe not? Maybe that didn't happen?

    I also didn't get the impression at all, that if Crusher had the transfusion ready to go, that she would not then do the Transfusion. She spends some time pressuring Worf, from what I recalled seeing. or along those lines.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dire_Flumph View Post
    I think the bigger solution is missed here though. The problem is they can't meet up with Tomalak because Geordi is stuck on the planet. I don't recall, was it ever suggested in the episode to separate the ship? Send the battle section to meet with Tomalak while the saucer continues retrieval attempts?
    I suspect that was for Budget reasons and for reasons of slowing down the pacing and dramatic Tension, and that the writers forgot, as you said.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    In addition to what Dire_Flumph says...
    This is a really weird complaint, man.
    yeah, and I was not thrilled when Bashir did it.

    For an actor playing a doctor character, I expect them to have some basic knowledge or a basic overview of what a doctor does, and things that would be known according to pop culture. At the very least.

    Quote Originally Posted by factotum View Post
    Then there was the occasion where the doctor on the Enterprise NX-01 freely narrated Malcolm's medical history to his colleagues just so they could get him a better birthday present. It's like Starfleet has never heard of the Hippocratic Oath.
    Given how important the Hippocratic Oath is to doctors, and just a casual set of questions to any doctor would suffice to clarify the important points without needing to heavily consult a specialist, so something the writers could have done easily. I would expect that there would be some effort to make the doctors act a little like doctors ought to. The equilivant would be a character having been truck driver that has driven the same truck for a few years, proceed to get into their truck and get stuck on the gear changes and just not move the right ones. Is a little bit jarring.

    To be honest, I was really ticked off over the Worf thing, because of how much it throws up. Yes, the Romulan was accepting other treatment, but to actually survive, he needed the Transfusion; it was the only treatment that they could have done really, and Crusher does make it clear that without the Transfusion, the Romulan is toast. When Worf goes to see the Romulan, Worf Specificily mentions that the Romulan needs Worf's blood/whatever to have the Transfusion so that the Romulan lives.

    Then the Romulan clearly tells Worf off and makes it clear he won't accept the material such that the Transfusion can't happen. aside from Crusher acting or sounding like she intends to anyway.

    That should have needed everyone's involvement. Worf's, Picard's, Crusher's. Yes, the Romulan definitely will die, but how does Crusher expect to perform the procedure/Transfusion without the Romulan agreeing? He doesn't want it, and Crusher still acts like she expects to do a transfusion.

    Picard knows that it would be good to have the Romulan alive, but is willing to accept what Worf wants. He decides that is more important than if the Romulan lives or dies, and that it might cause some problems. Worf lets Picard know that he will go along if Picard orders. Aside from the fact that the Romulan refused to get the transfusion.

    So, Then what? Crusher does the transfusion and the Romulan then kills himself because of it? How does G'Kar react to that? being very angry?

    As for the Feds and Roms being on the Brink of War:

    Nothing in the Episode suggests this point at all, and Picard is worried about a surprise attack, unless you missed the meaning of the Pearl Harbor reference. He doesn't know what the Romulans are up to exactly. If they were on the brink, then the ship should have been at near continual red alert or yellow alert. It didn't appear to be at all.

    The whole thing is noted by Picard to be "Brinkmanship" later on.

    Really though:

    I think that the episode is really good, because we learn about the Romulans and how they think. We learn how good at subterfuge they are, and we get to meet G'Kar who is a pretty good Romulan. Then, we get to learn some things about Geordi that we didn''t know before. So all in all it is a pretty good episode.

    However, I don't care for how the episode goes out to make Worf look bad and takes no effort to show any attempt to encourage the Romulan to accept the Transfusion or do anything to establish another way that is risky. It makes clear that the Transfusion is a must do, and Worf must give up blood/whatever for said Transfusion. When Worf hesitates over personal reason, Crusher pushes on Worf, and Riker talks about it, and Picard has his own comments, but, still,...; AT no point is it shown that Crusher wouldn't fail to operate, despite the Romulan saying no.

    So, Worf gets ordered by Picard, and Crusher operates as she has been shown/stated that would do. The Romulan had a medical procedure carried out against his will. How is that even acceptable behavior from our heroes? Forcefully performing a medical procedure?

    In one episode of Mash, Hawkeye carries out an operation to get a general or commanding officer sent home. It was not needed, the operation, but Hawkeye did it anyway. I thought that it was wrong there to have been done. BJ, his friend in the episode, tells Hawkeye off, and refuses to assist. He acts how i would have expected the doctors to do in Trek. Well that doesn't happen.

    Besides my own feelings and statements, though, it is the point of debating and discussing. I think the episode is worth a 5 or 4, because it is really good, but has a part that i didn't care for that really ticked me off. Had I gone with based on solely feeling, thanks to the bit, I think that I might have gone lower. My initial reaction was to drop it down to 2 or 3, but in overall episode review, I feel comfortable with going with a 4 for the episode,

    So, I was going overboard with the actor comments, but I still really don't like how things went down with Worf. That could have been worked better and it definitely could have used some work to it.

    Having a thing that the Romulan could or would want the Transfusion but Worf is saying no, would have been more dramatically better for what the story was trying to tell about worf needing to let go of his hate. Having the Romulan simply saying no in a mean way, means that there is no reason to bring up the transfusion more. the script could have been better here.
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  10. - Top - End - #550
    Colossus in the Playground

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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Still, let's face it, no matter how badly written this episode was with respect to Crusher's character, it can't match up to the sheer character assassination performed by "Sub Rosa"--but I guess we should leave that discussion for when the episode comes up!

  11. - Top - End - #551
    Dragon in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Quote Originally Posted by factotum View Post
    Then there was the occasion where the doctor on the Enterprise NX-01 freely narrated Malcolm's medical history to his colleagues just so they could get him a better birthday present. It's like Starfleet has never heard of the Hippocratic Oath.
    Quote Originally Posted by russdm View Post
    Given how important the Hippocratic Oath is to doctors
    Medical privacy is not in the Hippocratic Oath. At least, not in the original version. There are several modern version, none universally or even major ally agreed upon, which do mention medical privacy, but even then, not all modern versions. Heck, the original version even forbade surgery (for the same reason that surgeons in the UK, for example, are not called "doctor").
    Quote Originally Posted by russdm View Post
    For an actor playing a doctor character, I expect them to have some basic knowledge or a basic overview of what a doctor does, and things that would be known according to pop culture. At the very least.
    First off, why? They don't need to know a basic overview of what a doctor does (which does not include medical privacy). They need to know how to portray a convincing doctor. There may be some overlap there, but that's all it is - overlap. Other than that, they do what the script tells them to do. How often have you complained about TV doctors themselves running tests instead of nurses or technicians (which happens just all the time in medical shows)? How often have you bristled at the actors having the gall to let their medically trained but non-MD characters give medical advice? Do you shake your fist at the actor whenever you see a defibrillator used to resuscitate someone who's heart has stopped?

    This isnt an actors duty, dude. This is the job for the writers, or a consultant (if they choose to bring one one), but ultimately, it's not really that important. Good medicine medicine does not make good entertainment.

    Further, let's explore this claim of "basic knowledge". Medical privacy is basic knowledge, sure. But hey, I've worked in the medical field for the last twelve years, and fun fact! I can tell you specific stories about patients I've dealt with without any fear of running afoul of Hipaa and garnering tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars in fines. You know why I'm able to do that? Spoiler alert, it's because medical ethics are not basic knowledge. Whatever you think you know, you're probably close enough in broad strokes but wrong on specific details. And there are also instances in Star Trek of the ship doctors talking about other patients which don't violate medical privacy as it is Can you tell me which ones don't, and why?

    And yet, you expect the actors to be able to, even more so than the writers, and also for the actors to refuse to do them. Actually, no, that's wrong. I'm sorry. You expect this of one and only one actress, and make the baseless (and wrong) claim that all other actors not only would have such knowledge but would also refuse to engage in such assassination of their characters.

    Its a weird complaint, man.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
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  12. - Top - End - #552
    Colossus in the Playground

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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    Medical privacy is not in the Hippocratic Oath. At least, not in the original version. There are several modern version, none universally or even major ally agreed upon, which do mention medical privacy, but even then, not all modern versions.
    The text "And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession, as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets." has been in there since at least 1923, and are you suggesting that the version of this Oath they have in the future will *not* include that for some reason?

  13. - Top - End - #553
    Dragon in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Quote Originally Posted by factotum View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    Medical privacy is not in the Hippocratic Oath. At least, not in the original version. There are several modern version, none universally or even major ally agreed upon, which do mention medical privacy, but even then, not all modern versions.
    The text "And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession, as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets." has been in there since at least 1923, and are you suggesting that the version of this Oath they have in the future will *not* include that for some reason?
    That was an excellent rebuttal to the first sentence of mine you quoted, but oddly did not address the entire rest of the quote.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
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  14. - Top - End - #554
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Quote Originally Posted by russdm View Post
    Not sure where you get Crusher doing it, because I only recall/remember the Scene of Picard talking with Worf in his ready room, and Worf commenting about how if Picard orders him, then he will. I don't recall Crusher doing anything to respect things. Maybe she did and I just missed those scenes. I though I recall her coming to Worf and reminding him or something. Maybe not? Maybe that didn't happen?

    I also didn't get the impression at all, that if Crusher had the transfusion ready to go, that she would not then do the Transfusion. She spends some time pressuring Worf, from what I recalled seeing. or along those lines.
    You seem certain that Crusher would push ahead with the transfusion if the patient formally refused treatment, and that's what I'm unclear about because she doesn't. She has to get the transfusion first from Worf. If Worf won't donate, then the issue is moot. And both Crusher and Picard make clear they will not force Worf to donate anything without consent.

    The Romulan never refuses treatment, I looked up a transcript online and he has five lines in the episode. Two refusing to tell Picard why he crossed the Neutral Zone and three talking to Worf.

    Spoiler: The only relevant dialogue is:
    CRUSHER: Lieutenant, his life is coming to an end. I thought it important for you to see him again. It's not too late to change your mind.
    (Crusher leaves)
    PATAHK: Come close to me, Klingon. Let me die with my hands at your throat.
    WORF: There is a substance within my cells which you need to survive.
    PATAHK: Then you've come to hear me beg for my life?
    WORF: No.
    PATAHK: I would rather die than pollute my body with Klingon filth!

    The last line is not a refusal of treatment. He's been unconscious most of the episode, is not fully aware of the situation, has not been medically advised (from what we've seen) of what his options are, and is in an adversarial conversation with Worf. The Romulan may have refused a transfusion later, but we weren't at that point yet. The block at this point is Worf and Worf only. Remember the other Romulan officer in the episode as an example. He also starts out making bold, insulting pronouncements, but when he takes in his options, he is also willing to compromise to live.

    What I'm confused about is why do you think Crusher would perform the transfusion against the patients wishes if it comes to that? There is no dialogue in the episode that indicates she will override anyone's rights of refusal.

  15. - Top - End - #555
    Dragon in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Quote Originally Posted by Dire_Flumph View Post
    You seem certain that Crusher would push ahead with the transfusion if the patient formally refused treatment, and that's what I'm unclear about because she doesn't. She has to get the transfusion first from Worf. If Worf won't donate, then the issue is moot. And both Crusher and Picard make clear they will not force Worf to donate anything without consent.

    The Romulan never refuses treatment, I looked up a transcript online and he has five lines in the episode. Two refusing to tell Picard why he crossed the Neutral Zone and three talking to Worf.

    Spoiler: The only relevant dialogue is:
    CRUSHER: Lieutenant, his life is coming to an end. I thought it important for you to see him again. It's not too late to change your mind.
    (Crusher leaves)
    PATAHK: Come close to me, Klingon. Let me die with my hands at your throat.
    WORF: There is a substance within my cells which you need to survive.
    PATAHK: Then you've come to hear me beg for my life?
    WORF: No.
    PATAHK: I would rather die than pollute my body with Klingon filth!

    The last line is not a refusal of treatment. He's been unconscious most of the episode, is not fully aware of the situation, has not been medically advised (from what we've seen) of what his options are, and is in an adversarial conversation with Worf. The Romulan may have refused a transfusion later, but we weren't at that point yet. The block at this point is Worf and Worf only. Remember the other Romulan officer in the episode as an example. He also starts out making bold, insulting pronouncements, but when he takes in his options, he is also willing to compromise to live.

    What I'm confused about is why do you think Crusher would perform the transfusion against the patients wishes if it comes to that? There is no dialogue in the episode that indicates she will override anyone's rights of refusal.
    I'm also reminded of a M*A*S*H episode where a white soldier who needed blood told Dr. Pierce to make sure the blood "came from the right people".
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    I like this episode because it shows that "the enemy" are not a monolithic faceless entity but rather come in individuals who have different feelings about compromise and working together. And the best part is that this is shown from both sides. On the planet, Geordi is able find common ground with the Romulan and they work together to survive. On the ship, Worf and the other Romulan are both unwilling to give up their mutual antagonism even at the cost of the Romulan's life.

    The part with Doctor Crusher thinking she's right and Worf is wrong was certainly played up for drama, so blame the writers for it. But I don't think she crossed any ethical lines, she just didn't agree with Worf's decision and thought she could change his mind.

    As far as the Hippocratic Oath goes, I don't remember anything but the "doing no harm" part EVER being mentioned on a TV show (although I haven't watched any actual medical dramas in 15 or 20 years). As far as most people know, that's literally all it is.
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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Quote Originally Posted by KillianHawkeye View Post
    As far as the Hippocratic Oath goes, I don't remember anything but the "doing no harm" part EVER being mentioned on a TV show (although I haven't watched any actual medical dramas in 15 or 20 years). As far as most people know, that's literally all it is.
    Which is fairly notable, since "first, do no harm" is not even in it. Not the original (likely by circumstance), and not in many of the modern versions (due to practicality).
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  18. - Top - End - #558
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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Alright in the episode what medical rights does the Romulans have?
    None, he has no right to refuse medical treatment and his opinions are not up for debate. Riker flat out states he was caught spying in Federation territory and they have the right to hold him indefinitely. The Federation is under no obligations to let a spy commit suicide via medical refusal.

    I’m not the first person to suggest this but Worf wanted Picard to order him to undergo the transfusion. His code of honor wouldn’t let him give up the blood of his parents to an enemy of his people. But if his captain makes it an order then it’s not him doing the giving.

    However Picard can’t give that order, for the obvious ethical reasons.
    Also if the Romulan had simply said he wanted to live but wouldn’t beg for his life. Worf cloud probably have found a way to square it with his Klingon honor.

    The dynamics between Geordi on the planet and Worf in space are intended to mirror one another. Geordi and his Romulan can let go of their mutual mistrusts
    But Worf and his Romulan could not.
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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Vukodlak View Post
    Alright in the episode what medical rights does the Romulans have?
    Nice to know the Federation can use prisoners for medical experimentation.
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    The conflict here feels very much like they were inspired by the TOS episode Journey To Babel, which dealt with a similar situation of the only candidate for a vital blood transfusion refusing. The reason is different, but there are a lot of shared story beats, and the criticisms of Crusher feel like they stem from the writers sticking too close to the inspiration. Here, the issue was not conflicting duties, but rather a deep and fundamental hatred - Worf hates all Romulans because they killed his birth family and homeworld. I think he even knows it is irrational, but can't bring himself to overcome it - that's why he is willing to obey if Picard orders it.

    Summary of the Babel episode conflict.

    Spock's father Sarek needs emergency heart surgery or he will die, and Spock is the only possible candidate because he and his father share a very rare Vulcan blood type. Unfortunately Kirk is badly wounded and unfit for duty, leaving Spock in command of the ship. So he decides his duty to Starfleet and his ship outweighs his duty to his father and refuses to provide the blood. McCoy teams up with Kirk to trick Spock into thinking Kirk is well - Kirk takes command long enough to convince Spock things are fine, then passes command off as soon as Spock's in place for the transfusion.

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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Quote Originally Posted by russdm View Post
    So, Worf gets ordered by Picard, and Crusher operates as she has been shown/stated that would do. The Romulan had a medical procedure carried out against his will. How is that even acceptable behavior from our heroes? Forcefully performing a medical procedure?
    I could totally imagine a future where this sort of thing is acceptable, as an offshoot of public health being prioritized over wackness and hysteria.

    Imagine this scenario: Measles comes back, and then comes back again, and then finally the public says "no, we're not going to do things that way anymore"
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  22. - Top - End - #562
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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Season 3 Episode 8
    The Price
    Stardate: 43385.6

    Troi meets a fancy negoiator and also does some stretches with dr Crusher. And something about a wormhole? And some Ferengi show up.

    2 - Poor episode: Not too bad but has one or two week areas (Poor plot, weak character use, bad effects)

    {Episode Commentary}
    I think the focus of this episode was about Troi get the moves on with her fancy negoiator and periodically a return to checking out the wormhole. Not sure that it had any really interesting thing happening. I got bored with it, especially because...

    well, I was wanting to see some negiotiating by the Federation and the others. I don't think that having the Ferengi show up were needed, and all in all, the entire plot felt like padding so we could get back to Troi and mr Fancy-pants.

    then there was the wormhole which was there. which could have had some more than about the value. i don't know, something to take away from troi and mr fancy pants. also that time should have been spent on the actual negotiating. i still don't know what was offered by any of the parties or what was going on there.

    i think that the plot was the fan service because nothing stands out to me to remember

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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    I had to look the episode up because the description you gave was pretty vague. It was an okay-ish episode, not a particularly good or bad one. The wormhole thing was about what they thought was a stable wormhole, similar to the one at Bajor. But since the local planet didn't have the technology to fully utilize it, they are auctioning it to the highest bidder. Troi's love interest of the episode (who I didn't care for, as I recall) is secretly part Betazoid, which is how he has an advantage against the other negotiators. It turns out that the wormhole is not stable, so even though Ral manages to win the negotiations, he ends up with a worthless prize on behalf of his people.

    If I were rating this episode, I'd probably give it either a 2 or a 3. If fractions aren't allowed I'd round up to a 3 but it's really more of a 2.5.
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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Don't remember the episode, and looking it up on IMDB shows it to be one of the lower scoring episodes of the season (it gets a 6.3/10), so that probably explains why it was so unmemorable.

  25. - Top - End - #565
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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    A couple interesting things sprung out of this episode:

    • The two ferengi who were lost in the wormhole reappeared in Star Trek Voyager (also, famously, lost in the delta quadrant) in a fun episode.
    • The idea of a stable wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant percolated so hard in the minds of the show's runners that it became a major focus of DS9.
    • The race auctioning the wormhole, the Barzan, a member of that race has popped up on Star Trek Discovery.

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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Quote Originally Posted by Wintermoot View Post
    A couple interesting things sprung out of this episode:

    • The two ferengi who were lost in the wormhole reappeared in Star Trek Voyager (also, famously, lost in the delta quadrant) in a fun episode.
    One of my favorite Voyager episodes, I gotta say.
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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    This isn't related to the last episode discussed here (or any one episode in particular, for that matter), but as my own TNG rewatch is nearing its end, I've come to the conclusion that Geordi is by far the most underutilized of the main cast, with the possible exception of Dr. Crusher. He has far fewer episodes centered on him than many of the other characters, and the ones he does get are often not great episodes. Also, his visor's capabilities are one of the most underused plot devices, as if the writers never really had much of an idea of what to do with it.
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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    That's largely par for the course. Scotty was hardly front and centre most of the time in the original series, it was largely the Kirk, McCoy and Spock show (with friends). That might even have been why they moved Geordi into engineering after the first season, they just didn't know what to do with him!

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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Quote Originally Posted by factotum View Post
    That's largely par for the course. Scotty was hardly front and centre most of the time in the original series, it was largely the Kirk, McCoy and Spock show (with friends). That might even have been why they moved Geordi into engineering after the first season, they just didn't know what to do with him!
    He was originally going to be cut from the cast after season 1, IIRC, and a blind fan wrote in to say how they loved that there was a blind character (in a way), so they opted to keep him for representative/motivational reasons.
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    Default Re: New kids in the class. Let's watch and discuss, Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    He was originally going to be cut from the cast after season 1, IIRC, and a blind fan wrote in to say how they loved that there was a blind character (in a way), so they opted to keep him for representative/motivational reasons.
    Just did a search and can't find anything confirming that online, do you remember where you heard it?

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